OS X Yosemite :: Quicklook Won't Preview MOV Or MP4 Files
Dec 4, 2014
I've noticed this every since I upgraded to Yosemite. Never seemed to be an issue until now. Is it possible I have a plugin or something that's not supported? There really isn't too much out of the ordinary on my Mac.
When I press the space bar, the box spins for a second and then only an image appears previewing the video. At the top right all it says is "Open in Quicktime."
MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)
Just upgraded from Tiger 10.4.11 to Leopard 10.5.8.... QL works really nice, but now my JPG files wont show a preview, even when performing a regular Get-Info. I'm also using SneekPreview Pro to enhance QL, but the other one, SneakPeekPhoto I had to uninstall, 'cause it was causing my Finder to quit unexpectedly.
I am currently working with very large files(mostly HD video. 3GB and more). When selecting a file, the finder try's to preview it and freezes. This means that every time I select a file, I have to wait several minutes until the file is cashed and I can continu working.
Can I prevent the finder from previewing large files?
Is there is a way to open preview in a full screen directly after pressing a space bar? I mean without intermediate state, in which it leaves a lot of space around. I installed snow leopard and was pleased to see how preview is working in finder. The only problem with it is that it is not going to a full screen by default which I would prefer on my MacbookPro 15'' screen. Probably it will be preferable for most of laptops by the way. Unfortunately I didn't found such option.
I even ready to run some terminal thing that would give me that default behavior, as otherwise this preview is not very useful for me. I have Xee that works fantastically good for pictures, but preview is a preview isn't it? I mean if a preview doesn't give me more details, what kind of preview is that then? It can go to a fullscreen anyway, I just need it to go there directly....
why hitting spacebar no longer previews fonts/typefaces. It worked as of last Friday (today being Monday). I have restarted many times, repaired permissions, used FontNuke to clear caches, and have also cleared/relaunched Quicklook caches with the
-qlmanage -r -qlmanage -r cache -commands in Terminal.
Info: MacBook Pro, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.4), 2 x 2.4 GHz Quad-Core Intel Xeon
I been trying to quicklook files without extension that are plain text, like make files. I had found some really useful website likes this one (URL) but it seems I always need to declare a extension.
So I would like to know if someone knows how to quicklook text files without extension.
In Yosemite, using Preview, I can't print anymore two pages of a PDF document on one paper, for example pages 1 AND 2 on the same page. It prints the same page (1) twice!
A downloaded PDFdocument displays boilerplate text and images for the emanating company but the specifically requested content is (seemingly) missing (i.e. not visible/displayed).
However, if the same document is opened in a browser (Safari Version 8.0 (10600.1.25.1)) then all of the expected content is displayed.
Interestingly, on invoking Print within Preview, the print preview thumbnail image shows the missing content.
Furthermore, a QuickView of the document within Finder does show the missing content.
One would think this would be dead easy, but no. I've got a PDF that I need to draw a double arrow on. Placing an arrow is easy, but what the heck does the drop down menu do in the tool box that shows an icon for lines with arrows in both directions or double arrow lines. If I have the double arrow line selected and chose an new line I get nadda. If I chose an arrow I've already placed and go back to this drop down menu in the toolbox, I still see the double arrow line selected, but I've got nadda
I use preview all the time to email pdf documents. Since the update to Yosemite when I click the share icon then click mail all I get is the "clunk" noise I associated with error messages, but nothing else, no dialogue window and no error message. I can't find anything in the Preview preferences about sharing. Anywhere else I should be looking?
Info: MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)
When I open a pdf, a dialog box opens up with the following message: "The file "File Name" could not be opened. It may be damaged or use a file format that Preview doesn’t recognize." I tried it with Adobe Reader and I got the same message. I am running 10.10.1 on a 2013 Macbook Pro.
Info: MacBook Pro (15-inch Early 2011), OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)
Whenever I try to open a file associated with Preview by double-clicking the file I get the following error message...
If I open Preview first and then open the same file from within Preview it works fine. I've tried going into Info for various filetypes and changing the "Open with:" value to change it to something else then change it back to Preview but that doesn't change the behavior. As you can see in the error message it says "Acorn created this file on August 27, 2014"... what that means. I tried deleting the Acorn app but get the same error message..
Info: MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)
Running 10.10 and I'm getting all blank pages when I print through the system or say Preview. Brother MFC-4710, upgraded firmware and downloaded new drivers. What is weird though is if I open a PDF from Chrome and printer directly from Chrome, it prints fine.
I've tried it on two laptops and both have the problem.
I use Preview to resize my photos depending on where I'm posting or sending to. Since I've downloaded Yosemite I will resize photo and it's not working. I have my photos in iCloud drive & am working between an iMac and a iMac Pro. I'm trying to resize to send out to have printed vs. at home printing. This problem has only happened since upgrading to Yosemite.
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2012), OS X Yosemite (10.10.1), also using iMac 27"
I take screenshots on my Mac Pro and then I usually annotate them using markup in Preview. However, since the update to Yosemite, when I save a marked up image, the colours go weird. It's like they turn negative or super saturated.
This is a screenshot taken before I mark it up using Preview. I do some markup in Preview (please note, this is a screenshot of the image OPEN in Preview and having markup added to it, but not saved)..Then I save it and this is what happens.. Is it a bug in Preview? I'm on the very latest updates for Yosemite 10.10.1
Info: Mac Pro, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1), Early 2008, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 470
When I try to print something from the internet, the entire print window doesn't show up. For instance, I can see the print button, cancel button, and how many pages it is. I can only see about an inch of the preview.
Cannot open Preview on my MacBook Pro. I can't open any type of image file. It will preview for a second and then the report Don't Reopen/Reopen screen comes up.
A window pops up and says "Cannot open Preview. States "The last time you opened Preview, it unexpectedly quit while reopening windows." when I try."
Info: MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)
My new macbook pro retina doesn't let me preview the sound for .caf files. I open up the loops folder, get the list, and they play when I select them and hit space bar but there is no sound for most of them. There is very few of them that do play sound when I hit play.
the files play, and the little arrow starts scrolling right. Its just there is no sound for about 80% of them.
Info: MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
Recently the preview program has stopped working. I cannot open PDF files or image files, i.e. jpeg. The only thing I can think of that I've done recently is installing a program called "MailRaider." I just uninstalled it using a program called "Appdelete."
I tried this suggestion from the apple discussion forum that did not work:
Go to the finder, find one of the PDFs you can not open. then click on that PDF one time. go to the file menu, chose get info from the file menu. the inspector window that pops up will include a section on open with. expand that section and click on the open with menu and chose preview. then click the "Change All.." button.
all PDF should now open with preview. you can repeat this process with jpegs, gifs, tifs, pngs, extra as needed.
What else can I try? Do I need to reinstall the preview application? If so, how do I do that?
I received an email with a pdf file that I had to complete and send back. I opened the document with Preview, made the changes to complete the form, and saved it ("saved as" because the program wouldn't let me just "save" it. A box popped up saying that changes may affect the original format and that I had to "save as" to get a copy of the file). I opened it again just to make sure, and all the changes were there. I sent it via gmail, and a few hours later the original sender tells me that the form was empty. I checked, and it was empty, even though the name of the file was the one I gave it. I tried again with the same result. Using a PC I had no problems, so I am guessing that the issue is with Preview. Does anyone know what I did wrong?
only recently i lost the possibility to play my mp3s neatly by clicking little play icon inside the file icon. i know this depends on the size of icons, but no matter how big my icons are the play button doesn't show.
Is there any way we can change the global setting (if there is one, which apparently there is) for the preview icon for .EXE files? I have many .EXE files I have to copy to/from windows PC's, and each one has this ugly corrupted looking snow look in finder. It's not a problem, so much as an annoyance. I can change the icon on a per file basis with a new icon, but not in general for all .EXE files that it finds.
I must be missing something. I've read the instructions for merging pdf documents in Preview, but it's just not working. Wants me to "duplicate" a file or something. This seems very un-Mac-like. I get 2 documents open, drag the thumbnails from one into another, one at a time, and then try to "Save As".
For some reason I cannot open jpg files from a co-worker who previosuly sent files without any problems. I just bought a MacBook Air with OS X Lion & Preview won't open the files.