OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Documents Stuck On Hold In Print Queue?
May 1, 2012
I have a Macbook pro at work running snow leopard. We have a shared printer Cannon IR 5045. For the past few motnhs it was working fine. This week all of the documents i try to print i put on hold. Restarting doesnt work. deleting and reinstalling printer doesnt work. It is connected by IP and the mac is on the network. Other people can print fine.
I have recently upgraded from Snow Leopard to Mavericks and am now having problem with my hp 4500 office jet printer. The print icon tends to stay on the dock after the print job is done and then mess up the print queue. Even worse if I forget to cancel it manually then when I put the computer on 'sleep' the printer starts up again and the whole job is rerun unless I get to cancel it quickly on the printer! Â
It does not always do this (the print icon disappearing as it should do), but for 90% of the time it does.Â
I've got two printers - one at work and one at home. They're both HP, if that's any help. When I try to print to either of them - either connected on USB at home, or over the network at work, the document seems to spool ok - (the printer icon appears is doc), but then it never prints.
If you open the Job queue for the printer, the job is listed there with a status of "error". I can't seem to find any more useful info - sorry. Feel free to ask me for stuff if it'll help you help me. The printer is detected as online - it says Printer Ready in the box. I can post screenshots if it'll help.
I am currently the owner of an aging Dual 800 Quicksilver and running Tiger on it. Been working on this machine for almost 7 years and still runs like a champ. It is starting to show its age big time, especially in CS3. Just wondering if I should hold off on getting the Mac Mini until Snow Leopard comes as its default system? Do you think Apple will give the mini another boost in specs this year? I'll be getting the Mini this year at some point with the Dell e-IPS 22" monitor. I'm a little nervous since I have heard so many issues with CS3 and Leopard (at work, we tried it and it constantly crashes). I don't want to bother with CS4 (or CS5 for that matter).
How much faster would the new mini be compared to what I have now? And ONE last thing. I know the 2009 mini has only been out for a short time, has anyone attempted to put in more RAM than the 4 GB supported? Photoshop is a hog for RAM if working on multiple layers, etc.
When I print multiple checks they print in the wrong sequence. If I have checks 401, 402 and 403 in the printer in that order, they print 403, 402 and 401. How can I change this to print not collated?
I don't know about you, but Snow Leopard's aurora is so much cooler. I used a program called "Desktop 2 Login" to change the default wallpaper for the login screen to a different wallpaper. Using this same program I changed it back to L's Aurora. (Still in 10.5). When I upgraded to snow leopard, the login wallpaper did not change. It is still stuck on L's aurora. I have used about every method besides Terminal, and it won't change.
I am not very computer savvy and have just bought a new mac laptop with leopard on it. On my old mac I used igetter download manager to queue my downloads but after installing it on this latest laptop I find it sits on 'waiting' when I try to add a download, then comes up with 'error 401'. I was wondering if I can automatically queue my downloads without a manager and if not then any suggestions as I am not sure about how to get the igetter working or which other managers to use.
I have lots of documents maade over the years with AW 5 and AW 6. I would like now to upgrade to Lion but I understand that AW 5 documents can no longer be opened with Pages under Lion. Is there a script to automatically locate and convert all AW 5 and AW 6 on my HD to Pages and leave the converted doc in the same location as the original ?
I am transitioning from Windows Vista to a desktop Mac with OS X Snow Leopard my husband bought. I can't find any information as to how he got folders created and named to hold various related files. I have created two files I want to put into a new folder. How can I create a new folder to move them into? I have a manual and still can't find the information.
I'm trying to send some scanned documents via mail. The PDF file is 19 MB. Its a yahoo based account that allows a maximum file size of 25MB. I can send it through the webmail client wheni log into yahoo, but i cant send anything larger then about 12MB through mail.Â
You used to be able to drag and drop pages from one Preview document to another. That feature is not longer available. Is there anyway to combine PDF documents into one file now?
I have 10,000 images & documents (if you click on the finder icon & go to images or documents) on my computer - my question is: can I delete these? Some I do not know how they got there. Or do I just leave them alone.
I have been able to open pdfs perfectly well up until I changed the security settings on Adobe Reader. As I read somewhere that Apples have an inbuilt pdf reader I trashed everything Adobe, but still can't open pdfs. Tried using Preview to no avail.Â
Is there some other way of opening pdfs without reinstalling Adobe?
I was wondering if anyone here has an Epson Artison 800 printer and has upgraded to Snow Leopard. I made the mistake of installing snow leopard last weekend, and have not been able to print since. I searched for new drivers and found a couple, but still have no luck.
I have a 24" iMac (purchased last spring) and an HP Deskjet 842C inkjet printer. The photo print quality was quite good under Leopard, but is very poor under Snow Leopard (I'm using the latest updated version 10.6.1 with the Gutenprint print driver, 5.2.3). The images have a noticeable bluish cast, and considerable banding. Changing the print quality and paper type does not solve the problem, in fact, the image quality usually suffers. HP has not updated the drivers since 2005.
So I'm trying to print to a network printer, connected to a Vista PC. My Brother (windows fanboy) is able to print just fine through his wireless PC (Win7) but I can't get my head around why I cannot. I saved a webpage that helped me out before (used on Leopard) which use to work but it no longer work http://forums.macrumors.com/showthre...print+to+vista
I have upgraded my soft ware to Snow leopard and now my almost brand new Epson SX 515W copier printer and scanner will not print. Massage Error:/ System/ Library/ Pri always appears.  have ried down loading also disinstalled printer and reinstalled. Â
I am having a problem with my Canon Pixma 5200. For some reason it has stopped recognising text. It will print out the test print ok. I can print pictures but no text. I have used different applications, Pages, Word and pdf and although it sounds as though it is printing I end up with a blank sheet. I have a letterhead with my email address on it and having typed a long letter only the email address came out (this was in the same font as the letter but a smaller size).
After installing 10.6.8 and safari 5.1.5, can't print pdfs from sites. Unable to save same pdfs also. Installed lasted software for my printer. Firefox doesn't display the pdfs.Worked fine with 10.6.7.
I just bought a second-hand Macbook Pro to handle e-mails and browsing at a holiday place, replacing an older notebook running 10.4.Â
Each day for years I have printed a puzzle from the NY Times and scale it to a preferred size by the sequence <<command-print / page set-up / scale / enter>> then print>> in the Print panel. 10.6.8 does not scale the page; it prints at 100%.Â
I have seen the discussion recommending "tab out of the Scale box" and tried it but entering <<tab>> has no effect.Â
there is a file stuck in the side-bar at the finder window. Cannot get rid of it. Probably is a deleted file. Left clik or Right click doesn' t appear to do something except of showing the message "Open Sidebar Preferences".how can i throw it out?
My MBP(#1) is stuck in grey screen. I've tried 4 or 5 of the steps suggested to get the computer to boot up. I used Target Disk Mode to copy hard disk files to my other MBP(#2), then inserted the Mac OSX install disk, then turned off the MBP(#1) and restarted with the C key held down. Instead of getting the OSX installation, it remained grey and gave me repeating 3-beeping sounds. What does this mean?