OS X :: Wifi Signal Dropping / Showing Bars Full
Aug 23, 2010
all threads are outdated from 2006 and 2007 as far as I looked, or has a different issue. My macbook is a 2009 model running 10.6.4, using a linksys router, signal will drop for no reason. The bars are full, but nothing will connect. NO messenger, web browser, or downloading software will work, like its dead. This usually happens if I keep my computer on over night for huge downloads (1GB+).To fix this, I just have to click on the airport icon on the top right corner of my screen, choose disconnect, wait 3 seconds, then choose reconnect and it will work again.
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Aug 18, 2010
Does anyone know how accurate the 2010 macbook pro wifi signal strength monitor is? There are times I have full bars but my internet is really slow, or stops working all together for a few minutes. I THINK, because I'm on a different floor than the router, which would explain reduced signal. BUT my computer says I have full bars.
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May 27, 2009
I have the white macbook and I got it a little less than a year ago. For the past week, sometimes when I go on the internet (firefox or safari) it just won't load. Like the blue bar that shows you how much has loaded isn't even visible and it will just say "connecting". But when I look at my airport icon that shows me how many bars of internet I have all the bars are full so I have internet connection. It is not just one type of internet browser because it does it on both safari and firefox. And it is getting really annoying because I will be browsing the internet and it just won't load or connect at all. Even if I wait.
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Mar 18, 2012
My iMac (purchased Feb 6) is constantly dropping the wifi signal. It seems to happen randomly...sometimes it's there, sometimes not and I must go to Networking icon and all the steps to reconnect!. (My iPad2 and IPhone are not having this problem...or perhaps their 3G has kept me from noticing.)
Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jun 2, 2012
My Wi-Fi drops out all the time and I have to reset the WiFi to reconnect. When I look in the signal bar is says it is still connected, this will happen about once every 2 to 3 minutes. I have contacted the apple help desk and was told it must be my modem. I have two phones, an ipad, 2 windows laptops and my macbook pro is the only one that has problems with the WiFi. have also taken it to a repair agent and was told it was my modem.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Jan 24, 2010
My TimeCapsule drops the WiFi signal every 10 minutes or so for about 10 seconds; the light is blinking yellow during that time, and then it comes back to everything ok.
The TC is in Bridge Mode behind my router. I can connect to the internet via the router all the time - no connection lags there, it's just the TimeCapsule that stops the connection. No entries in it's logs, though.
I'm running 10.6.2, and the TimeCapsule is on 7.4.2 (same issue on 7.3.2 and 7.4.1).
As it is, it basically kills iChat and Skype on top of it's impact on web browsing and the like.
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May 24, 2012
Equipment: iMac 21.5" 2.5GHz Quad Core i5 Â
Internet Set-up: Cable modem to iMac EthernetÂ
Problem: After recent update to Lion 10.7.4, my Wi-Fi signal via Internet Sharing keeps dropping. Have multiple iDevices failing that were working perfectly with 10.7.3 (Nook and iPhone 4). iPhone shows full Wi-Fi signal strength and works for a short time after reset (via Wi-Fi off/on, Internet Sharing off/on). Continues to show full Wi-Fi signal strength but loses connection after 1-2 minutes. And not just internet connection; I can't transfer pics/vids from iPhone to iMac either. Have switched to a channel no one nearby is using (channel 9) to no avail.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Mar 28, 2009
I have done some searches, but from the nature of my internet I hope you can understand if this question is a repeat, if so please point me in the right direction. I am using a August 2007 black macbook with airport extreme using 10.4.11 I am using a neighbors wireless network that is WPA. I live in Senegal and my computer is American, and I have heard that this might cause problems because of hardware. But the wifi connection works, it just bounces from full bars to no bars, spends a lot of time at 1 bar, and then when the connection drops and I try to rejoin the network, it says that there was an error. Sometimes, the network won't even show up. After long stretches of time trying to rejoin the network only to find an error, it will suddenly work. I have tried using interference robustness and relocating my computer. The router is just one floor above me, and when it was being installed (before they applied the pw) I had full bars. I think this is a mac problem because my host sister's PC does not seem to be experiencing problems. Also, due to the nature of the wifi (it belongs to my moroccan neighbors).
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Sep 4, 2014
Teaching in Netherlands. When connected to wireless, signal bars are full but Macbook does not display any page just a blank page. Itunes and App store both work fine.Â
My windows notebook and Android phone both connect to wireless.No proxy options are ticked.Ran the Assistant Diagnostics: Selected Wireless, Network settings, ISP, Internet, Server went green/red then back to green with messafe saying Network Change detectedRestarted routerRemoved wifi network and reconnectedRan wireless diagnostics, nothing shows up Renewed DHCP LeaseChecked the Ipv4 and Router address - both begin 192.168.178.xThere are two DNS Server numbers - checked both and they are related to the ISP
Dont have ethernet cable to check wired connection
MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
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May 26, 2009
I'm back at my dad's place for the summer and I'm trying to connect to his house's wireless connection on my MacBook. It seems to connect okay when I type in our 10-digit password next to "WEP 40/128-bit hex" in the drop-down menu, but then even with full signal bars, it loads browser pages very slowly if ever, usually just giving me a timeout error and it's the same thing across all programs, my instant messenger takes forever to connect, WoW takes forever to connect, if ever, basically the internet I get from this connection is useless. It's odd because both my sisters have MacBooks and the internet works fine for them at my dad's house when they connect, and MY internet on my computer works perfectly when I'm using any WiFi but this one. By the way, the transmitter is a "D-Link 514 2.4GHz Wireless Router" and we're connected to cable internet.
* I have tried resetting the router and that didn't help.
* I have tried changing the channel, authentication method and password and that didn't help.
* I tried a DNS troubleshooting guide and it doesn't appear to be a problem with that.
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Sep 22, 2010
I have had my 15" i7 MBP for around a week now, and a handful of times (3 times last night) it just decided it doesnt want to connect to the internet.The WiFi Signal still says its connected full, and other laptops don't have an issue (not even my old 13" MacBook).I have tried changing the DNS to OpenDns and to Google's DNS but with no luck. The problem is intermittent, and it will be fine for a day, then it will just decide it doesn't want to work.
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Sep 11, 2007
I've recently converted to mac and replaced my 8 month old Vaio AR11s with a new white macbook(2.16ghz). Recently I am having all sorts of problems with the wireless. I've been reading this forum for a week of so now and realize that I am not alone with my WiFi woes. My problem is the fact that my wireless intermittently drops and although the signal strength is still showing full I have no internet connection until i turn off and on the airport card.. this happens on both psu and battery!
I have tried installing the 2007-004 update, deleting the airport.plist file and the 2007-002 update and it appears to fix the fault for a while but then it comes back. I' ve also messed with enable/disabling frame bursting,different channels on my netgear wnr834n router but my other mac(using ethernet, bought a 24" imac tuesday!) and wifes vista laptop (wifi 802.11g) are fine so I have ruled out the router.
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May 18, 2009
I'm curious if anyone else has this problem, and if so, how to fix it. First of all, I'm convinced this mac pro is a lemon, and it was supposed to get replaced on my last repair but the Apple Store decided not to. (Even after promising they would)
I've been through 4 ATI X1900XT graphics cards, a logic board, a super drive, and a failed hard drive. Basically, I've not been able to really use my Mac Pro since December 2008. It's been in and out of service consistently since then.
Anyways, I just got it back last night and was having problems keeping the airport connected. (BTW- it's done this before, but not since having my logic board replaced) It will pick up the signal, keep it for approx. 2 minutes, then drop it and "scan for networks" it will then find it again on it's own, and repeat the process over and over and over.
I figured it was possibly software so I went through the trouble this morning of doing an erase and install on the machine, and much to my dismay that did nothing to solve the problem. I am unable to update any of my software, which means I can't use Aperture (because my library is on 2.1.3 and my disc copy is 2.0) so I basically can't use the computer until this is addressed.
Has anyone else experienced this before? My mac pro is not far at all from our Airport Extreme Base Station (the first N version). My macbook get's full signal pretty much all the time. Even my iPhone does.
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Oct 6, 2010
Is this an issue for anyone else? Recently got my first wireless Apple keyboard for the living room. It seems to lose signal a bit in certain positions. Might be AntennaGate #2, I haven't quite figured out if I'm blocking signal or what. Generally I move it a bit and signal comes back right away.
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Feb 15, 2012
My internet keeps losing signal and will have to reset the internet on the computer, we thought it was but have changed to sky now and it still happens.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
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Feb 8, 2009
I'm having trouble with my macbook. It's dropping the wireless signal right and left...sorta. Airport isn't disconnecting, it just stops recognizing the signal until I cycle the airport card off and on.
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Sep 19, 2009
I have finally retired my 13 inch macbook i've had for over 3 years. I bought one of the unibody 13" macbook pros and did a clean snow leopard installation, then upgraded to 10.6.1. Since then my mac experience has gone from bright sunny days to death and doom.
My airport is the major issue, it keeps dropping signal and doesn't pick up my netgear router. it works for 5-10 minutes then just looses it by itself. i try and see if there is an update or something for it but it crashes the airport and i have to switch the airport off and then on again. This is along with all my favorite snow leopard/13" mbp issues which include but not limited to the laptop freezes, hangups, and just failing to come out of sleep mode!!! most of these issues requires me to force restart the machine. I'm now back to my old laptop seeing that I'm struggling to connect wirelessly.
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Nov 4, 2008
So I just got my MacBook, mainly for school. The wireless service at my school requires a username and password so I went to the place and paid the 10 bucks for it. They said when you open up "Internet Explorer" (I chuckled) that a window would come up asking for your permission to continue or whatever and then you have to put in your username and password. When I join the network in Airport it says I have full bars however when I open up Safari or Firfox it instantly says that I'm not connected. What can I do so that it will ask me for my username and password so I can actually use the internet? I have gotten to the page where it asks me for my username and password before but I hadn't yet set up an account so I just exited out. Now I can't even get to that page! Hopefully there are some people out there that use the same type of wireless service at their college...
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May 9, 2010
I have this problem 2 days now , When i busy just doing stuff on my mac in a while this is what happens a lot of strange weird looking things come in my screen Here is a example of what i mean -> Here and Here What are all those weird things on my screen? And look at my finder it's going crazy and it's driving me crazy what is it some kind of virus or do i need to reinstall the thing xD I already tired repair disk from the MAC CD and it said no problems
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Feb 2, 2009
I have the 2.4ghz aluminum macbook, late '08. I go to a community college that is pretty large, compared to community colleges. I have full bars most of the time at school but about 50% of the time there is no connection. On mozilla i get an error to contact the server administrator and i just get a no network on safari. I installed windows 7 and there is also full bars but no connection. My friends, who have PCs, connect fine. There s a dell netbook and a 50lbs Toshiba laptop.
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May 5, 2012
Have connected with the wifi connection, and the bars are there. But it is not working in safari or anything else.
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Feb 28, 2009
On my old PowerBook pro running tiger my network was running fine and fast using my Airport extreme. But I just purchased a MacBook Pro and started up on 10.5.6 and the airport if constantly scanning even though it has full bars on my home airport. I have tried the following one at a time and together without success:
- Changed the channel away from the neighbors
- Changed to g only instead of b/g radio mode (older airport)
- Increased the mbps rate
- Interference robustness
- Closed network
The only way the scanning stops and then only temporarily is by clicking on the airport drop down on the menu bar.
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May 15, 2012
what is wrong with my 15-inch macbook pro, the only thing i did was installing 8 gb RAM, and suddenly out of nowhere my mac freezes and shows red bars and the white light is flashing while and alarm beeps
Info:MacBookPro, iOS 5.1.1, 15-inch 8GB RAM I7
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Apr 29, 2007
I've just switched from an iBook to a MB. My iBook always displayed 4 bars of wifi here at home (my wireless router is in the same room). But my MacBook often displays only 3 bars in the same room. What could be causing this?
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Mar 4, 2009
This problem has been going on for a couple of months now. I use my macbook at 2 places: school and home. At school, when I click the school network under airport, it connects and shows the full bars. But when I open safari/firefox, the page won't load and I get the error message when you're not connected. However, sometimes after like an hour of persisting and retrying, it will be able to access the internet for a little bit for like an hour or so maybe, and then it'll stop working. At home, it's the same thing. It will connect to my home network (got wireless at home set up through my desktop PC), and show the full connection on airport, but it won't access the internet for the life of me. The difference is I can never gt it to connect unlike at school where it sometimes works, except that it worked for like one day out of the last 2 months (and I didn't change any settings then so it's not like I can attribute it to that). Also, I am absolutely positive that the networks of my home/school computer and the router settings etc. aren't to blame. Reason is that my friends with macbooks can access the internet both using my home network and the school network (the school one is obvious). What could possibly be going wrong? Any settings on my macbook that I can change / completely reset? Is the network card or something messed up? I'm contemplating just completely formatting my laptop to see if it fixes the issue. I have leopard installed btw.
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Mar 27, 2009
Triple head system (a 2009 mac pro octo w/2 of the gt120 cards).
I put in a DVD and the dvd app starts automatically. So far so good.
Then I drag the movie window into another, empty screen. So far so good.
Then I make the movie window full-screen. So far so good.
Then I move my mouse back into a DIFFERENT screen and type something into the terminal APP.
At this point the dvd window reverts OUT of full screen. Even though I am not in that window, or interacting with that window in any way.
How do I make this incorrect behavior stop happening ?
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Aug 28, 2009
Is anyone else having problems with SL dropping your wireless connections. I've never had any problems with Leopard and my home wireless network but SL has dropped my connection numerous times since I did my install. The only way to recover seems to be to reboot my computer.
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Feb 28, 2012
why does my wifi keep dropping off everytime i turn my imac back on (from sleep) i have to reconnect to my wifi
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7)
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Jun 25, 2012
Since I updated my Macbook pro to 10.7.4 my Wi-Fi connection is dropping out every 10 / 15 minutes, then I disable and enable and back to normal, a thousand times each day since last Saturday, it is boring!
I called Apple Support today, and we spent all morning trying to correct with some procedures, but nothing worked.
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Jul 4, 2012
Connection can drop at any time. In same roon the iPhone stys connected as does printer and PC laptop?
iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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