OS X :: How Can I Get The Dictionary Within Spotlight To Work
Dec 25, 2008How can I get the dictionary within Spotlight to work
I remember this feature when i first got Leopard but hasn't worked since then, how can I get it to do so?
How can I get the dictionary within Spotlight to work
I remember this feature when i first got Leopard but hasn't worked since then, how can I get it to do so?
Spotlight keeps freezing and beachballing when I try to search anything. It may have something to do with yesterday when I killed the mdworker process in terminal because it was eating up too much cpu. Spotlight doesnt find anything besides dictionary definitions, but it does it really slowly with lots of freezes and beachballs
View 1 Replies View RelatedIt works in the widget mode, that is, when I press F3, the dictionary shows on the screen as usual, but it doesn't show up when I click on the dictionary icon under the applications menu.
View 14 Replies View RelatedIs there a way to 'bulk' add new words to the InDesign dictionary? I do a lot of menus and a lot of the food terms come up as spelling mistakes.
I was wondering if there was a quicker way to customize the dictionary than telling the spell check to learn the words as I go. EG add one huge text file to the dictionary with all the words or something.
before you can double click on a word and look up in dictionary with the word looked up already.but now when you double click on word and select look up in dictionary, you have to physically enter the word again
View 4 Replies View RelatedI still get beach balls when doing the basic of things. For example, it sometimes takes 10 seconds for the dictionary to come up after right clicking a word and selecting "look up dictionary". Then again, sometimes it is instant. Similar things happen when looking at a document that is a .pdf, for example, and I want to save as a jpeg. Whether I go to "save as" or through the "print" and then selecting "save as a pdf", it can beach ball for 8-10 seconds.
I thought it may have been a ram problem and from another thread I discovered the "activity monitor" and have that running constantly in the dock showing me "System Memory" and for the stuff I'm doing, it hardly ever gets close to half the pie chart.
I have a MBP and I recently did a clean install up to Snow Leopard, and then added all of my movies and files about 150GBs onto my mac. And it was all working perfectly, but now for the past two days I have not been able to use Spotlight as it says it is indexing.
Any ideas why or how this might of happened? I have recently brought iDeFrag and did a quick online DeFrag after I installed windows 7 in boot camp.
I use spotlight alot for finding files and not having it is.
'm new here and quite new to mac as well.
Until now I've used the shortcut for spotlight (ctrl-spacebar) a lot. But suddenly it doesn't function any more. When I go to the preferences and hint the spotlight-icon, nothing happens. If I click it again, it opens, but with the shortcut selections in the bottom erased.
I have a Intel Leopard 10.5.6 MacBook.
Is there any way to use Quicklook from within Spotlight search results? I'd like to be able to do a Spotlight search and hit the space bar for a quick Quicklook look before actually launching the program.
I'm guessing this isn't possible, since hitting the space bar only inserts a space in the Spotlight search box, but thought I'd ask.
My Spotlight doesn't seem to be working properly. It has been indexing for the past couple of weeks and is clearly stuck. It actually says that it is 'estimating indexing time' but hasn't been able to move on from this.
Time Machine has also stopped backing up, and I think that this may be a linked issue.
I'm running 10.6.4 on a MacBook Intel 2.4GHz with 2G RAM
So in Windows, if you were to disable Windows Indexing for search (but leave search on), you'll still be able to search for files, just at a extremely slower rate because theres no index available. Having an SSD, this is faster and I like that feature but in OSX, I can't figure out if there's anything to disable indexing but still have spotlight be able to find/search for files.
It's not being done out of paranoia or such, but for some reason, MDS always goes off whenever the system is started, any minor file is changed and such, it's actually being a huge drain on system resources. The MDS runs for about 10 minutes each time, taking up 30-70% cpu usually and i really want to disable it but still have spotlight searching available.
Can this be done? or is something that only windows' would have?
MacBooks: 4 / 5 (In the pic you see some powerbooks too) will start for a couple seconds, and then shut off, the longer you leave them, the longer they stay on. Battery in or out does not matter. Same thing. Reinstalled Leopard still same thing. Pram reset same thing. We probably won't spend the money to fix these and will throw them out, unless I am missing something? Space bar doesn't work, unless you do spotlight, or hold shift.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have had my iMac for months now. However, recently, it's started displaying the blinking dot inside Spotlight.
When I hover over it, all it says (!!!) is "Indexing Volumes". No useful information about "what volume", why it's taking so long (7 hours so far), etc.. If I click the hour glass, spotlight works as always. Does anyone have any ideas what's going on here or what I might try to "fix" this problem. Currently, I'm doing the (Windows) reboot method to clear this "Indexing Volumes", but it comes back.
Should I let the machine run overnight?
I notice that Spotlight only says "indexing" after I restart the computer, which isn't that often.
But that's not the only time it indexes, right? Does it index a file whenever it's created or moved?
And what about Time Machine? Again, after restarting the computer, my external backup drive that I use with Time Machine is indexed. But I never notice it being indexed when I don't restart.
Does Spotlight have to index it, or does TM handle that somehow? I mean, can I put my backup disk on Spotlight's ignore list, and still have Spotlight in Time Machine work fine?
When and how often does Spotlight index a drive? After 1-1/2 months of owning my MBA, Spotlight is indexing my drive today. I don't know if it is doing it for the first time. But it is the first time I noticed it, as it is slowing down everything, and is taking forever (~ 1-2 min for every 1%).
I would have thought my drive would be all indexed by now -- 90+ days of owning it.
I wonder if it has anything to do with what I am doing on my computer today, that may have trigger this. I copied 3 dvd movie files over and was ripping them with Handbrake today to get ready for a trip next week. I also connected an external drive to have it re-formated. However, after all the ripping was done, and external drive removed. It is still indexing at the moment (2 more hours to go according to the progress bar).
I am tempted to restart the computer, and stop the indexing. But then I shouldn't, if it's a part of the normal routine.
right, i have a HFS formatted 500gb external drive which i use everyday, but today spotlight just keeps indexing it, it has a lot of media on it which i access daily so spotlight is needed to search it.
i mean its been indexing for a good 2 hours.
a few weeks ago I used a maitenance software (like onyx). I changed something in the spotlight settings, which made it indexing... without stopping.
I have now reinstalled Mac OS X.. everything worked ok. I then updated it... and the problem popped up again.
I noticed my "spotlight" icon has a pulsing dot in the center of the magnifying glass icon....when I click on it there is a progress bar and it is perpetually "indexing" my hard drive.
Whats this mean? Is my HDD going to fail? Its been going on like this for months. Running Drive Utility, Techtool or Disk Warrior doesn't fix it.
I fixed permissions and repaired the disk off the Snow Leopard book disk, problem persists.
how can I tell if spotlight has indexed main hd? Also, does it index my 2 external hds; one is a Maxtor 1 teribyte hd-other is a 500g.
OSX.5.6-Macpro Work station-320g hd-2.8 ghz-10gig ram.----------
I have an iomega network drive on which I store my itunes library. However spotlight does not find any files on this drive.
I have tried mdutil -i on /Volumes/Network drive and mdutil -E
It says it has turned on indexing, but it still will not find any files. Does anyone know how to make spotlight index this network drive, or recommend an app that will allow me to search network drives
After installing Snow Leopard my email messages from Entourage are not showing up in spotlight searched.
I have tried going to Preferences-> Spotlight in entourage and pressing 'rebuild' but that doesn't seem to do the trick.
I upgraded my harddrive this weekend. Here is how I did it:
1.) replaced the hard drive in my laptop
2.) Loaded Leopard onto the new hard drive
3.) Connected my old drive in an enclosure as an external drive
4.) Used the migration assistant to migrate my profile and files from the old drive.
Everything is good, but spotlight doesn't work well. It misses tons of stuff that IS there. I think the drive needs to be re-indexed?
I can't get the search funtion to work in the Help Center. I'm trying to search topics in Logic Help, But it also doesn't work for other Apple programs. My internet connection is working fine. OSX.7.4 on a unibody MacBook Pro, with Logic 9.1.7.
View 3 Replies View RelatedSpotlight shortcut does not work. When I press ctrl + space, nothing happen. When I click on magnifier icon by mouse, everything work well.
In Spotlight configuration and also in keyboard shortcut configuration this shortcut is present and marked as active.
I've also tried to disable and enable back this shortcut but it still not work.
MacBook Air, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)
I created a new folder under root "/" to store my working files But whenever I open this folder using finder, the spotlight search return 0 result no matter what I input I know spotlight have some prefined index path, but some how I cannot add my custom folder to be index
27-inch, Mid 2011Mac OS X Lion 10.7.2 (11C74)
how to Know which Dictionary app need?
Is it possible to reset the dictionary so the words I accidentally added are removed?
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I think it is used in all the views but it looks the best in the Wikiedia view (I think it is 1.5 spaced)
regardless of the spacing, what is that font?
I have Microsoft Word 2004 for Mac. How can I get the Australian dictionary, or the UK to work? It only seems to find the USA version even though I set Aus as default. Perhaps I need to download from somewhere? Anyone know where?
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