OS X :: How To Format MacBook Air And Reinstall Leopard
Apr 8, 2009
I want to wipe a MacBook Air completely and install from scratch using the original restore disks.
Trouble is... yes, there is no optical drive. Can I just attach a USB DVD drive (from a PC, not a Mac), hold down C when booting, and proceed as with (say) a normal MacBook?
So I got the black screen of death on my 2.2 santa rosa macbook pro and Apple changed the logic board for free because of a known Nvidia 8600 Gt problem. The thing is now leopard doesn't run as smooth as it did before the incident. I've repaired the disk permissions, and it got a little better, but still... it doesn't feel like it was. Is there anything else I could do? Do you recommend formatting and resintalling Leopard?
my Leopard is running very slow and weird iTunes is all jittery and programs seem to like to spaz sometimes, so ive decided i'll reinstall leopard the thing is tho i have windows xp and dot wanna delete the partition and reinstall windows Xp its one of the most annoying things i do in life, lol anyways so can i install leopard then run the boot camp assistant and just find the boot camp partition click ok and be happy?
I bought my MBP in 2012 and after more than two years of service, I am starting to feel that it is slow and bloated. As such, I would like to completely wipe the computer and start fresh. Back in my Windows days, I would simply pop the Windows CD in the computer, format the drive and install windows again. Â
But my MBP did not come with a CD or DVD, so I am not sure how to proceed. I am now running Max OS 10.9.2, but the computer came with 10.7.x (I think, not sure). Â
I'd like to format and reinstall operating system for my mbp 15 inch from internet (no startup CD required). What keys I should press when the mbp Startup?
Info: MacBook Pro (15-inch 2.53 GHz), Mac OS X (10.7.2)
My Macbook Pro hard drive failed. It is completely unrecoverable. I've purchased a replacement. How do I format the drive, install Lion and restore my system from my Time Machine backup? My Time Machine backup was created from a USB connection directly to my Macbook Pro. I have a Apple Lion USB Install Thumbdrive.
I have a macbook air. I need to reinstall osx leopard. I downloaded an image of leopard. However, I cant get it mounted on my 8gb USB stick. I only have a windows computer. I tried Transmac but it did not work> It asks me to decompres the DMG file.
I misplaced my recovery disk so im using my leopard cd when I put in osx it prompts to restart the computer. Once I do that it keeps rebooting over and over it has a grey screen but here the mac reboot sound. Once I take out the leopard cd then it reboots up normally.
How do i re-install java on my macbook pro running 10.5.8. When I open a .jar file, it pops up "the java jar file could not be launched. Check the console for possible error messages." Since I just purchased this used laptop, I figured it needs java re-installed.
I just got a macbook from ebay. It didn't come with its original install discs. I know it's the latest white model before the aluminium updates- it has a 2.4ghz processor and 160GB. I want to re-install leopard on it and do an erase and install. Is it OK to use the leopard discs that came with my housemates imacs? Or will they be different in some way?
I want to format my Macbook Pro (Intel i7 2.7 GHz) and give it a fresh installation of Snow Leopard. I currently have two partitions on my 500 GB hard drive: the first one with the operative system, and the second one with all the backup data I want to save. Anyone can assure me that, if I install Snow Leopard again through the installation DVD, the second partition will NOT be erased? I have partial backup of the data, but not enough space for everything on my external drives. I just want to make sure that the second partition remains untouched during the installation.Â
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
im trying to reinstall OS X leopard 10.5.2 for a spring 2008 MACBOOKPRO model, it all went fine until the machien asked me to insert the INSTALL DISC 2 and after that computer doesnt recognize install disc 2Â and i cant reinstall it with INSTALLÂ DISC 1 either, this is with original DVD9 (quite old DVDs), i dont know what is wrong, i did everything by the rules and now i cant restart de installation process, would love to get some info on how to restart the whole thing and if the DVDs age is somewhat related to this glitch.
i created a bootcamp partition and tried to install vista on my macbook
wen i go da parition selection screen i deleted all da paritions and installed a sole vista now my magicmouse is not working and how can i revert back to macntosh
I have a white macbook which I purchased in 2007 ( it is the version that only goes to 2MB of Ram total). In anycase I have a Hard Drive that i want switch into it. The question I have is there any benefit to just reinstalling a fresh copy of Leopard vs using a cloning software (SuperDuper or Carbon Copy)? Here is why I ask:
I cant remember ever defragging the current drive ( if that possibility even exists in Leopard. I dont remember running any system tool like utility. I have basically kept computer on ( or on sleep) for the time Ive used it. It is the best computer i have ever had. It is VERY low maintainance.
So with that said....does cloning copy over every characteristic ( an fragmented drive...slowness {of which none really exists}....or the time to launch the OS when it is rebooted)?
With all of this said, I dont use this computer for much storage. I have a couple of MP3s on there which can be ported off of there with a USB flash drive....and a couple of documents. Everything else is pretty much expendable.
I dont know...something tells me that its just better to freshly install the OS.
I'm using Macbook Pro(2010, 10.6.6) and a PC with Windows 7. I need to transfer image files from both laptops to an external drive. I formatted the external drive in exFAT and wanted to know if there are any problems that might occur in the future. I already know there is an issue with such programs as Carbon Copy Cloner. I primarily need the drive for backup of the images and not system backups. Do you have any file corruption or other problems formatting in exFAT?
I am having way too many problems with Snow Leopard... I lost communications with two printers in my office, lost emails, and just having way too many things to fix (should have waited). Can I reinstall OSX 10.5 (that came with my MBP 15)? I still have the original disks that came with the MBP.
I have iMac g5 with dead superdrive, and I need to reinstall mac OS X leopard. How I could do it? I mean, is there way to install from USB stick? I have asus x50n laptop with windows vista inside, maybe some how I could use it's dvd rom to my imac?
So for my Mac Pro I just got a new hard drive to enable RAID and in the process of reinstalling leopard and restoring my files the restore seems to have frozen.
It is frozen on the transferring files to support applications. It says it has 3 minutes remaining but has said that for the last hour or so.
in october i've bought leopard for my second generation macbook.
Now, after a year of university I want to reinstall it, to speed up a little bit. When I start on form the leopard disk, it just stay on the apple-logo, spinning.
I've tried multiple times. Once I've got into the process, but than it asked me to clean the DVD, while it never left the box! it's very clean!
My macbook is about 5 years old. It needs resetting and, having been a student, I've moved about 5 or 6 times and have lost the disk. (Yes I've learned my lesson!) So how can I reinstall without it? I also need to upgrade my OS, probably to snow leopard, so I wondered whether I could erase everything and start from scratch whilst doing this?  If not, what options do I have? Do I need to buy the disk again? I have also got time machine backups, but they're from quite late, when the computer was already running slowly.
I cannot install any updates. Get a "run preflight script" error. I've tried repairing my disc permissions to no avail. I want to repair with the disc that came with my MBP. Will I be able to just repair the OS without reformatting and reinstalling? I ask this because I have SO MANY progs (as well as parallels with winXP) and such on the mac and it would take an entire day to reinstall everything. Just wanted to know if I could avoid that.
Choose partition table, go to Options (see screenshot above). This step is often forgotten. It is probable that a new disk/flash has MBR table, as usual with PCs; GUID is for intel macs, APT for older PPC macs. If you want to exchange data with PCs, choose RAW, otherwise they will not be probably able to copy data unto this drive.So one first formats the partition, then the volume (partition, I suppose).However, the partition choices don't match the recommended formats:Â
"MBR table" is presumably "Master Boot Record" (DOS/Windows only) "GUID" is first here (OS X 10.4 or later on Intel Macs only) "APT" is probably "Apple Partition Map" (all Macs only) "RAW" is the only one recommended for both Macs and PCs,but it is not an option in the screen shot above, nor when I go to the Partition tab in my Disk Utility (v.11.5.1). How do I choose RAW (to use as storage with Macs & PCs)?(Then I should erase the volume and format it as MS-DOS/Fat.)
I want to clean up my mac to make it faster. I have backed up everything onto an external hardrive using time machine. Should I just start deleting everything manually or is there an easier way?
Long story short, wanted to reinstall the OS cos it was acting up, performance-wise. SuperDrive hasn't functioned in years, so that's a no. Remote Install via PC doesn't work, this feature is limited to MacBook Airs. And finally, an external DVD drive didn't do the job, cos even after starting install - once it reboots, something in the OS tells it not to read from the external. Hours were put into these attempts!
Is there any other possible way to reinstall Snow Leopard?