OS X Server V10.5 :: Leopard Getting Apache Error In Log
May 3, 2012
I have a Mac mini running Leopard server (10 user) and I am getting an error in the system log: "May 3 14:52:25 mini01 org.apache.httpd[941]: SSLCertificateFile: file '/etc/certificates/Default.crt' does not exist or is empty". I do not have web services running, nor is Apache 1.2 running. I was trying to update to Apache 2.2 but it constantly failed so I just shut web services down (using this system for training NOT critical).How do I stop what appears to be Apache 2.2 from launching/looking for a non-existant SSL certificate?
With any Unix machine, one can run at the command line:- apachectl -S This will show all virtual servers configured in Apache, and will break if there are any obvious problems in the httpd .conf files. It's very handy for testing a new configuration before restarting the server. With Mac OS X Server though, this doesn't work properly. Sure, I can run that command and see a virtual server or two, but with the introduction of the server Apache wrappers, the command line tools read a very different configuration than the `serveradmin` tool does.
e.g. Wrappers like:-<IfDefine MACOSXSERVER> .... </IfDefine> or <IfDefine WEBSERVICE_ON>
ps. Running `sudo serveradmin stop web && sudo serveradmin start web` really compared to `apachectl graceful`; it's painfully slow and doesn't provide a way to test a custom configuration before attempting to restart.
how to set apache to listen to onlt certain ip's? I tried changing the httpd.conf file using the listen command, but it still listens to all ips. If I adjust the default website to listen to lets say it does, but then seems like it breaks server admin, where changes do not save.
I am running mac os x 10.5.8. I want to run the apache server, but i get the following error: (2)No such file or directory: httpd: could not open error log file /private/var/log/apache2/error_log. Unable to open logs. It is the first time I try using Web Sharing on my machine, but somehow it seems some files are missing. Is it possible to install the apache server anew?
I have a 2007 MacBook Pro. I was wondering if it were possible to turn it into a server using Apache. Also, if I used Apache to turn my computer into a server, would it be compatible with SMF or vBulletin and able to host one of these software?
6/20/12 12:41:28.575 AM org.apache.httpd: Syntax error on line 1 of /private/etc/apache2/users/Nbulkz.conf: 6/20/12 12:41:28.575 AM org.apache.httpd: Invalid command 'Nbulkz/Sites/"', perhaps misspelled or defined by a module not included in the server configuration
The error message above is the one I see in console. I cannot turn on websharing on my osx 10.7 macbook pro. I was able to at one point but my computer froze and upon restart I was not able to access my localhost/~Nbulkz personal webpage. For awhile I was able to turn websharing on and off, but I was not able to access my personal webpage and was given the Error Forbidden 403.
I then turned it off and restarted but now it won't even turn on in the User Interface "Sharing" in system preferences. I see there is a syntax error in the .conf file but I used an Apple Support procedure that had me write that same .conf file so I'm confused about what to try next. I've been using apache 2.2.1, php v. 5.4 and mysql along with php_myadmin. I've already rewrote disk utility permissions.
I have Time Machine backing up my MacMini Snow Leopard Server to an external harddrive. When the backup runs, it never completes, but it also does not throw an error message. It just gets stuck around 300MB or so and eventually starts over. As you can see it does not seem to backup everything. I have tried using TimeTracker to see what it might be getting stuck on but I can't really make heads or tails of it. I have even removed the old backup and started a new one. It backs up once fully (I think) and then after that it just gets stuck like this.
I should mention the drive it backs up is two separate partitions SnowLeopard Server Volume and PrimeRoot Volume, both of which need to be backuped. I was thinking maybe a permissions issue? But I just don't know where to look.
I have 4 Discs.Mirrored raid sets One Raid Slice is 'System Mirror'One Raid Slice is 'Data Mirror' There is a lock symbol on all 4 discs. Status is online. I can't delete the raid sets. I can't unmount them. I am the admin but the Disk Utility says "Deleting RAID set failed. Deleting RAID set failed with the error: Invalid Request"
I'm faced with the daunting task of migrating from Panther Server to Leopard Server. The present server is the Primary DNS serving several web sites (some of which is running MySQL databases). I have the luxury that we've bought 2 new Xserves last year, but due to time constraints, I haven't time until now to seriously consider the steps to this daunting task. We're also currently using a linux box for the firewall (it does no routing, just iptables rules). I want to migrate away from this also and utilize either Apple's firewall or a router. Is there anything out there on the web that will help me in this process? I'm terrified of messing up the production environment, especially since the Xserve is our DNS.
We are currently running a 10.7.4 Server with 10.7.4 clients. The problem is with the calendar system's sharing funtion. Some users will consistently receive an error message "403" Stating that the user does not have permission to edit the item when they edit an item or change an existing event to another user's shared calendar. After some troublshooting I found that if I made the claendar in question the default calendar in iCal, I was able to create vents without problem. I have tried removing the problemed users from that calendar's list of shared users, and changing permissions back and forth from Read to Read/Write without any success. There are no iCloud or MobileMe accounts on any of the client machines, a pertinent negative as searching for a resolution to this issue yeilds many similar problems related to those services.
Summary:Creating or editing an event in a shared calendar within iCal (while not the host of sdaid calendar) results in a error code 403. However, when the user in question changes their default calendar to the shared calendar, there is no issue creating new events. The issue is only persistant with a few users. Other users have no issue manipulting existing records in the same shared calendar.
Configuration: OS X Lion Server (10.7.4) iCal service is configured properly Clients are all running 10.7.4
i have a domain controller and active directory based policy win 2003, one xserve running mac os x server 10.6.8 and alot of macs workstations. How can i push login script on all macs without adding it in login items? The script i want to store on smb or afp share disk, and will be edited from time to time. I've tried to add it on xserve from WGM, but it threw an error that current directory schema doesn't store desktop settings.So how can i solve this?
I run 10.6.8 server in a VM with Parallels Server for Mac. Lithium pinged me early Monday morning to tell me that my calendar server wasn't reachable. I found it had kernel panicked. After resetting it and verifying the directory structure and permissions, it booted fine. But availability or free/busy wasn't working for all users! The events were all there. Invites could be sent and received but when a user checks for availability when creating events. they see the daily work hours grayed out but not anything corresponding to a scheduling conflict.
Things I have Tried:
- bounced ical server
- Rebooted the server
- checked the owners and permissions for the data store hierarchy. (_calendar:_calendar 750)
- checked for xattrs on .ics files in several calendars
- deleted .db.sqlite for several users in several dir in their calendar stores
- in the past I have found that some iTIP invitations seem to get "stuck' causing problems with an individual users free/busy and deleting the inbox resolves this so I deleted several inboxes
-I moved a copy of the data store to a test server and pointed several clients at it.
The issue persisted in all of these cases without any change in behavior with one exception; somewhere (i lost track of where) during this process users also lost their delegation preferences. I'd love to find out how and where that is stored so that it can be restored in the future. It seems pretty fragile...
I found one way to restore the functionality; copying a users __uid__/<GUID>/calendar out. . Moving all the folders under <GUID> out of the way and dropping the .ics files into ical with their account configured in that instance. Although this worked for selected users, I have many, many users and calendars so this solution would be suboptimal.
my problem is that on a restart of one of my 10.6.8 Servers parts of the Serveradmin configs are gone while some of them persists. The lost configs are everytime the same: VPN (complete) and iChat (a secondary but very important Host-Domain). Of course a can restore them from a backup but that shouldn't the standard procedure after a restart....
I am running an open directory/active directory network. Authentication is from the Windows server 2003 active directory. It has worked fine until the last month. Now clients stop authenticating & when I check the AD plugin it says network accounts are not available. I can force the server to unbind, then renew the binding & everything works great.Is there any work around or fix for this other than upgrading the windows server to 2008?
I had a goodworking SUS (10.6.8) working but the drive is getting full so i change the location of the files to another disk (in the xserve)and follow instructions from Apple (page 84 from the manual System Imaging)sudo cp -p /private/var/db/swupd/html /Volumes/My_Volume/My_Software_Updates_Folder/This works and i copy the files to a new drive. I also change the SUS so that theu host files for Lion clients url..works also, start SUS in Server Admin but when clients wants to connect i get an error that there is no SUS available and when i use the browser for an check i get een Forbidden error url...ForbiddenYou don't have permission to access /index.sucatalog on this server.Apache/2.2.21 (Unix) Server at Port 80.
Trying to set up the Software Update Server under 10.6.8 Server. Have everything set up properly as per Apple's documentation, but all clients error out on software updates (saying they can't find the index. sucatalog file). When you view this file, which is an alias, within the HTML folder that is created when you enable the Software Update service in Server Admin, the alias doesn't link to an original.I've tried this on two separate 10.6.8 Server installations and I get the same error on both machines.Where is the alias "index.sucatalog" supposed to point to?Software Update Error Log in Server Admin says "Symbolic link not allowed or link target not accessible" and points to the alias file.
Info: Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7), Xserves (Early 2009, Early 2008, G5), Mac Pro
My system is MacPro 2009 with 10.6.8 server and Apple RAID card. Last week, RAID util just notified me of one drive is not viable, so i decided to replace the drive today. The configuration of my system is... There is an Apple Raid Card for HW Raid system Bay 1 = 640 TB drive with Mac OS X 10.6.8 server installed Bay 2, 3, 4 = 1.5 TB drives set up as RAID 5 below is what I did to replace the degraded Bay 4...
1. I shut down the system
2. replaced the corrupted drive with the new hard drive
3. tried start the machine again.Now my machine refuses to start up with the blinking question mark... I guess that the system fails to recognize the new drive or cannot find the system files...
4. So I put back the degraded drive...
5. The machine still won't start...
6. I tried to use the 10.6 server installation disk to boot up the machine to check if I can fix the system via disk util; but, everytime I do this, I got kernel panic...
7. resetting PR Ram didn't help, cannot boot up via safe mode as well (since the system file is not accessible now, I guess...).
8. booting via 10.6.2 server installation DVD still gives me kernel panic...
Why would my system corrupt by just replacing one degrade drive? The Mac OS X is not even the part of the Raid system... How am I supposed to fix this issue with out the installation disk?
Years before Mac OS X 10.0 was first released in 2001, Apple launched Mac OS X Server, targeting its newly acquired Unix-based operating system technology at the education and workgroup server market. Apple has struggled ever since to find a broad server strategy that works. The solution may be as obvious as the iPhone App Store. Mac OS X Server has remained firmly stuck in the background even as Mac OS X has blossomed. Over the last decade of Mac OS X's development, Apple transformed its legacy Mac operating system from an outdated relic stuck in maintenance mode throughout most of the 90s into a highly regarded system that gets as much or more respect from industry critics as any other desktop operating system.Apple accomplished something that many others in the industry failed to do: marry the power and familiarity of Unix with accessible ease of use in a commercially successful product. Ray Noorda tried to do this at Novell in the early 90s; Caldera's OpenLinux also failed to take over the task from Novell ten years ago. United Linux and a series of followup attempts to standardize Linux all failed to accomplish their aims. A variety of efforts to sell Linux to consumers since then have all made very little progress outside of a small niche of hobbyist users.
Up until a recent update, software update was working. Now it just crashes. I've tried deleting the Pref's and downloading updates directly, but that hasn't helped.