Applications :: Using AppleTv With A NAS Running ITunes Server?

Mar 13, 2008

I'm currently trying to decide if I'd like to buy a AppleTv as it seems to fit what I would like it to do, but here's my question(s):

Say I have a NAS running iTunes server, for purposes of this question this is the exact one I was looking at (NAS) and I'd like to use this as my main server for all my computers, as in put my library on the NAS so it can stream to any computer / appletv in the house, now will the iTunes server only allow music to be streamed or will it also work with videos etc.

And if this does work, will I have to add the movies / music in iTunes running on a Mac / PC and then sync it to the NAS or exactly how does that work so that it's added to that library?

it might sound kind of messed up after I typed it out, but I'm trying to be clear with what I would like it to do.

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Applications :: HD Rental Without AppleTV - ITunes Crack/hack?

Aug 1, 2008

I own a MacBook Pro 17" with the Hi-Res screen (True HD 1900x1200). I would really, really like to rent HD movies from the iTunes store instead of the normal resolution versions (although they are probably not true HD...) - but, as we all know, this unfortunately only works with AppleTV. (Stupid!) Do you think it is possible that somebody could write an iTunes crack, hack or whatever it is called to simulate that the rental is made with an AppleTV although I'm on a computer? If yes, this would be a kick-ass program.

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OS X :: ITunes Upgrade Disconnected Ipod And AppleTV From ITunes Library

Feb 6, 2010

This upgrade sent out 5th/6th February 2010 has caused my family's iPods and my AppleTV to disconnect from the iTunes library and demand a return to factory settings for all units. Still have not got any of them to sync with the library or reload the back-up settings in the case of the iPods

I am running a MacBook Pro 2.8GHz Intel Core 2 Duo with 4GB memory

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ITunes :: Why Can't See Movies Bought On AppleTV

Apr 1, 2012

Why can't I see the movies I bought on AppleTV on my iTunes?

AppleTV 2, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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OS X :: How To Burn Movies Bought On Itunes/appletv To IDVD

Jul 1, 2009

I bought a movie Bolt, for my son on itunes. I am trying to write this movie to a DVD as we are going on holiday and I want to take it with me. When I go to uDVD it tells met to first go to iMovie, share, media browser. However, when I do that, the options media browser is not available to choose. Last night I was able to write the movie to the DVD by opening iDVD, choosing file, burn to DVD from movie. However, it burned the DVD with sound but no picture. Obvsiouly it is encoded or something but I cannot figure out how to get this right!

We are gonig tomorrow and I need to do this tonight! I am not very computer literate!

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ITunes :: Keeping Mac Mini From Sleeping While Playing On AppleTV

Mar 25, 2012

Ever since I reformatted my Mac a few weeks ago, I've had some interesting new problems. I've been told for some of them that it is because before my reformat, my Mac was updated from Snow Leopard, and carried over some stuff into Lion. 

This problem involves iTunes 10.6 and streaming to a second-generation Apple TV. (The 720p version, but running iOS 5 that came out with the new 1080p Apple TV) The problem involves my Mac going to sleep. I can fix the problem, but it works differently than it used to: Before, my Mac went to sleep after three hours of inactivity; if my iTunes library was being accessed by my AppleTV, iPhone, or iPad using Home Sharing, it would never sleep as long as it was being accessed remotely. Now, however, it will still sleep if it is being accessed, which causes problems since my Mac is on the other end of the house from the Apple TV, and I often run it for more than three hours when listening to music as ambiance or watching a television/movie marathon from my iTunes Library. 

I can set my Mac to never sleep, but I would prefer it would still sleep after the three hours -- assuming it wouldn't sleep while accessing it from Home Sharing.

Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7.3), Mac mini 2010 with OS X Lion

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ITunes :: Cannot Log Onto It To Setup Home Sharing Between New IPAD And AppleTV

Mar 26, 2012

I have a new IPAD and just bought APple TV. Need to set up home sharing on my account and have followed Support options wherein you log into ITunes, choose advanced, then allow Home sharing. There is no place to even sign in to ITunes as i have always seen before. Cannot start ITunes on  Laptop (linked to IPAD) at all but can from Browser. Trying to share content from my IPAD and APple TV.

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: ITunes Not Showing Content That AppleTV Shows?

Mar 28, 2012

I have a very large iTunes library, with content spread over multiple volumes.  Recently, I would add, say, a movie to the iTunes library.  I don't have iTunes set to copy content into the library, so it stays where it is. Now, the item looks like it got added.  If, within iTunes, I'm in the "Movies" library, and I search for the movie I just added, it isn't there.  I do a search for it, and it isn't there.  However, all the AppleTVs connected to the library show that it is there, and I can play it. 

So, clearly the item has made it into the library, otherwise it wouldn't be streamed to the connected AppleTVs, (and iPhones, and iPads).  But, it still will not show up in the iTunes library list.  No matter what I do.  I can quit and relaunch iTunes, I can quit iTunes and open it back up with the "option" key to that I can specifcally choose that library, etc.  But, it never shows up in the list. I just upgraded to iTunes 10.6.1, and still, no dice.  It will not show up in the iTunes list, but I can still play it from shared iPhones, iPads, and AppleTVs.

Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7)

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OS :: Replacing A Hard Drive In A Server - Running OS X Server 10.3.9

Jun 2, 2008

I admin a network of Macs that use a 10.3.9 based OS X Server machine as a backup server. There is an iDisk account the server uses for iDisk backups and once a month I run a manual full back to CD. Tonight, the CD backup failed to run since the boot volume was basically full. Upon further inspection, I learned the boot volume is 6GB on a 20GB drive. So, I'm looking to possibly replace the hard drive. I'm also considering replacing the entire server with more modern hardware but that's another discussion.If I were to replace the 20GB hard drive in the server now with say a 60GB (we're talking PATA/IDE here) what would be the best way of doing it? We're talking about the boot volume now so I would need to move the OS and MBR and everything to the new drive.

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Applications :: ITunes On Windows / Cannot Open - ITunes Just Running In The Background?

Apr 2, 2010

After I updated my iTunes, which previously have been working with no problems at all, it suddenly began not working.

The problem I have is, that when i open iTunes, nothing happens. I can see it's running in the Task Manager, but I can't get it to open.

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OS X Server :: Windows DNS Settings For Mac Server Running OD?

Dec 4, 2008

I will be setting up Mac Server to support Mac Users in our environment. We have the Windows DNS Server and I would like to know How could I setup my WIndoes DNS Server to support Mac Server that will run Open Directory.

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Applications :: Want To Get ITunes Running On New Mac Pro

Sep 18, 2009

I'm a late convert to the apple thing mainly because of my love of the iphone. Had decided to buy a macpro after Christmas, but my PC with my Itunes library died today. Have now ordered the new mac and I can't wait. Here's my first question. Had my itunes library setup on a removable drive rather than on the pc. What exactly will I have to do to get my library up and running on the mac.

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Applications :: ITunes X64 Not Running In 64-bit Mode

Apr 20, 2009

I'm running Windows Vista x64 so I decided today to install the 64 bit version of iTunes. After installing it I checked the task manager and saw that it was still reported as a 32 bit program, also my iPhone does not seem to be detected. I was just wondering if I installed the wrong version or if there was something I missed. Here is a screenshot of my task manager to help illustrate what I am talking about.

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Applications :: ITunes Version 8 Running Slow?

Apr 20, 2009

Does anyone notice it takes a few seconds longer for iTunes 8 to load, or am I the only one with this issue, it seems to take forever.

Does anyone know a way to fix this?

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Applications :: Auto Shutdown Mac While Running ITunes Playlist

Nov 24, 2006

Anyone know of an app to auto shut down your mac after it's done running a an iTunes playlist or letting another app run it's course? The Energy saver shut down schedule option is too rigid for me. Basically, I like to listen to a some music as I go to sleep and would love for my mac to shut itself down after it's finished with the playlist. If there isn't a program would anyone know of an applescript that would do that?

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Applications :: ITunes Server & AirPort Express

Jul 16, 2008

I have an Airport Express which I use to play my iTunes music on my home sound system. But I want it to do more and I can't find any information on the web to find out if it can do what I want it to do. So here goes.

I was hoping that I can buy a NAS drive to use for external storage of my music, and use the built in iTunes server on that NAS drive to act as the bridge between the Apple "Remote" application on my iPhone and my Airport Express. This way I don't need to turn on my computer to play music on my home system, because it's all controlled by my iPhone and the always on NAS driveiTunes server.

Is this possible? Are there any other multimedia devices that can do this?

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Applications :: ITunes Server - Some Movies Don't Play On Network?

Feb 11, 2009

I've setup an iTunes server on a machine running OS X 10.5.5 but for some reason some of the movies play across the network and some don't. Playing the content locally off that machine works fine but as soon as the network is involved some don't work. And the same is true from all my networked machines and it's the same movies that don't work. About 1/3 to 1/2 don't work.

What happens when I double click the movies that don't work is that the "loading" window comes up and then nothing happens. This doesn't make any sense to me...

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MacBook :: Use AppleTV To Display On LCD TV?

Mar 31, 2012

I have a 2011 MacBook Pro and an AppleTV 2 and would like to mirror my MacBook Pro to my TV using AppleTV and Airplay.  I can do this with my iPhone and iPad, but can't see how to do it with MacBook Pro.

AppleTV 2, iOS 5.1

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Applications :: Possible To Build A Genuinely Workable Apple / ITunes Media Server?

Nov 24, 2009

Here's what we have: I have a MBP with 250GB drive and an iPhone, my partner has the same. We have about 800CDs in a case and 300 DVDs. We have no room for an iMac.Currently we stream our personal music to our hifi in the lounge using an Airport Express. I want to be able to burn all the CDs and DVDs to a so we need never use physical discs.

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MacBook Pro :: Networking To AppleTV Won't Recognize

Jan 2, 2011

I have a MacBook Pro 15 and I have just received AppleTV for Christmas. I can make it all work via my home WiFi, however I want to know how I can get it to work when I go away for work without my home WiFi. I have tried to make a network from my MacBook, however the Apple TV won't recognise it.

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OS X :: Window Server Running Amuck?

Mar 11, 2009

Every now and again the window server back ground process will just go nuts and start using 98% of my CPU.Found the following[URL]none of which refers to my problem directly

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OS X :: Laggy Internet, Running Through Server?

May 29, 2009

im running my macbook through a server running osx 10.5.7. The server has dual ethernet cards, one to connect into the external network and one for my own little network, which just has my macbook on it.ive noticed a very long delay in loading pages on the macbook, it takes about 6 seconds before anything happens and then its good and fast. Happens on every page which isnt cached.

the internet connection is capable of 60Mbps each way so its not the cause of the delay.On the server the internet is 'snappy' and everything is near instant so i belive that the delay occurs in the networkThe transfer speeds between computers are fine and pinging the server from the macbook gets speeds of around 0.2 ms. so i guess the problem lies in how the server handles the internet passthrough

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Mac Mini :: Server Reliability While Running 24 / 7

Jun 27, 2010

I have a Dell Power Edge 1600SC that I run 4 virtual servers on (I have a back up server for my office, a web server, test server, and development server). My host OS is Suse Linux Enterprise 11. I use Xen to run my guest OS's. The Dell machine is old, big, and loud. I am considering replacing my Dell server with a Mac Mini server. SL server would be my host OS and I would use VMware Fusion to run my guest OS's. I would like to hear some feedback about the hardware reliability from those out there that are using a Mac Mini server. My Dell runs 24/7 and the only time I reboot it is when I install updates that require a reboot ( usually 2 - 3 months). Is the Mac Mini server reliable to run 24/7?

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Mac Mini :: Mac Mini Server As A Staging Server Running?

Feb 5, 2010

I am a web developer using Mac to develop and Ubuntu Server to deploy. It's a pretty standard setup nowadays.The time came to replace my staging server ( which I keep at my home on a dedicated IP ) and I could not resist the allure of the new Mac Mini Server. So I bought one and tried to do a Ubuntu install and thought I could sell my OSX server license as I have no need of it.I imagine a lot of people not used to Apple's policies might think like this. So how did it go? Bad and then good.As far as I have been able to ascertain, it's impossible to install Ubuntu on a Mac Mini Server ( at least without the additional DVD-ROM drive which I refuse to buy ).What's more, the OSX Server license I bought is not transferable to non-Mac Mini Server computers so I can't really sell it anyway.

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Mac OS X Lion Server :: MBP 2008 Running Slow?

Jul 5, 2012

I have a 2008 MBP with 4gb of RAM. I upgraded via fresh install to Lion and ever since I've had this computer running literally 1/2 the speed it did on Snow Leopard.  I've tried Googling and done everything everyone was saying to do but no changes. I also noticed that no matter what I do, when I run disk utility and check permissions it comes back with files that have  problems but nothing I do will actually repair them.  I'd also like to know if there is any way to turn off the absolutely dumb full screen apps and mission control and launch pad stuff as i'm sure that all the extra graphics requirements has to be hurting my performance a bit.  I'm not sure what all the desktop developers have been smoking lately but last I checked a computer was not a phone and trying to mimic the interface is just dumb.  There is nothing useful about anything they've done in Lion that I can see.  It all looks cool but trying to use it on a daily basis it just stinks. Even the full-screen apps that I though would be cool stinks because it takes longer to swith from one to the other and you loose the top menu while in it which requires extra effort just to see what time it is. 

MBP - 4gb Ram post 2008, Mac OS X (10.6.5)

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OS X :: Won't Stop Apple Remote Controlling Both AppleTV And IMac At Same Time

Feb 3, 2010

I have this annoying problem with my iMac in the same room as my Apple TV and whenever I use my Apple TV Remote, it also turns on a movie on my iMac and that bugs me. Sure I could turn down the sound so I don't hear it but that does not solve the problem.

Is there a way to pair these remotes, I have one for my iMac and 1 for my ATV, and whenever I play something on my ATV it also starts a movie on my apple, usually a different movie. Can they be paired separately somehow so they are controlling only the unit they are suppose to be with?

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OS X :: Running Server In Virtual Machine - Internal Speakers

Nov 1, 2009

I am thinking about purchasing an iMac for Christmas (I already have a couple of laptops). I have a couple questions: I'd like to run Mac OSX Server in a Virtual Machine on the iMac. Can this be done? What software do you recommend? I'm thinking about using an Xserve at work, but I have nowhere to test the software before purchasing. How good are the internal speakers on the iMac? Do I need external ones?

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OS X Server :: No Internet Connection Running Software Updates

Jul 12, 2006

Im running Mac OSX 10.4.2 on XServe G5. I can connect to all computers on the internal network but when I try to connect outside of this network, I get an error "no internet connection" For example, if I try to run software updates from the command line, I get the "no internet connection" error. I can ping localhost, the router, and dns server successfully...cant ping outside the internal network however. All other computers can connect without a problem. The firewall is set to allow all traffic. Also, the internal network is a number of Windows/Linux PC's, 1 powerbook, and the Xserve.

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OS X Server V10.5 :: Fatal : The Postfix Mail System Is Not Running

May 30, 2012

Outgoing SMTP : Stopped

incoming SMTP : Stopped 

Fatal : the Postfix mail system is not running 

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Mac OS X Lion Server :: Running Different Slideshows On Separate Monitors?

May 30, 2012

I think I need a server I'm looking for something that can run different monitors with a different slide show on each monitor.

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