Applications :: Time Machine Backup To Time Capsule?
Apr 23, 2010
I started my backup over 24 hours ago and after it completed its 130GB backup, it has now continued backing up endlessly incrementing the xxGB of xxGB without end. I stopped the backup and it then began at 140.9MB to backup. Once it reached 149.9MB it continued; displaying 149.9 MB of 149.9 MB. It is currently at 502.4 MB of 502.4 MB. I am using Snow Leopard. Has anyone seen this happen before? Or know how to resolve?
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Mar 11, 2009
I have an external 500gb drive plugged into my brand new Time Capsule. The 500gb drive basically stores my entire library of music and my iTunes points to this external drive.
Is it possible to have time machine backup all information on the 500gb drive to the time capsule, so encase the external drive takes a dump, I don't loose my entire music library? Maybe time machine is already doing this, I am not sure.
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Mar 11, 2012
I have a MacBook Air and a Time Capsule - both from november 2011.Using Time Machine is givning me som problems.It works fine for some days, an is backing up as planned.But at least 5 times since I got the Time Capsule, Time Machine is asking to make a full Backup, and when I look in Time Machine, it says that there is no "old backup". It has been runing since november 2011.When I start a new backup, as it ask for, it takes at least 24 hours to finish - some times even longer.Is this normal? If not, what do I do?
Time Machine, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jun 19, 2014
MacBook Pro mid-2012, 8GB RAM, 750GB hard drive, Mac OS X 10.8.5
One Time Capsule at home
One Time Capsule in vacation homeÂ
MBP backs up everything on internal hard drive to Time Capsule at home, where we live during summer and spring. When moving to vacation home in fall and winter, MBP backs up everything to Time Capsule in vacation home.Â
During the 6 months at each residence, the backups work great to the Time Capsule at that particular house. However, after some time (maybe a week?), Time Machine displays an error in Notification Center: "Time Machine can't complete backup to Home Time Capsule" (when in vacation home) or "Time Machine can't complete backup to Vacation Time Capsule" (when at home).Â
It's obvious that this occurs because Time Machine was set to back up to 2 Time Capsules and expects both of them to be reachable. Is there a way to suppress these Time Machine errors for the time that we're away from one of the Time Capsules?
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Dec 11, 2009
I have looked into this a lot already. It is to much that Time Machine backs up every single hour! It would be nice to set it to something like 3 or 5 hours. I have tried a 3rd party app to do this, but... If my computer was off or asleep when it was supposed to back up, it would get an error. It would not just do the backup when i turned it on or when it came out of sleep like stock Time Machine does. I have also seen a way to change the time incraments in the Terminal.(I am very good with it, not a noob) I have tried this and it screws up time machine completely. Maybe it does not work with the newest OS X. By the way... I have a 2010 MacBook Pro, got it 2 months ago.
Does anyone know a solid 3rd party app, that will work seamlessly. Or has anyone changed the time in Terminal and are currently using something different than 1 hour. There is a lot of examples online, but I would like the codeing that you literally used.
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Oct 15, 2010
I have looked into this a lot already. It is to much that Time Machine backs up every single hour! It would be nice to set it to something like 3 or 5 hours. I have tried a 3rd party app to do this, but... If my computer was off or asleep when it was supposed to back up, it would get an error. It would not just do the backup when i turned it on or when it came out of sleep like stock Time Machine does. I have also seen a way to change the time incraments in the Terminal. (I am very good with it, not a noob) I have tried this and it screws up time machine completely. Maybe it does not work with the newest OS X. By the way... I have a 2010 MacBook Pro, got it 2 months ago.
Does anyone know a solid 3rd party app, that will work seamlessly. Or has anyone changed the time in Terminal and are currently using something different than 1 hour. There is a lot of examples online, but I would like the codeing that you literally used.
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Nov 10, 2009
I will be getting my new Macbook Pro in the near future and am very interested in using Time Machine to wireless back up my data to an external hard drive. I know I can use Time Capsule to do this, but also hear a mention of just getting an Airport Extreme and my own ext. hd. My question is that I have Verizon FIOS Internet and my modem also functions as a wireless router. How would the Time Capsule/Airport Extreme work with this? Is it possible? I do not believe that the Verizon router supports wireless N, and I would like to take advantage of the faster speeds. If I were to connect a Airport Extreme to the wireless router, would I then have 2 routers to choose from and just use the Airport Extreme to use the wireless N? I'm very confused as to how I could make this work.
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Jan 11, 2010
As my 160N series Linksys router neither has gigabit ports, usb connector or dual band networking, I am looking for a replacement.
When it comes to Apple routers I am looking at 2 options - either the base station with an external USB drive or get a 1TB capsule with the buildt in drive and worries regarding reliability.
What I like about the Time Capsule is that it is neat to have all in one, takes up less space and only has 1 plug to attach, while Iike the idea that I can just connect a bigger drive later on the base station solution.
1. Will the connected USB drive function just like the internal drive in the Time Capsule for Time Machine use?
2. Will everything be transparent to Snow Leopard?
3. In case of both units with an attached USB drive - can I control who actually can see the drive and access it?
4. Do they support this DNLA thing so that e.g . PS3 can access an attached drive??
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Jun 17, 2012
I plan to 'clean up' my Time Machine/Time capsule completely, whereby I want to make it impossible for third parties to recover all or part of these old backups.After I have accompished this I want to start from scratch backing up my Mac.
iMac 27" i7, Mac OS X (10.6.6)
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Sep 15, 2009
Ever since I updated to 10.6.1 I've had the following problems:
- Time Machine does not work at all with my Time Capsule. When it attempts to back up my data, Time Machine gets hung up with a status of "Making backup disk available..." and the icon in the menu bar just spins forever (the status appears in the menu bar icon's menu). I also cannot enter Time Machine; it gets hung trying to connect to the Time Capsule and I have to cancel it. Finder then takes up 100% CPU and I have to power down by holding in the power button (shutting down from the Apple menu doesn't work).
- I store my iTunes library in a folder called Music under the Data folder on the Time Capsule. When I open iTunes, it prompts me to choose my iTunes library. When I do, it starts to load the list of albums, then iTunes locks up and I must force quit it. This also causes my machine to not be able to shut down or restart from the Apple menu.
Oddly enough I can still access the Data folder from Finder with no issues. I just wanted to put this out there in case other people are having similar problems. It's pretty frustrating as all this worked fine before the 10.6.1 update.
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Jun 26, 2010
I've just hooked up my 2 Tb time capsule, which is supposed to be the destination for time machine and also have a share folder to share music on the network. Originally I wanted to partition the drive, but since that appears to be such a headache I'll probably make do with one partition.
if time machine will try to overwrite the share folder when it runs out of disc space?
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May 23, 2012
I've backup my Macbook Air Using time machine before reformat it to have window partition.However, after installing OS Lion 10.7.4, how do I restore back all my application and data on my last backup from time machine?
Info:MacBook Air
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Feb 10, 2010
I recently bought a 500 TC and after a lot messing around i have the thing working, well near working, perfect.
The problem is, everytime it does a back up, which sometimes it has nothing to back up, it never finishes the job. In the end all i get is time machine giving me the "finishing back up" remark but the dam thing never actually finishes.
I have left it in the above state for sometimes hours just to see of it would finish and alas no joy!! Also, if i try and do anything else on my Macbook, while time machine is working, the "beach ball of death" apears and freezes my computer. Hence, everytime my Mac backs up i have to crash my computer which is annoying to say the least.
I did a lot of reading around various problems when using time machine and TC but can't find any solutions but lots of problems. TC is the worst apple product i've ever brought, it's been nothing but up hill trying to get this thing to work just like it says on the box.
I'm wondering whether its the TC or simply that time machine doesn't like my computer for some reason.
Macbook, Leapord OS, 4G RAM, 160HD, iphone, inano, ipod, TC
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Apr 5, 2008
My MacBook Pro locks up and shows the message "Please reboot your computer by holding down the power button" every time that Time Machine tries to run a backup. I turned off Time Machine and no more crashes... Sorta makes my 500 Gig Time Capsule useless.
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Apr 20, 2009
I've been having a few problems with my TM backups since I got my new iMac (my MBA is working fine).
Something strange that I've noticed is when I enter into Time Machine (the program). Sometimes I see a bunch of my backups with times and dates where I can scroll through the different saves and restore if I want to. Other times though when I go into TM I only see the current save point. I can't scroll back and it only says Today on the right without any other save points. It is almost like I've only done one TM backup.
The other strange thing that I see is if I look at iStat. Sometimes it shows two Time Capsule hard drives and other times it shows only one. If I choose to change disk in Time Machine preferences the Time Capsule is listed twice. I don't think it has anything to do with a partition (which I never did) because both drives show the same used and free info (something like 377 free of 461) and I only have a 500GB drive.
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Jan 31, 2010
Ok, so i picked up a 2TB Time Capsule a couple days ago and have tried everything i can think of to get this to work, but im at a loss... I had been previously using Time Machine to backup to an Ext HD attached via USB, and that always went smooth as butter.
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May 20, 2012
I have updated to 10.7.4, and now Time Machine does not work on my Time Capsule. I have erased all backups using the Airport Utility. When I try to run Time Machine, the disk is mounted, files are calculated, backup starts, then stops, and no backup is done. Also, no error messages.Â
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Jun 3, 2012
I cannot seem to set up Time Machine using Time Capsule on my MacBook Pro. Evidently when I initially set up AirPort Extreme, I failed to select it as the backup disc.
Info:AirPort Extreme 802.11n (4th Gen), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Aug 22, 2014
After months of continual Time Machine backups to my Time Capsule, an error message comes up saying that Time Capsule is busy. I've tried to delete the file and start over from scratch, but it won't let me.
iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9), 24-inch, Early 2008
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Dec 5, 2014
Recently when booting Yosemite on my MacPro early 2009 I get a message "could not load time machine prepare" but I am able to open it. But when I try to connect to my Time Capsule I get a message, "there is a problem connecting to time capsule". My iMac and Macbook pro both connect to the same time capsule with no problem. It seems the time machine prefpane on the MacPro has been corrupted. What to do?
Mac Pro, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)
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Nov 19, 2008
I just replaced my HD on my 15"MBP. The install went well until restoring my data from Time Machine. The apps came over fine but none of my data did. Yes, I checked all the boxes on the "restore from backup" menu.
Of course now when I start up time machine the backup isn't there. How do I get Time Machine to recognize the backup? I have it on two places - a time capsule and a separate external HD.
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Dec 6, 2010
So I bought a brand new WD 1TB Elements (USB) to use with Time Machine. I've never used a Time Machine before. I have a MBP13 with a 250GB disk, using the latest Snow Leopard, all updates installed. Formatted the drive to Mac OS Journaled (extended) and set it to use with Time Machine. Works until about 15-17GBs is copied over, than it fails:
1. If I start over it fails very soon after, no matter how many times I retry
2. No matter how many times I reformat it, it always fails
3. I tried one trick I googled - deleting the "inprogress" file - does NOT help
4. SMART status is verified
5. There are no problems if I verify/repair the disk.
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Mar 7, 2009
Can someone tell me how to configure Time Machine so it doesn't do a complete backup every time?I seem to get constant errors because my disk space fills up quickly. For some reason I don't think it did this when I first started using it. I use SuperDuper also, but have a drive connected to my iMac all the time for Time Machine.
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May 16, 2012
How can you set a specific time for backup instead of every hour on Time Machine?
Mac OS X (10.5.8)
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Sep 10, 2010
Does anyone know if you can continue the backup in Time Machine with another drive once you old drive is full?
In other words, my current drive is full and I do not want to delete old files from what were backed up but wanted to continue the backup onto a new drive w/o having to backup everything again on the new drive.
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May 29, 2008
Time Machine (external USB/SATA) on my 2-month old iMac had been working perfectly. I installed 10.5.3. Everything still works perfectly EXCEPT I get an occasional error with Time Machine's hourly backup saying it could not do the backup. I can do the backup manually and the subsequent automatic backup goes OK. It's happened twice since my installation of 10.5.3 last night. I did Repair of the external drive and no problems were found.
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Jun 13, 2010
I am sure this is a fairly common question but I am having a hard time finding out a straight answer to it. So I own a Mid 2009 15" MacBook pro and I love it, performance wise it is great with a 2.8 Core 2 Duo, 4 Gb of DDR3 1066 and the 9400/9600 GT Graphics are plenty to run my 30" monitor at 2560 x 1600 with ease. But of course there is a huge bottleneck in this machine and that is the Slow 5400 RPM 500 Gb Fujitsu Hard Drive. I want to replace this drive with an 80 GB Intel X-18 SSD that I have acquired from an HP laptop that no longer needs it. The drive is a 1.8" micro SATA drive, but I purchased a 1.8 to 2.5 Caddy from NewModeUS for $35
This not only takes care of the interface/power conversion it supports 3.3 Volt drives, which almost all SSDs are, but it also makes the 1.8 drive the exact same dimensions of a typical 2.5 drive. I have already tried it out in my desktop and it benchmarks just as this drive should, super fast! 80 Gb is plenty of storage for me on a laptop, I will keep all my media on the 500 Gb which I am going to put in an external enclosure and carry around in my bag at all times. So for right now I have most of the logistical hardware stuff figured out but where I need a little help is the migration.
Sure I could reload everything from scratch but I would honestly rather not do that and the honestly the thought of doing it makes me put this project off every time just because I need the machine for work and cannot really afford to have it down for a few days, making this a weekend project. I am very particular about how my machines are setup as well and usually do a decent amount of customizations and tweaks to make the OS easier to use for me. In order to avoid a fresh start I was first very excited about the thought of cloning my existing drive onto my SSD using SuperDooper
This seemed like the perfect solution, in theory everything would be the same when I installed the SSD and booted up, all my data, installed applications and settings would be untouched! Yay right, well then I started reading on some forums that for whatever reason cloning a mechanical drive onto an SDD in a no no and could cause issues, therefore the best bet to is to start with a fresh install of OSX. Damn! Can anyone prove that theory wrong? Has anyone cloned to an SSD before without any issues that you know of? Because I would love to go this route, but if not my plan B is to use my Time Machine back and restore that to my new install.
Now this brings me to the question in the title of this thread, what exactly will Time Machine restore if I have a full up to date backup of my machine and I do as it runs regularly and backs up to a 32 GB SD card (For now until I outgrow it) that is always in my machine. I don't have a ton of data; in fact my HDD only has 31 Gb used, while my Time Machine backup drive has 26 Gb used. That leads me to believe that most of the data is in that backup, I mean it does take a snapshot of your entire system so I don't see why it would not be able to put that data back just as it backed it up, like a system image. While I know all my data and personal files will be restored what about installed applications? Will I need to reload all of them?
Not the end of the world as I always save the installer but it does take time, esp. with things like the Adobe and Office Suites. How about settings, are certain ones remembered? I am talking about things like monitor configurations, wallpapers, dock shortcuts, color labels, background colors, Safari and Chrome Bookmarks, etc. The list could go on but I really just want to know what to expect if I install OSX fresh and then choose to restore from a Time Machine backup, I am sure it will save me a lot of time but may not be as ideal as using SuperDooper or CarbonCopy Cloner.
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Jul 17, 2009
I just got a 1TB time capsule after the recent refresh. Set up both my mbps for the time machine with the TC. The mbp 17" will be permanently connect to the TC via ethernet, while the 13" is wirelessly linked.
However I noticed from the mbp 17" TM preference panel that it doesn't show the specific time for the current and next backup time. See below:-
I did a search and come up with this thread. I tried the suggested method of deleting the file from ~library/preference/ folder. I even reformat the TC hdd via airport utility and reboot the system. Then I did a rebackup with time machine. BUT I STILL GET THE SAME RESULT~~!!!!!
What am I doing wrong? Is there something I'm missing? I just want it to show my next backup time like what my mbp13" is showing. Anyone?
P/S: IF I enter Time Machine, after exiting TM I get a mounted sparse bundle of my mbp 17" TM backup. Is there anyway to get it to unmount automatically? Is it usual for a sparse bundle to stay mounted once we exit from TM?
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Aug 19, 2009
I just got a 1TB time capsule after the recent refresh. Set up both my mbps for the time machine with the TC. The mbp 17" will be permanently connect to the TC via ethernet, while the 13" is wirelessly linked.
However I noticed from the mbp 17" TM preference panel that it doesn't show the specific time for the current and next backup time. See below:-
I did a search and come up with this thread. I tried the suggested method of deleting the file from ~library/preference/ folder. I even reformat the TC hdd via airport utility and reboot the system. Then I did a rebackup with time machine.
What am I doing wrong? Is there something I'm missing? I just want it to show my next backup time like what my mbp13" is showing. Anyone?
P/S: IF I enter Time Machine, after exiting TM I get a mounted sparse bundle of my mbp 17" TM backup. Is there anyway to get it to unmount automatically? Is it usual for a sparse bundle to stay mounted once we exit from TM?
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Jun 25, 2012
have a MacBook Pro 15" 10.7.4 which isn't working with TimeMachine any more When starting a backup, Time Machine tells me to backup 112kB (for example) .... an running and running, and after a short time "2kB from 112kB" ... and runnig and running and then "5kb from 112kB" and so on. The progress status is updating very slowly.Â
The weired thing is: the ".inProgress" file on the external hard drive (tried FireWire and USB connection) is growing to 85GB (the total used space on the hard drive) while Time machine status tells me it has saved some kB. And every backup is running in that way. Instead of backing up only the difference, all files where backuped - although the status is displaying a few 100kB - which should be the right size to backup.Â
- Repaired permissions > Same error
- Tried installing combo update > Same error
- Tried another external hard drive > Same error
- Tried cloning system to different hd > Same error
- excluded the Users home folder > Same error
- Interal hard drive speed > Over 70MB/s > OK
- External hard drive speed > Over 70 MB/s > OKÂ
So had to be something with the System itself.
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