MacBook Pro :: WiFi Dropping Out Says It Is Still Active In Signal Bar
Jun 2, 2012
My Wi-Fi drops out all the time and I have to reset the WiFi to reconnect. When I look in the signal bar is says it is still connected, this will happen about once every 2 to 3 minutes. I have contacted the apple help desk and was told it must be my modem. I have two phones, an ipad, 2 windows laptops and my macbook pro is the only one that has problems with the WiFi. have also taken it to a repair agent and was told it was my modem.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Jul 31, 2010
My Linksys WRT610N with the latest firmware worked fantastically on multiple Windows 7-based ThinkPad. However, three (3) different iMac's have had the very same problem of dropping the connection and of my having to powercycle both my cable modem and the W610 router for it to work again at all! Once it drops the active connection, that's it. I have tried a few different settings and nothing has made a difference.
Can you maybe help point me in the right direction or should I just ditch it for an AirPort Extreme or Time Capsule? One additional point: It works worst in the 5GHz frequency band, even though there are none in my neighborhood, and if there are, they have their SSID's (network name) hidden. The 2.4GHz band is extremely crowded where I am which makes it difficult to enjoy my WiFi connection.
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Mar 18, 2012
My iMac (purchased Feb 6) is constantly dropping the wifi signal. It seems to happen randomly...sometimes it's there, sometimes not and I must go to Networking icon and all the steps to reconnect!. (My iPad2 and IPhone are not having this problem...or perhaps their 3G has kept me from noticing.)
Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jan 24, 2010
My TimeCapsule drops the WiFi signal every 10 minutes or so for about 10 seconds; the light is blinking yellow during that time, and then it comes back to everything ok.
The TC is in Bridge Mode behind my router. I can connect to the internet via the router all the time - no connection lags there, it's just the TimeCapsule that stops the connection. No entries in it's logs, though.
I'm running 10.6.2, and the TimeCapsule is on 7.4.2 (same issue on 7.3.2 and 7.4.1).
As it is, it basically kills iChat and Skype on top of it's impact on web browsing and the like.
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Aug 23, 2010
all threads are outdated from 2006 and 2007 as far as I looked, or has a different issue. My macbook is a 2009 model running 10.6.4, using a linksys router, signal will drop for no reason. The bars are full, but nothing will connect. NO messenger, web browser, or downloading software will work, like its dead. This usually happens if I keep my computer on over night for huge downloads (1GB+).To fix this, I just have to click on the airport icon on the top right corner of my screen, choose disconnect, wait 3 seconds, then choose reconnect and it will work again.
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May 24, 2012
Equipment: iMac 21.5" 2.5GHz Quad Core i5 Â
Internet Set-up: Cable modem to iMac EthernetÂ
Problem: After recent update to Lion 10.7.4, my Wi-Fi signal via Internet Sharing keeps dropping. Have multiple iDevices failing that were working perfectly with 10.7.3 (Nook and iPhone 4). iPhone shows full Wi-Fi signal strength and works for a short time after reset (via Wi-Fi off/on, Internet Sharing off/on). Continues to show full Wi-Fi signal strength but loses connection after 1-2 minutes. And not just internet connection; I can't transfer pics/vids from iPhone to iMac either. Have switched to a channel no one nearby is using (channel 9) to no avail.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Feb 8, 2009
I'm having trouble with my macbook. It's dropping the wireless signal right and left...sorta. Airport isn't disconnecting, it just stops recognizing the signal until I cycle the airport card off and on.
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Mar 12, 2008
Every time the computer is restarted, the machine permanently loses its connection to the domain. After the initial binding, the Directory Utility light was green and it told me the computer had connected to the server as expected. However, after restarting, the light turns red and Directory Utility tells me that the server is not responding and no domain users can login. Nothing fixes it except for a rather disruptive and time-consuming unbinding and rebinding to the domain.
Obviously "don't restart the computer" will only work for so long, and already the user has restarted their computer once "out of habit" (which hopefully we will be able to break, lol), but still, I'm looking for a good way to fix this problem permanently.
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May 18, 2009
I'm curious if anyone else has this problem, and if so, how to fix it. First of all, I'm convinced this mac pro is a lemon, and it was supposed to get replaced on my last repair but the Apple Store decided not to. (Even after promising they would)
I've been through 4 ATI X1900XT graphics cards, a logic board, a super drive, and a failed hard drive. Basically, I've not been able to really use my Mac Pro since December 2008. It's been in and out of service consistently since then.
Anyways, I just got it back last night and was having problems keeping the airport connected. (BTW- it's done this before, but not since having my logic board replaced) It will pick up the signal, keep it for approx. 2 minutes, then drop it and "scan for networks" it will then find it again on it's own, and repeat the process over and over and over.
I figured it was possibly software so I went through the trouble this morning of doing an erase and install on the machine, and much to my dismay that did nothing to solve the problem. I am unable to update any of my software, which means I can't use Aperture (because my library is on 2.1.3 and my disc copy is 2.0) so I basically can't use the computer until this is addressed.
Has anyone else experienced this before? My mac pro is not far at all from our Airport Extreme Base Station (the first N version). My macbook get's full signal pretty much all the time. Even my iPhone does.
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Oct 6, 2010
Is this an issue for anyone else? Recently got my first wireless Apple keyboard for the living room. It seems to lose signal a bit in certain positions. Might be AntennaGate #2, I haven't quite figured out if I'm blocking signal or what. Generally I move it a bit and signal comes back right away.
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Feb 15, 2012
My internet keeps losing signal and will have to reset the internet on the computer, we thought it was but have changed to sky now and it still happens.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
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Sep 19, 2009
I have finally retired my 13 inch macbook i've had for over 3 years. I bought one of the unibody 13" macbook pros and did a clean snow leopard installation, then upgraded to 10.6.1. Since then my mac experience has gone from bright sunny days to death and doom.
My airport is the major issue, it keeps dropping signal and doesn't pick up my netgear router. it works for 5-10 minutes then just looses it by itself. i try and see if there is an update or something for it but it crashes the airport and i have to switch the airport off and then on again. This is along with all my favorite snow leopard/13" mbp issues which include but not limited to the laptop freezes, hangups, and just failing to come out of sleep mode!!! most of these issues requires me to force restart the machine. I'm now back to my old laptop seeing that I'm struggling to connect wirelessly.
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Feb 11, 2010
what's up with this? on 10.6.2 and applied the latest wifi update...
Anyone else? Maybe the Wireless connection I'm using is flaky, but I didn't think so....
EDIT: looked up the wireless connection through school, it's 802.11n.
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Mar 22, 2012
I am looking for a solution to why my wifi connection keeps dropping or unable to connect.
MacBook Pro, iOS 5.1
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May 16, 2012
I'm starting to see Mac OS X 10.7.4 wifi dropping signal. Worked fine under 10.6.8 and 10.7.3 too.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Nov 11, 2010
I saw there were threads about the new pros... but does anyone have problems with the late 2008 finding a WiFi signal? I watched it for 5 mins and the network didn't even showbup on the eve and touch both find it fine though...(eve two bars touch 3-4) suggestions? Is it just mine that has bad reception? the evo is known for bad signal strength, And even it can pick it up.
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Apr 7, 2012
My macbook air keeps dropping my home wifi service, I get a message telling me there is no internet service. I still have a PC and it connects to internet service even when my mac cannot so it has nothing to do with the internet provider. I have to delete, reinstall my internet connection a couple of times to try and get it back up and running.
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
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May 8, 2012
Find an application to show me the strength of the incoming wifi signal in my Macpro.
Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jun 2, 2014
This is driving me crazy. I have tried so many fixes but nothing has worked. Every time I hibernate / sleep my 2012 macbook air, the wifi drops and takes at least 20 minutes to come back on when I open the laptop again.Â
I can reboot, turn the wifi off and on, change preferences...everything. Nothing works.
MacBook Air, OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)
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Sep 22, 2010
I have had my 15" i7 MBP for around a week now, and a handful of times (3 times last night) it just decided it doesnt want to connect to the internet.The WiFi Signal still says its connected full, and other laptops don't have an issue (not even my old 13" MacBook).I have tried changing the DNS to OpenDns and to Google's DNS but with no luck. The problem is intermittent, and it will be fine for a day, then it will just decide it doesn't want to work.
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Sep 5, 2014
My mbp retina is having wifi issues. It says there is no ip address and has an exclamation mark over the wifi signal symbol. I know it is not my router because everything else is working fine. I have tried adding a new location, clearing out system config, restarting the SMC and many other things. I cannot connect to the wifi but sometimes I will be able to randomly connect. If I were to sleep or restart the laptop, the wifi will not connect and its back to square one.
MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
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Sep 11, 2007
I've recently converted to mac and replaced my 8 month old Vaio AR11s with a new white macbook(2.16ghz). Recently I am having all sorts of problems with the wireless. I've been reading this forum for a week of so now and realize that I am not alone with my WiFi woes. My problem is the fact that my wireless intermittently drops and although the signal strength is still showing full I have no internet connection until i turn off and on the airport card.. this happens on both psu and battery!
I have tried installing the 2007-004 update, deleting the airport.plist file and the 2007-002 update and it appears to fix the fault for a while but then it comes back. I' ve also messed with enable/disabling frame bursting,different channels on my netgear wnr834n router but my other mac(using ethernet, bought a 24" imac tuesday!) and wifes vista laptop (wifi 802.11g) are fine so I have ruled out the router.
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Jul 1, 2014
I bought a macbook pro 3 months ago and something that have been bothering me is that i am connected to a network and in the wifi icon is showing that i am with full signal, but i am not, actually my signal is almost 0 and keep showing that i am with full signal.
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Aug 18, 2010
Does anyone know how accurate the 2010 macbook pro wifi signal strength monitor is? There are times I have full bars but my internet is really slow, or stops working all together for a few minutes. I THINK, because I'm on a different floor than the router, which would explain reduced signal. BUT my computer says I have full bars.
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Aug 28, 2009
Is anyone else having problems with SL dropping your wireless connections. I've never had any problems with Leopard and my home wireless network but SL has dropped my connection numerous times since I did my install. The only way to recover seems to be to reboot my computer.
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Feb 28, 2012
why does my wifi keep dropping off everytime i turn my imac back on (from sleep) i have to reconnect to my wifi
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7)
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Jun 25, 2012
Since I updated my Macbook pro to 10.7.4 my Wi-Fi connection is dropping out every 10 / 15 minutes, then I disable and enable and back to normal, a thousand times each day since last Saturday, it is boring!
I called Apple Support today, and we spent all morning trying to correct with some procedures, but nothing worked.
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Jul 4, 2012
Connection can drop at any time. In same roon the iPhone stys connected as does printer and PC laptop?
iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Jun 20, 2014
I've been running across a bit of a problem with Mavericks of late. Just re-installed it on my MBP too! Â
If I choose Login Window or let the screen turn off/lock, the wifi disconnects while on AC power. Â
I really don't want that to happen as I sometimes need to connect to it remotely to check on the status of a photoshop process, data transfer, etc.Â
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Apr 11, 2009
I work for a business that sells a lot of computers, Macs specifically. We've got a wi-fi network in our building; however, the network constantly drops out. Despite our pleas to IT, they will not fix the issue. Our demo computers that customers can play with and consider purchasing often lose Internet access because of this. Whenever this happens, I have to manually turn the Airport off and then back on again, which will get it to reconnect. Does anybody know of a way to have the computer automatically do this every so often?
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