MacBook Pro :: Horizontal Lines At Bootup (no Dock, No Icons, No Taskbar)?

Jun 17, 2012

Starting this morning, when I boot up my MBP, it seems fine through boot up, but when it reaches my desktop, the taskbar, dock and desktop icons never show up and instead I have horizontal lines across the screen.  I tried booting up from my external hard drive, but I have the same issue.  I can see the mouse and move it around and the desktop wallpaper shows up sometimes, but nothing else shows up.  When I boot up in safe mode however, everything looks fine. I have not upgraded anything anything recently, either hardware or software. 

Macbook Pro (Original), Mac OS X (10.6.4), AEBS, Apple TV

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OS X :: Can You Enlarge The Dock Icons Like In The Windows Taskbar?

Jun 14, 2010

Can you enlarge the dock icons like in the windows taskbar

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IMac :: Taskbar Missing Across The Top / Unable To Click Icons In Dock

May 19, 2009

I booted my new 2009 iMac this afternoon and when it came up there was no taskbar across the top. I could not click on the icons on the dock either. the mouse worked and the desktop was there. I have a mouse on my Logitech keyboard and it worked so I know the keyboard did. I had no way to shut down so I held the button down till the machine powered down and it did in a second or so.

I waited about a minute and booted back up again and all came up like normal except the hard drive was running like crazy and the machine was super sluggish.After about a minute the hard drive quit running and all seemed normal.

I shut down like normal and then shut off the surge strip machine is plugged into to have a total power cut. Let sit about 2 minutes powered back on and booted machine and it booted like normal and acts perfectly normal. What caused the anomaly???

Never done it before and machine is about 2 months or old or so. Bought it as soon as new iMac's were released this year. It is the flagship 3.06 iMac. Bone stock. It has all the latest updates. Running 10.5.7

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MacBook Air :: 10.5.6 - Horizontal Lines Would Be Corrected?

Dec 15, 2008

I was excited to see if the horizontal lines would be corrected but to my dismay they are still there. Looks like it's going back to Apple.

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MacBook Pro :: Horizontal Lines Comes And Goes In Documents?

Feb 21, 2010

i have been Noticing about the Horinzontal linesASA i open my MacbookPro i see No color but when you move your mouse you can see the lines... which cut the mouse partially, Even when you visit forums the line could be see

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MacBook Pro :: ISight Horizontal Lines On It?

Jun 27, 2012

I noticed that my built in iSight camera displays horizontal lines. Could this be an software issue that will be patched? It occurs in all applications, in all users and after an clean install.

MacBook Pro with Retina display, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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MacBook Air :: IOS 7.1.2 / Horizontal Lines Across Screen

Aug 24, 2014

I've had my macbook air 13" 256GB for four days now, I had it shipped to me in Canada because I wanted the ram to be changed to 8GB. When I'm scrolling around on the internet I see a horizontal line appear in the lower half of my screen, it disappears quickly so I haven't been able to get a screen shot. I have apple care, should I take my laptop in? Is this normal? I've been very careful with my laptop, I haven't dropped it or anything (I even have it in the Tech21 Impact snap case).

MacBook Air, iOS 7.1.2

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MacBook Pro :: Unable To Know Horizontal Lines Across The Screen In MBP?

Oct 1, 2010

I have a MBP purchased in late 2006 so it's fairly old.

Lately I've been having really random lock ups and freezing maybe once every week or so. Sometimes when I hard reset it, there's a few horizontal lines across the screen, usually just on the background. It'll go away if I restart it again.

I used the onboard disk checker and no problems are detected. Is this a sign that the hardware will fail soon?

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MacBook :: Screen White-out And Horizontal Lines?

May 15, 2010

The screen started by having the occasional 'white out' where it would be in use and a white screen would fade in for a few seconds then usually return to normal.

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MacBook Air :: Occasional Flickering Horizontal Lines On 2011?

Jun 5, 2014

It's been happening for a few weeks and I really need to know if it's something bad or not because I can't afford a new laptop. 

MacBook Air (13-inch Mid 2011), OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)

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MacBook Pro :: Black Horizontal Lines On Start Up And Doesn't Load GUI

Jun 3, 2014

My Late '11 15inch Macbook Pro went bonanas today. When it starts up there all these black horizontal lines running across the screen jiggering jabbering everywhere and I see three apple logos (due to GPU glitch I am guessing) after loading everything goes white and my laptop heats up and battery dies within like half an hour. I was bummed but then like after restarting a bunch of times and recharging my laptop it starting up normal again! I was super happy, but then it experienced the same crash next time the battery died. So, this has been going on and off;

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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MacBook Pro :: Display Is Frequently Horizontal Gray Lines Going Across Screen

Jul 1, 2014

my MacBook pro display that there are frequently horizontal grey lines going across my screen. I've noticed it mostly when the display color should be grey or white, but that's not always the case. It occurs mostly in my Google search bar using Firefox, and also occurs heavily on Facebook in the comments/reply section of a post. Outside of the browser I've also seen it when looking through some personal photos, especially of the sky, the lines will seem to sort of outline different contrasts in white or light tones, kind of like the Magic Wand tool would do in Photoshop. The lines do flicker and change when scrolling.I attempted to snap a photo with my iPhone the best I could. 

My specs:

-13" Macbook Pro (2009)
-Intel Core 2 Duo 2.26 GHz
-NVIDIA GeForce 9400M
-Resolution: 1280x800, 32-bit Color 

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MacBook Pro :: Small Thin Horizontal Lines On Screen Display

Sep 10, 2014

After 1 month there are small thin horizontal lines appear on my macbook pro screen. i never drop or bang or what so ever.

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OS X :: Macbook Pro (2007) Black & White Horizontal Lines & Doesn't Boot Up?

Dec 18, 2009

There's some known documented issues concerning the Nvidia graphics chip in the particular model of macbook pro I have.

Basically when turning on the machine, the screen is filled with black & white horizontal strips like a piano keyboard, but thats it - it doesn't actually boot up fully at all, you cannot hear the hard drive running !

Would the hard drive have anything to do with this ?

I explained this to apple telephone support & they informed of the article



& stated that the symptoms were linked.

On taking the mac to an apple store they ran a special 'firmware' boot up 'test' using an instore ipod to determine if it was a faulty Nvidia chip, so as to prove to Nvidia, the company funding the repairs whether it is that to blame.

Because the machine didn't even boot up & complete the 'test' they couldn't say whether it was the graphics chip - so 'no free repair' under extended warranty & the final answer was as usual ' buy a new logic board' that will cure it !

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MacBook Pro :: Black And White Horizontal Lines At Startup (Equally Spaced)

Jun 23, 2012

This happens every time when I turn on my computer or restart. Otherwise all other computing and display are fine once I get passed the log in screen.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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MacBook Pro :: 15 Inch Retina - Horizontal Lines In The Middle And Bottom Of Screen

Dec 6, 2014

I have a 2 month old rMBP Mid 2014 and i am experiencing horizontal lines in the middle and bottom of the screen. For example, If i was browsing a site and then close the window you can still see parts of the website in the middle of the screen. I took the laptop in for the technicians to have a look and they a blaming it on the software,claiming that Gfxcardstatus is causing the problem. The problem still persists even with gfxcardstatus turned off. Does Gfxcardstatus do this? Is it the Lcd or gpu failure? Take a look at the photos ....

MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.5)

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Intel Mac :: Won't Left Click At All Or Taskbar Won't Have The Icons Hover?

Apr 30, 2012

So i haven't had one single problem with my Imac for 1.5 years until Yesterday I recently recieved a SD card that i purchased off ebay and stuck it into the side which I was expecting to popup but didn't This may or may not be the reason why my Imac is acting wierd but basically I cannot Left click at ALL, right click works, the internet works 

The taskbar at the bottom with the icons do not have the title shown when I hover down the bottom either. I have a 2010 Imac with 12gb ram that i upgraded to.  

Is there any steps that i can follow to ensure my imac runs normally, i have alot of data on computer that i need and i cannot find my boot cd anyhwere 


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MacBook Pro :: Monitor Display Not Working Fine / Horizontal Scan Lines And Black Out Occasionally

Jul 9, 2009

So I had a recently purchased 17" BTO with the 7200RPM drive that worked great, but with one issue - the display would have horizontal scan lines and black out occasionally. So I called up Apple and eventually managed to get a cross-ship set up(they let me hold on to my current unit, charge my credit card and send me a second brand new 17" unit as a replacement,and then refund me for the second 17" after I send back the defective unit).

Anyway, the replacement unit looks great, but with one issue - there's a very small light dent on the bottom panel(maybe about the size of a dime). I was annoyed but don't think this is worth having to exchange, since I could probably just unscrew the panel and pop it back into place.

However, what really got to me was the fact that my replacement unit was slightly louder than my original - my original is so silent that I can't even tell it's on. However, with my replacement unit, I can hear the hard drive spinning, which is slightly annoying.

Anyway, I proceeded to restore from a time machine backup and test my replacement unit when I noticed that it would occasionally get the hard drive click + beep + freeze issue that many others who have the 7200 RPM drive seem to be facing. It's extremely annoying, and more importantly I miss the complete silence of my older unit.

My question is, while I'm still in possession of both units(which both have the exact same specs, same 7200 RPM drive, etc.), should I simply just open both up and take the silent(good) hard drive from my old unit and put it into my new one?

The click+beep freeze issue is really pissing me off, and my old unit didn't suffer from it - it's just this replacement one(doesn't make any sense).Anyway, would notice if I switched the hard drive? Would I get screwed somehow? Do they keep track of the hard drive serials or something?

I really don't want to go through the pain of sending this back, especially considering that a LOT of people are suffering from this issue, and I don't want to end up with another defective drive. I'm sick and tired of games and just want a computer that WORKS.

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Intel Mac :: What Causes Horizontal Lines To Appear

Jul 2, 2012

My Mac has these crackly lines and crashes after a few minutes. It's a 24 inch 2.16 GHz Core 2 Duo with 2 megs of ram.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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PowerPC :: Faint Horizontal Lines On G3?

Jun 14, 2007

On my screen when looking at whites or light blues, I seem to notice these faint horizontal lines only on certain places on my screen. For example, on the posting page, the light blue has very lite horizontal white marks on it, only in certain places. (I tried smacking it...(not to hard...I couldn't have damaged it right

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PowerPC :: Horizontal Lines Shows In New Systems?

Oct 31, 2005

I received my new 15" PB a few days ago and I can notice faint horizontal lines on every other row of pixels. I didn't notice this on the model before this or even the new iBooks, but working with photos, graphics, and video is aggravating with these lines.I called Apple Support and they seem to think this is a limited issue. I'm sending it in to get repaired or to get a new screen put on it...stinks when it's 4 days old and I'm already getting it "repaired"

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PowerPC :: G5 Shaky Video (Horizontal Lines)

Jun 4, 2007

I have had my iMac for two years now and when I first got it not a week later the video went out, well at that time it was still under warranty so I figured, what the heck I'll go get it fixed. Waited a month got it fixed got it back, works perfectly. It's now 2 years later and everytime I try to run anything intense, i.e. World of Warcraft, or any game for that matter (also happens when the majority of the screen is dark) these horizontal lines appear, the darker the screen is the more intense the lines but once I open a lighter/white document the lines disappear.

If I use the screen saver (flurry) is starts to do it also and you can clearly see RGB pixels all across the screen. I have been searching the internet for a good six months hoping someone will have the same problem, but that does not seem to be the case. If anyone has any idea what is going on, I have tried to reset the SMU and the PRAM but to no avail, I have also heard the swollen capacitors issue and have checked the board for swollen caps but all are flat. As far as specs go it is an iMac G5 2Ghz (Summer 2005).

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IMac :: Get Horizontal Faint Lines On My Monitor

Nov 10, 2008

i got my imac this june, so i'm not sure what generation that makes it. (somone let me know plz) anyway just today i noticed I have some horizontal lines going across it. very faint and hard to notice, but i'm anal and i noticed them. My first instinct was to find out how to degauss this monitor.

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OS X :: Pixelated Horizontal Lines Shows In My System?

Feb 15, 2010

I've had my 15 inch Macbook Pro for almost four years and haven't had any major problems with it until today. I was browsing online when suddenly my screen was filled with this pixelated horizontal lines all across the screen.I restarted the computer... heard the start up chime then came a grey screen with the same lines, I can see the apple logo at the start up and the loading bar underneath it... then the screen turns blue, still with the lines and that is all I'm able to see

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IMac :: Horizontal Lines On Display In Safari

Jul 30, 2010

There are a bunch of horizontal lines that're plaguing my iMac. What's causing this?

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IMac :: Horizontal Lines Across The Surface Of Monitor

Aug 7, 2010

I have an Apple iMac 20" 2.16 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo. I work on photos in Adobe Photoshop CS4. Am running Snow Leopard 10.6.4. Am getting thin horizontal lines across the surface of the monitor. Reduced the resolution of the monitor from 1680 x 1050 to 1344 x 840. For a while, it was better but the lines are back again. Any idea what is causing this problem? Is it software, a setting on the computer or maybe a problem with the video card? Hope it is not a bad video card.

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Intel Mac :: Horizontal Lines After Lion Upgrade?

Apr 23, 2012

I am having issues when watching video's on my mac, which seemed to happen after upgrading to OS Lion.

When watching video's horizontal lines float up the screen, it tends to happen when the camera changes or something moves. The line almost disjoints the picture slightly as it floats to the top of the screen. This is obviously very distracting!  


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Final Cut Pro X :: Exporting Video With Horizontal Lines?

Sep 1, 2014

I filmed a show with 2 different cameras (one is a canon vixia, the other is a canon dos 7D, i realize the quality is different for them) and I used the multi cam editor to match h up the clips and audio file to switch back and forth. I think i created proxy media to use for the multi cam clip. Whenever i export my movie, the movie plays with horizontal lines, and whenever there is faster motion, the person gets blurred. What is making final cut pro x export like this? How do I fix this? I've tried exporting with Apple ProRes 422, Apple ProRes 422 (Proxy), and H.264, but all video files have the lines going through it and the motion is a bit blurry.

MacBook Pro (Retina, 15-inch, Mid 2014), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)

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Mac Pro :: Green Horizontal Lines On Display And Crashing

Aug 31, 2014

I have a 2007 Mac Pro 1,1 with attached 24" apple display and utilizing 5 GB Ram and maxed out on internal hard drives. It's been a flawless workhorse and I mostly tax it with Photoshop which it does well. Well, yesterday, I was viewing a small video on my Mac when this issue occurred. Suddenly I saw these squiggly looking horizontal lines on my display. Then I saw a spinning beach ball. I had to shut down.

I double checked my display cables in case any were loose - no issues. Restarted without issue. Went back to work on my computer - no issues doing ordinary tasks such as opening windows, moving files and surfing the internet. Went back into Photoshop and resized several dozen images without issue. Then, this happened again... restarted. Zapped PRAM just in case. Fired up Tech Tool Deluxe (older version 3.1.3) and it found NO problems, I passed all tests. 

Then... out of nowhere it crashed again, third time... I don't recall what I was doing to be honest. I shut down my Mac last night and this morning have spent an hour on and so far, so good. However, I'm not taxing it by doing anything intense. I need to use Photoshop for a project I'm working on so I will do that soon and see if this issue repeats. 

I've tried searching the forums but can't find anything conclusive to my specific issue. What else should I do? What else should I check? Is this hardware or a software issue? I have temperature monitor installed - should I be looking at specific temperature increases and if so, where? 

GPU going bad on logic board? This is a really close up image taken with my iphone, obviously the lines aren't this large.

Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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IMac (Intel) :: Horizontal Lines On Screen?

Dec 6, 2014

when I start up in Safe Mode and only in Safe Mode in my iMac (mid 2011- HD 6970M 2048 MB) appears white horizontal lines. I changed already the graphic card almost before a year.

iMac (27-inch Mid 2011), OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)

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