OS X :: What To Do With 2nd Laptop
Dec 25, 2009So as X-Mas came I got a new MacBook Pro 13" And have been wondering what to do with a perfectly good fine 17" MacBook Pro as I now only seem to use my desktop and the 13".
View 5 RepliesSo as X-Mas came I got a new MacBook Pro 13" And have been wondering what to do with a perfectly good fine 17" MacBook Pro as I now only seem to use my desktop and the 13".
View 5 RepliesDoes any company make a laptop stand that holds the laptop in a vertical position for running in clamshell mode?
View 6 Replies View Relatedalso, their all .avi video's. and i'm really confused! also, quicktime isn't letting me play .avi videos for some reason! and vlc won't download for me. and i'll put them on a USB but they wont download on my computer!
View 4 Replies View RelatedI download all my tv shows on my laptop and whenever i finish watching a few i move it to my MacPro. I have around 90G worth of movies/tv shows on my laptop, once i finish watching for example the daily show i would delete it but i would keep other tv shows.
Do i need to defrag my laptop and if so how and how often? I am told that i have to do so only if i transfer lots of large files often.
I have a Macpro laptop 15" running Tiger 10.4.1
I have a complete backup of my laptop on an external hardrive that I made 6 months ago, the problem is that I can't see my hardrive at all on my laptop. How do I get my good backup onto my laptop?
I also tried using the install disks that came with the laptop, but still can't see my hardrive on my laptop. Using the disk utility all it does is sits and spins saying (gathering disk information) let it run for about an hour or so but I'm thinking it's not doing anything.
i am a pc user for 10 years and i am 18 I am going to switch to a Mac, probably Macbook Pro 15 inch on July. Thing is i was watching this macbook pro first boot up video on youtube and on one part it said don't forget to register. What is registering?
i mean i am not living in Usa, i will ask a friend of mine to bring one when coming home here, far far away from usa. Would that be a problem to use? i mean not being from usa? i don't want any problems to occur when the nearest tech support is thousands of miles away.
im having a problem with my mac, I turned it off earlier on today and only recently turned it back on to find that it won't boot up (meaning it stays on the apple logo and swirly loading wheel and doesn't do anything) I've tried safe mode but it appears with a question Mark on a folder for a split second (this didn't happen when i tried it in safe mode)
So i tried a last resort, reinstalling my OS, bearing in mind I'm also using an external CD drive as my one inside my mac has broke. I get to the part where it says "insert disk 2 to begin in-stallion" i do so then my external cd drive stops an my laptop freezes, the loading wheel on my curser just carries on turning. I have no access to my OS at all.
I just got my Macbook Pro, and its getting very hot, why?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI bought my laptop in Aug 2008 and its starting to run a little slow. Can I add more RAM to it for it to speed up?
Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.6.7)
What would suddenly make my MacBook Pro run really hard and get really hot after 3 years of never doing it?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
How to determine what I need to get to connect my 10.6.2 Mac (2.16 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo) to the analog TV set.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI have two macs:
-a Mac Pro with 3 screens, from which I use 6 "Spaces" with various projects on each one...
-a 13" macbook pro
From within my local wireless network, I would like to be able to access individual space's screens from my laptop. Or at the very least, be able to easily work on a certain app/window on my desktop from my laptop.
So, recommendations on securing your Mac? I mean in terms of software. Filevault is an obvious one, as well as making sure you use strong passwords. A bit beyond this is setting a firmware password, to prevent changing the boot drive without the password. How about tracking stolen macs? Anything I can there?
View 3 Replies View RelatedHow do use the home, delete, pg up, and end keys on the smaller laptop keyboard? I'm using a program that needs these keys and does not allow other keys to be substitued.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI got a mac book pro i just wanted to know how do i get my movies on my laptop to show on my tv what cord do i need.
View 8 Replies View RelatedI buy a new Mac Pro that contain a DVD with leopard. Its possible install that dvd on a mac book pro, its a recent mac book pro but they don't contain leopard. Its possible or all dvds comes with special things for every model? Or its a unique leopard?
View 6 Replies View RelatedI love my macbook pro - absolutely LOVE osx. But I am going to be building a windows desktop soon for gaming, photoshop, animation, etc. Can't afford a Mac Pro, so I don't have too much of an option. I'm sort of looking into running a hackintosh but I won't bring that up here b/c my guess is that we're not allowed to discuss it?Basically I want to know what my options are for using a Windows box for games and intensive tasks while using the Macbook Pro for all the other stuff (web browsing, ilife, etc.)So My options that I was considering were these:
View 4 Replies View RelatedDid a search about synchronizing and the existing threads are a bit old, so I'd like to reopen the discussion. Here's the situation: I would like to have a setup where my Macbook Pro is completely in sync with my Mac Mini. Emails, files, settings, favorites, etc. Ideally, I want complete transparency in that I can work on stuff on my laptop, shut it down, come home and sit down at my Mini and be completely ready to continue working.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI was curious if I could install leopard from my desktop with my laptops hdd connected and then insert the hdd into my laptop. Connect laptop hdd to desktop install leopard put laptop hdd in laptop. You may ask why not install from laptop? well, it would just take more time for me at the moment.
View 4 Replies View RelatedDoes it matter if I'm charging my MBP even when it has full battery and I am currently using it? I.e. using the charger instead of using the battery? My friend did this with his laptop and when he after 1-2 years tried using the laptop without the charger he got like 30-60 minutes of battery time. I don't want this to happen to my MBP.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI am wanting to remotely access my mbp using my mini pc laptop running windows xp. How can I do this? Would back to my mac work or not as I would be using a pc to access the mac? Are there any other free ways of doing this. It would be great to be able to travel around with the little pc which I don't mind getting scratched etc and leave the nice shiny mbp at home
View 4 Replies View RelatedI've got everything plugged in and have been working with the laptop screen closed for about an hour. I wanted to see what would happen if I opened the laptop screen and nothing happened - it remained off.
View 2 Replies View RelatedBack at my parents house, my dad had an older Linksys Wireless G router where I would be able to see all of the other WinXP computers on the network along with their associated shared folders/drives/peripherals in the 'shared' tab on Finder's left side navigation pane. Since it's old, and my father doesn't fix what isn't broken, he doesn't remember how he set that up.
I'm looking to replicate this with my WinXP desktop and early 2008 MBP. I have a WRT310N Linksys router and WinXP SP 3. I've tried nearly everything, but the ease and simplicity of my dad's set up required nothing on the Mac side, whereas I'm seeing a lot of network configuration for most other methods.
On a side note, I'm hoping this will help me wirelessly connect an external HDD so that I can back up my MBP without connecting my USB Exteranal HDD to it ever night.
I have the both the bluetooth mouse and keyboard. I've tried pressing the power button on my Macbook and then closing it immediately, this doesn't seem to work. I've also tried to wake it by click on my mouse and tapping on my keyboard. Does this only work on usb wired keyboard/mice? Is there a trick to this?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have an old laptop drive that wont boot up.It was a windows machine.
I removed the drive and hoped to access it using an external controller however, since mac pro has spare enclosure, will i be able to use the laptop drive through that. I know its not a 3.5 " drive I just need to access it once to get some files out
Is anyone using Photoshop on a Laptop? If so, what kind of laptop, processor, ram etc? How odes it work for you? Is it powerful and fast enough using CS4?I've been told that a Mac Book Pro 2.2 gHZ works fine for editing photos using Photoshop CS4. I'm looking at buying a new computer and wondering if I can get buy using a laptop as opposed to being tied to a desk.I'm considering a new Apple 13" 2.4 or 2.66gHZ C2D, 4MB with a Nvidia 320M GPU. I like the small form factor and battery life for taking with me in the field. I can always plug in a larger monitor when needed.
View 3 Replies View RelatedFor the moment I have a MAC Pismo that unfortunatly is on the point of dying A friend is lending me a PC laptop ? untill I can afford to buy another Mac. Obviously I need to connect to my router ( Non wi-fi) to the PC Ok, So I plug a second ethernet cable from my router into the PC ? then what ? I need an 'idiot' how to site 'cos my girlfriend set my Mac conextion and she 'aint around for the moment. I have no idea how a PC works...I think the OS is XP or Vista Secondly I have an Iomeaga Ext HD with all my backups... with the Mac is its Fire wire but I see there is a USB connect...If I plug it into the PC will it work or is the 'format' wrong.
View 1 Replies View Relatedis it ok? do i have to charge it to full then use it? will that use power from ac or battery? the laptops im talking about are from dell and apple since some from dell n all frm apple are non removable
View 11 Replies View RelatedI have a G3 laptop bronze keyboard that want start. I bought a new battery an AC adapter. When I install the battery 3 lights on the side of it lights up and then goes out. I am trying to get it going so my wife can use it. The PRAM battery has never been changed and the computer is 10 years old.
View 1 Replies View Relatedtrying to reinstall OS-X in A1181 are hard drive failure, I am new to MAC, but good with Linux and Unix, Win
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