OS X :: Setting Different DNS Adress For Different Network Possible For Airport?

Jan 5, 2010

Is this possible? I use my wireless connection at home and at school. In home I use google dns however in school I cannot use any dns it is not allowed. For this reason I add and delete dns adresses everytime. It is quite boring. Is there a way or application that allow me set different dns adressses for different network connections?

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Hardware :: AirPort Express WDS - Setting Up Network?

May 15, 2010

I've come home from college for the summer and set up my PC and iMac in my bedroom. However, the wireless signal from the router in the basement (a cisco m10 wireless n router) is very weak and cuts out frequently. I have an Airport Express and was hoping to use it as a wireless repeater/range extender, but can't seem to figure it out. I know there is no "official support" for use as a repeater with non-Apple routers, but is there a way around this? If so, how can I set up my network?

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Hardware :: Setting Up Network With Airport Express (2009)?

Jul 4, 2009

I just purchased my new Airport Extreme (draft-n) and setup was relatively easy when building a simple network. However, after discovering that the Extreme cannot cover the whole house, I've been wanting to use my old Asus WL-530g router as a base and the Extreme to extend the network, or vice versa.

I've tried using the Extreme as the extender to the Asus's network but it gives me this message: "You cannot extend this network"

What can be the problem?

Are there any alternative ways to extend a network?

Can I use the Asus itself to extend the Airport network?

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Hardware :: Detecting Ip Adress With Airport Extreme?

Dec 29, 2009

Was hoping I could get a tip with a problem I'm having. I just set up an aiport extreme and connected an NAS to it (which is running linux). I am able to access the NAS off of my laptop BUT apparently I need the IP adress of the actual device to fully access software on it. I know the adress of my router by using the airport utility, but could anybody advise me as to how I could get the IP adress of my Nas? I'm running OS X 10.6 incidentally.

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Hardware :: Setting Up Airport Express Through Airport Extreme?

Mar 9, 2010

I currently have the apple extreme as my wireless router. It works great. I absolutely love it. I have two macbook pro's (wife and I both have one) and use it for my PS3 and Xbox 360. I started a new job and was given a free HP desktop (not my choice, but hey, it's free, so what can I say). The desktop is not wireless and I am not able to put my computer near the airport extreme because my TV already owns that territory. Today I bought the Airport express to use as a bridge (and other things in the future). I have plugged it in. I opened the airport utility using my macbook. It finds my extreme and my express. I select that I want to set up the express. I select that I want to set it up using an existing wireless network. I select my airport extreme. It tells me that it has to restart the express. I wait approximately 3 minutes. It then tells me that the settings to the express have been changed but it's not able to find it.

My main goal is to use the express as a bridge. I have the express plugged in beside the desktop and want to run an ethernet cable from the express to the desktop to allow for wireless capability.

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Hardware :: Airport Extreme Not Forwarding Airdisk To Connected Airport Express Network?

Apr 25, 2010

I have an Airport Extreme, with two USB hard drives connected to it. The Airport Extreme shares these disks to my wireless network via Airport Disks.

Upstairs I have an Airport Express, that wirelessly connects to my Airport Extreme downstairs, and extends the wireless network so I get a good wireless reception upstairs.

My problem is, that it does not seem like me Airport Express does a good job of forwarding my 2 USB Airport Disks to the extended wireless network upstairs.

For example, when I use the AirVideo iPhone app to stream video from my USB Airport Disks I get a server connection error when I go upstairs and the iPad/iPhone switches to the Airport Express networks. I cannot reconnect as long as it is on the Airport Express network. If I turn the airport Express off, and thus switch to the poor wireless reception from the Airport Extreme, I can connect to the USB Airport disks again.

The Airport Express is connected to the Airport Extreme in bridged mode.

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OS X :: Slow Network - Airport Express To Extend The Network

Apr 21, 2010

I have a slow network issue. I'll try to make it as simple as possible.

1 MacBook Pro
1 Airport Extreme
1 Airport Express to Extend the Network

The network to my living room was slow, so I added the Express to extend the network. When connected through the Express, with a Time Machine backup, I'm getting about 500K/sec transfer speeds. When I move the laptop away from the Express and close to the Extreme, the network works much faster, about 5MB/sec. I don't understand why the network is so much slower when using the Airport Express as a network extender. Is the speed difference normally that much? If it's not supposed to be, is there anything I can do?

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OS X :: Setting Up A Mac Network?

Apr 13, 2009

I'm a bit new to the whole Mac scene. I'm trying to figure out how to set up a network for my office, and I have a few questions.

1. Can I have my modem plug into a Time Capsule and use that as a router, or do I need an airport? This relates to question 2.

2. I want to have a server to store all of my data. 1TB will be plenty. Do I need to buy an XServe, or can I just buy a 1TB Time Capsule?

Basically, I want to know if I can use a Time Capsule as both a router and a server. I will have 6 computers in my office using this wireless internet. Would I be better off buying an Airport Extreme and an Xserve? What does an Xserve offer that a Time Capsule does not?

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Hardware :: Using G Network As Well As Airport Extreme N Network?

Jul 8, 2009

Here is my situation. I am a network newbie. I bought a Airport Extreme (2008 model without dual band & guest networking) and have it setup with my ADSL broadband modem. I bought it so I could use the high speed N to connect to my Apple TV. It replaced a Linksys WRT54G.

My concern is this. We have another laptop in the house which only has Wireless G. It is connected most of the time to our network, so I presume that it will be slowing the speed of my Extreme to G levels.

Can I connect my old Linksys G router somehow to my network to create a seperate Wireless G network to access the internet. The older laptop can be at G speeds and my Extreme network remaining at N speeds ?

Maybe an easier option is to buy a N USB adaptor for my laptop but I don't want to buy something if I can use my current equipment.

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OS X :: Setting Up A Wired Network?

Jun 14, 2009

So I got a new Macbook about 3 months, and I've been sitting on a couch in the same room with the wireless router. However I'm getting a bit sick of having to use a couch as my desk and I want to get internet in my room.

Our house, is reasonbly new, and I know that all the phone wires are cat5 (I'm 100% sure), so I was thinking of setting up a wired network.

Since our house is made up of concrete and steel beams, the wireless signal isn't that great in our house. We have a D-Link G604T which is a piece of junk so I will get a new router in the near future.

So currently, we have some sort of filter in the room where the router is, so we can plug in the router without having to worry about putting filters on all of our telephone lines.

However, if I were to put internet in through the same line, I'm guessing I would have to get some filters.

Hopefully what I want to do is get a phone jack to Ethernet converter and put internet directly into the wall and hopefully I will get internet in all of the phone jacks. I could probably take the cable out and put a Ethernet end straight on the cable.

I was also thinking If I get a airport extreme of some other gigabit router, I would technically get less latency and would retain my internet speeds even though I would getting internet through a long line of cables.

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OS X :: Setting Up A Time Capsule As A Network?

Jan 13, 2011

I have installed and have running a new Time Capsule. I would like to access files through the wireless network between two Apples and two PC's. At present the Apples are working wonderfully, however the PC running Windows 7 sees the network is unable to access it.

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Hardware :: Setting Up Samsung CLP 315 Over Network...

Sep 20, 2008

I just purchased a Samsung CLP 315 laser printer to run over my network and cannot get it to work for the life of me. I have it plugged into my AirPort Express and it recognizes it through Bonjour but when I go to print it gets about 4% complete and then says 'unable to locate'...

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OS X :: Setting Up Secure Wireless Network

May 27, 2009

So explain to me as you would to a complete moron how to create a wireless network with WEP encryption. I have an iMac running Leopard and my router is a D-Link DI-524.

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OS X :: Setting Up Home Network Between 3 MacBooks

Jun 24, 2009

I have three macbooks, one of them is a MacBook pro. I can connect by using a computer to computer network no problem but problems arise when I want to connect them through my home network. I have set up file sharing on all of the laptops. I have tried using Go => Connect to server, then afp://ip address, nothing. When I click on network in finder, nothing turns up. Do I need to open up ports on my router? What is stopping the macs seeing each other?

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MacBook Pro :: Setting Up Network Backup?

Jun 15, 2012

Can I use a router and an external HDD that connects via USB as a Time Capsule for wireless Time Machine backups? Or does it HAVE to be a Time Capsule to work? I am planning on buying a router (see link below) and I already have a huge 1.5 terabyte WD hard drive, and I'd really like to just connect it to the router and use it for wireless back up...and possibly even move my massive iTunes library over to as well one day.

Here's the router I'm looking at: [URL]

MacBook Pro (15-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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Hardware :: Setting Up Network Printer On AEBS

Mar 18, 2009

Can someone point me in the right direction to set up a network printer on my recently purchased AEBS? Love the unit so far except can't get me Epson printer to work yet.

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OS X :: Setting Up Network Printer In Snow Leopard?

Jul 11, 2010

I have a Mac Pro which I just upgraded from Leopard to Snow Leopard. I have an HP Multi-Function 2840 hooked up to the router via ethernet. This printer previously worked through Leopard.

Now, my understanding is that for SL, the drivers for this printer are in the operating system and can not be downloaded from HP.

How do I set this up as a network printer? I would like to be able to print from my other computers in the house as well.

Please Note: Snow Leopard only provides drivers for the printing function of this machine. I am going to have to revert to other means to use this device to scan.

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Hardware :: Setting Up Ad Hoc Network For Wireless Printing?

Aug 18, 2010

I am attempting to create an ad hoc network for the purpose of wireless printing, but I am clueless how to do so, or if it is even a possibility. I am a student and I do not want to connect my printer to the school's wireless network, nor do I want to connect via the USB interface. These are the peripherals:

Macbook Pro 13", 10.6.4

Brother HL 2170w

Can anyone explain to me how I might go about setting up a network on my Macbook Pro that my printer would be able to connect with?

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Hardware :: Setting Up Airport With USB Internet.?

Jun 27, 2009

Im thinking of setting up a AirPort Express or Extreme, unsure which i gonna buy, anyway, i thought id come here and post before going to shops and getting it (due to there isnt a apple shop within 4 hours drive )

I have my internet running through a USB wireless thingy (Sorry)

and i was wondering how/ if i could set it up running through that.

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OS X :: Setting Up Static Ip In Network And Unable To Forward Ports

Dec 24, 2008

I have set up a static ip in Network and then I followed [URL]'s guide to setting up a port forward for my router.

Transmission keeps telling me the port is closed, and when I check on random port sites, they also tell me it is closed!

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Setting Up Scan To Network Dell 1355cn

May 21, 2012

I am setting up a Dell 1355cn printer that has a scan to network feature. I have enabled SMB networking in my system preferences. Now I need to know how to get the scanner to scan to a shared folder on my Mac. These are the settings I have tried but so far I am getting an error on the printer.

D01 Namee.g. PeterShare, Sharedfolder Server TypeSMBFTP (ftp://Server Address/Server Path)SMB (\Server AddressShare NameServer Path)Server Addresse.g. myPC, XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX

Share Name

e.g. SMB (Share, Sharedfolder)Server Pathe.g. FTP (pub, pub/share), SMB (finance, financePeter, financePeterSales)Server Port Number(139, 5000 - 65535) Login Namee.g. FTP (anonymous, Peter), SMB (Peter, DomainPeter)Login PasswordRe-enter Password

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.7)

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IMac (Intel) :: Setting Up Remote Network With AirPrint

Jul 1, 2014

i have two iMacs, one 2009 and another 2014 and a network printer, these are in a home office and the iMacs connect individually to my by home hub. My network/usb printer is connected to one of the iMacs. whats the best way to setup a network to connect the two iMacs and allow AirPrint from iPhone/iPads without having to run a network cable to my home hub. 

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OS X :: Setting Up Airport Extreme As Range Extender?

Mar 29, 2009

On the Bestbuy website they market the airport extreme as having the capability to become a range extender and the guy in the store said it would work with a linksys. The Linksys is a WRT150N. I have the airport extreme set-up in my room and it has a solid green light. When I go into the set-up for it I click join network and It sees the linksys and I select it and it says everything is working fine but it stays on the green light and the signal isn't being extended.

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Hardware :: Setting AirPort Extreme To Wireless N Only

Aug 2, 2009

Quick question does anyone know how to set the Airport Extreme to wireless N only? I understand it will be wireless N only if I connect to the 5 ghz band. Problem is my Netgear Wireless N Bridge is 2.4 ghz only, and when it connects to the Airport extreme for some reason it only connects at wireless G. I do not see an option in Airport Utility for it to broadcast in Wireless N only. My options are 1) Automatic 2) 802.11a/n-802.11b/g 3) 802.11a-802.11b/g

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PowerPC :: Setting Up An Airport Card In Ibook G3?

Nov 9, 2009

I need help from someone please. I just placed and airport card in my ibook g3. I am running os 10.2.8. I am using a linksys wrt54g router. I turn on the airport. Then I attempt to connect to the name of our network and type in our password. I end up getting a message stating that the password entered in not correct for the selected airport network.

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OS X :: Setting Up AirPort Extreme Base Station

Apr 14, 2010

I have an airport extreme base station and I heard you need a modem to connect it to, I have a bt homehub and need to just get the internet setup. I can't seem to set it up how hard I try. It shows this when I try to plug it in without the bt hub [URL] and I dont know if I have a modem or not?

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Hardware :: Setting Up A Wireless Print / Hard Drive Network?

May 31, 2009

I'm trying to make my laptop as mobile as possible and I'm wondering what I need to buy to accomplish this.

I would like to be able to access my external hard drive [s] wirelessly. I currently have three external drives, and I would also like to print wirelessly [which may be a problem because I have the Epson 595 ].

What would you recommend I purchase to make this work? Do I need a second laptop to run as a 'server' or can I just get something like the AEBS or can I use my existing Linksys router somehow?

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Hardware :: Setting Up College House Network With Time Capsule

Jul 20, 2009

I'm moving into a house with 4 friends and we need to setup a home network which I am in charge of. 2 people have Macs and 3 have Windows. I want a central hard drive that everyone can throw their music and videos on to share. We also want wireless N. I was wondering if a Time capsule would be a good way and a good value or what the best way to set this up would be.

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MacBook Pro :: Will Setting Up A Dual Network Speed Up Transfer Rates

May 6, 2012

I have 3 macbookpros connected to a mini mac server via ethernet. I have the cables and hub to set up a firewire network. I'm wondering if having two networks will increase my connection speed?

Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), Server

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MacBook Air :: Setting Up 2Wire Router With AirPort Extreme

Mar 15, 2008

Does anyone out there is able to guide me thru the step on setting up a 2Wire all-in-one router with the AirPort Extreme base station? I was reading from somewhere, they were saying like i need to bridge the 2 router together or something.

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