OS X Server :: Windows DNS Settings For Mac Server Running OD?
Dec 4, 2008
I will be setting up Mac Server to support Mac Users in our environment. We have the Windows DNS Server and I would like to know How could I setup my WIndoes DNS Server to support Mac Server that will run Open Directory.
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Jun 2, 2008
I admin a network of Macs that use a 10.3.9 based OS X Server machine as a backup server. There is an iDisk account the server uses for iDisk backups and once a month I run a manual full back to CD. Tonight, the CD backup failed to run since the boot volume was basically full. Upon further inspection, I learned the boot volume is 6GB on a 20GB drive. So, I'm looking to possibly replace the hard drive. I'm also considering replacing the entire server with more modern hardware but that's another discussion.If I were to replace the 20GB hard drive in the server now with say a 60GB (we're talking PATA/IDE here) what would be the best way of doing it? We're talking about the boot volume now so I would need to move the OS and MBR and everything to the new drive.
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Jun 2, 2007
I want to set up my Mac OS X Server to allow network authentication from windows clients, but I also want the users to have policies to restrict what they can do (like the workgroup manager for mac os x clients). I know that in Windows server 2003 you can set the group policy settings somewhere, but is it possible on a Mac OS X Server?
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Mar 31, 2012
I'm running the OSX 10.6.8 and want to connect to applications running on Windows Small Business Server 2008. Is this easy or difficult or impossible?
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Feb 14, 2012
I have a Snow leopard server with a folder shared Via SMB for the 2 PC's we have, all the macs can read and write to this folder OK. About once a week the 2 pc's take 10 mins to start and then cannot connect to the share. Web/email and sharing betwen them still works. I can ping the server from both. I've turned off the smb and restarted it. Also tried restarting the Xserve. This still has no effect. All internal firewalls are off. I've tried guest access.
Xserve, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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May 22, 2012
I have problem with a clients windows laptop. It used to be able to connect to their companies mac server. But since he got back from a trip the laptop doesn't connect anymore. I can ping the server. And when I try to redo the network drive I'm prompted to enter my credentials. But whatever I enter it doesn't work.I already tried to use SERVERNAMEuser.... and also check security policies.
Windows XP
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Jun 13, 2012
I Have setuped Windows 2008 Server and Windows 2003 Server. On both is full working Active Directory. The clients can conect to it (win).I would lice to have some Mac clients and will setuped Lion server an in Open Directory I have set to connect to another server. Then in Directory Utility I will set the connection to AD Server over Connect in File menu and I have only error mesage "Can't connect to the server - Directory Services may not be installed on the remote server, they may be turned off, or the URL may have been entered incorrectly." and then I try the connection over Services - Active Directory and have error mesage "Authentication server could not be contacted." too.
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Apr 3, 2012
currently using mac mini server for sharing files and folders. Would like to setup VPN to get access to files remotely.
-Model identifier: Macmini 3.1
-Mac OS X Server version 10.6.8
I am not sure if this version supports VPN.
Mac mini
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May 11, 2008
I'm considering adding another Windows Server to our network (Windows 2008 Server); however, I like the fact that OS-X Server has Spotlight Server and a Wiki, but I heard that OS-X Server may have some serious problems and glitches especially with SMB or file-sharing for Windows. I'll be using this server for our graphics production department which is a mix of OS-X and Windows XP workstations, and I'll be adding to it a multi Terabyte rackmount Raid-drive.Can anyone who is in the advanced Server know-how share some advice to weather I should continue with Windows Server or switch to OS-X Server and why so?
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Jun 25, 2008
Does anyone have any words of wisdom about "migrating" from server to normal MacOS? I have decided to get out of the server environment - it is much more than I need in my little home office network. I have used the "Migration Assistant" successfully for non-server to non-server.
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Apr 6, 2009
I'm faced with the daunting task of migrating from Panther Server to Leopard Server. The present server is the Primary DNS serving several web sites (some of which is running MySQL databases). I have the luxury that we've bought 2 new Xserves last year, but due to time constraints, I haven't time until now to seriously consider the steps to this daunting task. We're also currently using a linux box for the firewall (it does no routing, just iptables rules). I want to migrate away from this also and utilize either Apple's firewall or a router. Is there anything out there on the web that will help me in this process? I'm terrified of messing up the production environment, especially since the Xserve is our DNS.
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Feb 5, 2010
I am a web developer using Mac to develop and Ubuntu Server to deploy. It's a pretty standard setup nowadays.The time came to replace my staging server ( which I keep at my home on a dedicated IP ) and I could not resist the allure of the new Mac Mini Server. So I bought one and tried to do a Ubuntu install and thought I could sell my OSX server license as I have no need of it.I imagine a lot of people not used to Apple's policies might think like this. So how did it go? Bad and then good.As far as I have been able to ascertain, it's impossible to install Ubuntu on a Mac Mini Server ( at least without the additional DVD-ROM drive which I refuse to buy ).What's more, the OSX Server license I bought is not transferable to non-Mac Mini Server computers so I can't really sell it anyway.
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May 31, 2012
our Lion Clients (10.7.4) ignores the MCX settings from our Active Directory.
Snow Leopard Clients working perfect. I have already unbind/bind the Client from/to AD.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Dec 29, 2009
Our work uses Small Business Server 2003 and I'm trying to figure out the right settings. Any guides on connecting to SBS 2003 using Snow Leopard? I only need to be able to access the Internet. I don't care about connecting to others computers.
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Jun 15, 2012
I couldn't find a "Mail-specific" forum, so will post here for help. I’m running an older version of Mail (2.1.3) on a PPC G4 MacMini with OS 10.4.11. I have two IMAP accounts feeding into Mail, one my Apple iCloud account, and the other my work Exchange account. All seems to be working fine, but I have a question about the outgoing mail server settings. For iCloud, the outgoing mail server seems to have been automatically set as “smtp.me.com” and it uses Server Port 587 with SSL and Password authentication. For my work Exchange account, after lots of trial and error, it uses Server Port 25. Why does one use 587 and the other 25 as a Server Port? Is this OK from a security standpoint? I really have no understanding whatsoever of this stuff.
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Apr 13, 2012
All Mail outgoing server settings disappeared? Trying to avoid keying in 3 different settings. Time Machine backup. Is there specific file containing old settings that I can restore of copy?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Apr 24, 2012
We were having problems with our server, and found that it was because of DNS settings. We now have a FQDN, but nobody can log on. How do I import the users and groups to the new domain?
Xserve, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Jun 21, 2012
Adding 10 IMACS with OS 10.7 to my active directory domain. I would like for all users to have the same basic user settings at log in. how I can configure the MAC clients.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Mar 11, 2009
Every now and again the window server back ground process will just go nuts and start using 98% of my CPU.Found the following[URL]none of which refers to my problem directly
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May 29, 2009
im running my macbook through a server running osx 10.5.7. The server has dual ethernet cards, one to connect into the external network and one for my own little network, which just has my macbook on it.ive noticed a very long delay in loading pages on the macbook, it takes about 6 seconds before anything happens and then its good and fast. Happens on every page which isnt cached.
the internet connection is capable of 60Mbps each way so its not the cause of the delay.On the server the internet is 'snappy' and everything is near instant so i belive that the delay occurs in the networkThe transfer speeds between computers are fine and pinging the server from the macbook gets speeds of around 0.2 ms. so i guess the problem lies in how the server handles the internet passthrough
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Jun 27, 2010
I have a Dell Power Edge 1600SC that I run 4 virtual servers on (I have a back up server for my office, a web server, test server, and development server). My host OS is Suse Linux Enterprise 11. I use Xen to run my guest OS's. The Dell machine is old, big, and loud. I am considering replacing my Dell server with a Mac Mini server. SL server would be my host OS and I would use VMware Fusion to run my guest OS's. I would like to hear some feedback about the hardware reliability from those out there that are using a Mac Mini server. My Dell runs 24/7 and the only time I reboot it is when I install updates that require a reboot ( usually 2 - 3 months). Is the Mac Mini server reliable to run 24/7?
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Feb 7, 2012
I have setup profile manager. Trusted profile is installed.When a user logs in the profile is added. In the profile the users email address is correct. [URL] When i turn to Mail, agenda and contacts in the system preferences the mail address is displayed as : [URL]This is also being displayed in the Mail account settings.
Multiple Systems, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
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Mar 13, 2008
I'm currently trying to decide if I'd like to buy a AppleTv as it seems to fit what I would like it to do, but here's my question(s):
Say I have a NAS running iTunes server, for purposes of this question this is the exact one I was looking at (NAS) and I'd like to use this as my main server for all my computers, as in put my library on the NAS so it can stream to any computer / appletv in the house, now will the iTunes server only allow music to be streamed or will it also work with videos etc.
And if this does work, will I have to add the movies / music in iTunes running on a Mac / PC and then sync it to the NAS or exactly how does that work so that it's added to that library?
it might sound kind of messed up after I typed it out, but I'm trying to be clear with what I would like it to do.
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Jul 5, 2012
I have a 2008 MBP with 4gb of RAM. I upgraded via fresh install to Lion and ever since I've had this computer running literally 1/2 the speed it did on Snow Leopard. I've tried Googling and done everything everyone was saying to do but no changes. I also noticed that no matter what I do, when I run disk utility and check permissions it comes back with files that have problems but nothing I do will actually repair them. I'd also like to know if there is any way to turn off the absolutely dumb full screen apps and mission control and launch pad stuff as i'm sure that all the extra graphics requirements has to be hurting my performance a bit. I'm not sure what all the desktop developers have been smoking lately but last I checked a computer was not a phone and trying to mimic the interface is just dumb. There is nothing useful about anything they've done in Lion that I can see. It all looks cool but trying to use it on a daily basis it just stinks. Even the full-screen apps that I though would be cool stinks because it takes longer to swith from one to the other and you loose the top menu while in it which requires extra effort just to see what time it is.
MBP - 4gb Ram post 2008, Mac OS X (10.6.5)
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Mar 22, 2012
i have a domain controller and active directory based policy win 2003, one xserve running mac os x server 10.6.8 and alot of macs workstations. How can i push login script on all macs without adding it in login items? The script i want to store on smb or afp share disk, and will be edited from time to time. I've tried to add it on xserve from WGM, but it threw an error that current directory schema doesn't store desktop settings.So how can i solve this?
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Apr 16, 2012
I have 1 tb data drive on server for student files but only using 40gb and says out of space. I cannot figure out where the space is located.
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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May 2, 2012
I have installed Lion Server with Web and Profile Manager services. When I log into the profile manager web page I receive the message "Not Found The requested URL /wiki was not found on this server."
Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jun 14, 2012
I run 10.6.8 server in a VM with Parallels Server for Mac. Lithium pinged me early Monday morning to tell me that my calendar server wasn't reachable. I found it had kernel panicked. After resetting it and verifying the directory structure and permissions, it booted fine. But availability or free/busy wasn't working for all users! The events were all there. Invites could be sent and received but when a user checks for availability when creating events. they see the daily work hours grayed out but not anything corresponding to a scheduling conflict.
Things I have Tried:
- bounced ical server
- Rebooted the server
- checked the owners and permissions for the data store hierarchy. (_calendar:_calendar 750)
- checked for xattrs on .ics files in several calendars
- deleted .db.sqlite for several users in several dir in their calendar stores
- in the past I have found that some iTIP invitations seem to get "stuck' causing problems with an individual users free/busy and deleting the inbox resolves this so I deleted several inboxes
-I moved a copy of the data store to a test server and pointed several clients at it.
The issue persisted in all of these cases without any change in behavior with one exception; somewhere (i lost track of where) during this process users also lost their delegation preferences. I'd love to find out how and where that is stored so that it can be restored in the future. It seems pretty fragile...
I found one way to restore the functionality; copying a users __uid__/<GUID>/calendar out. . Moving all the folders under <GUID> out of the way and dropping the .ics files into ical with their account configured in that instance. Although this worked for selected users, I have many, many users and calendars so this solution would be suboptimal.
Xserve, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Feb 5, 2010
I have been given the attached one-pager with screenshots of how to configure a Windows Outlook client to work with our corporate email system (Exchange).
I want to configure the Mail client on my Mac, however.
Can anyone give me a clue where these things are entered? When I add a new account in Mac Mail, and choose Exchange 2007, I don't see similar fields. My guesses so far have resulted in "the server cannot be contacted on port 443
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Feb 9, 2012
I recently updated my Server running 10.7.0 to version 10.7.3 and single-sign-on no longer works for my users. The 10.7.3 Lion Server System is bound to our Active Directory Server running on Win2003 R2 Server. I tried un-binding and rebinding the system but.. no luck. When a user now tries to login to our shares via AFP with SSO credentials they recieve the message
I can run the id command from terminal on the OS X server and it is seeing AD users. Unfortunately, no one can log into the server shares via AFP with an AD user.
Xserve, Mac OS X (10.6.6)
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