I have my iTunes music etc. stored on my MBP, but movies are on an external HDD connected via Airport disk. When importing movies, I untick "Copy files to iTunes media folder when adding to library" and drag and drop them in - that way the location points to my external drive. However, I imported a number of movies yesterday (in the same way I always have done) and whenever I open iTunes, the artwork of the newest movies is missing and an exclamation mark is next to them. But when I click on it, the exclamation mark goes, the artwork reappears and the movie plays. Quit and reopen iTunes and it's vanished again.
I saw a couple of other threads talking about this and thought we should have a thread where you can show off and share your own custom made Genre thumbnails. In case your not sure how to do it this is a good guide: [URL]. Basically you need to create a jpeg, put it in the right folder (iTunes>Contents>Resources) with the correct name and then adjust a tiny bit of information in the genre plist.
Its very simple and people who have no experience with this kind of stuff will be able to do it easily. Also if (like me) you are annoyed at the fact that some genres are missing you can add your own in the exact same way as in he link posted. Note in mine that Action & Adventure are now two separate genres and i've added Gangster, Kung Fu, Comic & Anime. Mine are all supposed to be the best films of that genre (ok maybe not Transformers ). Pic link now added, download!
Since i updated to maverick last week i got an issue with the Mac Preview app, it opens the documents ok, but when opening several files at the time, the thumbnails are all scrambled and not showing the miniature of the selected file.
if i click on the thmbnails area and navigate with the keyboard's arrows it allows me to go through the open files, all files open ok but the thumbnails is the only part that is having this issue.
I have deleted the com.apple.Preview from ~LibraryContainers but still having the issue.
As you've probably already gathered, the 1080p piece of info doesn't show up in the side info bar on movie pages. This can be seen here:Also, I have set 1080p in preferences: This is for the movie "Hugo", by the way. I use it as an example, as I've seen it say 1080p in part the following video:
Whenever I import clips into iMovie HD I get a black rectangle on the left side of the clip that only shows up when I import it, the actual file does not have this (as shown in the attachments).
I have a few wmv vids on my mac. Up until recently they were all fine. When I went into the folder the all files showed the Qicktime logo on them and played using flip4mac. Now the files are just white with no logo on them and when I click to play one it brings up the message "This movie could not be opened, The file is not a movie file." I have tried reinstalling flip4mac and quicktime but I still have the same issue. Someone told me to try perian but still nothing. I am guessing this is a problem with the files but not sure how this happened or how to fix it.
can anyone tell me what i may be doing wrong? i am trying to create a movie using video clips from my camera. when i download my movies to iphoto, they work great. when i drag them to imovie, they play but i do not get any sound. the 3 little check marks are there but still no sound!
Okay, so I am here at work, and have spent the last 4-5 hours trying to resolve this issue, and cannot find any working solutions for it on the internet. We have .3gp recordings. All of a sudden, we started getting this error on some of our computers. Example: I want to play test.3gp; I try to open test.3gp in QuickTime, and I get an error that reads...
"Error -2002: A bad public movie atom was found in the movie:test.3gp" But when I go to play test2.3gp, it plays fine. This issue varies from computer to computer. I get this error on all three of my machines. 2 Windows 7 64bit, and 1 Windows 7 32bit. My colleague and boss can play test.3gp fine through QuickTime on their computers. One is Windows 7 64bit the other is 32bit.
Anyone know some causes of this and hopefully a way to solve it? I tried cleaning up registry errors, running as administrator, updating, reinstalling... Nothing is working.
I quit iTunes and my rental movie disappeared after watching half of the movie. The rental sidebar disappeared as well. What do I do to retrieve my movie?
I have Snow Leopard installed with the latest Quicktime.
When viewing a movie file in my browser in Leopard, I was able to right click on it and save a copy to my desktop/computer. Now, I can't seem to enable this option...I have no way of saving a movie to my computer. Am I missing something? How does one do this now, do I need to click on a specific spot?
I am running Tiger and I don�t know if I am being thick but my images thumbnail in Finder just show a white square with the file type, Tiff, Jpeg, Raw unless I have saved them in Photoshop, then they are actual thumbnails of my images. Is it possible for them all to show as proper thumbnails as soon as I import them from my CF cards?
I was just wondering, when im browsing threw images, is there a way for them to show up in little thumbnails like windows does? I know, use iphoto, which i normally do, but i was just wondering.
My young son got hold of my Mac and changed all kinds of settings randomly.
iPhotos used to come up as a screen with all the thumbnails. Now it opens into a screen with just one photo. The show thumbnail in the toolbar is greyed out.
I recently bought a Canon s100 camera. When I shoot in RAW mode I cannot see the thumbnails in my finder. Just blank icons. I try to update but with no luck. I use Mac OS X 10.6.8.
My Mac won't automatically play an mp4. It comes up with an error message saying "This movie could not be opened. This is not a movie file:. What am I missing? I understand it should just automatically play...
I've been having issues with Facebook on my safari browser. The thumbnail pictures and profile picture will randomly not load. Hitting refresh may or may not fix the problem sometimes. I'm not too sure what causes this, I've done lots of searches and I haven't found anything similar to this. I'm running Safari 5.0.3 with adblocker as my only extension (I've disabled it and the problem still occurs).
One of the things that irks me about Mac OS X is how, if you have a folder of images that you do not wish to be included in your iPhoto library, you have to manually change the icon size so as to gain bigger icon previews. On Windows XP, if a folder contains lots or mostly photos, Windows will recognise this and the folder view will change automatically to Thumbnail view, negating any need to manually manage icon size. Does Leopard offer this behavior at all?
I recently installed Aperture 2.1 and love it until....
A large collection of pictures (jpgs) was imported and after 2 days a lot of thumbnails are missing in the library. The images are still there, I can click on the gray spot the image supposed to be and view the preview and master.
It very annoying! I am planning to import about 10.000 images soon and this problem must be solved before.
thumbnails for images on my desktop arent showing it works fine though if its on a stacks folder on the dock if its on the desktop or on the dock as an alias it only shows as a preview file and has the png/jpeg/bmp badge
I seam to have a problem with viewing thumbnails in Safari that has got me stumped.
When there is an attached thumbnail in a thread it won't open. Example, in the "Strange Snow Leopard menu" there is thumbnails which I can't see in Safari but I can see them if I use Firefox.
I have looked through the Safari settings but I can't find anything that says "click this too see thumbnails you idiot " anywhere.
One other thing that may be related, sometimes pictures don't show up and a little blue box with a question mark sits in there place.
Anybody off any help to this idiot or should I just revert back too Firefox?
Seriously, it's absolutely ridiculous and brings my entire system to a crawl until I restart. Just look at how many page outs I have after iMovie is done making thumbnails of one seven minute clip:
My CPU usage during this process was around 10% so what gives? I have an early 2009 iMac with 4GB's of RAM.
I am having a strange problem with image thumbnails not appearing in Finder. I am editing some very large TIF files on a Macbook that is running Lion. These images are edited on an external drive, and when I hook the drive up to my main iMac, which is running Leopard, the new images I have created in Lion do not have thumbnails. The only way that they will appear is if I open the images in Photoshop and just resave them on the machine running Leopard. This method poses a problem because each image takes about 5-8 minutes to open, and another 5-8 to save. I have hundreds of images and don't have the time to do that to each one.
I am having a strange problem with image thumbnails not appearing in Finder. I am editing some very large TIF files on a Macbook that is running Lion. These images are edited on an external drive, and when I hook the drive up to my main iMac, which is running Leopard, the new images I have created in Lion do not have thumbnails. The only way that they will appear is if I open the images in Photoshop and just resave them on the machine running Leopard. This method poses a problem because each image takes about 5-8 minutes to open, and another 5-8 to save. I have hundreds of images and don't have the time to do that to each one.