So I've got a unibody MBP and connected to this I have a 320gb external drive I use to back up, but I only back up music, movies and documents so it's got 50 free gigabytes. I was hoping to partition off say 30gigs, install tinyxp and play games off this partition. But when I try and partition off 30, 25 or even 20 gigs Disk Utility tells me there's no free space on the hard drive.
So my questions are, how can I solve this issues, and would this idea work for playing games through windows anyway? I initially tried to get a bootcamp partition on my main Macintosh HD, but apparently there are files that cannot be moved in the way, and the only way to solve said issue is a complete reinstall of leopard, which I can't be bothered with seeing as snow leopards only a couple of months away.
I have been having awesome experience using OS X and Xp at the same time! But lately when I try to run the games on VMware... its starting to lack in graphics and memory. So, I was thinking of installing bootcamp. My first question is will I have stuff that I have installed in VMware Xp in Xp installed on Bootcamp? Secondly, if bootcamp is partitioning the HD then is that mean when I want to reinstall the OS X and wipe the HD will I only have the part that had OS X? Sorry I am pretty new to Mac and I never was brave enough to install xp on Bootcamp xD.
I installed windows xp on my leopard mac (although I know not why might I want to use it for) and I wonder whether the processing power/performance is going to be somewhat altered? Any sense talking about process partitioning? PS Hypothesis is that I shall not use programs like Parallels.
How can I partition my hard drive (1TB currently in one partition being used completely by OS X Leopard) so that I can use the additional free space to install something like Ubuntu or Fedora onto my iMac G5 PowerPC? I've tried making multiple partitions, but they aren't counting as free space. Is it advised to just shrink the current partition a little?
It all started off when I installed windows 7 on my mac via bootcamp. It worked, but somehow Leopard didn't recognize the windows partition, and that all ended up in even more trouble, so I ended up reinstalling Leopard, thereby erasing everything on my hard drive.I have now reinstalled leopard, but somehow, Disk Utility can not start, everytime I open it, it says it had stopped working and that I can send an error report. Damn! I just need Disk Utility to recover my drive, so that bootcamp can make the partition, but it doesn't work!
When I place jpeg images on a USB flashdrive and give them to students using PC's in my Photoshop Classes. There is a second set of files everytime which begin with ._ (dot underscore). They are some kind of false file but are confusing to new students. If they scroll down below these files they will find the real jpegs.
I am trying to print a flyet that is dark red with yellow type, yet it prints out as green with faded yellow type. Why won't the background show up as the correct color?
Info: iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8), 21.5" ,3.2 GHz i3, 8GB Ram
I have an odd Mail problem which I can't seem to solve. Yesterday I unchecked my "automatically set date and time" box in order to set the date back to May 7th for a particular printing task I needed to accomplish. I printed the pages but forgot to re-check this box so my system date was wrong for all of yesterday. I was hunting for a sent message later in the day when I realized what I had done.
I was going to report that my sent folder had stopped working, but, naturally, the messages were neatly filed exactly where they were supposed to be, sorted to May 7th, and not May 18th. Luckily I did not send a lot of messages yesterday! My question: Is there a way to manually change the date of a sent message? Is there a way to edit the header of a sent message? (Note to self: If you change the system date change it back)
My cursor still changes based on the context, like hovering over a link or in a text field, but displays the wrong icon. After focusing a text field, the cursor is a reggular arrow in the text editor and turns to the text staff outside of it when it should be an arrow. I just did a fresh install of 10.6.8 on a crucial m4 - ct256m4ssd
I FOUND THAT RESIZING THE MOUSE CURSOR IN THE UNIVERSAL ACCESSS PREFERENCES temporarily restores the cursor to a size-adjusted mouse, until I do something like click in a text field.
I am having way too many problems with Snow Leopard... I lost communications with two printers in my office, lost emails, and just having way too many things to fix (should have waited). Can I reinstall OSX 10.5 (that came with my MBP 15)? I still have the original disks that came with the MBP.
I have a macbook air. I need to reinstall osx leopard. I downloaded an image of leopard. However, I cant get it mounted on my 8gb USB stick. I only have a windows computer. I tried Transmac but it did not work> It asks me to decompres the DMG file.
I have iMac g5 with dead superdrive, and I need to reinstall mac OS X leopard. How I could do it? I mean, is there way to install from USB stick? I have asus x50n laptop with windows vista inside, maybe some how I could use it's dvd rom to my imac?
So for my Mac Pro I just got a new hard drive to enable RAID and in the process of reinstalling leopard and restoring my files the restore seems to have frozen.
It is frozen on the transferring files to support applications. It says it has 3 minutes remaining but has said that for the last hour or so.
in october i've bought leopard for my second generation macbook.
Now, after a year of university I want to reinstall it, to speed up a little bit. When I start on form the leopard disk, it just stay on the apple-logo, spinning.
I've tried multiple times. Once I've got into the process, but than it asked me to clean the DVD, while it never left the box! it's very clean!
My macbook is about 5 years old. It needs resetting and, having been a student, I've moved about 5 or 6 times and have lost the disk. (Yes I've learned my lesson!) So how can I reinstall without it? I also need to upgrade my OS, probably to snow leopard, so I wondered whether I could erase everything and start from scratch whilst doing this? If not, what options do I have? Do I need to buy the disk again? I have also got time machine backups, but they're from quite late, when the computer was already running slowly.
Long story short, wanted to reinstall the OS cos it was acting up, performance-wise. SuperDrive hasn't functioned in years, so that's a no. Remote Install via PC doesn't work, this feature is limited to MacBook Airs. And finally, an external DVD drive didn't do the job, cos even after starting install - once it reboots, something in the OS tells it not to read from the external. Hours were put into these attempts!
Is there any other possible way to reinstall Snow Leopard?
I'm in desperate need of help. Not too long ago I installed the latest apple security update, and I've notice some strange behavior from my imac ( 17" g5 with isight intel core2 duo) shortly afterward.
I can't get my imac to start up, and I don't know what to do. I NEED to access the files on my HD.
I want to wipe a MacBook Air completely and install from scratch using the original restore disks.
Trouble is... yes, there is no optical drive. Can I just attach a USB DVD drive (from a PC, not a Mac), hold down C when booting, and proceed as with (say) a normal MacBook?
my Leopard is running very slow and weird iTunes is all jittery and programs seem to like to spaz sometimes, so ive decided i'll reinstall leopard the thing is tho i have windows xp and dot wanna delete the partition and reinstall windows Xp its one of the most annoying things i do in life, lol anyways so can i install leopard then run the boot camp assistant and just find the boot camp partition click ok and be happy?
Can i Re-install Leopard and keep My Bootcamp Partition? Cause I think sumthing is up with my hard drive I repair permissions every day and the same tons of permission repairs come up every time i dont know what they are or why the permissions keep messing up everyday. Would reinstalling Leopard Fix this?
I was just wondering if when I install Snow Leopard if it will remove all the Leopard applications and replace them with Snow Leopard-formatted applications, or if it will just edit the applications to work with Snow Leopard. Photo Booth is broken on my computer and I don't want to Archive and Install unless it's the absolute last resort.
I have got my first mac (imac) so sorry if this is a really simple question. I recently upgraded to Snow Leopard but I am having bits of trouble with printing. As I have not yet got much data on my Mac I am thinking of going back to my original installation that came with the imac. I have backed up my data I want keep photos, music etc; onto DVD. When I put the installation disc in what is the best option to pick ? I do appreciate that I will have to re-install photoshop and other apps; I have installed. Will I have to re-configure my internet again? Basically I want to re-install the operating system I am also thinking of buying Superdupper any thoughts on this product.
I misplaced my recovery disk so im using my leopard cd when I put in osx it prompts to restart the computer. Once I do that it keeps rebooting over and over it has a grey screen but here the mac reboot sound. Once I take out the leopard cd then it reboots up normally.
I need to either un-install leopard and re-install Tiger, or figure out how to get my ilife back. I don't know how. Changed everything but the serial number. Have 2006 Macbook pro. Came with tiger 10.4.8 and the disks. Worked fine. Then bought a retail DVD of Leopard 10.5.6 installed it , of course I selected install and erase and then lost my ilife and my mind. For three days and nights I have tried to fix this, and I am not a Mac whiz. Tried reinstalling Tiger, pwr up, while pushing C ,d, and T .No go. Says drive won't accept it Tried erasing the Hard drive with disk utility. Won't let me. Tried re-partitioning. No go. Changed everything on the disk utility there. no go Finally I just re-booted with Leopard (works but still no ilife) and got on this Forum.
Got a kernel panic. I believe it be caused by a small piece of software that powers some touch screen technology that my company works with - software I was testing with my MacBook. As with Audacity though, sadly, some apps just don't translate well over to Mac. The uninstaller won't work. Also, my drive is seeking way too much, and I've got a lot of clutter. This image on my 17" is actually a holdover from my 13" over a year ago. Kudos to Apple for the seamless transition, but I think it's time for a clean slate.
Here's my challenge. I'm not worried about the apps. I've got a tally of what I need and I can go get them again pretty easily. I'm also not worried about custom configurations - the dock was easy to tweak as was some of the settings. What I need to make sure I grab is the files that are not system files. Instead of restoring from Time Machine, I plan to reinstall the OS completely fresh, then install the latest versions of the apps, then copy back over my files. According to what I've read on Migration Assistant (and I did MRoogle it first), there is not an easy way to selectively pick and choose files that I want to migrate. Is that accurate?
It looks like I'm going to have to reinstall OS X on my laptop because it's just generally unstable. I just have a question about the upgrade disk that I bought for $30 from apple.
On Windows 7, if you purchase the upgrade disk, it even allows you to reinstall a fresh copy of windows as long as your able to present a vista disk and show that you own a copy. Is that the same for Snow leopard? Or do I have to reinstall OS X Leopard and then proceed to upgrade?
my imac broke down on me and would not boot up, so I went to my friend and borrowed his install disk(leopard), I tried to reinstall the os and got an error message it says "the installer could not validate the contents of the 'Essentials package Contact the software manufacturer for assistance"?
Had to reinstall Leopard. Once install completed I found that I could not open Safari or iCal. Have tried to update software but still no luck. Any suggestions?