OS X :: Safari 4 Snow Leopard Bug "displays HTML Source Code In Standard Page Jumbled Up"
Oct 28, 2009
I've been having problems with Safari 4 since I upgraded to Snow Leopard. Any page that displays HTML source code in a standard page jumbled up. It is not rendering the page correctly, although if I copy the scrambled text to another program it displays correctly. This only effects Safari and other browsers are okay. Does anyone have a suggestion how I can reinstall safari / reset?? The screenshots above are from a Joomla Edit HTML page but this also happens on other pages such as where they show sample HTML code tutorials.
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May 19, 2006
I just recently bought a new G5, so I started to use iWeb and at first I was impressed with it, but I am used to working on Macromedia Dream Weaver.
Anyways, I could not find a way to view my source code in iWeb to make changes that aren't possible normally. I wanted to put some PHP and counter code.
How do you view the source code of the HTML using iWeb ?
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Jan 12, 2011
Is there a native HTML web page editor in SNow Leopard?
I just moved from a PC to a MAC and would like to work on my web site pages.
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Feb 16, 2012
I am trying to save the source code of the javascript alert in safari but the menu items blank out.
Mac OS X (10.6.8), safari
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Feb 15, 2012
I'm trying to make an extremely simple HTML page using TextEdit (saving it as an .html file) and none of my code seems to be working. It simply displays the code i typed in without having any effect.
Info:Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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May 3, 2012
When I load an HTML page in Safari and print it, it's totally blank. Doesn't happen in Firefox with the same HTML files.
Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
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Apr 25, 2012
Just installed Safari update to 5.1.5 and now Safari won't load any web page. Running snow leopard on an iMac. How do I fix, or revert to previous version of Safari that did work, keeping in mind, can't access internet on that computer since Safari won't load a web page (Firefox, Chrome, Opera have never worked on that computer, although Firefox worked fine until I upgraded OS to snow leopard).
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Sep 9, 2009
Since upgrading to Snow Leopard (SL). I have noticed a painfully slow access to sites when using Firefox and Safari. Pages used to load almost instantaneous with Leopard. Now when using either Firefox or Safari on SL, It's taking an average of 8-10 seconds to load a page in my web browser. Feels like I'm on dialup. I have the fastest internet service you can get (Roadrunner Turbo Plus), but for some unknown reason my internet page access is painfully slow. I'm really thinking of using Time Machine to set my Mac back to Leopard, but I really don't want too. I figured I'd wait a few days to see if this problem surfaces, and perhaps a solution can be found.
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Jun 28, 2010
Wikipedia, on their page about Darwin (the operating system at the core of Mac OS X), says:Quote:p to Darwin 8.0, Apple released a binary installer (as an ISO image) after each major Mac OS X release that allowed one to install Darwin on PowerPC and Intel x86 computers as a standalone operating system. Minor updates were released as packages that were installed separately. Darwin is now only available as source code,[4] except for the ARM variant, which has not been released in any form separately from iPhone OS.
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Oct 8, 2010
I have been using a PC to design web sites for years, but I recently purchased a MacBook Pro to use instead. On my Windows computer, I would use NotePad to create and edit .html files, which I could then just save and open in a browser. I have been trying to use TextEdit in the same way, but it doesn't appear to be working ... I just write the code into the app and then save it as an HTML file, but when I try to open it, what displays in my browser window is just the text.
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May 3, 2008
I send e-newsletters out from Constant Contact. I would like to be able to link to those newsletters from by website. Tech at CC said to right click on the newsletter and and access the html code for it and paste that onto my website page. But when I right-click, the html code doesn't show. Is there a different way to do this using a mac?
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Jul 14, 2010
I purchased a top of the line Mac Mini Server and I'd like to install the standard version of Snow Leopard on it. I tried to the following: I inserted my retail snow leopard DVD in my macbook pro and I launched "Remote Install Mac OS X" (in /applications/utilities) and I followed the instructions. Then I booted the mac mini holding the "alt" key down and selected the snow leopard dvd as startup disk. What I see next is the Apple logo with the activity indicator spinning and after several seconds I see a "no entry" sign and nothing more it stays like this forever. Is it possible to install Snow Leopard on a Mac mini server?
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May 25, 2012
I know that in a Standard account users are restricted, and cannot for example change the dock. But how does an administrator make the dock how it should be (for students) and then turn on the restrictions so that the students cannot change how the teacher made it? I first tried to make the account an admin account and changed the icons while logged in, then logged out (and logged in as a separate admin) and changed the student account to Standard. Logged in as student but the dock didn't save what I changed, it went to a default dock that I cannot change!
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Mar 14, 2010
We are designing Web website and we know about the snippets wreaking copy and paste but are there templates to your knowledge out there on that that would be like a questionnaire that already made up their work would I web I do not have to pay someone to do a custom build for? For instance I'm going to have a 31 question and answer survey. At the end of the survey there will be a review button. This will pop up in the client will be held to review all information and input. After they hit submit it will pop open to PayPal. Then the form will be e-mailed to the client and want to myself and with a database are you familiar with any websites that offer this template already designed that's compatible with my web?
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Apr 28, 2012
How can i watch MPEG videos from an external source to play on my mac, as quicktime doesn't seem to acknowledge them?
Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Jun 19, 2012
I configured the web server correctly and got my site up and running correctly. Unfortunately, I tried to edit the index.html file and changed all of the CSS formatting so now my page just looks like a simple text page without any images. My HTML coding skills aren't excellent so I cannot reconfigure the file in the same format. Is there a way reset the index.html file?
Mac OS X (10.6.7)
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Sep 9, 2009
I was poking around in Snow Leopard and ran this command:in/sleep (for architecture ppc7400):Mach-O executable ppc /bin/stty (for architecture ppc7400):Mach-O executable ppc /bin/sync (for architecture ppc7400):Mach-O executable ppc /bin/test (for architecture ppc7400):Mach-O executable ppc /bin/wait4path (for architecture ppc7400):Mach-O executable ppc
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Feb 6, 2012
Can I "push"/ "force" Safari to open at login, to a specific page? Is this possible? I have been asked to get all client macs to open to the enterprise Intranet site at login so that news/service updates are put in front of the clients automatically...In WGM I can configure for users or Machines to open Safari at login, and it does this, but does not open the specified Homepage until they Command-n or click for New Window.Likewise if I sit at the client machine and configure Safari to run at login, again the application does activate, but needs client to call up a new page before Homepage shows.
Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.6.8), Macbooks, MacBook Pros, iMacs
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Jun 19, 2012
My cursor still changes based on the context, like hovering over a link or in a text field, but displays the wrong icon. After focusing a text field, the cursor is a reggular arrow in the text editor and turns to the text staff outside of it when it should be an arrow. I just did a fresh install of 10.6.8 on a crucial m4 - ct256m4ssd
I FOUND THAT RESIZING THE MOUSE CURSOR IN THE UNIVERSAL ACCESSS PREFERENCES temporarily restores the cursor to a size-adjusted mouse, until I do something like click in a text field.
Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Sep 3, 2009
Even if you never 'install' Rosetta, PowerPC is still in yer system, slowin' U down. That means the only reason Rosetta has to be 'installed' is probably to reduce their licensing costs to Transitive (now IBM). Interestingly, there is some ppc in there:
$ file Foundation
Foundation: Mach-O universal binary with 3 architectures
Foundation (for architecture x86_64):Mach-O 64-bit dynamically linked shared library x86_64
Foundation (for architecture i386):Mach-O dynamically linked shared library i386
Foundation (for architecture ppc7400):Mach-O dynamically linked shared library ppc
I'll probably install Rosetta eventually, I just don't need any PPC software at the moment.
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May 13, 2012
I get this "The operation can’t be completed because an unexpected error occurred (error code -8003)." when i attempt to empty the trash. It gives me the option to STOP or CONTINUE. Nothing happens when I select CONTINUE.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8), I-Tunes 10.4.1(10)
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Apr 16, 2012
I search the way to upgrade my mac OS X Snow Leopard to mac OS X Lion with using redeem code. Where should I send mail to confirme my macbook pro (4th generation) information?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Sep 22, 2009
Snow Leopard's abandonment of Creator Code metadata, used to open a file with its creating application, has some users are worried that Apple has killed off a core Mac-centric feature. Instead, Apple has invented a superior alternative for the old Creator Code in order to support a variety of new features. Here's why, and what the new Uniform Type Identifiers offer. What is a Creator Code?
Back in the early 80s, Apple developed a variety of unique conventions to make the Macintosh intuitively easy to use, almost to a magical extent. One example pertains to invisible file metadata that helped the system identify documents using Type and Creator Codes. Each file was tagged with both a Type and a Creator, allowing the system to distinguish between applications that could open a file and the default application that should open the file. The Finder could also use this invisibly associated file metadata to present custom file icons for different files of the same type but created by different applications, such as two JPEGs, one saved by Graphic Converter and the other by Photoshop..............
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May 31, 2012
While trying to Securely empty trash, I get an error code -8003. The trash bin now has about 2 million files to empty. The large number of files are due to transferring numerous time machine back ups files to be deleted after a partial LaCie hard drive failure.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Jun 22, 2012
I am receiving an error code -8008, when I try to empty my trash. Trash has 3700 items. How do I correct?
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Mar 18, 2012
This error probably indicates a hardware problem or some system malfunction. I usually try to find out what exactly went wrong to take measures to avoid the repetition of the same problem. Exchanging the HD and restoring the sytem may be the quicker solution, but I would miss an opportunity to reconfigure my system to make it more robust.
The system in question is a MacMini (Model A1347) with Os-X-Server 10.6.7. and 2 physical HDs: HD1 has 2 Partitions, the smaller for the server OS, the larger for the Shares (We use the MacMini only as a file server). HD2 is not used (was kept in reserve for cases like this).
That there may be a problem manifested itself first when the mounting of the shares on HD1 became suddenly slow (within 2-3 days) and eventually failed. I first tried to copy all the files from the shares on HD1 to HD2 before attempting any repair actions. Most of the files copied properly but a few failed with error (-36). Those few can be restored from backups, so there is no data loss. Remains the question, what went wrong?
It may be pure coincidence but just before the File-Server failed there was an attempt to upgrade a 3rd party software on one of the clients (17'' MacBook Pro / OS X 10.6.8) to a newer version. Could be that new version was part of the problem because the data files of this 3rd party software are stored on one of the shares on HD1 and the data file format has been changed between the versions. For obvious reasons I need to make sure that this data file conversion was not the cause of the problem?
1) first check the HD1 with a different tool than DiskUtility (It thinks the HD1 is in perfect shape), TechTool Pro or DiskWarrier comes to my mind, any reason to prefer one over the other?
2) Hopefully those tools can reliably test whether the HD1 is damaged or not. If it is the former the HD1 replacement option is the way to go and there is no more reason the 3rd party software may have been involved. However if HD1 is not damaged I'm left with the uncertainty of what exactly lead to the problem..?
3) Is there any check I should do before I just re-format the HD and re-install the OS and switch back to an earlier version of the 3rd party software to be on the safe side?
Mac OS X (10.6.7)
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May 31, 2012
How to use Mac OS X Package Maker to code sign .pkg files for AppStore Submission? .pkg file is created too easily but how to code sign it for AppStore submission?
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Feb 23, 2012
why can't i get safari to open with my home page--even though I've told it to in preferences
iMac, iOS 5.0.1
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Aug 22, 2009
So I just got a MacBook from the Apple Online Store, and Im trying to fill out the Up To Date form for Snow Leopard, but it won't work. When I click on the link for people who got their Mac from a retail store t loads a page asking for my Serial Number etc.... If I click the link that says "If you purchased online" all I get is a log-in and that an empty shopping cart. Am I missing something? I really don't want to mail my form in.
and since for some reason they removed it from their site the link is (URL)
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Sep 30, 2010
My client is a trader buys the best of everything. He is recently experiencing crazy slow page display for almost all websites. When I run speed tests speakeasy.net, his speeds are reported "blazing" Anybody got any ideas?
Internet Provider: Comcast - 22mg down, 6 mg up
Mac OS: v10.3 - no current updates
Safari Browser: v3.1.1 - No Current updates
Mac Airport: Connected using new ethernet cable
Hardware: 1 year old Mac G5 (250mg drive, 2g memory)
Mac Disk Diagnostics: Run
ONYX Disk Cleaner: Run
Reboot Airport
Reboot Cable Modem
Reboot CPU
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