Intel Mac :: Get It Back Installed Into A New Computer?
May 20, 2012
My old iMac recently blacked out and does not work and lost all pictures. My iPad has all the pictures including the ones from my personal camera. The iPad is backed up to iCloud but not sure if it included the camera pictures. Were those pictures from my camera ever backed up and is it possible to get it back installed into a new computer?
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Apr 15, 2012
How do I back up my iMac before bringing it in for repair? Step by step directions,
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Mar 18, 2012
How to get my computer Mail Files Back and Able to Send Mail?I once put it in the trash and took it out, I deleted some mail files, how to get them replaced?
Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Apr 3, 2012
i upgraded my imac hard drive to a 2tb drive. how do i use time machine to get my computer back to normal?
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Jun 24, 2014
After enter my password hit return the computer cycles back to login window
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Dec 9, 2009
I decided to get a USB cable for the Canon MP650 I bought yesterday. I connected it, aligned the head and printed out a test page and it looks ok.
I used the disk that came with the printer and it said everything was installed successfully. Do I need a driver? That should be on the disk, right?
I'm using an iMac OS X v 10.5.8
I wanted to print a test photo, so I clicked on One-Click Photo Print and received an error message: The operation cannot be continued because a printer supporting Photo Print is not installed.
I clicked on System Preferences-Print & Fax, and there's nothing there. I clicked the + sign and in the window that opened, there's nothing listed there either. Why is installing a printer like operating the space shuttle?
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Apr 14, 2009
I installed VM paralells a while back, I thought I would use it but I found out I do not. When I did use it it was EXTREMELY Slow.I used the uninstall and have removed parallels but here is my question.Didn�t Parallells partition my HDD?If so how do I get that precious space back?
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Aug 23, 2009
I installed vista 64 went ok but now the computer defaults to vista and in windows there is no bootcamp icon to return it to mac, is there something I can install to get this to work, possibly the second Mac system disk would help? Also where do I get the drivers needed for vista. I have a Mac Pro 2.26 8 core.
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Jul 14, 2010
If I try to install Mac OS X on my macbook it the installation says: "Mac OS X can not be installed on this computer"
I have the original disk for this macbook.
Before someone hit a command in the terminal like: sudo chmod /0700 or something to fix something which in the end did not work.
After this I:
-Formatted the disk several times. Also overwriting everything with zeros and overwriting 7 times, which I actually skipped after 5 times
- Erased the parameter RAM holding Command, Option (Alt), P and R while starting up.
I would be grateful for any hint how I can install.
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Feb 1, 2009
Just replaced a nonworking HD in a Macbook. Seagate, just like the old one, plugged in & found it & partitioned in Disk Utility, however, after naming the HD, when I go back to reinsall the OS from the original disks, I get an alert "This software cannot be installed on this computer" and the options to either Restart (which gets you back to the same place) or Startup Disk, which gives you the option to choose the OS install disk to restart or a Network Startup (with a question mark on it). The newly installed HD does not show up here, altho it can be seen in disk utility.
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Jun 4, 2009
I have a Macbook Pro from 2007 that came with OS X 10.4 Tiger. After Leopard came out I upgraded, and now I want to reformat it all to get a clean install. Therefore I chucked in a Leopard DVD that I had laying around, and started to install. It said that install failed and that I had to format my drive with Disk Utility from the DVD. So I did that.
After that I got an error just stating that it could not install because apparently the DVD I had was a upgrade DVD, and since I formatted my harddrive I didn't have Tiger on it anymore.
Therefore I am now stuck with an empty harddrive and a DVD that won't install OS X for me. Therefore I thought I'd go for the Tiger DVD - which I of course couldn't find... Or rather the Tiger DVD I have seems to be from another Mac because it says "This software cannot be installed on this computer".
What do I do now? I have 3 sets of Tiger DVD's, 2 sets of Leopard DVD's, but none of those will install on my Mac.
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Apr 11, 2010
I'm trying to fix restore my girlfriends (early 09) Macbook from a backup. Its install discs are missing so I'm using the install disc from a (late 08) Unibody. When I boot to the install disc I get the message "OS X can not be installed on this computer" and get the options "OK" and "Restart". Bewildered, I click OK and go into utilities and pick "Restore from backup", but nothing happens. I'm not sure where to go from here, is it refusing to install and restore from backup because the DVDs belong to another computer?
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Jun 21, 2008
I am still relatively a new Mac user (5 months so far). As per my sig specs I have 4g RAM in my MacBook. I use istat and I am always aware of my RAM usage.After I installed FF3, I noticed my RAM usage has gone way up. I also tried FF2 after and it still was up in usage.Even when I have FF closed I still have 1g of RAM being used. I then noticed in activity monitor that kernel_task is using 232 mB of RAM right now. What is it and what is it doing?I have installed ONYX and cleared all caches, etc It seemed to have help for a few hours, then the RAM usage has crept back up.
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Jan 6, 2011
Some applications simply refuse to install, citing the reason that the application "can't be installed on this computer" and nothing else. The applications that are giving me this error message in particular includes Alfred and Solitaire Greatest Hits. Other applications work just fine, such as Twitter for Mac and TextWrangler. Are Alfred and Solitaire compiled for processors that are newer than my lowly Core Duo, or what?
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Mar 29, 2008
I recently installed (4) - 4gb RAM modules and I'm worried that they may be running too hot. The image attached is from the machine just essentially sitting idle all day. Only 1gb of the 17gb are wired. When I do put the Mac to work, either through Handbrake or running Autocad through Fusion, the temp on module A1 reaches 173 degrees and the fan speed just about doubles.
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Dec 19, 2009
I just installed a 500gb hard drive into my macbook pro. Then I tried installing the osx using my 10.5 leopard disc. After getting to the installation screen, I selected my time machine as my system restore source. However my system restore source is 10.6 snow leopard disc. After restoring everything, I restart the computer and then I get the following message in 5 different languages: "You need to restart your computer. Hold down the Power button until it turns off, then press the power button again". Even after multiple restarts I get the same message.
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Sep 20, 2010
If someone installs a spy-program locally on a computer, how would you go about finding it and/or rectifying the situation? A friend has reason to believe that someone installed software on their OS X computer to gather information. They may or may not have had the password, and she thinks they got on locally. How would she go about finding any such programs installed? She is reluctant to to a clean install (the only suggestion that I could think of).
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Apr 23, 2009
Not talking about giving it away or selling it to another person or anything like that. I'm just hoping to install Office on my (upcoming) desktop setup as well as on my Macbook so that I always have access to it. This would be the full version, not the educational one.
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Jun 4, 2010
so I have Final Cut and some adobe programs. I would like a fresh install on my mbp so it is like new.
Is there anyway i can have a fresh install of snow leopard while still keeping my software so i dont have to install them again?
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Mar 3, 2006
I've been using my MacBookPro (1.83ghz) for 3 days, and today it began acting funky. It has spontaneously restarted about 10 times today. It restarted itself about 4 times in 10 minutes just now. Twice it has restarted as soon as the previous restart completed, before any programs have been launched, and with no peripherals plugged in. Other times it has spontaneously restarted with only Safari open, and with Illustrator CS open. Any ideas about what might be happening? Anyone had this issue? Could this be related to software? Or the 1 gig RAM module I installed?
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May 3, 2009
I've searched for some time now and haven't seem to come up with a solution. I'm trying to Install leopard on my Imac, but every time I run into the "Software cannot be installed on this computer" message.
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Aug 12, 2008
I have a G4 10.4.11 and I tried installing my wife's Leopard 10.5. After I inserted the DVD the computer started the typical ''restart'' process. Once the computer turned into the installing screen, it informed me that I had to have a 10.5 version installed in order to install this version. At this point it only offered me two options... "continue" with the installation (which only led to the same message) and "cancel" which was the option I chose. Once I clicked on cancel, it offered me 2 sources to start my computer on... the DVD and OSX (which had the mac classic icon on).... i clicked OSX.
Now, every time I turn on my computer I see the following icon flashing on a grey screen for about 3 minutes: (URL)
Followed by these 2 folder icons also flashing after the other for another 2 minutes: (URL) (URL)
Also my mac has been freezing up a lot during the past month... I have to pull the plug out... I added 2 memory cards a while back each 256mb but apparently didn't make a difference... any tips on how can I cleanse my computer out of hidden useless files that might be eating up the memory?
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Feb 29, 2012
Have an old MBP. Just installed lion on it today. Previously, the computer had no password (at login, I would just hit enter so essentially the password was nothing). After installing Lion, that no longer works, and now I can't get into my computer.
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Sep 16, 2010
I get the message: the memory modules are installed in the recommended slots. Every time I restart my 2010 Mac Pro. I upgraded my memory with 3 x 2GB OWC memories. They are properly detected, and the system is working fine.
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Feb 24, 2010
After many unsuccessful rounds of burning to DL DVDs and flash drives, I settled on making my iPod bootable and running it from there.So I'm excited and running my startup disk on my MBP as the iPod and I've connected my MBP to my iMac G5 PowerPC through firewire and enabled target mode. After booting into the iPod, it gave me the option to install to the new hard drive from the iMac G5 (which is currently connected to my MBP). I installed it through my MBP, and assumed it had installed to my G5.
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Apr 13, 2012
I'm experiencing some issue when I tried to reinstall my OS. It just keeps prompting me Mac OS X cannot be installed on this computer. You have to use your Time Machine to restore..... etc. But its a brand new hard disk. I have also tried using another hard disk. Its just keep prompting the same error.I also have deleted and recreate with 2 partitions, but problem still surface. Deleted and Erase at Utilities- Disk Utility, also can't help.
Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Sep 2, 2009
Have my iMac since March and absolutely no problem. Installed Snow Leopard this weekend and worked just perfect UNTIL I turned the machine off. The next day restarted my computer and now takes about 2 minutes to boot up/then when screen comes up it is frozen for about another 2-3 minutes before can start using it. So basically, takes about 5 minutes from start up to being able to use my iMac. Spent an hour on phone with Apple on Monday night--they really tried--but couldn't fix it and now want me to bring to local Apple authorize dealer to work on it. Called them and they think it is the hard drive going out. But just doesn't make sense---worked just fine until I loaded 10.6 and then turned off machine. Before I bring it in and have them open it up and fool with the internal hard drive---DOES ANYONE HAVE ANY IDEA'S WHAT IS HOLDING UP THE STARTUP.
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Aug 22, 2009
I inherited a PowerBook G4, 10.3.9, from the previous person in this job. I set up my own user account and log-in. Then foolishly I decided to rename the little house icon folder from the previous owner's name to mine. Now when I use my log-in a clean desktop comes up. In the user's folder is the house icon folder with the previous owner's name, and a folder with my name. All my documents are in that folder, so I haven't lost anything. But how do I get computer to boot back into my account?
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Oct 19, 2010
iTunes backs everything up from your iPhone that way if you want to do a restore and get everything back such as things done in apps that don't save to the cloud.
Problem I'm finding is what if I get a new computer and sell the old computer that has iTunes with the back ups of my device?
If I were to plug my iPhone to the new computer and iTunes pop up, would it take everything from the iPhone and put it on iTunes AND THEN do a backup?
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May 28, 2010
I recently bought the Mac Box Set for Snow Leopard and I was wondering if I should back up my computer first or if it's safe enough to just go ahead and upgrade? Would everything disappear, like iTunes, iPhoto, etc?
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