OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: My Free Memory Dropping Constantly
Apr 9, 2012
I just experienced something totally weird on my Snow Leopard. It starts suddenly dropping in the free memory (green) in my activity monitor with around 10 MB per second and the inactive (purple) memory grows. And it doesn't stop until it hits 10 free MB.
My Laptop runs slow and often spins when I open the browser or other apps sometimes and found the load average to be less than and also about 300MB free memory, till I notice swap as 40MB/256MB on iStat.
Questions: 1. How do I find out what process is causing the swap? The top does not show swap, and the vm_stat does not show swap either like vmstat does. 2. In the memory what does the wired, Active, Inactive memory mean? The only value that makes sense is Free.
I am having a huge issue with my wireless dropping once connected to my MacBook Pro (Model A1278) 13.3". Wireless connections are not dropping on my iPad/Laptops/Iphone. Running Leopard 10.6.8 and have updated everything. It started about a month ago and is inconsistent in terms of how long I stay connected, but never more than 10mins. Luckily I run an SSD and can reboot in 10seconds.
I'm curious if anyone else has this problem, and if so, how to fix it. First of all, I'm convinced this mac pro is a lemon, and it was supposed to get replaced on my last repair but the Apple Store decided not to. (Even after promising they would)
I've been through 4 ATI X1900XT graphics cards, a logic board, a super drive, and a failed hard drive. Basically, I've not been able to really use my Mac Pro since December 2008. It's been in and out of service consistently since then.
Anyways, I just got it back last night and was having problems keeping the airport connected. (BTW- it's done this before, but not since having my logic board replaced) It will pick up the signal, keep it for approx. 2 minutes, then drop it and "scan for networks" it will then find it again on it's own, and repeat the process over and over and over.
I figured it was possibly software so I went through the trouble this morning of doing an erase and install on the machine, and much to my dismay that did nothing to solve the problem. I am unable to update any of my software, which means I can't use Aperture (because my library is on 2.1.3 and my disc copy is 2.0) so I basically can't use the computer until this is addressed.
Has anyone else experienced this before? My mac pro is not far at all from our Airport Extreme Base Station (the first N version). My macbook get's full signal pretty much all the time. Even my iPhone does.
My iMac (purchased Feb 6) is constantly dropping the wifi signal. It seems to happen randomly...sometimes it's there, sometimes not and I must go to Networking icon and all the steps to reconnect!. (My iPad2 and IPhone are not having this problem...or perhaps their 3G has kept me from noticing.)
Coming from a perfect working copy of VM2 and XPPro now to VM3 and XPPro (+ 7 Ultimate) both machines drop the network constantly now with VM3. The network adapter becomes unavailable and sometimes 7 can repair the connection by restarting the adapter, but sometimes a full reboot of the entire iMac is required.
I never lose connection on the Mac side, only the VM side. If you are running VM3 and having this issue please post up, or if you have a solution that would be great.
EDIT: VMWare sets by default that you use the Mac's NAT setting in Virtual Machine>Network Adapter, but the proper setting is actually Bridged>"your router".
I'm having trouble with my macbook. It's dropping the wireless signal right and left...sorta. Airport isn't disconnecting, it just stops recognizing the signal until I cycle the airport card off and on.
After installing Snow Leopard, (10.6.8 In 2 GHZ Intel Core Duo) I have had a constant crashing issue. Usually every few minutes. I've lived with this since I upgraded.
I've been very frustrated the past couple of days with my 13" MacBook Pro running OS X 10.6.8. Every Mac application (iTunes, Mail, Garage Band, Safari, App Store) becomes unresponisive as soon as it is opened, and stays unresponsive until I finally manage to Force Quit it, which still takes a considerable amount of time. When I use Google Chrome, however, I have no problems at all.
I've tried creating another account and trying to run the apps on that account, and I run into the same problem: App opens and seems normal for 20-30 secconds, or unless I try clicking a link or try to play a song, then the Rainbow Wheel appears for as long as it takes me to Force Quit. I've updated all the software for the apps and tried many restarts, to no avail.
I noticed that my GPUs fans (either ATI 3870HD or 4870) in my MP 1,1 are considerably louder nonewithstanding nothing CPU/ GPU taxing is running. Anyone else noticed this? Are the GPU drivers not finished yet or is it due SL keeping them under load for Open CL/ Grand Central?
My WiFi on Snow Leopard on my MacBook Pro is constantly dropping. I went to the Genius Bar about the problem and was told to reinstall OS X, which I did, and now, it just happens more often! The only way to get it to reconnect is to turn the airport on and off. Or, when I select my network, it asks for the password, which it was told to remember.
I recently did the mobileme to icloud swtich to keep my me.com email.Since Snow Leopard doesn't have an iCloud option and the MobileMe account option no longer works, I had to switch to create a new IMAP account with all of iCloud's server info.Ever since, the mac mail.app has been downloading messages practically non-stop.Every few minutes it will download 5000+ messages and growl notifications will fill up my screen. My mail folder is currently at 20gb and growing. I know there isn't that much mail data on the server as I originally had my mobileme limit set much lower. I tried deleting the account and creating a new one again, however it still happens.Â
I've recently acquired an iMac and wanted to upgrade to Lion, however I believe I need to upgrade from Leopard to Snow Leopard first - which could prove to end up costing a fortune! I've read recently that Apple are offering the upgrade to Snow Leopard free of charge for MobileMe users, however when I've followed a link to fill in a request form, this just takes me to the Find My Phone feature on iCloud.Â
Is there a free way to run/emulate OS X Snow Leopard while running Leopard?
I had a billion problems when I upgraded to Snow Leopard but some software that I don't use frequently only works with it so I want to be able to run those apps while still staying in my less buggy OS X Leopard.
I don't want to have dual boot operating systems. OS X Leopard 10.5 is my primary OS.
I have read on apple news that apple is offering free software upgrade for leopard to snow leopard.. is that true? I followed their link and nothing is available?
Are there any free vnc apps that work with Snow Leopard? Tried Chicken of the VNC and JollysFast and neither work. I know about the Screen Sharing app, but I am having problems connecting to a Tiger computer, so want to try a separate VNC app...
I was running Leopard 10.5.8 and my iMac 2.4GHz w/1GB Ram seemed to be getting slow. I upgraded to Snow Leopard. Without much running (Mail, Safari, iCal) it is very slow. At times, the free space has gotten down to 2.5MB in Activity Monitor. Nothing extraordinary seems to running when I open Activity Monitor. When I was trying to sync my iCal with MobileMe it really crawled.
I did a PRAM reset, ran Repair Disk with install disk and Disk Warrior without any errors.
everytime i try to install 10.6 it says i do not have enough free space in my macintosh hd. i have tried deleting things several times and i continue to receive the same message.
the memory limit is 4 GB. Is this an OS limit which will be blown away with snow leopard, or is it a hardware limit, which will remain regardless of 64bit OS?
other MBPs have 6 or 8GB limits, which makes me think they may be hardware related
I think I have an iMac G5 - flat screen, white covering. Right now I have OS X 10.5.8 & it's running rather slow. The processor is 2 GHz Intel Core Duo, Memory 512 MB 667 MHz DDR2 SDRAM. I want to upgrade to Snow Leopard 10.6.3 - tried today but says I don't have enough memory. How do I get more memory & what do I need to do it.
quick question! I am about to buy an air with the 30"acd :-) how will the 2gb memory be affected by snow leopard? Will the os require more or less memory?
Most unusual, is that I do not see any application in Activity Monitor using much real memory, yet it reports 2.21 GB memory active. I have had as much as 1.4GB swap space used, with no obvious culprit.