how can i filter out specific email advertisements from certain companies. i have my spam filters engaged but there are several email addresses for companies that come through. i'd like to filter out these specific addresses, but can't find an option to do so.
As a Mac newbie, I have noticed an increase in the amount of spam that I get compared to my Windows environment, in which I had used several purchased anti-spam solutions, the latest being a part of the ZoneAlarm Security Suite (which uses an embedded version of MailFrontier, which has excellent performance).
The documentation says that Mail's built-in spam filtering "will take a while to learn" from my actions. However, I have been using it for about three weeks now and a lot of spam still gets through.
In the last six hours, I received hundred of spam emails. The iMail on my Macbook Pro is just receiving these emails and I can't figure out how to stop them. I even don't receive emails from anyone (or I am not sure if I am receiving them because I select all emails and delete them).
I tried to check iMail preferences hoping that I can find something but nothing has happened.
I have been receiving 10 - 15 spam emails per day for over a month. Is there a way to prevent this using mail settings or must I change my email address?
My mac was hacked and sending spams emails. OS X 10.9. Network Utilities port scan saying ports 110, 143,994,995 are open ( email services). lsof does not show those ports. netstat does not show those ports neither. I did not install any email server on my Mac.Â
I have recently switched to MacMail. But all my inward mail is going to the Spam folder. How do I prevent that? And how do I transfer the e-mails from Spam to the appropriate mailbox?
Could you please tell me if it is possible to disable junk filtering for specific accounts in I have two Gmail accounts and several other email accounts and Google recommends disabling your client's spam filter when you use their service.
I am using Mail 4.5. I used to have a Junk button next to the Delete button. I would select a long list of messages and click the Junk button. I was making adjustments in my Preferences (to stop certain filters), and must have done something to make that button disappear. Also, it seems to have stopped filtering junk. My Junk Mail preferences still show: Enable junk mail filtering, When junk mail arrives, move it to the junk mailbox, and all the rest of the boxes are checked.
Info: Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.5.8), 2x3 GHz Dual-core Intel, 750GB+5TB
Apple Mail has a preference to 'Trust junk mail headers in messages' but I can not find a list of what those headers are.By trial and error I've learned the "X-Spam-Flag: YES" will work (exactly that, no extra info), but I'd like to know what other options there are... particularly if I can send a score/rating back and have it look at that.But I can't find a list of supported headers.The Internet is full of "common spam headers" and yet none of them actually seem to work and lots of people who can't get it working with spamassassin which is incredibly common.
Is there any way that Mail can be set up to check Yahoo Mail's Spam folder when retrieving emails form the Inbox?I have set my 8 year old daughter an email address up in yahoo. She keeps missing one of her friends emails as it keeps being filtered into Spam.Â
Info: MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4), 13 inch 2.4Ghz Core i5 4 GB RM
When i use Outlook on my windows comp (or bootcmap partition) i can view my spam mail folder. Sometimes mail i want, end up in there, so its quite handy. Is there anyways i can activate this feature in Mac OSX mail? Or do i have to use entourage?
Don't know if this was addressed yet, but "Spam" mail from my gmail (spam folder - duh!) keeps popping up in my "Sent Mail" folder in Mac mail. I found this post online, but am not tech savvy enough to know what they're talking about.
Okay. I know what's going on there. You are correct this is spam that does not originate from you. The issue is that it is not your gmail address that is being forged, but your other address that forwards to gmail. You have also configured your forwarding server as a valid mail originator for your address in SPF. So the mail looks completely legitimate to gmail: it arrives at gmail from a server that you have configured as a valid server to send from your email address, therefore gmail thinks it really is from your email address.
If you control your own domain and you use gmail's smtp server for outgoing mail, you should remove the SPF entry that marks the forwarding server (URL) as a valid originator for your domain. Then gmail will be able to figure out that this is forged. This will likely cause gmail to put this stuff properly in Spam and to avoid showing you the images.(URL)
Apple mail out of office rule is sending auto replies to all emails not just newly received emails--HELP! I set up the rule according to another apple support thread and instead of only sending the reply to new mail received, it was sent to all messages I believe that were in my INBOX, I only had a few but several people that hadn't sent me emails since I set up the rule, received the OUT OF OFFICE reply.Here is the procedure I followed for the out of office rule-[URL]I just used my email account which is a business account- not an ECU account but these rules according to the apple thread apply for all emails.
I have three accounts setup in Mail, and for some reason one of the accounts, the one that I need the most, is getting hundreds of junk emails daily, I tried to set some advanced settings in junk mail filtering but nothing works. One funny thing is that most of the junk mail I get is not even addressed to a name on my account, just a random, there has to be a way to filter anything not addressed directly to me out, or a way to stop this period.
The preface "*****SPAM***** " has begun appearing in some of the messages in the latest version of Mail (4.2) where's this come from and how do I turn it off as most of the time it is completely wrong?
I just received an email supposedly from Apple, at least I thought so, that someone had changed my birthdate and security questions in my Apple acct, and they asked me if I didn't so this, to change my password. It looked like an Apple email. SO I clicked thru the email to change m password, got an https:// and entered my user ID and clicked to change my password, They said I would receive a followup email, at my email box, to continue the change. I didn't. I did it at least 4 times and NO email, to date. Then, I went to the Apple website, support, and went to 'change password' directly, and when the page came up the place where I enter my info was FROZEN! I could not enter anything. The whole page was frozen. No matter which way I entered the Apple site, I always ended up at that page, (to enter my user ID, on my way to change my password), and the page was always frozen. Therefore, I cannot get into my acct to change anything.
I just switched my settings in Mail so that I'm now checking my Gmail accounts using IMAP rather than POP. This has gone smoothly save for one thing: Growl now notifies me of every piece of Spam that comes into the Spam folder on the server. Is there any way to adjust this?
Likewise, Growl also notifies me about anything new message on the server, whether it's an e-mail I have sent (added to the server-side Sent Messages folder) and also takes to notifiying me two, three, or even more times for a single message (because it comes into the All Mail folder on the server and then into my client-side mailbox in Mail)
In my "Junk folder" emails are being caught. Some are a darker brown color and have a box to unmark as junk. Others are a lighter brown and have no such "unmark" option. Some of these that I believe are being identified as "spam" are in fact not spam. How do I change the color of them in the inbox from light brown to black?
Everyone in my address book is receiving spam emails from my yahoo account and I am locked out. People are saying my Mac has a virus. But I know this cannot be true.
I only have macs in my network and am not aware of any mac viruses. Afer I had the chance to review everything it became clear the e-mail server was sending out e-mails. SMTP logs for my mail server showed numerous attempts between yesterday and today to send out e-mails. Considering my mail server has not yet been launched and is not being used to either send or receive e-mail I imagine the work must have been done by a hacker ro sometoner else who hijacked my mail server to send out spam e-mail to others.Â
How can I prevent this from happening again the in future? Is there a security setting that would prevent this? My firewall had a relatively long and safe password but I changed it today just in case. Also, I changed the password for both the firewall and server. Will this help or is it possible for a hacker to connect and gain control of mail mail server without the need to know these passwords? If not in OS X Server, is there a third party application that would protect the mail server from this in the future?Â
Is there any standalone software for Mac that can filter and examine HTTP headers by acting like a proxy?Alternatively, is there any add-on that I can add to the Opera browser that can filter headers?