OS X :: SL Options For Connecting With Windows 7
Aug 11, 2010
Previously I was running Windows XP and one of my XP drives was shared on the network and the various Macs (Leopard) that I was running. The Macs had no issues connecting via the networking/file sharing. As soon as I upgraded XP to Windows 7, I noticed a significantly slower time to connect to the drive (a couple minutes). Once I installed Snow Leopard on one of the Macs (rest still running Leopard), that time increased to about 4 minutes to connect. This drive needs to be shared amongst PCs and Macs, and I tried to use SMB, but nothing seems to solve the issue why it takes so long to connect. All the Mac updates have been installed. How can I make it faster so I'm not sitting for 4 minutes every time I need to connect?
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May 14, 2010
I have connected my Aluminium Macbook (2008) to my HDTV via a Mini Display to HD port.This works fine when I mirror the image from my macbook. When I turn off mirror image however (IE effectively having two seperate screens) my internet slows down drastically. In some cases it also disconnects. This issue is resolved by turning on the mirror screen button, or unplugging the cable from the laptop.
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Jan 27, 2010
Im having trouble with VMware.. If I set the wireless network connection to NAT, the internet works, but my xbox 360 wont show up in the media streaming options in windows media player. However, if I change the network settings to bridged, I lose my internet connection (well.. sometimes it works.. 80% of the time it doesnt..) Connecting to bridged is the only way I can connect to my 360, and only some of the time where the internet will work. Is there a way to fix the problem with bridged or NAT so they both work together?
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Jul 14, 2009
I have Windows Xp and Windows 7 on two different hard drives in my Mac Pro. Windows 7 had been working fine, but I needed XP to run some older programs that 7 couldn't do. I have been working in XP some time now but when I try to boot from the Windows 7 drive it just reverts to the XP one. Even when I click on the Windows 7 drive to make it the start up drive it still goes to XP. Is there something I'm doing wrong?
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Dec 3, 2010
I've tried re-installing and updating every possible graphics related driver for Windows 7 i cannot for love or toffee get the bloody thing to even recognize my display. I am using a 26" tv as an external display, it works on OS X (very easily), windows XP (also very easily) and even Vista (also easily) and connecting through a DVI/HDMI connector. Why not windows 7? I've scoured the web for answers but can't find anything. Is anyone at least in the same boat as me? I really need this solved soon
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Dec 29, 2009
i have searched a lot but haven't been able to solve my problem
i have a windows XP box on my network
i can connect to the C$/D$ admin shares via smb://.... only when the windows firewall is OFF - when i enable it, i can't connect
i have allowed ports 135-139,445 in the firewall, but still no luck
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Jan 9, 2010
Ok, I feel like a doofus, but I need some help if someone is willing.
I bought an Airport Extreme and installed per instructions on the Mac partition. The Extreme replaces an Express as the base unit, the express now extends the range of the network (and is now connected to my stereo system). So, the "new" network that was set up has the exact same name as the old one when it was just the Express.
Everything works fine on the mac side. When I go to my Win XP side (Boot camp) it sees the network but says it cannot connect. To put is simply, I can't remeber what I need to do. I haven't had to mess with this stuff since I set it up almost 2 years ago. Do I need to set up a new network?... I am just drawing a blank. Is keeping the same name for the "new" network part of my problem?
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Jun 11, 2009
I have an airport express set up which i use on my macbook when running os x, however when i run windows 7 on the same macbook, it cant connect to the airport. It's a first gen core duo macbook, i.e. it is 802.11g , any idea why it doesnt work? This is a screen shot of the error message...
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Jan 13, 2010
Installed windows 7 from bootcamp 64bit to be exact. My problem is I couldn't get sound on there, not all the keyboard keys work and more. I cant get bootcamp on there because it says that it doesn't suppost 64 bit. I can get to the files but I dont know which to install from the OSX 10.5 disk.
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Oct 28, 2007
I have needed to use some windows programs and felt that Bootcamp would be the way to go with this. I have Bootcamp Beta, the latest version, penultimate before Leopard. I have partitioned and installed windows and formatted correctly. However, when the time comes to enter the Product Key, the Product Key is 'invalid'.I have since installed XP Pro on a old machine, not Mac, as a primary operating system with the same CD, and the same Product Key with no problems whatsoever.
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Mar 18, 2009
im about to install xp, i tried before and got a few errors.. tried again with another option (NTFS i believe) and it worked untill i installed a GFX driver and it messed up
not sure if it had to do with the NTFS or FAT options i chose.. - i plan to make a 50gb partition this time round, what option shall i choose?
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Mar 21, 2009
I was going to install Windows using bootcamp, but stopped before I finished. Now when I turn my macbook on, I have to hold the option key down and select Macintosh HD or nothing happens. I have used the Bootcamp Utility to partition my hdd back to one, but the boot options are still messed up. How do I fix this to automatically boot into OSX?
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Jul 24, 2010
I just got my MBP a coupe days ago, the 13 inch 2.4 GHz with a 320 GB hard drive.I downloaded (legally) a copy of Windows 7 Enterprise or Ultimate or something X64 from my schools website. This gave me an file called GRMCULXFRER_EN_DVD_x64.iso. I have tried burning the iso itself as well as its contents to a DVD-R but both times I received the no bootable device when attempting to install Windows 7 with BootCamp
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Sep 2, 2010
I've had the new version of the Mac Mini ever since it came out, and just now, I've run into my first major problem with it.So the first thing I did, since I'm a huge gamer, was use Boot Camp to install Windows 7 on my mac mini. It has been working absolutely flawlessly until recently, and I only just noticed this major problem.I rarely use the Mac OS, but now, when I need to for a school project, I can't get into the Mac OS part of my partition.I've owned a Macbook Pro before and I had Windows Vista installed on there via boot camp, as well, and I used to use the method of holding down the alt button on my keyboard to switch between which partitions I wanted to use. Now my problem is that for some reason, whenever I restart, even when I hold down alt, the computer boots straight into whichever hard disk is loaded as my main hard disk. I believe this is because I'm using a Windows-based keyboard, and not a mac keyboard. Does anybody else run a mac with a windows based keyboard and know if there is a workaround for switching up boot disks?
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Oct 6, 2010
bought an apple mouse and it won't connect, but reading on the forums the scroll click won't work anyways. and to be honest i wasn't happy about spending $75 on a mouse.
can i buy any windows mouse to run on it? i'd assume yes but want to verify. what i need is a mouse with the center scroll click to grab objects in pro/e to rotate them, which i can't do right now and its making things more difficult than it should. suggestions on mouses, or ones that you know do or don't work. does not matter if its wireless or wired. and if i can be picky preferably black.
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Nov 16, 2010
I'm running Parallels Desktop 4.0 for Mac on Mac OSX 10.4.11. For my Mac, I have one administrator account, and two managed user accounts. My son uses one of the managed user accounts to run Parallels.The issue is that I don't want Parallels to be able to access the internet (more specifically, I don't want my son to be able to use Parallels/windows to access the internet). I know I can turn off the internet in Parallels through the Parallels configuration settings, but it can just be turned right back on. There is no password protection to ensure that the settings aren't changed. Or am I missing something? Is there an administrative password that I can enable to prevent tampering with the Parallels configuration settings?
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Jun 7, 2009
I have a Mac model from about mid-2006 that came with Tiger, and I just installed Leopard recently. I wanted to play some PC games, so I installed XP using boot camp. But all the colors are distorted and wrong. It looks a lot like this, (http://www.hylobatidae.org/minerva/s...-computers.jpg) but on the XP side all the time. I tried resetting the PRAM, but that didn't help. I think my video card is an ATI Radeon X1600.
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Jun 17, 2009
Everytime I go to play any type of online based game my internet seems to kinda fade in and out, and it eventually just disconnects, or tells me it's limited or no connectivity. From there I either reconnect to the internet manually or just repair it.I don't think it has anything to do with my Windows Firewall, since I have it disabled all the time. I use Avast AV, and disable their live AV services usually.
General - MacBook Pro labtop - Online games working just fine with internet while running on Mac mode. Games such as Runescape, Adventure Quest Worlds, and other Mac compatible games. - Boot Camp mode for Windows XP pro-when I run my pc in this mode, it is when I encounter my problems.I have Avast live services disabled, and Windows firewall disabled.
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Dec 28, 2009
Using bootcamp assistant to install Vista on a separate partition I was able to successfully screw a number of things up. First, after a restart with the Vista dvd in it claimed the partition bootcamp setup was not the proper file format. Wonderful. So I foolishly allowed the Vista installer to format that partition for me and install itself.
Restarted after done and Vista loaded perfectly (though apparently the drivers didn't support my native 30" screen resolution) which was annoying. I restarted Vista hoping to be able to choose from OSX or Vista, but it booted directly into Vista again.
Holding down the option key I was able to force the boot selector and was able to log in to OSX. Using bootcamp I then removed the dual boot and Vista partition. However when I start my machine, I am now told there is no bootable device present. I am forced to hold the option key down and select it manually which is annoying.
SO, the question is, how do I correct the boot issue and make my OSX drive/partition bootable and the default.
This Mac Pro is new to me and my time/exposure on Macs have been very limited up to this point so consider me fairly new to the Mac world. Having used various Linux distros I do understand the concept behind console so if I need to modify anything within the console I'm not totally wet behind the ears.
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Apr 25, 2010
I want to clone my old pc's hard drive so I can boot it up on my iMac via Boot Camp and it will be identical to my PC - is this possible?How would I go about creating a disk image of my PC hard drive and then loading it up in bootcamp?Bootcamp will provide all the drivers I need but what about the old drivers installed for the PC hardware?
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Dec 13, 2006
I successfully installed XP via Bootcamp and my XP audio software Sampitude. I did also install the MOTU traveler using newest drivers. However, it does not comply perfectly. I was installed alright, but when using it, it doesn't work properly. MME seems to work, but doesn't. ASIO doesn't work at all.
Basically it crashes the program, but if you just unplug it, everything works fine again, using the internal audio.
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Jan 30, 2009
I can not get my external monitor to hook up with my new MacBook Pro. I know how to get the windows desktop over onto the external monitor, but windows just recognizes the monitor for a moment, and then nothing. This cycles until I turn off the external monitor. I have the new MacBook Pro, with MiniDisplay port, and the monitor is hooked up with a DVI, and it is a 22" Acer.
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Mar 4, 2010
i want to know how i can connect my mbp to a lan network full of windows pcs.
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Nov 13, 2010
I have a Mac Mini running OS X 10.6.5, and a Windows Vista SP2 laptop. I sync my iPhone to the Mini, so all my photos and videos are saved there. Now, I want to be able to access the Mini from Vista on the laptop. Windows Sharing is on, and in Vista I select Run-> "" (the IP address of the Mini), and an explorer window pops up asking me for a password. I enter the password for the administrator account I use to log in on the Mini, "user1" and "blahblah", where "user1" is the user ID, not the name associated with the account, i.e. "John Doe".
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Dec 30, 2010
I have a mac mini that I have connected to my LCD TV in the living room. This works fantastically. I just love this little box, it has all my content that I play on the TV. But I don't want to handle the keyboard every single time I want to listen to music or watch a video. So I want a way to connect from my HP laptop (Windows vista) to the mac mini remotely and operate the mac mini from my sofa where I have the laptop. If both my machines were mac, this is easy as there is remote sharing. But if my laptop is Hp windows, then what should I do? Is there some vpn thing that will work? I tried searching etc but am not sure what I need to search for here.
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Jun 21, 2009
i built a g4 tower for my sister and its a pretty decent machine. The only problem is that she needs to connect to a windows vpn and i have not been able to do it with the mac vpn client. is there any software (free i hope) that i can use to connect her to the windows vpn?
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Jul 4, 2009
After installing Windows 7 on my mac, and installing the Apple drivers, I made an attempt to pair my Apple Wireless Keyboard with Windows. Well, Windows recognizes the device, but whenever I attempt to connect the two I get an error. The error states: Adding the device failed resulting in a unknown error. The reported error code is: 0x80004005. It then tells me to contact the device manufacturer. Did anyone else get this error?
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Dec 18, 2009
Connecting to Samsung printer on Windows PCI connected to my Samsung ML 1610 from the MBP using the CUPS link. on sending the test page to the printer it activates but does not print the test page. It does not print any documents pages either. Incidentally the drop down list in the CUPS link did not show my model so I clicked the next nearest printer the Samsunb ML 1630. The same thing happens on connecting with my office Cannon LBP 2900 using the CUPS link. Neither printer prints! both are shared, there are no firewall issues,
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Aug 26, 2010
We are an all mac office with 6 pc's running windows 7. The Xserve is the open directory master running afp, smb etc.I cannot connect any of these to the server. I have set the domain, group etc.and it just doen't work. Is there a step by step guide? i have looked everywhere and the info is so vague.
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Nov 4, 2010
I have a new 27" i7 iMac with OSX 10.6.4 and need to connect it to our work place network that runs a Windows 2003 Domain Controller etc. I've never touch an Apple/iMac before and I don't know much of anything about them. I'll tell you this much, I LIKE THIS MACHINE! WOW! I really like it! So I'm pretty sure I have it on the network... maybe. But the biggest problem I have is when I log on as the user (and it indicates "Network" under the user name), I can see the network resources, the user folder is available down on the Dock but when I make changes to the Desktop, Dock etc. they don't save when I log out and log back in. So I hope someone here can help point me in the right direction. I have done a lot of Google and other forum search but I'm not really finding my answer.
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