OS X :: Backup Failed - Not Enough Free Memory?
Aug 12, 2009
I've had no issues with data backup on my external hard drive since I got my iMac over a year ago. There was always plenty of space to make daily backups and last time I looked my data was backed up from about January.
Yesterday my backup failed for the first time. The volume saved to disk is 223GB and the computer says there's not enough free memory for further backups (only about 9.5GB left). Going into Time Machine I can see I've lost all my backups before yesterday lunchtime.
I've been trying to identify what I might have done to cause this and the only thing I can come up with is data capture overload during the importing of video from a camcorder into iMovie and/or Final Cut Express. Is it possible there are stray files left over from my video editing that are clogging up my system? I've checked out my Final Cut Express Documents files but nothing here seems to add up to the huge amount of data which seems to be causing this problem. If this isn't it then I don't know where all this extra data has come from... How can I find out where this extra data is which is preventing Time Machine from backing up?
Is it possible there is some problem with Time Machine configuration? Right now the configuration window reads this:
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May 3, 2009
I have a 1tb external for time machine back up and have about 750 gb of stuff to back up. I was under the impression that when time machine backs up my stuff it will automatically delete the oldest backup to create room for the newer backup.
My problem is that i did a back up a couple weeks ago and then today i go to back up and it tells me back up failed only 718gb available for 740gb of stuff to back up
anyone have this problem? how can i fix it?
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Jan 22, 2009
As the title says, I get that message when selecting all in remember. What does it mean? Do I have bad RAM?
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Apr 4, 2012
I am upgrading to 8GB in myMac mini. I did the trouble shooting( command, option P,R) thing after getting 3 beeps but it didn't work. So I tried one 1GB plus one 4GB to total 5GB and it booted.
How can I get 8GB to work? Why does 5GB work and 8GB not work?
Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7.3), 2011
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Jul 4, 2010
3yr old black MacBook has bad memory slot. Will not boot with chip installed. Tried swapping chips and slot 1 or 2 and its the slot. So at least computer works. What are the odds 2nd slot will fail? Is that rare? Is it just a bad solder connection on main board for memory terminal? Or some tiny hidden board trace or other hard to find component?
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Aug 2, 2010
I am trying to free up memory on my MacBook. I only have 3.25 GB left and I have to Software Update and I want to download some things from iTunes. I'm trying to free up some space so I can do those things but how would I? I need to use all the applications that I have on my computer, and I need all the documents that I have on my computer. So how would I clear up some space on my computer? I've used Clean My Mac and other computer cleaning stuff too.
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Apr 15, 2012
How to free up memory in MacBook Pro? (How to avoid getting the revolving rainbow?)
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6)
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Dec 25, 2009
I was making my first cloned HDD backup since upgrading to 10.6. I plugged in my external HDD and asked Superduper to do a smart update, but after coming back 4 hours later, I have found that the backup failed, and my 500GB is full! Now, I have inspected my hard drive and found that the operating system is intact and all of my current files are here but how did my HDD fill up, and where are these excess files? I am sure that Superduper somehow failed to copy the files to my external HDD and somehow placed them on my Macbook's HDD... but how do I find them?
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Apr 27, 2010
Every time I use my MBP alum a lots and after I close everything the machine gets and still very slow and I have to restart my Mac to refresh the memory.
My mac spec is MBP alumenuim 2G 2.2 .
I would like to notice I did not face this problem in the past with my old MBP 2007 4g 2.4ghz
So anyway I could free the memory or something instead of restarting the machine
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May 1, 2012
what is the best way to free up memory easily? I have a fairly typical makeup of iTunes music, iMovie, iPhoto files, which is best to attack?
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Mar 3, 2010
I just lost an entire semesters worth of work and countless other files because my five month old computer's hard drive failed? Apple replaced the drive but told me it could cost an additional $500-$1000 to recover the data off my old drive? Granted, it was my fault for not having a backup in place since August, but I live in cramped quarters, travel a lot, and never have the space to lug around my external HDs, and I thought I could rely on having a computer's HD work for more than 5 months before crapping out. I'm furious right now. I've owned Macs since the 1990s, and I've never had an issue like this before today. I guess I can spend the $1000 now to get my work back.
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Mar 25, 2012
My time machine is not backing up my files anymore. Everytime I start it, it prepares for a very long time (maybe 30min or longer) and then eventually does start. But in the middle of the backup, an error pops up saying that I need to verify the space needed for the backup. But there is definitely space on my back up drive and Time Machine also recognizes the external harddrive. I've tried re-backing up a few times already but it doesn't work properly each time. I can still enter Time Machine and see the older back ups.
Info:Mac OSX (10.5.7)
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Jul 5, 2010
If it's inactive, shouldn't it be free?
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Mar 15, 2012
I keep getting the message that my start up disc is full - system will not me delete any files etc
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May 13, 2012
No process is taking too much memory. Still there are only 12 MB free?
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.2), 2.26 ghz, 4 gb ram
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Apr 19, 2009
i want to re-install my OS from scratch. so i used SuperDuper to backup my HD onto my 1TB My Book but something went wrong. this is my first time trying this so i have no clue why it didn't work.
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Jun 2, 2010
We just came back from vacation 2 days ago; I checked time machine. It says latest backup is delayed; then latest backup failed; next backup when disk is connected. I have a WD external hard drive. I check to see that it is connected to my IMac and is plugged in for electricity. Restarted my imac - same problem. There is no lite on the WD; does it mean it died? Or what can I try? It is less than 2 yrs old.
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Jun 1, 2012
My orginial MacBook got stolen a few weeks ago and luckily my insurance bought me a new one. However, I have just managed to get hold of my external hard drive, which had my backuped time machine files on it.
So I went to my files from my time machine and this is what I did.
I went to the Time machine icon on the top of my screen and clicked on "Browse other Backup disks". I then clicked on my external hard drive and it opened Time Machine and then I found my latest update. I then clicked restored and the files got copied from my time machine to my new Mac.
The problem that I have discovered is that I restored my files incorrectly and that all I have just done is copied the files over and not restored my MacBook.
Now that I know how to restore my backuped files correctly, when I try and do it, I do not have enough space on my computer, because I still have the copied files on my Mac. I have tired to find the files without any luck on my computer. All I can think of is deleting my hard drive and start again, but I do not have the OS disks as Apple no longer supplies them when you buy a new Mac or it just didn't come with my new MacBook Pro.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Dec 27, 2010
If I delete a file from a memory stick- it does not free space. This is because the item has been moved to the trash and it hasn't been permanently deleted. If I want to free the space I need to empty my trash. If I don't want to empty my trash how can I delete a file from a memory stick to free space (permanently delete just 1 file)? Also (sort of linked) - how do I just delete 1 file from trash (empty just 1 file)? The reason I like to keep trash for a while just incase I need to restore a file, if I know I will not need to restore it, then I want to permanently delete just that file.
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May 31, 2009
I am going to buy an Imac soon. Most likely the with 4 gig ram. I was just wondering how many memory slots does an 24 inch Imac have. Because I have 2 one gig ram sticks that I wanted to add to it and didnt know how many free slots it would have.
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Oct 8, 2009
My Laptop runs slow and often spins when I open the browser or other apps sometimes and found the load average to be less than and also about 300MB free memory, till I notice swap as 40MB/256MB on iStat.
1. How do I find out what process is causing the swap? The top does not show swap, and the vm_stat does not show swap either like vmstat does.
2. In the memory what does the wired, Active, Inactive memory mean? The only value that makes sense is Free.
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Apr 9, 2012
I just experienced something totally weird on my Snow Leopard. It starts suddenly dropping in the free memory (green) in my activity monitor with around 10 MB per second and the inactive (purple) memory grows. And it doesn't stop until it hits 10 free MB.
Info:Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Jun 16, 2012
I'm trying to share an Imovie to Idvd and is telling me that I need more memory, how do I free some memory. I need to finish this project ASAP.
Mac OS X (10.6.7), It finds it when I'm installing it
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May 16, 2012
This morning everything was fine, but then it happened out of nowhere.Usually my MBP does it Backups on a Synology DiskStation212j, but today it got some errors. [code] Since the backup is made on a NAS i can't use the DiskUtility to repair permissions..(My NAS doesn't have any Errors)
MacBook Pro (15-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Jun 2, 2012
I lost the main HDD on my Mac G5 running Panther 10.4. I have a TM back up onto an external drive and bought a new internal drive.How do I restore all my files from the external back up to the new internal HDD so I can run my computer as it was.
Power PC G5, Mac OS X (10.4.10)
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Mar 30, 2012
I bought a new drive and need to get my Time Machine files off the old failed drive. I'm sure there are plenty of discussions about this but I can't find any. (I so dislike the new design for the support communities.)The old drive sometimes lets me access TM so I want to take advantage of one of those times to get everything across. I know it is a very slow process if it can be done
Info:Mac Mini 1.83ghz, Mac OS X (10.6.8), Great for a while.
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Jan 1, 2010
iMac 2.66 GHz, 640GB hard drive, 4 GB RAM.
I have a Western Digital external hard drive used by Time Machine. Worked perfectly for a few months. Now every day, I get a message that a backup failed because the disk appears to be read only. I launch Disk Utility, and run Verify Disk It finds nothing wrong. I ask Time Machine to back up again, and it does and continues hourly for the rest of the day. The next day, the same thing happens all over again with the read only problem.
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Apr 27, 2012
The OS X 10.6.x Server running Time machine, it runs daily backup to external HD, it is fine, but for couple of days, it failed, is there any logs or message that I can read what is going on? The external HD connected with firewire 800 and it still have enough space, so I think it is not a space problem
Info:Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.6)
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Sep 12, 2014
Time Machine reported it failed backup due to the shortage of disk space. But I see the total space of partition is 192GB,the whole backup snapshot estimated is 177.56G.
The massage said that " failed backup, 52.85 GB is needed for backup but it's only 25.17 GB available."
I know it's 166.35GB of ancient snapshot still exist, but why not OSX to delete it automatically and release more space for new snapshot?
By the way, I can't delete those ancient snapshot in Finder manually, perhaps permission denied.
MacBook Pro (Retina, 13-inch, Late 2013), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
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Mar 25, 2012
Out of the blue tonight, my Mac Mini running OS X Lion will no longer secure erase my empty space. Whenever I try to do so, I get the following error: "Secure Erase Free Space failed with the error: Some information was unavailable during an internal lookup" I've rebooted to no avail. I also did a complete shut down and boot up, but the error persists.
Mac mini (Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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