OS X :: Software For Copying Songs From IPod To Computer
Apr 29, 2009
My friend (iPod nano, 4G), is trying to restore songs to her computer (running vista) from her computer. She's been trying to use software for this, but it hasn't been working. Does anyone have a recommendation for free software that will work?
Yesterday I bought 10 songs from the iTunes store on my iPod Touch. I realized, this was a mistake, and I'd rather listen to them on my Macbook. How can I copy the tunes over?
My itunes library is empty on my new computer, but I have a full library on my ipod. How do I "reverse" sync? I don't see an option in itunes to put all the info from my ipod onto my computer. I see it the other way, which would then erase all the data on my ipod.
I have an old macbook that has all my songs on, as well as my iPod. I have recently got an iMa which currently has no music on, how would I transfer the music from the iPod to the new iMac, or alternatively from the old Macbook to the iMac?
I need to copy my iTunes library from an old iPod. Is there anyway to do this and keep all the metadata like play count, date added, date last played and the ratings?
I recently switched to Macs and purchased a Macbook Pro(which I love!). I'm still getting used to the OS, but I ran into a problem.
I was using a Windows computer before for my iPod (classic, not sure if that matters). I would like to transfer the songs I have from my windows iPod, onto my new Mac, but I'm not sure if that's possible(I think I may have read on Apple's website you can't switch from Mac to Windows but I'm not sure, but thats besides the point).
I don't really want to download a program to move my songs from the iPod onto the Mac.
I want to take the songs off my shuffle and put them into a new playlist so I can reorder them--how do I do that? Or, how can I simply change the order? (I have the version where you can listen to songs in order or random).
i deleted songs from my itunes and now i cant find them. i still have them on my ipod, is there any way i can keep adding songs to my ipod without my computer syncing and deleting all the songs i dont have on my computer?
I'm trying to transfer some songs from my friend's band onto my friend's iPod. However iTunes just opens up a window saying that I can either "Erase and Sync" or "Transfer Purchases From Another iPod". Is there a way to just open iTunes up and transfer my music to the other iPod?
I am thinking about getting an iPad, but have hundreds of CD's that I don't want to waste. Is there any way to transfer these on to my iPad without needing to go through iTunes on a PC?
Couple days ago I deleted a playlist on my Itunes accidentally. Luckily I have all my music backed up on an External HD. I remade the playlist on Itunes, transferred the music from my Ext. HD to the playlist, connected my ipod to have it synced, then disoconnected my HD and Ipod after sync and when I search the playlist on my Ipod I only get 29 of the 142 songs synced. Can someone please tell me what could be going wrong?
I have recently formatted my computer and put all my mp3s back on from my backup on time machine. I am now trying to transfer a playlist to my ipod touch but not all songs are syncing from the playlist? I have authorised the computer for my purchases. Any ideas?
How do I transfer my iPod Touch songs to my MacbookPro through iTunes? I stopped it from syncing, but I have no songs on my MacbookPro and a bunch on my iPod. I got my iPod songs from iTunes on a PC. I want to plug my iPod Touch into my new MacbookPro and transfer the songs from my iPod to my Mac.
My iTunes (the latest version on a MacBook Pro) is not allowing me to copy music from the library to an iPod. Most of the music is imported in, not purchased from iTunes. When I drag to load on to the iPod, it says "File Not Found" - I am guessing it is because it is a mp3 not a mp4? I am not sure how it cannot be found, when I can play the song in iTunes on my computer? Do I need to convert these song files to mp4? If so, what program can I use? I used to use AudioHub before it went away - I have since purchased a new machine and cannot access it any more.
I don't know what happened but all of a sudden itunes won't let me drag and drop a song onto my ipod or iphone, It won't even let me drag and drop a song in a playlists within itunes.
My laptop has died and so I am off to purchase a MacBook Pro at the weekend. My concern is my iTunes account and credit which is on my laptop. My iTunes library is a combination of purchased songs and songs copied from my own CDs.
Will I be able to sync my iPod to the MacBook Pro thereby retrieving my credit and songs?
i have just plugged my ipod into my laptop and it wiped all my songs. i have my ipod on manual sync but im not sure what happened. is there anyway i can recover my files or are they gone forever?
Is there a simple way for me to copy my photos in my Iphoto so that I can put them on my wife's macbook? I want to keep them on mine also but she is wanting them too. I could just download to her computer from the camera they were taken on but they would not be edited and I want her to have the edited version.
I just bought a new iMac... but a friend of mine has a MacBook Pro (which already came with Comic Life installed). I was just wondering if there was a way to copy that application to my iMac??? If so, can anyone tell me how to do that?
I've downloaded shows from itunes, they are on a hard drive. Before, when I chose to play the file on itunes, it used to simply link (or source) the file from the hard drive, but recently it started copying the file to the iTunes folder (on my computer). This is very frustrating because I simply don't have enough space in my computer to have contain all these HD videos. Is there any way to have it linking to my files rather than having it copy over?
Can anyone tell me if its possible to transfer music from my ipod to new itunes library on new computer. My old laptop died and I hadnt backed up my itunes library. I still have all music I want on my ipod and have recovered my purchased content but cant sync ipod or will lose all the content. A lot of my old library had been transferred from cds and I dont want to go through all that process again.
Today my ipod started to act up. I cant seem to connect it to my computer anymore. When I plug it into my FireWire port, all it does is charge the battery. I am thinking there might be a problem with the FireWire cable itself (i hope, cause thats a cheap and easy fix). I know it isn't a problem with the FireWire port on my computer, because my CD Burner works fine.
I have imported a TV show from a disk with 4 episodes on it. I've done this before with the same disk and it worked fine but now when I try to play it is comes up with a warning "the disk copy protection could not be verified. The disk cannot be played . [-70025]" is there any way around this?
I have an new imac.Everyhting is working in itunes.all songs play no problem through the computer (including purchased songs)Computer has been authorized.Old imac has been unauthorized already.Latest itunes update done.Everything was working fine until I plugged in my ipod for the first time on the new imac.A pop up came up that reads that the computer is not authorized to put the downloaded songs onto the ipod. I click authorize and enter in my user name and password. Another pop up comes up and reads "this computer is already authorized".I click OK.Immediately a pop up comes up that reads that the computer is not authorized this happens over and over.if I click "don't authorize" the program starts syncing my ipod without my downloads.so I just unplugged the ipod.The computer will play the downloaded songs no problem the problem comes when I plug in the ipod.
My old computer crashed so I'm not able to get my music from it to put onto my new macbook. But I do have all my music on my ipod touch, so can I somehow transfer the songs from there to my macbook?