OS X :: How Do Get Computer To Boot Back Into My Account
Aug 22, 2009
I inherited a PowerBook G4, 10.3.9, from the previous person in this job. I set up my own user account and log-in. Then foolishly I decided to rename the little house icon folder from the previous owner's name to mine. Now when I use my log-in a clean desktop comes up. In the user's folder is the house icon folder with the previous owner's name, and a folder with my name. All my documents are in that folder, so I haven't lost anything. But how do I get computer to boot back into my account?
I accidentally deleted my local user account shortcut/alias from the sidebar. I have not been able to see my deleted files through Finder, but can access the files through an application i.e., launching Word and opening a "Recent file." The path that allows me to open the file is (found it under File, Save As):Computer name/Macintosh HD/Users/susan.muehlfelder/.trash/susan local/Desktop1108
1. How can I restore the files in the above path 2. How can I restore the local account to the sidebar allowing me to get back to these files for the future? 3. Will I be able to log back in after I turn off the computer under my local account?
I will leave my MAC logged on until I hear I can turn it off. Thanks in advance for an expedited response as I'm truly afraid to to anything at the moment!
So I've got a powerbook G4, thats 8 days past its warranty. Conveniently, it now won't turn on. It won't wont boot from CD. If I turn it on, I get a gray screen that usually just turns my computer back off, if thats not the case I get a screen that shows the finder icon and a question mark and then turns off.
All it will do is boot into open firmware mode. Currently the install disc is inside of it and I've tried booting the cd using "cd:, bxi" and "dir hd", and it can't open both. Does anyone know how to wipe the HD, and start the installer using firmware? Otherwise, I think I'll have to take out the harddrive and plug it into an external case and then wipe it.
So I took an account photo when i recently installed leopard at the start up...when it's creating the account and all of that stuff...
I was messing around with Photo Booth, and clicked the account photo button, and it replaced the old one that i like with a new one...
How can i get my old one back? where was it located? I have made time machine backups, so maybe if i knew where the old photo is stored at, i could retrive it?
We had a HDD fail on one of our office Mac laptops (a power pc G4). Apple repaired it and I restored all files etc from a backup. I was the administrator during the restore. Before I could get back, the user changed that account to a standard account and changed the name. Now there is no way to change the account back, because there is no admin to authenticate the change. Anything I can do? I am not an advanced computer/Mac person.
Is there a way to take my iTunes account off a computer, that I dont have access to, so that I can put it on my new macbook pro? I have already had my iTUnes on 5 different computers.
Ok so my macbook just froze up on me, and I shut it off manually. However, when I tried to start it back up it would not boot up. I am just receiving a message telling me " You need to restart your computer. Hold down the Power button for several seconds or press the Restart button. "I did what the message told me to do, and when I started the computer back up I just received the same exact message. I tried to take the battery out and hold down the power button to discharge any electricity in the laptop, and then I plugged in the power cable with the battery still out, and I am still receiving the same error message.I have tried the same process a couple of times and put the battery back in and then I decided to try inserting the Installation DVD, and it did nothing different then what I have been getting.
I purchased a season pass to a series of shows and iTunes has yet to put any more of the episodes on iTunes. It's now going on a year. How does one get there money back for the episodes that have yet to be add to iTunes. What email address do I use to contact the right people to rectify this?
One of my email accounts (a MS exchange account) suddently went offline and hasn't come back online for days! I have the exclamation point in the triangle next to the ghosted name of my account. I've tried multiple times to go back online w/o success Connection doctor was not helpful
-I can still connect directly to the MS exchange account on the internet
After enabling the root user and logging into that account I tried to log back into my regular user and found that everything was set back to default. No files, pictures, anything... Â
Going into the Users folder I can see my account and it has all of the files on the desktop and such.Â
How do I log back into my regular user account with all of my settings?Â
 Model Name:   MacBook Pro  Model Identifier:   MacBookPro5,1  Processor Name:   Intel Core 2 Duo  Processor Speed:   2.4 GHzÂ
Was working on my emails and computer crashed. When I turned the computer back on everything came back except the email program and emails.
Instead it asks me to open new mail account. I can find the emails on my hard drive but when I click on them...goes to same window to open and asks to open new mail acct. How can I recover and have access to my mail account?
Is there a way to get all the settings, bookmarks and email accounts and mail into the new mac account. It gives you a blank computer. But I'd like to have Mail and Entourage setup the same way as the original account with all the saved emails. And also to have all my bookmarks from Safari. And what about retrieving particular documents? Seems like there must be an easy way.
Also, is there a way to switch back and forth without having to type in the password each time?
I want to move an account from my iMac to my Mac Pro, which would be in addition to other accounts I have on the MP. I know that there is migration assistant, but that imports apps over too doesn't it? Can I combine apps and a user account?
My Daughters computer has just died she had her itunes account on it. I have signed her into itunes on my mac if I connect her ipod will it transfer all of her songs and apps or will she lose them?
iTunes backs everything up from your iPhone that way if you want to do a restore and get everything back such as things done in apps that don't save to the cloud.
Problem I'm finding is what if I get a new computer and sell the old computer that has iTunes with the back ups of my device?
If I were to plug my iPhone to the new computer and iTunes pop up, would it take everything from the iPhone and put it on iTunes AND THEN do a backup?
I recently bought the Mac Box Set for Snow Leopard and I was wondering if I should back up my computer first or if it's safe enough to just go ahead and upgrade? Would everything disappear, like iTunes, iPhoto, etc?
For some reason, the volume and sound has stopped on my macbook pro. When I hit the volume key, a circle appears with a line across it, but still no sound.
My old iMac recently blacked out and does not work and lost all pictures. My iPad has all the pictures including the ones from my personal camera. The iPad is backed up to iCloud but not sure if it included the camera pictures. Were those pictures from my camera ever backed up and is it possible to get it back installed into a new computer?
I tried a hard reset on my 2014 mac book pro ret display, but it did not open up the space on my computer after I exported all of my photographs onto an external hard drive. How do I get my space back on my computer?
10 years of using Mac and I don't even know how to wipe my computer. I sold my computer on ebay and have backed up all of my important apps, docs and such, but I don't really know how to delete my user account. I know there's an option to delete accounts, but it won't let me because I guess i'm the only account on there. anyone know how I can make it so my computer is fresh and clean for the next user?
What is the "On My Computer" account in Entourage? can i get rid of it? the account i use is using Exchange and appears as a separate account in the side bar menu. can someone explain the difference between my email account and the "On My Computer"?
Specifically, when i try to make a group with my contacts that are located within my Exchange account, it places the group in the address book under "On My Computer" and i can not get it into the contact list where i draw the contacts from.
I recently had to create a new account (admin) because of problems with the old one. I've now been using the new account with no problems for a few weeks, and am ready to ditch the old one completely. I've got everything organised except my iTunes content. iTunes on the new account behaves as if there's nothing there, so I can see I've got some work left to do.
I authorised iTunes on the new account for both the iTunes store (was told it already was authorised) and for my [URL] account. I changed permissions to read and write for everyone on iTunes in the old account, but that didn't help anything.
Is there a simple way to do this? Once this is transferred I want to delete the old account completely, so setting content up to share isn't the best solution for me.
Here is my problem, iTunes does not open for me. It bounces for a while, and stops bouncing, but does not open. I open the Force Quit window, and it says iTunes is open, even though iTunes does not have a shining circle next to it. I force quit it, and after about 5 minutes, iTunes is gone from the Force Quit window. I tried removing the preferences and receipts for iTunes, reinstalling iTunes, repairing permissions, and repairing my hard drive, but nothing seems to work. iTunes does work on a different account on my computer, so the problem must be with my account.
I have a MacBook Pro 2008 with the latest version of Leopard, and I have five accounts on this computer. Two of the accounts will not connect to any server in the world. Here's a description of both accounts:
Account 1: Not an administrator.Parental Controls is currently off, but it was on during first sightings of this problem, but with no restrictions as to internet usage.
Account 2: Not an administrator.Parental Controls is currently on, and the only website allowed is /[url]..The National Weather Service.
My mac laptop computher broke and my account for itunes was on that computer, does anyone know how to get my music and videos I had on that computer to another so I can still use it?
Current Problem: When I try and partition it with boot camp assistant, it just freezes my laptop. I have a mac book and the OS X. Boot camp should be with the OS X, but it isn't there. I figure I must have deleted it at 1 point but how do I get it back? I have already tried entering in disc 1, but it wasn't there under applications. Do i have to reinstall OS X all together? Last time i tried that it said the disc was unreadable. I'm a computer idiot so give me all the necessary info and any links if they are needed.