I've developed on windows going on 15 years or so. About 8 months ago, I purchased a 24" iMac and found that I really like OS X. So I got the iPad next, last week I went and got the top of the line iMac 27" with the i7 quad... and this past friday, I purchased the Mac Mini Server I bumped the mem up to 8gigs... So let me get to my questions...
I have been running CentOS with Directadmin CP for several years for hosting. I want to start virtual hosting with OS X Server...
When I install the DA control panel on centos, there is the 2 main DNS servers I have to setup which points to the local machines 2 ip addresses dedicated for dns...
I can't find how to add these in OSX and do initial setup for virtual hosting.
Also, In my linux server, every user has a unique system account, user, group per account. Is that how I should setup users/groups for virtual hosting on OSX?
Last of all, are there any documentation for step by step setup of OSX for a virtual hosting platform?
I'm not getting no where on what I have found in google.
I've set up a brand new Mac Mini and I'm trying to enable virtual hosting. [URL]But this is for 10.5 and 10.6 and although I got it working with 10.6, I can't make it for 10.7. Â I am able to setup the account, send emails but when people send emails to my virtual domain they get this message: Â Recipient address rejected: User unknown in virtual alias table (in reply to RCPT TO command)Â
I would like to setup a gateway on a mac mini. The requirement for many gateways is to have two network ports. However a mac mini has one physical network port. How can i setup a virtual network port to work setup the gateway server?
I know this probably isn't topic-worthy, but I searched Apple's website along with the forums and couldn't find an answer. In System Preferences, under Security, what will happen if I check off "Use secure virtual memory?"
I want to setup a mail server from a Mac OS X server machine.
I used the standard configuration as the wizard is going to setup all the services automatically.
I have an email of the kind server.com
After the finish of the configuration all the system was working perfectly, except one thing. I could not browse to any .com address I could not resolve the apple.com address. This is actually a DNS server issue and as my DNS server is hosted to my ISP, I closed the DNS service from the Server admin app. Now I could browse to .com addresses but all the settings to the client computers need to be done manually. Meaning not from the Directory utility. The problem is that the address of the server was changed from server.com to server.local so all the settings now are server.local, including my email address that changed from user@server.com to user@server.local that cannot be replayed from the recipient
My Question is can I change the default configuration settings that the directory utility sets?? or do any other configuration to solve the issue.
Also in the webmail when I send an email the email of the sender is the username continued by the ISP's internal static IP host which is different to my server.com. I found a solution to change the email from the personal information tag of the options button. Can I also pre configure these settings to be ready as a new user is created??
I'd like to setup a network account on Lion Server and allow that account to VPN in to my server. But I want this account to have limited access to my LAN, similar to how the stovepiped "Guest Network" works with Airport Extremes. I don't see any way to assign specific network accounts specific IP ranges outside the normal, say, 10.0.1/24. Is there even any way to assign a specific account something in the range,say, 10.0.2/24? Any way to further limit network access for Lion Server VPN sessions?
Info: Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7.3), Lion Server, 8 GB
I've googled and searched, I can't see what I'm missing, so I am turning to the community for help, because I simply don't get this. I own 2 domain names. I'd like to use the build in Mail Server application into SL Server, so if your suggestion is using another mail server, please don't post that.Â
Let's say my domain's are domain1.com and domain2.com I've looked at the Mail Server Admin user guide, and I've followed a couple of wizzards, and... all in all, I am getting no where. Let's also say my email client is my iPhone.Â
Ok, so domain1.com currently has no email with my current provider, and domain2.com currently has email from my current provider, it's my desire to eventually switch this, but experimenting on domain1.com will do no harm, so I am experimenting on this. Both domains give me the ability to point to an mx address.Â
Here's what I've done. I've got my user created in Workgroup Administrator, and I am confiuguring my LDAP3v, and I am authenticated enough to create and delete users.Â
***I Should note that DNS is currently disabled, I gathered from all my reading that I don't need the DNS enabled because I manually put in the MX record to mail.domain1.com and domain1.com is correctly identified. The server is also the webserver, and all the web server functions are working as expected! I don't know if not having the DNS enabled is holding me back or not ***Â
1st, I enabled the mail service in the Server Admin. My domain name is ServerName.local and my host name is mail.domain1.com (I created an a entry in my dns settings for that). Enable SMTP is set, IMAP and POP are enabled as well.
I don't intend on setting a relay, because I want this server to do send email out. I do have some cases where I send a mass email out, not for spam but for Christmas card purposes, and I think this is a good free way to not have to limit myself to batches of 50 or so.
I have my created SSL certificate, and havce only the Kerberos and CRAM-MD5 settings set in the security.
In my hosting section, I have enabled Virtual hosting, and listed my domain1.com and domain2.com below.
Now in workgroup manager, I've connected to my LDAP3v database and created a test user, and a test group. In the server admin, I added the test group to the list of authenticated mail users. I made my test user a member of the test group, and made that his default group. I enabled the mail service, and set the mail server which is ServerName.local, and enabled POP and IMAP.Â
That's it. I've done nothing in terminal, just that. I was getting a user unable to authenticate error, it was able to download the certificate though. Then I realzed I had an MXE defined in my settings for my DNS domain manager. So I changed to an MX, to mail.domain1.com and then I created mail.domain1.com pointing to the same IP address as domain1.com, and unfortunately the DNS records haven't updated yet, because I initially didn't create the mail.domain1.com entry, and now it's saying the server isn't responding, so I am anxiously awaiting an update from the DNS in the world to see if the issue has now cleared up.Â
Info: Mac mini Server (Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
I am thinking about purchasing an iMac for Christmas (I already have a couple of laptops). I have a couple questions: I'd like to run Mac OSX Server in a Virtual Machine on the iMac. Can this be done? What software do you recommend? I'm thinking about using an Xserve at work, but I have nowhere to test the software before purchasing. How good are the internal speakers on the iMac? Do I need external ones?
i have running some Virtual Machines on my Mac Mini Server that i want to start and stop dynamicly. I thought i can do that with CGI-Scripts. If i know the correct URL the VM will start or stop. The problem is that the script must be started with my user-id. The _www user cannot start the VM's. Is it possible that i run a CGI-Script with a different user-id? Or do you have an other idea how can i realise my requirement.Â
To date we have been reimaging any new Macs or failed ones with an image that sits on our external firewire drive. This image includes all our corporate apps etc etc.
An an alternative to this, I would like to explore the use of NetBoot/NetInstall/NetRestore to reimage these machines.
To be clear, I dont want to NetBoot a machine just to use an image off the server (OSX server 10.3.9) and thats it, just to boot off the server and have a another image (our corporate one, applied to the client machine.
I have been reading loads about this and have been messing about creating an image etc but I underdstand that I have to enable NetBoot on the OSX server and also host the image I want applied to the client Mac on a sharepoint ?
We are a small company that just recently started using Lion Server for a few simple services. We've been pretty happy with it and are considering trying to host our email on it as well, as we've had a little trouble lately with our hosted email being rejected as spam (since they're shared services). It seems to work correctly in a controlled environment on test email accounts that I've created, but I'm having trouble figuring out if it's possible to allow smtp relaying from a device (cell phone, tablet, computer) outside of the local network when the sending from is a virtual address.Â
Basically, it seems "user@company1.com" can send from devices off the network and authentication allows them to. However, we have two sister companies that we need email for as well. I would like them to be able to send messages from "user@company2.com" or "user@sister3.com."Â
When I try to send from one of those test accounts on an iphone outside of the local network, it says "A copy has been placed in your Outbox. The recipent "recipient@addressee.com" was rejected by the server because it does not allow relaying."Â If I add the specific IP address of that device to my allowed relay list, the message sends with no problem. Obviously, I don't want wide ranges of IP addresses allowed to use the relay service. Is there no way to allow relaying from any IP address based on an authenticated user?Â
I'd like to create a better disaster recovery plan. My thought was to create a virtual machine of Lion OSx 10.7 server on my MacBook Pro running 10.7.Â
I have 8 Virtual screens and usually use one for mail, filer, and one for browser and so on. With Mission Control I used to get all the screens in the top and the collection of windows of the current screen.
Now I only get the windows of the current screen. I still can switch to the first 4 screens (Ctrl 1 ... 4 ) But not further :-(I use CMD TAB to switch now.Â
Info: Mac Pro (Early 2009), Mac OS X (10.7.3), 16GB RAM,
What would be the proper step-by-step instruction to setup an ftp server using the built-in feature in OSX 10.5.6, so the user is locked into a specific folder only, and obviously to make it as secure as possible? Also what if you want to have multiple users, and/or different ports (instead of default 21)?
I am runnning an office network which is connected to each other and the internet through a Linksys 4-Port Wireless Router which is already DHCP-enabled.
Would it be better to disable the Linksys DHCP and enable DHCP through Server Admin DHCP?
If I use Linksys DHCP how do I setup the DNS and LDAP info listed in Server Admin's DHCP settinegs?
2003 Mac Pro G5 1.6 4 Gb Ram (my first ever Mac, so bit of a soft spot)Old Airport Extreme (using Airport Utilities 5.6-probably bought same time as G5 2003) Recently purchased refurbished Mac Book Pro 2GHz Intel Core i7 and iMac 2.7 Quad Core Intel i5 What I would like to do is bump up the memory in G5 and use it as a home server for my new macs.Have opened file sharing in G5, am testing on mac book pro, so opened file sharing on this but not sure how Im supposed to access the G5 from MacBP? Tried setting up Airoprt and attaching it via USB2.0 to front of G5, and start G5 whilst holding 'T' to start in harddrive mode but no luck.
Info:MacBook Pro (15-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
i have tried trawling the net for this info but have not found much that makes a lot of sense. i would like to move my current office network setup to a slightly more (semi)pro approach. instead of just linking four macs together at the Broadband router and using very simple file sharing etc. if i start with a mac mini server. i have found that people generally warn you away from using the broadband router as a hub/switch. would it be sensible to connect the mini to a dedicated hub/switch/router and have all the clients/modem/NAS etc connected to that? is it really as simple, in hardware terms, as that? is anyone able to suggest a hub/switch/router that might be suitable for the job of about 4 clients. also would network attached peripherals (printers) be best attached to the server and everyone access them through it? lastly, this is not a really data/processing intensive office, just documents flying about. whilst the mac mini server seems like a great deal for the software included, it does strike me that the hardware is a little over kill and that a simple mac mini would do the job (regrettably without OSX server)
As I'm sure you're aware, I want to setup a server with my 733 MHz DA G4.
Until I can get my hands on a copy of Tiger Server, I'd like to have an iTunes server to centralize my media. I've done some searches and couldn't find anything relevant.
I know I can just copy all the stuff to the G4 and make a shared library, but I'd like to be able to have the media transferrable from the client computers, i.e. putting it on an iPod because the G4 is in the basement which is a hassle to get to and a bit of a ***** shack.
My G4 has the following specs:
733 MHz G4 1 GB RAM 1x 60 GB HDD, 1x 40 GB HDD Mac OS X 10.4.11, not server The latest version of iTunes 8 A gigabit ethernet connection
I am a recent convert to mac and loving it. I do however want to set up a media server - to serve movies to each television via xbox and playstation. I am currently using HP MediaServer. I have had issues with it and want to explore the mac route. If I have a time capsule can i serve movies to xbox etc anywhere in the house? Or would it be better to have a mac mini to do it or even both?
I am new here but I have been wanting to turn my mac into a server, or make it possible to connect to it and the hard drives connected to it, anywhere. I would like this for school as well as for my family and friends. I have a lot of movies and things of that nature that are on my mac mini or the hard drive connected to it, that I need. And most of the time when I need the files I am not on my home network. I tried macinstructs thing about the turning my mac into an FTP server. but it didnt work.
ok well im trying to use a proxy server in my browser because my dumb brother went on my accounts on some forums and posted stupid things and got me banned. i made a new account but i guess that forum must check your ip and or other info.
i would like to setup a proxy server so that my ip and any other info is hidden or shown as a different ip than my normal.
I'll be learning LAMP (mainly PHP), so I need to setup a LAMP server for testing purpose, I have a Thinkpad T60 and a Macbook Pro, I mainly use the Mac for my daily uses, so it is more convenient to setup a LAMP server on Mac. But I read some articles about how to do it, I have to turn on Web Sharing, so basically is it safe to do this?
I nabbed an old G4 Quicksilver from the office. 1ghz, dual processor, 1.5gb ram. I'm going to use it as a home file server to serve 1 powerbook and 1 pc laptop over a wireless airport network.
I've got it up and running headless in the basement, plugged into the airport. Out of sight, out of...well I don't have to listen to the thing. It's loud! Anyway, I can control it via VNC on my Powerbook. I use Vine Server and Chicken of the VNC for a viewer.
Here's the plan. Right now it has two 80gb drives in it. One has Tiger on it and one is empty. I just ordered two 500gb Seagate Barracuda drives for it. I believe that it is a late enough model that I don't have to worry about the 128gb limit. I hope that's right.
I also have 1 external 500gb firewire drive. 1 external 250gb drive and 2 external 160gb drives.
I would like to set up a home media hub. I have the following devices I would like to be able to access the media:
Powerbook (1.5Ghz) Mac Mini (Core 2 duo) PS3 -> HDTV Old Pentium3 PC to an old Sony tube tv.
I also have an old Pentium4 PC which I was planning to use as the server. I was planning to throw in a 750gb HD instead of running this all off my external (which is what I use now hooked up to the Powerbook). How would I go about doing this? The router is hooked up to the mac mini at the moment.
I have read that if you buy an AirPort Express, you can plug in a pair of speakers and create a wireless speaker environment. Just curious if I could save the $99 and do it with the Ubuntu server. Can I plug in a pair of speakers into the server and have the MacBook's sounds play through them?
I should be receiving my new Unibody Mac Mini Server to replace my current Mac Mini by this Friday but more than likely Monday. I hope to give a detailed review of the Mac Mini Server with pictures. I went with the Mac Mini Server purely for the dual 500gb hard drives which I desperately want. Currently I use my Mac Mini as my Media hub. Its connected to my TV via a DVI to hdmi cable. It has a Turbo.264 HD, 640gb usb external hard drive, and a wireless keyboard logtiech mouse and keyboard attached to it as well as a EyeTV 200 and EyeTV 500 that I use for recording TV shows and digitizing VHS tapes and other media to a digital format (Old analog camcorder tapes, etc). I do a lot of video related tasks with this Mac Mini constantly. My current Mac Mini was originally given to me because a co-worker who upgraded to a better Core 2 Duo Mac Mini, this Mac Mini was originally a Mac Mini Core Solo 1.5ghz. I have had this machine since late 2007. I upgraded the cpu to a 1.66ghz Core Duo immediately when I got it, and maxed the ram out to the whooping 2gb (yeah . . .). Also last year I upgraded the hard drive to a 320gb drive. This Mac Mini has been on running 24/7/265 literally since about December 2007 and its never crashed on my once. I love this Mac Mini its a tank. The only other upgrade I have performed on the Mac Mini was installing Artic Silver thermal paste which made an amazing difference on the Mac Mini.
The reason I'm upgrading is all my media and everything right now currently resides on an external 640gb hard drive that every now and then "disappears" from my Mac Mini, it doesn't even show up in Disk Utility or terminal, and I have to restart the external enclosure. YES I know I could just get a new external hard drive enclosure but I don't want to, I like that hard drive, it works well like 90% of the time. However I now have an HD Video camera and HD content I record via my EyeTV 500 and trying to watch that over my usb connection seems to be pushing the limits. So I'm going to raid the two 500gb to a 1TB drive and use the 640gb drive as a Time Machine drive, or maybe I'll just get a 1TB Time Machine drive . . . not quiet sure yet, for now it will just be the 640gb drive.....