OS X Server V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Setup A Gateway On A Mac Mini Using Virtual Port?

Mar 15, 2012

I would like to setup a gateway on a mac mini. The requirement for many gateways is to have two network ports. However a mac mini has one physical network port. How can i setup a virtual network port to work setup the gateway server?

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OS X Server V10.6 Snow Leopard :: How To Setup Mac Mini Server As VPN Server

Apr 3, 2012

currently using mac mini server for sharing files and folders. Would like to setup VPN to get access to files remotely.

-Model identifier: Macmini 3.1

-Mac OS X Server version 10.6.8

I am not sure if this version supports VPN.

Mac mini

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OS X Server V10.6 Snow Leopard :: New Setup Of Mail Server?

Apr 24, 2012

I've googled and searched, I can't see what I'm missing, so I am turning to the community for help, because I simply don't get this. I own 2 domain names.  I'd like to use the build in Mail Server application into SL Server, so if your suggestion is using another mail server, please don't post that. 

Let's say my domain's are domain1.com and domain2.com I've looked at the Mail Server Admin user guide, and I've followed a couple of wizzards, and... all in all, I am getting no where.  Let's also say my email client is my iPhone. 

Ok, so domain1.com currently has no email with my current provider, and domain2.com currently has email from my current provider, it's my desire to eventually switch this, but experimenting on domain1.com will do no harm, so I am experimenting on this.  Both domains give me the ability to point to an mx address. 

Here's what I've done.  I've got my user created in Workgroup Administrator, and I am confiuguring my LDAP3v, and I am authenticated enough to create and delete users. 

***I Should note that DNS is currently disabled, I gathered from all my reading that I don't need the DNS enabled because I manually put in the MX record to mail.domain1.com and domain1.com is correctly identified.  The server is also the webserver, and all the web server functions are working as expected!  I don't know if not having the DNS enabled is holding me back or not *** 

1st, I enabled the mail service in the Server Admin.  My domain name is ServerName.local and my host name is mail.domain1.com (I created an a entry in my dns settings for that).  Enable SMTP is set, IMAP and POP are enabled as well.

I don't intend on setting a relay, because I want this server to do send email out.  I do have some cases where I send a mass email out, not for spam but for Christmas card purposes, and I think this is a good free way to not have to limit myself to batches of 50 or so.

I have my created SSL certificate, and havce only the Kerberos and CRAM-MD5 settings set in the security.

In my hosting section, I have enabled Virtual hosting, and listed my domain1.com and domain2.com below.

Now in workgroup manager, I've connected to my LDAP3v database and created a test user, and a test group.  In the server admin, I added the test group to the list of authenticated mail users.  I made my test user a member of the test group, and made that his default group.  I enabled the mail service, and set the mail server which is ServerName.local, and enabled POP and IMAP. 

That's it.  I've done nothing in terminal, just that.  I was getting a user unable to authenticate error, it was able to download the certificate though.  Then I realzed I had an MXE defined in my settings for my DNS domain manager.  So I changed to an MX, to mail.domain1.com and then I created mail.domain1.com pointing to the same IP address as domain1.com, and unfortunately the DNS records haven't updated yet, because I initially didn't create the mail.domain1.com entry, and now it's saying the server isn't responding, so I am anxiously awaiting an update from the DNS in the world to see if the issue has now cleared up. 

Mac mini Server (Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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OS X Server :: How To Setup For Virtual Hosting?

Dec 20, 2010

I've developed on windows going on 15 years or so. About 8 months ago, I purchased a 24" iMac and found that I really like OS X. So I got the iPad next, last week I went and got the top of the line iMac 27" with the i7 quad... and this past friday, I purchased the Mac Mini Server I bumped the mem up to 8gigs... So let me get to my questions...

I have been running CentOS with Directadmin CP for several years for hosting. I want to start virtual hosting with OS X Server...

When I install the DA control panel on centos, there is the 2 main DNS servers I have to setup which points to the local machines 2 ip addresses dedicated for dns...

I can't find how to add these in OSX and do initial setup for virtual hosting.
Also, In my linux server, every user has a unique system account, user, group per account. Is that how I should setup users/groups for virtual hosting on OSX?

Last of all, are there any documentation for step by step setup of OSX for a virtual hosting platform?

I'm not getting no where on what I have found in google.

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Get The Error Message That The Server On Port 997 Timed Out

Apr 11, 2012

I have not been able to access my Hotmail account for some time now.. I get the error message that the server “pop3.live.com” on port 997 timed out.?

MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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OS X Server V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Delete Server Portion From My Mac Mini?

Mar 10, 2012

I don't use any of it and would like to update to lion with out the server portion.

Info:Mac mini Server (Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Once Or Twice Have Had The 'Bad Gateway' Message?

Jun 6, 2012

Once or twice recently I have had the 'Bad gateway' message.   It's only been on the screen when in Apple Community pages.   Prior to these events I have never before met this message. 

Am I alone with this problem?  

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Mac :: Snow Leopard NOT Server On A Mac Mini Server?

Jan 18, 2010

First, I'm a n00b Mac user but I'm reasonably tech smart and I want to make the jump to OSX. I need a mac for the wife, who will use it in the living room connected to our TV. She does email, light desktop publishing, and a metric ton of movies and music: the iTunes library alone is 300GB. Plus she watches DVDs on it. I was thinking about buying a refurbed mac mini server (It's at a discounted price) but I don't need Snow Leopard Server. I'll add the external superdrive later.How hard would it be to just install regular Snow Leopard instead of Server?Also, in regular Snow Leopard, how would the HDDs show up in OSX? One big 1TB drive or 2 500gb drives?

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Mac Mini :: Server With Snow Leopard Install

Apr 30, 2010

I've been lurking for a while and on the fence about a new Mac Mini. Since I've given up on a Media Center PC with Blu Ray, I'm back to the Mac Mini. I've got two blu ray players and PS3, so I think we've got that covered! One of the things that I'd really like to have is maximum storage for the Mac Mini, since it will have the video and audio on there. The question is this. Is anyone out there running a Mac Mini Server with Snow Leopard installed as a regular desktop machine? How does that work out? Is it worth it? I already have a very nice external Lacie double layer DVD burner, so the optical drive isn't necessary for me. Does the Mini Server with its 1TB of storage make sense? At $849 for a refurb at Apple.com, it seems pretty reasonable. Would love to hear thoughts from this crowd.

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OS X :: Creating Local DNS Server On Mini With Snow Leopard?

Nov 28, 2010

Tried running some instructions from MacWorld that were for Tiger, but it doesn't seem to work.Anybody know how to create a local DNS server on a Mac Mini running Snow Leopard?

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OS X :: Can't Install Standard Snow Leopard On Mac Mini Server

Jul 14, 2010

I purchased a top of the line Mac Mini Server and I'd like to install the standard version of Snow Leopard on it. I tried to the following: I inserted my retail snow leopard DVD in my macbook pro and I launched "Remote Install Mac OS X" (in /applications/utilities) and I followed the instructions. Then I booted the mac mini holding the "alt" key down and selected the snow leopard dvd as startup disk. What I see next is the Apple logo with the activity indicator spinning and after several seconds I see a "no entry" sign and nothing more it stays like this forever. Is it possible to install Snow Leopard on a Mac mini server?

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OS X Server V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Adding Disk Space To Mac Mini

May 26, 2012

How can I add disk space to my mac mini server. An alais in the documents folder will not work. Running out fo disk space on my web server.  

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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Mac Mini :: Install Desktop Version Of Snow Leopard On 2010 Server?

Nov 18, 2010

install desktop version of Snow Leopard on 2010 server? Granted I do buy an external superdrive for it.

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OS X Server V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Unable To Start MYSQL Service On Mac Mini

Apr 20, 2012

Trying to installed JAMF software on Mac Mini server. One of the configuration steps required setting up a database from the terminal but it requires the MYSQL service to be running and I'm unable to get this service to start.

Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.6.3)

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Mac Mini :: Server - Typical LAN Setup?

Sep 7, 2010

i have tried trawling the net for this info but have not found much that makes a lot of sense. i would like to move my current office network setup to a slightly more (semi)pro approach. instead of just linking four macs together at the Broadband router and using very simple file sharing etc. if i start with a mac mini server. i have found that people generally warn you away from using the broadband router as a hub/switch. would it be sensible to connect the mini to a dedicated hub/switch/router and have all the clients/modem/NAS etc connected to that? is it really as simple, in hardware terms, as that? is anyone able to suggest a hub/switch/router that might be suitable for the job of about 4 clients. also would network attached peripherals (printers) be best attached to the server and everyone access them through it? lastly, this is not a really data/processing intensive office, just documents flying about. whilst the mac mini server seems like a great deal for the software included, it does strike me that the hardware is a little over kill and that a simple mac mini would do the job (regrettably without OSX server)

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Mac Mini :: Cannot Setup FTP Server Including Ext HD?

Jun 11, 2010

I am new here but I have been wanting to turn my mac into a server, or make it possible to connect to it and the hard drives connected to it, anywhere. I would like this for school as well as for my family and friends. I have a lot of movies and things of that nature that are on my mac mini or the hard drive connected to it, that I need. And most of the time when I need the files I am not on my home network. I tried macinstructs thing about the turning my mac into an FTP server. but it didnt work.

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Mac Mini :: Getting New Unibody Server For Home Setup

Jun 22, 2010

I should be receiving my new Unibody Mac Mini Server to replace my current Mac Mini by this Friday but more than likely Monday. I hope to give a detailed review of the Mac Mini Server with pictures. I went with the Mac Mini Server purely for the dual 500gb hard drives which I desperately want. Currently I use my Mac Mini as my Media hub. Its connected to my TV via a DVI to hdmi cable. It has a Turbo.264 HD, 640gb usb external hard drive, and a wireless keyboard logtiech mouse and keyboard attached to it as well as a EyeTV 200 and EyeTV 500 that I use for recording TV shows and digitizing VHS tapes and other media to a digital format (Old analog camcorder tapes, etc). I do a lot of video related tasks with this Mac Mini constantly. My current Mac Mini was originally given to me because a co-worker who upgraded to a better Core 2 Duo Mac Mini, this Mac Mini was originally a Mac Mini Core Solo 1.5ghz. I have had this machine since late 2007. I upgraded the cpu to a 1.66ghz Core Duo immediately when I got it, and maxed the ram out to the whooping 2gb (yeah . . .). Also last year I upgraded the hard drive to a 320gb drive. This Mac Mini has been on running 24/7/265 literally since about December 2007 and its never crashed on my once. I love this Mac Mini its a tank. The only other upgrade I have performed on the Mac Mini was installing Artic Silver thermal paste which made an amazing difference on the Mac Mini.

The reason I'm upgrading is all my media and everything right now currently resides on an external 640gb hard drive that every now and then "disappears" from my Mac Mini, it doesn't even show up in Disk Utility or terminal, and I have to restart the external enclosure. YES I know I could just get a new external hard drive enclosure but I don't want to, I like that hard drive, it works well like 90% of the time. However I now have an HD Video camera and HD content I record via my EyeTV 500 and trying to watch that over my usb connection seems to be pushing the limits. So I'm going to raid the two 500gb to a 1TB drive and use the 640gb drive as a Time Machine drive, or maybe I'll just get a 1TB Time Machine drive . . . not quiet sure yet, for now it will just be the 640gb drive.....

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Mac Mini :: Initial Setup On Server Without Monitor?

May 10, 2012

I have bought a mac mini lion server today. I do not have desktops in home, so no monitors.

How can I setup/login into it? I tried Server Admin Tools, but I do not have root password (tried blank and serial number).

Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7.4), Lion Server

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OS X :: Massive Virtual Keyboard Found In Snow Leopard - How To Fix It

Sep 1, 2009


"More from the irresponsible speculation department.. but IMHO more logically reasoned in this instance: Leander Kahney over at Cult of Mac just found a ridiculously huge virtual keyboard in Snow Leopard.

Located in System Preferences, it serves the same function as it did under Leopard, but is much larger. There's no reason I can think of why one would need a huge virtual keyboard just to show them what happens when you press the option key.

I find this fairly persuasive evidence of hooks being set in the OS for a touchscreen Mac, though I am aware of my bias, being on record as an iTablet fanboi. So take this, as every piece of speculation, with a grain of salt."

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Sync Folder To And From Virtual Machine

Mar 29, 2012

i have a folder i would like to sync between my windows 7 virtual machine desktop and my mac desktop. i am imagining that what i add to one and/or delete from one would be added to or deleted from the other. same for organizing the files and folders. 

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MacBook Pro :: Mini-display Port Versus Mini-DVI Port

Mar 16, 2010

Relevant newbie to the mac world. I have a MBP late 2009. I bought a third party Mini display port to HDMI converter so I can hook the MBP to my 46" Samsung screen.

This works fine, no major issues here. However the picture is not great. I compared watching a standard definition TV show through the MBP then burnt it onto a DVD. The DVD (using the PS3 as my DVD drive, connected via HDMI) had superior quality than through the MBP.

Also the picture does not quite fill the screen. There is a small black border running all the way around the screen. Does not sound significant but when doing the same comparison as above, you notice the difference when via DVD the movie fills the screen. I have played around with the resolution settings. Those that fill the screen chop bits of the mac desktop off, so thats no good either.

So I am wondering why this is? Is it because the mini display port is not a DVI port, hence I am not getting true HD quality picture? How can I overcome this if at all. I'm thinking of getting a mac mini as a media hub/HTPC but want to ensure I dont encounter the same problems.

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Mac OS X Lion Server :: Virtual Hosting Email Server?

Feb 7, 2012

I've set up a brand new Mac Mini and I'm trying to enable virtual hosting. [URL]But this is for 10.5 and 10.6 and although I got it working with 10.6, I can't make it for 10.7.  I am able to setup the account, send emails but when people send emails to my virtual domain they get this message:  Recipient address rejected: User unknown in virtual alias table (in reply to RCPT TO command) 

iMac, Other OS, Mac OS 10.7.2 Server

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OS X Server V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Push Login Script From Server To User Workstations?

Mar 22, 2012

i have a domain controller and active directory based policy win 2003, one xserve running mac os x server 10.6.8 and alot of macs workstations. How can i push login script on all macs without adding it in login items? The script i want to store on smb or afp share disk, and will be edited from time to time. I've tried to add it on xserve from WGM, but it threw an error that current directory schema doesn't store desktop settings.So how can i solve this?

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OS X Server V10.6 Snow Leopard :: ICal Server: Free/Busy And/or Availability Not Working?

Jun 14, 2012

I run 10.6.8 server in a VM with Parallels Server for Mac. Lithium pinged me early Monday morning to tell me that my calendar server wasn't reachable. I found it had kernel panicked. After resetting it and verifying the directory structure and permissions, it booted fine. But availability or free/busy wasn't working for all users! The events were all there. Invites could be sent and received but when a user checks for availability when creating events. they see the daily work hours grayed out but not anything corresponding to a scheduling conflict.  

Things I have Tried:

- bounced ical server

- Rebooted the server

- checked the owners and permissions for the data store hierarchy. (_calendar:_calendar 750)

- checked for xattrs on .ics files in several calendars

- deleted .db.sqlite for several users in several dir in their calendar stores

- in the past I have found that some iTIP invitations seem to get "stuck' causing problems with an individual users free/busy and deleting the inbox resolves this so I deleted several inboxes

-I moved a copy of the data store to a test server and pointed several clients at it. 

The issue persisted in all of these cases without any change in behavior with one exception; somewhere (i lost track of where) during this process users also lost their delegation preferences. I'd love to find out how and where that is stored so that it can be restored in the future. It seems pretty fragile... 

I found one way to restore the functionality; copying a users __uid__/<GUID>/calendar out. . Moving all the folders under <GUID> out of the way and dropping the .ics files into ical with their account configured in that instance. Although this worked for selected users, I have many, many users and calendars so this solution would be suboptimal.  

Xserve, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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OS X Server V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Server-admin Lost Config After Restart?

Apr 6, 2012

my problem is that on a restart of one of my 10.6.8 Servers parts of the Serveradmin configs are gone while some of them persists. The lost configs are everytime the same: VPN (complete) and iChat (a secondary but very important Host-Domain). Of course a can restore them from a backup but that shouldn't the standard procedure after a restart.... 

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OS X Server V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Server Loses Active Directory Binding?

May 15, 2012

I am running an open directory/active directory network.  Authentication is from the Windows server 2003 active directory.  It has worked fine until the last month. Now clients stop authenticating & when I  check the AD plugin it says network accounts are not available.  I can force the server to unbind, then renew the binding & everything works great.Is there any work around or fix for this other than upgrading the windows server to 2008? 

OS X server, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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OS X Server V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Software Update Server Not Working After Change Location Files

Mar 14, 2012

I had a goodworking SUS (10.6.8) working but the drive is getting full so i change the location of the files to another disk (in the xserve)and follow instructions from Apple (page 84 from the manual System Imaging)sudo cp -p /private/var/db/swupd/html /Volumes/My_Volume/My_Software_Updates_Folder/This works and i copy the files to a new drive. I also change the SUS so that theu host files for Lion clients url..works also, start SUS in Server Admin but when clients wants to connect i get an error that there is no SUS available and when i use the browser for an check i get een Forbidden error url...ForbiddenYou don't have permission to access /index.sucatalog on this server.Apache/2.2.21 (Unix) Server at Port 80.

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OS X Server V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Software Update Server / No Original For Index.sucatalog Alias?

Jun 28, 2012

Trying to set up the Software Update Server under 10.6.8 Server. Have everything set up properly as per Apple's documentation, but all clients error out on software updates (saying they can't find the index. sucatalog file). When you view this file, which is an alias, within the HTML folder that is created when you enable the Software Update service in Server Admin, the alias doesn't link to an original.I've tried this on two separate 10.6.8 Server installations and I get the same error on both machines.Where is the alias "index.sucatalog" supposed to point to?Software Update Error Log in Server Admin says "Symbolic link not allowed or link target not accessible" and points to the alias file.

Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7), Xserves (Early 2009, Early 2008, G5), Mac Pro

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OS X Server V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Replacing A Hard Drive Of RAID 5 System Just Ruined OS X 10.6.8 Server?

Jul 2, 2012

My system is MacPro 2009 with 10.6.8 server and Apple RAID card. Last week, RAID util just notified me of one drive is not viable, so i decided to replace the drive today. The configuration of my system is... There is an Apple Raid Card for HW Raid system Bay 1 = 640 TB drive with Mac OS X 10.6.8 server installed Bay 2, 3, 4 = 1.5 TB drives set up as RAID 5 below is what I did to replace the degraded Bay 4... 

1. I shut down the system

2. replaced the corrupted drive with the new hard drive

3. tried start the machine again.Now my machine refuses to start up with the blinking question mark... I guess that the system fails to recognize the new drive or cannot find the system files... 

4. So I put back the degraded drive...

5. The machine still won't start...

6. I tried to use the 10.6 server installation disk to boot up the machine to check if I can fix the system via disk util; but, everytime I do this, I got kernel panic...  

7. resetting PR Ram didn't help, cannot boot up via safe mode as well (since the system file is not accessible now, I guess...).

8. booting via 10.6.2 server installation DVD still gives me kernel panic...  

Why would my system corrupt by just replacing one degrade drive? The Mac OS X is not even the part of the Raid system... How am I supposed to fix this issue with out the installation disk?

Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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OS :: Inside Mac OS X Snow Leopard Server Apple's Server Strategy?

Oct 14, 2009

Years before Mac OS X 10.0 was first released in 2001, Apple launched Mac OS X Server, targeting its newly acquired Unix-based operating system technology at the education and workgroup server market. Apple has struggled ever since to find a broad server strategy that works. The solution may be as obvious as the iPhone App Store. Mac OS X Server has remained firmly stuck in the background even as Mac OS X has blossomed. Over the last decade of Mac OS X's development, Apple transformed its legacy Mac operating system from an outdated relic stuck in maintenance mode throughout most of the 90s into a highly regarded system that gets as much or more respect from industry critics as any other desktop operating system.Apple accomplished something that many others in the industry failed to do: marry the power and familiarity of Unix with accessible ease of use in a commercially successful product. Ray Noorda tried to do this at Novell in the early 90s; Caldera's OpenLinux also failed to take over the task from Novell ten years ago. United Linux and a series of followup attempts to standardize Linux all failed to accomplish their aims. A variety of efforts to sell Linux to consumers since then have all made very little progress outside of a small niche of hobbyist users.

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