MacBook Pro :: Sporadically Unresponsive Even After Clean Lion Reinstall
Jun 8, 2012
My MBP 13" (summer 2009) has been getting slower and slower for a while. Finally yesterday it was just hanging on the spinning rainbow and completely unresponsive. I had to hold down the power button to restart, but even then it was frozen, no matter how many times I restarted. I had everything pretty much backed up, so I deleted my HD and did a clean reinstall of Lion.
Even that had hiccups: at first I was getting the error message that the HD couldn't be deleted because the disk couldn't be unmounted. Finally when booting from a Lion DVD I was able to delete and clean reinstall. All seemed well last night but today I am still noticing some problems. There is a few seconds delay when opening any new folder in Finder, opening a program from the Dock, or clicking on a menu item.
Sometimes the cursor gets frozen on an arrow or other special cursor, after mousing over a link or seemingly for no reason at all. When typing, I'm getting sporadic delays: three times while typing this message, the computer froze up for about 5 seconds, and then the text finally appeared. I'm also seeing similar delays in scrolling.
Sometimes scrolling works, sometimes I need to wait a few seconds for a webpage to become responsive. This is alarming to me considering that there is almost nothing installed on the computer except Lion and a few light programs (Evernote, OpenOffice). I haven't put anything back on the computer from the backup since the clean reinstall.
I would like to do a clean reinstall of Mac OS X Lion, that is format the hard drive and then do a clean reinstall. I don't want to use Recovery HD, I really want to wipe out the HD and then install Lion.
For various reasons I would like to do a clean reinstall of Lion on my MBP. I do have the Apple Lion thumb drive for installation. I also have Parallels/Windows installed on this computer. My question: is there any way I can do a clean reinstall of Lion without disturbing the Windows/Parallel part?Â
Completed a clean install of Lion on 2009 IMac, which initially reacted poorly to an upgrade (my first attempt to move to Lion). How do I reinstall iPhoto, Garageband, Aperture, Final Cut Express, iMovie, Logic Express? These were all preinstalled with original purchase. How would I find the serial numbers that will inevitably be asked for? The App store wants to charge for these items, and other non-Apple software I've purchased for the App store won't download again.
Info: iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4), System upgraded from 10.5
I just received my refurb 1.8/SSD Air and I'm excited about getting it up and running. I'm confused about one thing. If I do a reinstall to delete printer drivers and languages, and then do a time machine migration from my MBP, would all of the drivers and languages reappear from the migration?
i have a macbook pro which i bought in late 2011. I was wondering how i should do a comeplete wipe of all my memory and reinstall lion. I have tried the recovery process but it just reintalls the os and leaves the rest of the data behind.
I know that a lot of people were asking about wether they should upgrade or install SL. So, when I put in the disk, it said to shutdown and restart so that it could install the OS. Anyways, I just wanted to know if it was normal that I didn't have any choices as to if I wanted to make just an upgrade or a complete installation of SL. I thought I was going to lose my stuff on my HD, but everything is still there like if nothing happened. The thing is... I kind of wanted to have everything erased and do a clean install.
Due to certain problems with Logic Pro 8 I've got to do a clean re-install of Snow Leopard. But there is a problem: bootcamp partition. It was created with Snow Leopard to install Windows 7. Can I possibly do a clean install of Snow Leopard without losing Windows OS? Formatting only the Mac partition will do the trick? I ask you people because I've found various information on the web, although most threads concerned migration mac system as well
I loved the speed improvements Snow Leopard gave to my computer, but I knew that I would have to do a clean install sooner or later. Now, Safari and Firefox are crashing frequently (multiple times a day!) and everything is slowing down again. I'm hoping a reinstall of the operating system will fix that. However, I used up all 5 installs on my Family Pack. Can I reinstall Snow Leopard with that disc, even though all 5 installs have been used? Do I need to buy another copy? Can the Genius Bar do the clean reinstall for me while my computer is there for other repairs?
I've got a Macbook Pro with Snow Leopard installed, but it has been going sort of sluggish lately so I've decided to do a clean reinstall of Snow Leopard to try and improve things. I've got an up-to-date backup with Time Machine to my Time Capsule. When I do a clean install of Snow Leopard, will I be able to easily restore the files that I want to keep and the applications that I want to put back on my system (with their settings)?
in the last week or so I've begun having a problem with the WiFi connection on my MBP. While using the Internet, web pages will no longer load, my mail client can't connect to the mail server, etc.When I use the terminal to ping Google or any other site, I get the message that the server can't be found.In the menu bar, the WiFi icon indicates a strong connection, but when I open Network Preferences, it says that WiFi is off.When I click, "Turn WiFi on," the menu bar icon goes to the empty fan icon but WiFi refuses to turn back on again.The only thing that I've found to work is to restart, and once or twice now that hasn't worked either.
One other thing I noticed was that this last week Network Preferences had identified my fitbit tracker USB syncing dongle as a network device and had added it to the list of devices on the left side of the preferences pane.This happened after I had already begun to have problems, and after I deleted the syncing dongle from the list, WiFi came back up again with no problem.This is a MBP with a 2.7 GHz i7, eight GB of RAM, running 10.7.4.Can you offer any solutions or suggestions for further troubleshooting?
Info: MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.4), iPad WiFi (32GB); several iPods
MacBook Pro, bought in April of 2007. I've had this thing for almost three years now and I love it. It's my baby and has been with me through alot. Anyways, I've never had a problem with it before until now. Actually I take that back, the battery went ka-put about a year or so ago when it was under warranty. Regardless, here's the problem: The LED doesn't shine anymore. It's really dim. The battery does not charge at all, it's stuck at 0%, so right now I'm stuck with a really cool desktop.
When I play music from my computer on my stereo, the line out feed has a lot of static interference, like theres a ground or something in the metal casing of the computer. The computer randomly shuts down. I've come to notice it normally does this when it is under "too much" stress. (ie: too many windows or applications open) I use quotations because I bought it w the 3gb upgrade and it never has problems w RAM, so for it to be shutting down the computer when only 4 safari windows or tabs are open is bull..
My MacBook Pro 13" i7 2012 model keeps sporadically freezing. I can see the screen, but can't do anything, just hear a stuttering sound, for example if I'm listening to a song it repeats a tiny segment of the song non-stop. When trying to use the webcam on Tinychat it also periodically froze and stuttered.Â
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch, Mid 2012), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
I've been getting frequent warnings that the Dashboard Client has unexpectedly quit, but Dashboard itself continued to work until yesterday. Now, however, it doesn't respond - it's frozen at 2pm yesterday according to the clock.Â
I've trashed the dashboard plist and dashboard client plist from Preferences, but to no effect. The dashboard plist recreates itself, but the dashboard client plist does not recreate itself, so there is no longer anything there in Preferences for me to trash in this respect.Â
I accidently deleted some file on my computer that wouldn't let me start up my MacBook pro, 13 Inch, so I had to press Command- R at start up (brought me to Lion Recovery) and I choose reinstall lion and I started it yesterday morning and all day and over night. It's barely half way through and it says "148 Hours Left" which is crazy.. Should I just wait? is this normal? what do I do?
I leave my imac on at night, from screensaver it goes to a black screen but I have selected that the hard drive never goes to sleep. In the morning when I click the mouse or a button on the keyboard it shows me a frozen screensaver screen and the imac is totally unresponsive. Have run disk utility and everything seems totally fine there. It is impossible to use the force quit option so have to resort to switching the whole thing off from the power button.
The software is all up to date and since disk utility shows everything in perfect working order I am puzzled what this is. A corrupt file or app? I am not a heavy user so no games installed - only software installed is the caffeine app, microsoft office for mac which is compatible with my imac, skype and that's all. Lots of free space on the hard drive too. I am not an expert on macs so I don't know how to look in case something in specific causes this that I can uninstall.
I sent in a question, but I thought I would also post a thread in case anyone else might have some helpful suggestions.
I have an iBook G4, Tiger edition 10.4.11, 1.07 GHz, 768 MB DDR SDRAM.
My system sporadically freezes. Whenever it is moved (i.e. resituated on my lap, or from my lap to the table). Or if I leave it unattended for a period of time (i.e. downloading something, and walk away, by the time I come back it's froze if I am not constantly DOING something). Or if I try to access 3 or 4 applications at a single time.
Sometimes the freeze is a complete system freeze where nothing works or moves. Sometimes everything but the mouse freezes and I can still move the black arrow around. Sometimes it freezes and the little beach ball just keeps spinning, but is still mobile.
Sometimes after it freezes it will not restart. Instead it goes to a screen where it is all white with black flashing horizontal lines.
Sometimes a screen will pop up and say simply "You need to restart your computer. Please hold down the power key."
The only thing that I've found that fixes the screen is to take out the battery for 5-10 seconds and then it restarts immediately and perfectly.
I've done my "google" research and found that the early G4's (which mine is) have issues with the logic board and my Mac showed similar symptom's. It also said the "clamp" method temporarily fixes the problem. I tried this and it did nothing but readjust the black flashing lines. It did not fix the problem.
I've tried completely reformatting my hard drive. Starting from scratch. I installed an additional 512 MB of RAM on top of the 256 built-in. I ran Disk Utility to verify and repair permissions. I installed SMART reporter, and it says that my hard drive is fine. I ran ClamXav before reformatting my drive and it found nothing. I can't run it now, it freezes before it's finished every time
i want to open an image or pdf with preview,it loads slowly for the first time while mouse pointer wheeling (like crash time)and the console error is about sandboxing,i think it is created because of update from 10.7.1 to 10.7.3, the console message is
sandboxd[318] ([313]): Preview(313) deny iokit-open AppleGraphicsPolicyClient[322]: warning: invalid bfrange: string length is not a multiple of 2.
i don't know what to do more to solve this problem, i have done reset password,disk utility permissions repair?
I have my 15" MacBook Pro, Mid-2010 model, which had Snow Leapord and then from the AppStore I had upgraded the OS to Lion.Now I'd like to have a clean installation of Lion. I have few constraints and have already tried few options but without luck. From the AppStore I downloaded the OS Lion (from Purchases) and I saw a note about create a bootable DVD and have created one. I tried the following...Â
Problem #1 : My MBP wouldn't boot off the DVD. It just keeps spinning.
Problem #2 : I then tried restarting and then choosing "Options" while coming up to choose the Disk. Again it just spins.
Problem #3 : I chose "Command R" for recovery mode but it again tries to download OS Lion afresh and that's not an option for me right now (I'm not in USA now, but in India. No high bandwidth connection)Â How can I do a fresh installation of Lion?Â
What I ant to do is copy everything from my desktop (MacPro) running snow leopard to my laptop currently running lion (macbook Pro). I tried migration assistant but everything looks the same. I have hardly any space left so it did transfer but no idea where or how to combine.
Can i wipe it and start over and copy all files and apps from desktop?
I have an old Dual 2.5 GHz PowerPC G5 (aluminum tower). When it boots up, I get a message that the Date & Time are no longer correct. I go into date and time settings and reset them, however when I shot down and reboot later, the time has been reset to June 1969 or some similar date. Also, when the computer shuts down, it cannot be rebooted immediately. If I try to reboot it, I hear the fans start up and drives start spinning, but then they all seem to power down (a red light can still be visible inside. If I shut it down and wait 15 minutes, it will boot up fine, however the date/time has reset to 1969. Â
I have done the obvious things like replacing the clock battery and resetting the pram and smu, but still no joy. I suspect a hardware fault of some kind, but don't know what to try next.