Since the installation of Yosemite, Mail context menus no longer work. Control-clicking on a hyperlink in a mail messages opens a context menu containing these items:
Selecting any of the first 3 has no effect. Just clicking on the hyperlink will switch to the browser (Safari) and open the link. Clicking on "Services" does display a list of Services, and "Open URL in Firefox" at least seems to work. However, "Open URLs in Safari Tabs" does not. This seems to indicate a possible disconnect between Mail and Safari in particular.
Operating EnvironmentMacBook Pro (Late 2011), Mac Pro (Late 2008)Yosemite (OS X 10.10.1)Mail (Version 8.1)Safari (Version 8.0)
MacBookPro, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1), Mail 8.1, Safari 8.0
The Rename feature on the Finder Context menu has been very useful to me.Got an error message while trying to rename several folders.Now the Rename feature is missing from the Finder context menu.
OS 10.10 Yosemite, 27" iMac
Just recently purchased at Thunderbolt hard drive enclosure (Akitio Thunder2 Quad enclosure) and the error happened while renaming files on the Thunderbolt drive. Now the rename feature is missing from all drives.
I've tried:
-rebooting -ejecting the Thunder2 quad and rebooting -power down the Thunder2 and rebooting
Info: iMac (27-inch, Late 2013), OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)
Control click stopped working and does not give me a contextual menu in the finder or any other program (including Stickies or Word) anymore.
I tried resetting Keyboard & Mouse System Preferences to default. I looked for Finder preference, or Finder preference file (it used to be "" according to an old 2005 forums.Macrumors post) but i could not find one.
I just reinstalled Leopard a couple of weeks ago, and do not want to go thru that again if i can avoid it.
I have installed a software called appdelete but then decided to uninstall it. I did it in traditional ways but some configurations are still staying the same.
No i do not have appdelete in my comp but when i right click a file i always see AppDelete button and that is annoying.
How can i get rid off appdelete button in right click context menu ?
I have tried Onyx, CleanMyMac, clearing LaunchServices.plist and loads of other things (too many to list) but when I right click on any file, I get the same entries repeated in the open with menu. i.e. Right Click an .avi and get Open With-> VLC, Quicktime, Other... Vlc, Quicktime, Other... VLC, Quicktime, Other...
If I open a Contact in Addres Book and click on "Home" r "Mobile", or "Work", or whatevere, a small context menu pops up, offering me several choices: "Show in Large Type", "Face Time", etc.
I recently experimented with a dialing program which I have since uninstalled, but it remains in this Context Menu. How can I edit it out?
How would i achieve to create a context menu on a folder, just like dropbox. I tried using Services menu but it sets my menu system wide. I need to have my specific menu only for a specific folder? How to achive this functionalily?
Info: iMac, Mac OS X (10.6), Need sample code (if any)
When I select 'Enter time machine' from the context menu of the time machine icon in the menu bar at the top, nothing happens. Otherwise it works fine and does its regular updates. I can see the result on my backup drive. But how do I now restore something if I have to?
I'm looking for a tool that could allow me to resize (and for the full measure crop) images directly from the Finder context menu without using Automator?
Info: MacBook Pro (15-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
my DELETE functionality within finder is not working consistently anymore. I am only seeing this issue on my new MAC BOOK AIR (used for work and received just last week), and not on my macmini (that is also running Lion and I've had for a year).
Basically, I am having problems deleting files using CMD + DELETE. I hit this command and get the typically apple "ping" sound for a something that isn't working, however I can right click and hit MOVE TO TRASH and it goes immediately, which means it's definitely not a file permission/in-use/lockout issue.
I feel like I did something stupid to cause this, but it only doesn't work occasionally. I have noticed it moreso right after I open or have used a file, but while CMD+DEL doesn't work, the MOVE TO TRASH does, so i'm lost.
extremely frustrated and I've been through my System Pref settings alot in case I turned something off.
Info: MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.4), 2012, 13", 256GB SSD, 8GB RAM
So with the whole Flashback/Flashfake thing I paniced (stupid on my part) ran a virus program called VirusBarrier Express and ran CCleaner (again, stupid me). Hoping I would clear off unused or harmful files I apparently in the process messed up my context menu. Items that were previously in the context menu are now gone. I did as much reading about possible fixes as I could and this is where everything stands.
Not every item in the image below was at the botton of the context menu, but iPack certainly was as well as various other menu items that have since dissapeared.
While searching the internet I came across a suggestion leading me to "library/Contextual Menu Items" and when I followed that directory for both my user and system I couldn't find a Contextual Menu Items folder. There wasn't any. I've had this "missing file/folder" problem before with preference files; just a side note.
I created the folder manually and restarted with no change at all.
Obviously I accidentally deleted something that shouldn't have been deleted. Is there any way to get back those missing items?
Incoming server is a Road Runner Pop server. Have unchecked the "automatically detect..." box under advanced but does not save password. Connection is fine. Continually get "log-in to this POP account failed. Verify that the username and password is correct."Yes, password is correct, but Mail will not hold it in settings.
Info: iMac with Retina 5K display, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)
So i wanted to send a 600MB file via mail drop, but when I dragged the file onto the mail window and hit send, instead of the window asking me if I wanted to send it via mail drop, it just started sending it. Now I have a slow connection and don't want to spend the next 90 minutes uploading something that cannot be downloaded, never mind clogging up my internet connection.
Incidentally, in trashing the uploading file in Mail's Outbox to stop it, I can see the upload still continues as my network stats show full upload speed. Had to restart.
Info: MacBook Air, OS X Yosemite (10.10), 2.0 GHz i7, 8GB, 256GB SSD
I am using OS X 10.3. The apple menu doesn't work (for the past few months). When I click on it it's highlighted but doesn't pull down. I can not quit applications even if I use keyboard shortcuts (I have to force quit).
I tried starting with "safe boot" and I ran "Verify & repair disk permissions" but it didn't fix it. Any ideas?
Ever since updating to Yosemite, I have noticed an odd behavior from the menu bar. When I switch between apps, the menu bar doesn't always change. Like right now, the menu bar says "System Preferences..." and shows all the menus for System Preferences, but when I select a menu, the proper one drops down. how I can get my menu bar to display the proper menus?
I have recently tried out the new Yosemite feature "dark menu bar and Dock" using a side add-on called Lights Out and thought it was cool, but was not of any better use so I removed the add-on and went back into "general settings" and unchecked the "dark menu bar and Dock" box. The problem lies in that it won't stay unchecked leaving my system in the dark. So my search the light has begun. I have only tried restarting my system as that is the only thing that I can think of to resolve the issue, but it did not work since the "use dark menu bar and Dock" is still checked and won't stay uncheck after closing the "system preferences" window.
to why it is staying checked and how to force it to go back to light menu bar mode? It's only an inconvenience, but one that should not be.
Info: MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)
Where is the system-level setting to ensure that, even when I maximize an application, the menu bar is still visible. I don't like having to move the mouse to see the battery life, wifi signal, date etc. I'm on Yosemite, if it matters. To be clear, I'm not looking for a workaround that will provide these various bits of information elsewhere. I want to know how to mandate the menu bar stay visible.
When opening a Mail message with any sort of scripting, many of the menu items remain greyed out, including the one that's important to me, 'Save Attachments...'.
If I manually open the same message, the menu items are enabled.
Try this script, by resetting the mailbox name to one of your own mailboxes, and you'll see what I mean.
(I've lodged a bug report).
Regards set SaveAttachmentsMenu to truetell application "Mail" activate set WindowCount to count of windows open item 1 of messages of drafts mailbox set x to 0 repeat # wait until the message is really open. tell current application to delay 0.1 set x to x + 1 if x > 40 then exit repeat if (count of windows) > WindowCount then exit repeat end repeat tell application "System Events" to tell process "Mail" select window 1 tell current application to delay 0.2 if exists menu item "Save Attachments…" of menu 1 of menu bar item "File" of menu bar 1 then keystroke "a" using command down if not enabled of menu item "Save Attachments…" of menu 1 of menu bar item "File" of menu bar 1 then say "attachments disabled" click menu item "Select All" of menu 1 of menu bar item "Edit" of menu bar 1 set x to 0 try click menu item "Save Attachments…" of menu 1 of menu bar item "File" of menu bar 1 end try repeat until exists sheet 1 of window 1 tell current application to delay 0.1 set x to x + 1 if x = 40 then set SaveAttachmentsMenu to false exit repeat end if end repeat end if end tellend tellSaveAttachmentsMenu
Info: iMac, OS X Yosemite (10.10), Late 2014 i7 iMac, Epson 730, FX C1110
I've added a Google Apps account to OS X Yosemite 10.10.1 few weeks ago to use it in Mail, but I removed it last week. I tried adding it back during the weekend, but I've been getting this error: "Mail couldn't discover the account settings for the Mail server domain"
This comes after I click "Set Up" and tick Mail only. I don't have 2 step verification enabled for that account and I didn't change any account settings since adding it last time.
Also, I can still see the account (as well as other Google account that's currently not added to OS X) in Accounts.plist located in: ~/Library/Mail/V2/MailData
Info: MacBook Pro, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1), (9,2) 2.9GHz i7, 8GB, 480GB SSD
Mail viewer window closes immediately after starting Mail. It flashes up in a small frame and then closes. If I try to view in full screen mode, it will open and then shrink to the top quarter of the page. The lower 3/4 page will be black and it will not allow me to do anything.
Since I update to yosemitee on 11/30 MAC mail will not connect to my mail server. I have deleted and re added the account, tried every setting that my provider has for incoming and outgoing but the problem seems to be with the apple update.
At first i thought this was simply a firefox issue, then i noticed it was accross all of my programs. I can select the regular menu, but unless I use the arrow keys, I cannot scroll down the menus into sub-menus as I had once done. For example, I used to be able to single click on say the image menu item in PS Cs3 then I would have a highlighted bar follow my mouse down (just like using arrow keys) this would open sub menus as it came across them, allowing me to access them. Now i am running into the issue that I have to hold down the left mouse button or I cannot select the sub-menus, unless using arrow key, which tends to be inconvienient. Has anyone come across this issue and if so how can I fix it? I am running permissions repairs right now and will execute the weekly, daily and monthly scripts as well and see if it helps, but if someone has insight please let me know.