OS X :: Snow Leopard Clean ReInstall Without Losing Windows
Jul 26, 2010
Due to certain problems with Logic Pro 8 I've got to do a clean re-install of Snow Leopard. But there is a problem: bootcamp partition. It was created with Snow Leopard to install Windows 7. Can I possibly do a clean install of Snow Leopard without losing Windows OS? Formatting only the Mac partition will do the trick? I ask you people because I've found various information on the web, although most threads concerned migration mac system as well
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Nov 26, 2009
I loved the speed improvements Snow Leopard gave to my computer, but I knew that I would have to do a clean install sooner or later. Now, Safari and Firefox are crashing frequently (multiple times a day!) and everything is slowing down again. I'm hoping a reinstall of the operating system will fix that. However, I used up all 5 installs on my Family Pack. Can I reinstall Snow Leopard with that disc, even though all 5 installs have been used? Do I need to buy another copy? Can the Genius Bar do the clean reinstall for me while my computer is there for other repairs?
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Oct 16, 2010
I've got a Macbook Pro with Snow Leopard installed, but it has been going sort of sluggish lately so I've decided to do a clean reinstall of Snow Leopard to try and improve things. I've got an up-to-date backup with Time Machine to my Time Capsule. When I do a clean install of Snow Leopard, will I be able to easily restore the files that I want to keep and the applications that I want to put back on my system (with their settings)?
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Sep 5, 2009
I have Windows XP on my Mac now. I am about to upgrade to SL right now. Isn't there a new version of Boot Camp on there?
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Jul 15, 2009
I'm thinking of buying my first Mac ever pretty soon. I can get an educational discount and also get a free iPod Touch if I buy before September 15. I understand that Snow Leopard will be available "in September" so I will have to receive it separately if I buy my Mac between now and then. So, I've never owned Macs before, so I'm wondering how the upgrade from Leopard -> Snow Leopard will happen. Is it like Windows where you can choose to do a "clean installation" or an "in-place" upgrade? Coming from the Windows world, I tend to lean more towards clean installations.
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Feb 13, 2010
I've been having big problems trying to solve my problem. I've checked all the posts related, tried all the solutions and still I didn't get anything, so I'm sharing my problem and hope for someone to have the solution.
I installed Windows XP with BootCamp and it was working fine.
But then the HD space of the windows partition was too small and I needed more space. So what I did was erase the partition with the Disc Utility.
But before that I wanted to test the Parallels to see if the windows 7 would work fine with it. It installed easily but I didn't like the performance of it, so I just erased it with the AppCleaner. Then I erased the BootCamp partition with Disc Utility.
But when I tried to use the Boot Camp Assistant again, it only gave me the message: "The Disk Cannot Be Partitioned Because Some Files Cannot Be Moved"I've checked the forums and it was said that probably if I use iDefrag, it would solve my problem.Once I did it, I still got the same message.Then I decided to repair the dic, so I did the verification and clicked on Repair Disc Permitions and I've got this message:
-The file SUID "System/Library/CoreServices/RemoteManagement/ARDAgent.app/Contents/MacOS/ARDAgent" was modified and cannot be repaired.
Then I decided to reboot the whole system inserting the installation disc and pressing the C button, but all I get is a white screen and no response. And sometimes the Macbook not even start properly (also having only the white screen and no response), so I need to press the Option button till the Mac HD icon appears and I can access the computer.
And now I really without any option and I wanted to install the windows.
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Feb 14, 2010
I want to make a clean reinstall of snow leopard without removing my bootcamp partition. Is it possible to do that and to continue using windows after the reinstall?
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Jul 24, 2010
i created a bootcamp partition and tried to install vista on my macbook
wen i go da parition selection screen i deleted all da paritions and installed a sole vista now my magicmouse is not working and how can i revert back to macntosh
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Jul 3, 2012
Today I performed a clean install of Snow Leopard on my late 2009 Mac Mini. After completing the installation, I began running software update to bring everything up-to-date.While software update did find and install a number of updates (10.6.8v1.1 Combo update, Security Update 2012-002, Apple Software Installer Update, iLife Support 9.0.4, Remote Desktop Client Update 3.5.3, Airport Utility, Java, Safari) it did not find an update for iTunes (which starts at version 9.x, I believe, in a SL clean install).I assumed that this was some sort of random glitch and manually downloaded and installed iTunes 10.6.3.After that, I re-installed iLife '11 (from a retail DVD, not the App Store).When I ran Software Update again, it found updates for Garage Band, iDVD, and iWeb, but it did not show the updates for iPhoto and iMovie.I found this to be unnerving, as I performed a clean install when I first obtained this Mini a few months ago and didn't experience any of these problems - all of my Apple software updated automatically through Software Update without a hitch.
I began researching this problem online and found that other people have been experiencing this same problem (or some variation of it), and it seems like it began appearing around the time Apple updated some of its security certificates in March.In particular, I've found several references to the missing iPhoto update.This one is especially noticeable because an iPhoto library created in iPhoto 9.2.3 will not open in iPhoto 9.0, and this generates an error upon opening the program (i.e., a user backs up their iPhoto library created in 9.2.3, performs a SL clean install, reinstalls iLife, goes through the Software Update process until it shows that no more updates are available, and are shocked to find that they are unable to open their backed up iPhoto library because they have an out of date version of iPhoto).The most common (and admittedly logical) solution proposed in the threads I've read is to download any necessary updates directly from the Apple website. However, I am curious as to why this previously functional feature now appears to be broken.Has anyone else been struggling with this? Does it indeed have something to do with the new security certificates? Is Apple aware of the problem?
Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Feb 5, 2012
About every other day, my Mac keeps losing connection to a Brother USB laser printer. I have to disconnect the USB connnection and reconnect it to get the Mac to see it as being online. I've used this printer on this Mac for years without problems.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Aug 29, 2009
Is there anybody that has gone from Tiger to Snow Leopard and did this as an upgrade? Did all your music and pictures remain on your HD? Is it even possible to do it this way?
When I put my snow leopard disc in my computer, it has 1 option which says: Install Mac OSX and if I press that it says, press continue to restart your computer and installation will begin (or something like that). It's not clear to me if it's gonna erase my harddrive or not.
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Feb 6, 2012
i want to upgrade my snow leopard to lion without losing any data, application, or others, i don't have external hard disk so is there any way to do it without backing up?
Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7)
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May 17, 2012
I wanna know how can I upgrade from leopard to snow leopard without loose my music, carpets, etc. That's possible?
iMac (20-inch Early 2009), Mac OS X (10.5.8)
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Feb 3, 2012
I need to reinstall itunes but do not want to lose my playlists. I keep my music on an external hard drive that is connect to my Airport router via USB. I can drag my music from the folder on the hard drive back into itunes but I dont want to have to go hunting for my songs again to fill my playlists. I have 50,000 songs and one playlist has 20,000 songs and the other has 4,600 and a few randon ones with 1,000 or so songs. What are my options? i am running the newest itunes with lion 10.7.3.
MacBook (13-inch Aluminum Late 2008), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Feb 4, 2012
i have some problems in Mac OS X Lion so i want to do fresh install if made it what going to happen to my Bootcamp Partition ?or its safe to reformat my Mac hd partition?
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.2), and Windows 7 64bit
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Feb 24, 2012
I have a Macbook Pro with OS X Lion. I want to reinstall Lion without losing my data. I dont have a TimeMachine or backup hard disk. Can the Command+R option with Reinstall thing will wipe my data ? Is there a way so i can have a fresh OS X Lion and and preserve my files ?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Sep 12, 2014
I am using OS X 10.9.4 on a MacBook Pro. When I launch the Calendar app (Version 7.0 (1841.1)), I don't see any of my event. I have to go to the Window menu and click Calendar. The app crashes pretty often. Can I reinstall it without losing my calendar data?
MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2012), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
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Aug 27, 2009
there is too much about clean installs now on this forum... and a lot of information conflicts with other information. can someone just have a step by step process of how to do a clean install for snow leopard below.PLEASE no guessing, and only people who have done it please comment.then we can just link people to this thread.
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Aug 30, 2009
I thought this might be useful if you wanted do do a clean install with the Snow Leopard DVD. There have been a lot of threads asking about it. Apple designed Snow Leopard 10.6 so that you cannot select 'Erase Install' when booting from DVD like in Leopard 10.5. Apple states that you need Leopard 10.5 installed in order to 'Upgrade' or 'Install' Snow Leopard 10.6 - This is not true.
This guide shows you how to do a clean install of Snow Leopard 10.6. Extremely hand if you need to install a new hard drive. Please note this was performed off the 'Upgrade' disk - which shouldnt [according to Apple] be able to do a full install! I also outline how to migrate your data to the new install. Let me know what you think. YouTube - Guide: How To Do A Clean Fresh Full Install Of Apple Snow Leopard OS X 10.6.
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Sep 1, 2009
I'm fairly new to the Mac OS. Switched from evil Windows. World is much more stable.
I want to upgrade via clean install to snow leopard. I have read mixed messages that this can and cannot be done. If it can, can someone please post some clear and definitive instructions in how to do this from the upgrade disc of snow leopard.
I currently have:
- Original Leopard disc 10.6.5
- iLife 2009 DVD (purchased separately)
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Sep 11, 2009
I'm really getting sick of all these glitches...How can I do a clean install of everything?
I have a TB drive and everything is pretty much backed up on there (I use Time Machine).
So how do I go about doing this?
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Oct 31, 2009
I am having way too many problems with Snow Leopard... I lost communications with two printers in my office, lost emails, and just having way too many things to fix (should have waited). Can I reinstall OSX 10.5 (that came with my MBP 15)? I still have the original disks that came with the MBP.
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Nov 18, 2010
Long story short, wanted to reinstall the OS cos it was acting up, performance-wise. SuperDrive hasn't functioned in years, so that's a no. Remote Install via PC doesn't work, this feature is limited to MacBook Airs. And finally, an external DVD drive didn't do the job, cos even after starting install - once it reboots, something in the OS tells it not to read from the external. Hours were put into these attempts!
Is there any other possible way to reinstall Snow Leopard?
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Aug 21, 2009
I was just wondering if when I install Snow Leopard if it will remove all the Leopard applications and replace them with Snow Leopard-formatted applications, or if it will just edit the applications to work with Snow Leopard. Photo Booth is broken on my computer and I don't want to Archive and Install unless it's the absolute last resort.
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Jul 31, 2010
Got a kernel panic. I believe it be caused by a small piece of software that powers some touch screen technology that my company works with - software I was testing with my MacBook. As with Audacity though, sadly, some apps just don't translate well over to Mac. The uninstaller won't work. Also, my drive is seeking way too much, and I've got a lot of clutter. This image on my 17" is actually a holdover from my 13" over a year ago. Kudos to Apple for the seamless transition, but I think it's time for a clean slate.
Here's my challenge.
I'm not worried about the apps. I've got a tally of what I need and I can go get them again pretty easily. I'm also not worried about custom configurations - the dock was easy to tweak as was some of the settings. What I need to make sure I grab is the files that are not system files. Instead of restoring from Time Machine, I plan to reinstall the OS completely fresh, then install the latest versions of the apps, then copy back over my files. According to what I've read on Migration Assistant (and I did MRoogle it first), there is not an easy way to selectively pick and choose files that I want to migrate. Is that accurate?
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Jan 25, 2010
It looks like I'm going to have to reinstall OS X on my laptop because it's just generally unstable. I just have a question about the upgrade disk that I bought for $30 from apple.
On Windows 7, if you purchase the upgrade disk, it even allows you to reinstall a fresh copy of windows as long as your able to present a vista disk and show that you own a copy. Is that the same for Snow leopard? Or do I have to reinstall OS X Leopard and then proceed to upgrade?
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Apr 6, 2012
If for any reason I need to re-install Lion OSX, would I need to install Snow Leapord first and then upgrade to Lion?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Feb 23, 2012
We're using Mail 2.1.3 on a Mac Mini (OS 10.4.11), and having problems with email accounts misbehaving in Mail.We've been checking 6 accounts (2 gmail, 1 yahoo, 3 from US Cable). Now I've tried to add 2 new gmail accounts (we're losing the USCable accounts in a few days), and started having problems. Even though the settings in both new gmail accounts are correct, they will not send email via the smtp.gmail.com server, and give me the message:
"Cannot send message using the server smtp.gmail.com" and it asks me to send the message using a different server.
Additionally, as I've been trying to troubleshoot this, my 2 formerly working gmail accounts have both started not working. Connection Doctor says the login for one failed, and the smtp for the other "could not connect". Though Connection Doctor says that connection and login to server succeeded for the 2 new gmail accounts, it does not even list the smtp attempts for the new accounts. I've tried deleting and recreating the new email accounts within this main user's version of Mail several times, no success.
All the email accounts are using the POP protocol, and we don't want to change to IMAP (we have multiple users checking the same accounts from different devices). I've verified the settings being correct 2 ways: Setting them up on a different machine (my MacBook running Mail 3.6, OS X 10.5.8) and on the same machine via a newly-made user on the Mac Mini. Both ways can send and receive mail just fine from these new email accounts.
I think something's hopelessly corrupted, and that I need to somehow reinstall the Mail program, or at least get rid of all the accounts and preferences or whatever needs to be deleted, and recreate all the email accounts again. How can I do this, without losing our many messages that we have filed in a number of folders?
Info:Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.4.11)
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Oct 16, 2010
I have a 2.16G (black) macbook that I will be upgrading to Snow Leopard. Since I've had the computer for over three years, I want to perform a clean installation of 10.6. I don't have a ton of files on my macbook and--apart from some large Garageband files--what I do have are relatively small (Word documents, Excel spreadsheets, music, photos) so I've always backed up by saving things to CDs/DVDs. Not the best plan, I know, which is why I recently purchased a Lacie 1TB external drive so that I can have a clone.
I would like to install OSX onto the external drive but I'm not sure how things should be sequenced. I've never partitioned a HD before; should this be performed first? How's this for a sequence:
1) partition the external HD first
2) install Snow Leopard onto the external HD
3) make the clone of my system and
4) do a clean install of Snow Leopard on my internal macbook HD
Does this make sense or is there a better way for me to approach this? Also, is there anything different I'd have to do to install the 10.6 on the external drive?
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Aug 4, 2009
I assume that when I get my mac, a snow leopard drop in disc will be inside.
1. As soon as I finish the setup, and am presented with the desktop, I will immediately put in the snow leopard disc. In this scenario, is it ok to just do a normal upgrade since the system is pretty much untouched?
2. My understanding is that if I do a clean install, I will lose iLife, and will have to reinstall it using the discs that came with my machine, is this correct?
3. I'm confused about archive and install. Will all my applications (iLife, etc) be left alone? Is this sort of like a clean install, except you have a copy of your old system files? Is it ok to delete the old system files afterwards?
4. From the scenario I described in #1 which of the 3 installation methods is the best to do?
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