I would like to have a taskbar for all the apps and webpages I have open. Sometime I can click on the app and it will come to the front and sometime the app wont come to the front. I hate having to minimize webpages to see them in the dock, if I have multi windows open I need to see that so I can click on whatever window I want to come to the front instead of always minimizing.
I have used a mac in the past and kept going back to Windows becuase the only thing I liked about Windows was being able to look at all my open windows at a glance in the taskbar.With Windows 7, Microsoft changed the behaviour of the taskbar and now it is very similar to the dock.So, essentially Microsoft took away the only feature that kept making me go back to Windows.Well done MS.
Does anyone know how to successfully enable the taskbar preview in Windows 7? I'm running it within Parallels and every time I run the Windows Experience Index my base score is never higher than 1.0. I hear 3.0 is needed to turn on the taskbar preview. Anyone know of a work around?
I have photostream turned on- some pictures I loaded into my imac y'day are on my ipad, and my iphone, but when I went to icloud.com on my pc at work just now, all I have is this:- I'm not going mad am I? photostream should be available on icloud? Just checked on ym iphone, and photostream IS turned ON , and the photo's from my imacs photostream ARE on my iPhone
Yesterday, I have downloaded Parallels Desktop to my Macbook Pro, and my brother brought a CD of Windows 7 to install there. At first, in the coherence mode, the taskbar was working amazingly until I turned off my computer. When I turned it back on, Windows 7 started to run, and the taskbar started to disappear and reappear after awhile. Then I restarted Parallels, then the taskbar completely disappeared. I have tried to modify its settings, and it still didn't work. So, I changed the coherence mode to window one, the taskbar was there. And then I changed it back to coherence, it disappeared again.
What should I do to get it back in the coherence mode?
Office equiped mixed computers , aslo Windows and Mac, Could we use MacMini server for both machines, working by windows apps and / or to save and work with windows files on MacMini server and with Mac as well?We woud use it for normal office work and get it by internet from other places as wellwindows apps: merchandising, invoice, word, excel, pictures editing, Outlook Express + the Mac apps  Â
I installed Bootcamp via Bootcamp Assistant on my MacBook Pro. The install was nominal and I can run my Mac as a Mac and as a Windows 7 computer *if* I press the Option key during boot-up. But I do not have a Bootcamp icon on the taskbar when I am running my laptop as a Mac or as a Windows PC. I have to restart to get to the screen where I press the option key while booting.
How can I maximize the apple taskbar across two monitors? Everytime I use an application (After Effects CS3 for example) there is a bit of emptyness on the right monitors top.
I've got the dreaded "No batteries available" at the top of my taskbar. The Power Source says: Battery. I have my laptop plugged & it is showing a green light. What is a simple way that I can fix this problem? I can't go to a Genius Bar because the closest Apple Store is over 120 miles away. The battery is a little over 2 years oldÂ
I have a 15 in macbook pro. My email won't open or shut down on my task bar. Therefore my macbook will not completely shutdown and I can't check my emails.
So i haven't had one single problem with my Imac for 1.5 years until Yesterday I recently recieved a SD card that i purchased off ebay and stuck it into the side which I was expecting to popup but didn't This may or may not be the reason why my Imac is acting wierd but basically I cannot Left click at ALL, right click works, the internet worksÂ
The taskbar at the bottom with the icons do not have the title shown when I hover down the bottom either. I have a 2010 Imac with 12gb ram that i upgraded to. Â
Is there any steps that i can follow to ensure my imac runs normally, i have alot of data on computer that i need and i cannot find my boot cd anyhwereÂ
I booted my new 2009 iMac this afternoon and when it came up there was no taskbar across the top. I could not click on the icons on the dock either. the mouse worked and the desktop was there. I have a mouse on my Logitech keyboard and it worked so I know the keyboard did. I had no way to shut down so I held the button down till the machine powered down and it did in a second or so.
I waited about a minute and booted back up again and all came up like normal except the hard drive was running like crazy and the machine was super sluggish.After about a minute the hard drive quit running and all seemed normal.
I shut down like normal and then shut off the surge strip machine is plugged into to have a total power cut. Let sit about 2 minutes powered back on and booted machine and it booted like normal and acts perfectly normal. What caused the anomaly???
Never done it before and machine is about 2 months or old or so. Bought it as soon as new iMac's were released this year. It is the flagship 3.06 iMac. Bone stock. It has all the latest updates. Running 10.5.7
I am missing the icon on my taskbar in mail for sending attachments, and it is not in the customize taskbar part of my mail program. Where did it go, or how do I restore it since it is missing?
Info: MacBook Pro (17-inch Core 2 Duo), Mac OS X (10.7.3), Running Lion, up to date with updat
Starting this morning, when I boot up my MBP, it seems fine through boot up, but when it reaches my desktop, the taskbar, dock and desktop icons never show up and instead I have horizontal lines across the screen. I tried booting up from my external hard drive, but I have the same issue. I can see the mouse and move it around and the desktop wallpaper shows up sometimes, but nothing else shows up. When I boot up in safe mode however, everything looks fine. I have not upgraded anything anything recently, either hardware or software.Â
Info: Macbook Pro (Original), Mac OS X (10.6.4), AEBS, Apple TV
I have a need to run some Windows XP Apps on my IBook. Which is the better product, Fusion or Parallels, and why? Any recommendations where to get the best price?
I love expose, but I often find myself with 10+ windows/browsers/apps open that I no longer need. It feels so intuitive to hold my cursor over something I want to close to highlight it, and right click it (two finger tap) to close it. But of course this is not the case.
To my knowledge there is no way to close stuff while in Expose. Am I right or is there a way to close stuff while viewed in Expose?
I usually have four apps running during the day. I keep them in their separate windows.
Is there a way to open the app in it's own window? Everytime I start an an, it opens in window number 1 and then I have to move it to it's own window. I know this isn't a huge chore, but it does take time and if you do it every morning, it gets tiresome.
I have just dual booted Windows 7 on my MacBook Pro using bootcamp. I love how on OSX you can exit out of programs and windows and the app does not close till u manually close it, or right click and exit. Windows 7 does not do this... Is there a way i can set Win7 to do this (3rd party program?).
When I moved from Windows to MacOS, I tried to find MacOS applications to replace the ones I used on Windows (just like everybody). The more I tried, the more I found out that I should go for apps designed specifically for the MacOS, as they were more streamlined than the ones made for Windows and then converted to the MacOS.
Anyway, I found out some truly useful MacOS apps and which have great functionality. Some of these apps have features which are not shared by any Windows apps (or at least it seems to me).
If I were to go back to Windows (just to make it clear: I'm not), would I be able to replace the MacOS apps I use with Windows apps with the same or similar functionality? I'd like to make this a kind of game in order to find out which MacOS apps are non-replaceable killer apps.r own apps to the list.
After I reinstalled Snow Leopard I cannot double click on top of a window to minimize it. What do I do to re-activate that? I used to double click at top of any window/app and it would minimize.
One is called "SizeUp" and I've been using it for a few days now. Very useful program, especially if you find yourself wanting to quickly compare two webpages side by side. It uses keyboard shortcuts although you can also select it from the menu bar.
Since installing Lion, when I open a document and the corresponding app opens, it shows the last document opened in that app, not the one I opened. Is there a fix?
where no matter if I close a window or document, windows/docs which had previously been open relaunch if I relaunch the app. For instance, I launch Safari and go to the following three sites: URL... I subsequently close blue.com and the later close safari completely. Upon re-launching Safari, I would expect red and white to reopen (the two sites that were open when I closed the program), however red. white AND blue reopen.Â
this was just an example, in reality when this again just happened a few minutes minutes ago, Safari relaunched 27 websites in 4 different windows, even though I had specifically closed all sites/windows and quit out of Safari before re-launching.Â
Similarly, upon restarts, the OS not only re-launches apps and windows I had open at the time I requested the restart but many documents, windows and applications that were CLOSED at the time I restarted the computer. When I close something, that seems like a clear indication that I am done with it and don't need it open. OS seems to feel differently.
Info: iMac (27-inch Mid 2011), OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)