1. when i first startup my macbook the finder doesn't appear at the very top of the screen and my trash will not open as well.
i think this problem occured when i clicked force quit on finder and now i cannot retrieve finder. i am not a computer person so i don't know all the mac slang. any suggestions?
2. when i open safari it always asks for a password and anytime i search something it asks for the password again how do i turn this off?
Trash... All of a sudden whenever I send anything to the trash it wants to "Delete Now?" or "Cancel" it wont allow me to keep anything in the trash for later deletion. Nothing new was added or removed from the system
Suddenly, every file I put in the trash can is emptied immediately. This has never happened before, and I do not believe it is because of a setting somewhere that I changed. Any tips on how to prevent this?
I have two folders in my trash which I cannot empty. No matter how many times I try these folders will not go away. I have open the "info" link and marked them read and write without success.
Despite having several files in the trash, its icon never changes (always shows an empty trash) and the "Empty Trash" option is dimmed (that is, cannot be used). OnyX ws the only solution but it's temporary. What's the fix I should apply to Mac OS X? Also, why is it that every time I want to move a file to trash I must enter my password? It's annoying to say the least.Please help me as I don't want to go through the royal pains of installing everything again, Windows-style. I think Mac OS X should be better than that.
Info: MacBook Pro (17-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
The finder keeps wanting my admin password to put items in the trash - is there a solution to this? Repaired permissions, only an admin user on the machine, no other users.
Info: iMac 2.8 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo/MacBook 2Ghz Intel Core 2 Duo, Mac OS X (10.6), 4 GB RAM - 500 GB HD/4 GB RAM - 120 GB HD
I moved a bunch of files to the trash can after installing Snow Leopard, mainly backup files from OmniFocus.
I clicked Secure Empty Trash and over 500,000 items began deleting. These 500,000+ items deleted at the rate of 2-3 items a second. This would total 138 hours equaling over 5 days to Secure Empty the trash.
This is just ridiculous in my option so I just did the "Empty Trash" feature, showing me only 350 items, which deleted quickly in under 5 minutes...
So far I know with Secure Empty Trash that the trash is securely layered with 0's & 1's....but wonder what happens with just "Empty Trash?"
How easily accessible is it for someone to retrieve something that i've deleted?
Suddenly Finder keeps asking me to input my password whenever I delete a file to the trash. Emptying the trash is fine, though.I thought maybe I had clicked an option in Onyx that caused this, but having looked several times, I can't see anything in Onyx that would cause this. I've tried repairing disk permissions using Disk Utility, with no effect.
Info:MacBook Pro (15-inch Late 2008), Mac OS X (10.7.4), 8 GB RAM
My 24" iMac (2.4 Ghz Intel Core 2 Duo, running OSX 10.6.1) crashed during a normal shutdown sequence and had to be closed down by holding in the power button. This resulted in three zero kB alias files with random names such as "." in the trash.
I cannot empty these files from the trash by any normal means and the trash icon permanently shows full. The files can be selected but cannot be dragged to the desktop or renamed. Other files put in the trash can be deleted normally.
My 09 Mac Pro trash won't make the normal trash sound when emptying the trash in SL. Does anyone know if this is for all SL users or how I can turn it back on? I like hearing the sound and don't like the fact that I have a glitch if this is one.
I've noticed that when I "Secure Empty Trash" though it takes longer, I usually regain a lot of gigabytes back. Currently, as of this post i'm "secure emptying trash" and i've regained about 25GB's which sounds about right considering there was about that much worth of video recordings from my video camera I no longer needed.
In the past when I've just "deleted trash" i've seen different results. If I have say 10GB's in the trash and I just "empty trash" then i'll maybe gain back like a GB or 2. ...if anything.
So, my concern is...say currently with the 25GB amount of trash I have, If I decided to just "empty trash", I obviously would not have gained back all the 25GB's..., perhaps just a few, guessing something like 5GB.
Well, does that mean that those GB's that are emptied in the trash (not securely) are just lost forever?
..Or will I regain those GB's the next time around (say weeks later) I securely empty the trash with whatever happens to be in there (all new stuff in the trash)?
Am I making sense?
Kinda confusing to me cause I don't understand it. But I feel it's vital for me to get this and have the most amount of gigs available on my Mac now that i'm using about 30GB's per week filming stuff and editing it on iMovie.
I've been trying to empty files in trash, and everytime I do, it brings up a new finder window and says that it's preparing to move to trash, but it's already in trash. When I try to take it out of trash it says that it's copying the file to my desktop.
I've been having troubles with my finder the past few weeks. The trash would not empty unless I would "relaunch" the finder. Sometimes, even after a relaunch, the trash would still not empty. After a restart, however, I could usually empty the trash. Until todayÂ
So, I tried repairing permissions using disk utility. After permissions were fixed, I still had the problem.Â
I then deleted the following files:
(Actually, I didn't truly delete them, I just put them in a temp folder on my desktop.)Â
The trash seems to empty just fine now, but now the preferences pane for my Finder is completely blank -- and doesn't open immediately. It looks like this:
Here is some system info:Â MacBook Pro (15-inch, Late 2011) 2.4 GHz Intel Core i7 16 GB 1333 MHz DDR3 Intel HD Graphics 3000 512 MB version 10.10.1 (14B25)
I am using Mac OS 10.4.11, and I ran an application which put the entire Macromedia Flash directory into the trash. It contained a locked file, which I took out again, but the system is insisting that that item is still there. In fact, nothing is left in the trash, but if I try to delete a new item, I get an error message afterwards. Is there any way to clear that?
When I direct the G5 Leopard to "empty trash" I get a window saying "preparing to empty trash" and a counter that zooms upward, but no trash emptying. I ask myself "how difficult can this be?" But I guess the answer is 'too difficult for me."
I tried to trash one of the Time Machine backups from an external drive, but now it's stuck in the Trash and I cannot get rid of it. The "Secure Empty Trash" option doesn't do it.
i have alot of trash that is taking up space and it is slowing down my mac. everytime i try to empty my trash it asks me to securely empty the trash and i do. the window pops up and looks as if it starts but then it disappears.
I just upgraded to Lion 10.7.4 and am having troubles with emptying the Trash. The dialog box opens and shows the number of items to be deleted, and the blue candy cane starts. Nothing happens - no progress bar appears. If I click on the X to stop the process, it says "Stopping" but again nothing happens. I've left it overnight and nothing changes. Restarting the machine sometimes works, but often I can't restart because "Another process in in use". Only by Force Quitting the FInder will it restart.Â
Cleaned up my MacBook Pro yesterday, put a lot of files in the bin. After (ish) 400 delted files the "process bar" of how much as been deleted did not move anymore. I could not abort the emptying so I had to restart the Finder. The 400 files were gone out of the bin but those files which are now still in there can simply not be deleted. Every time I try to klick "empty trash" my computer gets stuck at "preparying to emtpy trash"
I have loged out, restarted and also tried "secure empty trash" ..... all of it did not work.Every time I want to cancel the emptying it does not react and I have to restart the Finder. Yesterday the Finder even didn´t restart once so I had to restart the entire system. Is there anything I can still do? Pretty unhappy witht he situation and hope all these bugs which were in the Lion update will get fixed with Mountain Lion!
Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.4), MB Pro mid 2009, 2.53Ghz, 4GB DDR3
Just upgraded to Lion from SL, on a 2010 Power PC with 2.66GHz Intel Core Duo. Now, it won't empty the Trash - progress bar just sits there no matter how long I give it. Is there anything I can do about it? Does my machine not support Lion?
When I click on the Trash in the Dock, an empty window appears with the Title "Window". I've not viewed the Trash recently, so I don't know how long this has been going on. I've done a Repair Permissions a couple times, but with no benefit. Any thoughts? I intentionally put files into the Trash and can see the files via the command line when looking in the ~/.Trash folder. Besides the lack of files, the window title is obviously wrong.