I'm aware that there are extensions for Quicklook and have a few installed, but they're not so useful to me because the default apps have their own icons that are being used instead of live icons. Is there any way to suppress this behavior so I can view things like my ASP or shell scripts instead of a useless doc icon from Adobe (or textmate, etc)?
I have found a few posts saying you can edit the plist of the application you want to associate this with and it should just work. However I cannot get it to work. I use Smultron to open NFO files as they are text based but I cannot use QuickLook for NFO files.
Is there any way to use Quicklook from within Spotlight search results? I'd like to be able to do a Spotlight search and hit the space bar for a quick Quicklook look before actually launching the program.
I'm guessing this isn't possible, since hitting the space bar only inserts a space in the Spotlight search box, but thought I'd ask.
Installed Snow Leopard and realized one of my most used features is now gone. When I used to quicklook a powerpoint presentation, I could scroll through the slides. Now it gives me a slide sorter and I have to click on each slide to move on in the presentation! This is something I used sooo much, being in school with tons of powerpoints every day!Is there any way to get back to the Leopard quicklook??
Just got a new imac with 10.6. Our folder system has a lot of folders that the name starts with a space. To get around I used to just start typing the name of the folder starting with a space instead of scrolling through our long file list. Not the best system but we have thousands of folders with linked files and we are not going to change the names. Is there a way to turn off or disable quicklook so that I can use the space bar then type to find the folder?
currently when I use quicklook on avi movies it does not display the video, it does however work when i open the video in quicktime. an upgrade or program that will fix this?
I been trying to quicklook files without extension that are plain text, like make files. I had found some really useful website likes this one (URL) but it seems I always need to declare a extension.
So I would like to know if someone knows how to quicklook text files without extension.
I'm running 10.5.7 on my MacBook Air and while browsing the Console System Messages I came across the following lines which seem odd.
I have tried to understand what is going on and validated all my fonts using FontBook with no errors. I have not installed any fonts apart from those that come with the system and iWork 09.
I presume that these messages should not happen as they are errors and must be the result of something being wrong.
After updating to snow leopard my quicklook doesn't work anymore. Whenever i select a file and hit space the quicklook ui pops up but it doesn't actually show any content so I'm just stuck with a grey box.
I've been looking on the web the last week but can't find anything.
I've noticed this every since I upgraded to Yosemite. Never seemed to be an issue until now. Is it possible I have a plugin or something that's not supported? There really isn't too much out of the ordinary on my Mac.
When I press the space bar, the box spins for a second and then only an image appears previewing the video. At the top right all it says is "Open in Quicktime."
Info: MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)
I realized recently that ODT files (whether they're from NeoOffice or TextEdit) weren't working in QuickLook for me, but they're supposed to. I tried making a new temporary account on my MacBook (same computer) to test it, and while in that account, I can QuickLook any .odt. I should also note that .odt's in the Finder on my main account have a plain document icon, but when I'm in the temporary account they show the .odt icon. It's possible I accidentally recklessly deleted some file or something I shouldn't have when I was uninstalling NeoOffice or something, and if someone knew where the applicable file is supposed to be, I could copy it from the temp account to my main account.
I've upgraded two computers to Snow Leopard and the one issue I'm having is .doc files, .xls files, and PDF files, the icon does not show the file when in column view. When I'm in icon view, cover flow, or even on the desktop, I can see the the thumbnails of the file just fine, but in column view, it does not work. This did work in Leopard. I should point out that the bug does not happen for movie files in column view, just mainly .doc files. I've tried restarting, and this is happening on a Mac Pro early 2008 and on a MacBook Pro, early 2008.
I am currently working with very large files(mostly HD video. 3GB and more). When selecting a file, the finder try's to preview it and freezes. This means that every time I select a file, I have to wait several minutes until the file is cashed and I can continu working.
Can I prevent the finder from previewing large files?
Just upgraded from Tiger 10.4.11 to Leopard 10.5.8.... QL works really nice, but now my JPG files wont show a preview, even when performing a regular Get-Info. I'm also using SneekPreview Pro to enhance QL, but the other one, SneakPeekPhoto I had to uninstall, 'cause it was causing my Finder to quit unexpectedly.
is it possible to set "loop" movies & audio files in quicklook so that you don't need to press play again all the time? is there anywhere a setting or "workaround" (aka "break" into some pref-file and set the preference somewhere to "loop")
Does anyone have any idea why Finder's Quicklook can't zoom into Word documents like it does with PDFs? And it can't preview .docx files? It's kinda irritating...
Is there is a way to open preview in a full screen directly after pressing a space bar? I mean without intermediate state, in which it leaves a lot of space around. I installed snow leopard and was pleased to see how preview is working in finder. The only problem with it is that it is not going to a full screen by default which I would prefer on my MacbookPro 15'' screen. Probably it will be preferable for most of laptops by the way. Unfortunately I didn't found such option.
I even ready to run some terminal thing that would give me that default behavior, as otherwise this preview is not very useful for me. I have Xee that works fantastically good for pictures, but preview is a preview isn't it? I mean if a preview doesn't give me more details, what kind of preview is that then? It can go to a fullscreen anyway, I just need it to go there directly....
why hitting spacebar no longer previews fonts/typefaces. It worked as of last Friday (today being Monday). I have restarted many times, repaired permissions, used FontNuke to clear caches, and have also cleared/relaunched Quicklook caches with the
-qlmanage -r -qlmanage -r cache -commands in Terminal.
Info: MacBook Pro, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.4), 2 x 2.4 GHz Quad-Core Intel Xeon
I would really like to take some of those funny little .flv [or similar] that we all get in email and some utube or dailymotion etc 'movies' and put them on a dvd that can play on the home TV for the delight of all. Would the resolution be any good? It would be nice to have autoplay, a choose from the file menu and if they could be moderated to have the same basic sound output. What is the best way/program to do this on a MAC.
anybody know of a way to make your Mac snappy again, as if just brand new?I remember that even if i migrate all my apps/ files to a brandnew Mac it's always so snappy but after a while it just takes forever to load things on startup and to launch applications.I tried OnyX and quick defragmentation with iDefrag but none of these helped really.Does anybody know of a tool that really optimizes Snow Leopard as if brand new?