Windows On Mac :: Boot Options Gone After Vista Install?
Dec 28, 2009
Using bootcamp assistant to install Vista on a separate partition I was able to successfully screw a number of things up. First, after a restart with the Vista dvd in it claimed the partition bootcamp setup was not the proper file format. Wonderful. So I foolishly allowed the Vista installer to format that partition for me and install itself.
Restarted after done and Vista loaded perfectly (though apparently the drivers didn't support my native 30" screen resolution) which was annoying. I restarted Vista hoping to be able to choose from OSX or Vista, but it booted directly into Vista again.
Holding down the option key I was able to force the boot selector and was able to log in to OSX. Using bootcamp I then removed the dual boot and Vista partition. However when I start my machine, I am now told there is no bootable device present. I am forced to hold the option key down and select it manually which is annoying.
SO, the question is, how do I correct the boot issue and make my OSX drive/partition bootable and the default.
This Mac Pro is new to me and my time/exposure on Macs have been very limited up to this point so consider me fairly new to the Mac world. Having used various Linux distros I do understand the concept behind console so if I need to modify anything within the console I'm not totally wet behind the ears.
Well I installed Vista Ultimate using boot camp on my 27 inch iMac using 10.6.2 and now I can't get it to boot in OSX. I tried holding the command key when rebooting but it just goes into the windows part. Looks like windows took over. Does anybody know how I can get it to boot in Leopard?
I have a Macbook Pro and I'm hoping to install Windows Vista via Boot Camp. Is it possible to do this with a Dell reinstallation DVD that came with my Dell laptop?
I've been reading up on ways to install Leopard from an external HDD image (.dmg), and I'm wondering if it is possible to do a similar function, but with Vista in boot camp. I'd like to backup both installers to an external HDD and make them mountable if the disks have a snafu.
Can you install Vista from an external HDD via Boot Camp? I imagine this would be an .iso or similar file type.
I can not get my external monitor to hook up with my new MacBook Pro. I know how to get the windows desktop over onto the external monitor, but windows just recognizes the monitor for a moment, and then nothing. This cycles until I turn off the external monitor. I have the new MacBook Pro, with MiniDisplay port, and the monitor is hooked up with a DVI, and it is a 22" Acer.
This is the 1st time i got a Mac , i bought a black Macbook 2.4GHz some days ago .
I installed Windows Vista Ultimate using Boot Camp , and all went smoothly .
Only 1 prob is when restarting , i have to wait too long for the Windows to log on , i think about 1min with the black screen.
And if i want to boot in Mac OS , i have to push down the D button or the Alt, it takes quite a long time too .
So do you guys have any solution to this problem ? I want to get rid of the waiting time, way too much.
And do you know how to make my Macbook jump right in the choosing section when it starts ? ( so that i dont have to push down any button when it starts )
I searched for a while trying to find the answer but did not find it. I just installed Vista Business via Bootcamp. I am not able to access the internet or anything. If I read the help stuff right I need to use the OSX install disk to install the drivers. The problem is, I don't have the install disk. Is there any other way to get the drivers? Or am I just missing something easier?
I was able to get Windows Vista 64 running on my 17" MBP, it is pretty slick. I set aside 32 GB for Windows, ran the install, loaded all the appropriate Boot Camp drivers and everything is working perfectly in Windows. I boot back to OS X to attempt to configure Parallels...
So I fired up Parallels and follow the guided instructions. However, when I get to step 2 Im not sure what I should be doing. I already have Windows on its own partition, but Parallels is asking me for a CD/DVD image. Im a little leery of putting the Win disc back in, I dont want Parallels to always want to boot from the disc. how do I tell Parallels to load Windows as a Virtual Machine off of the Boot Camp partition?
The partition Boot Camp created now appears on my Desktop in OS X as Untitled, I can not, for the life of me, figure out how to change that. If I eject that volume will I still be able to Boot to Windows? Will Parallel still work?
I've installed the drivers, and when I start up in Windows, neither the internet or the wireless pick up.
Using Windows Vista Home Premium. The little wireless icon in the tray just has the big X, so it's literally picking up nothing. I also can't connect via ethernet.
im about to install windows on my macbook via bootcamp. However, i will use the same partition for parallels, which means that my ram is goign to be damaged. I wanted to know which os did u recomment me to install. Does windows 7 hog more cpu and ram than vista?
This should be possible, but I'm not sure what the procedure is to make this work. I'd like to have a OS X partition, Vista partition and a XP partition, and boot between them.
I installed Vista Business, bootcamp drivers, all necessary updates, etc. Since then, every time I reboot from Vista to Leopard, it stalls on the loading menu for 6-8 minutes, and when I finally get to the desktop the clock has been set back 7 hours. This also happens about 30% of the time when restarting from Leopard to Leopard. I spoke with Applecare, and they basically won't help me because they claim the problem is with Windows.
I'm trying to install Windows Vista Home Premium using Boot Camp on my MacBook Pro 15". I partition the Mac HD and I gave myself plenty of space on the Windows partition (52 GB) because I want to install large games on it.
When it comes to installing Vista I insert the DVD and click 'start installation'. It looks like it's going to work for a few seconds then it says that it can't recognize the DVD and the disc just ejects itself.
I tried to partition the HD then restart and hold down the 'C' key to boot from the DVD. The same thing happened, the disc just ejects itself...
get Vista installed? Will I have the same problems trying to install XP because if not then I will just install that. I would prefer Vista because of the DX10 compatibility for Crysis.
there i have a macbook pro and i have recently installed windows vista 32 on it using boot camp. also recently i have updated boot camp to 3.1 and my sound seems to have stopped working.
Although the red light in my headphone jack is gone my speaker icon on the right hand corner has a x on it and i cannot hear anyhting now. i have cheaked my sound driver and it is up to date cirrus logic cirrus logic cs4206a
So I installed Vista and then popped in the OS X Disc 1 to install the drivers, like I did with Win XP before. All I get on screen is the window where I get to choose whether to install OS X on my MBAir or install disc drivers.
Do i need a specific version of Vista to be able to install boot camp drivers ? SP1 or SP2 maybe ?
I remember I had the same issue with Win XP SP3, which seemed weird since it's supposed to be even more complete then the previous version, right ?
I tried to install Alcohol 120% and when it tries to make the fake dvd-drive, Vista crashes and you get the blue screen. It does that everytime I boot Vista with alcohol 120%. It craches on and on again.
Is it possible to install Windows on its own hard drive or with Boot Camp are we forced to install it on a partition on the startup OS X disk? I tried to install it on an empty 250GB HD with Boot Camp, but when the system restarted to install Windows, it asked me to choose a CD ROM and gave me the option of 1 or 2. When I pressed either 1 or 2 nothing happens. It remains stuck on that prompt. By the way, I only have 1 CD/DVD ROM drive in my MacPro.
I'm planning on installing bootcamp with vista. I've got 4GB of ram on a new MBP. Should I go with the vista home premium upgrade? Or do I need the full version and not the upgrade disc?
I was wondering if you can play Windows only game on a mac if you use -Windows Vista, Boot Camp(To install Vista) Then after you do that go to Vista side of you mac. And then install a windows only game onto it with a game CD OR download a torrent for windows on the windows side.
I just installed Windows Vista x64 on my 2.4Ghz Unibody Macbook this morning for some software development, and I accidently left my install DVD at home - I'm at college right now. Is there any site I can download the drivers for from? Or could somebody possibly send me a link to a download? I tried the 2.1 download on Apple's website, but it doesn't start up.
I'm trying to run Boot Camp Vista through Parallels but i don't know how to set it up and can't find a guide anywhere. There's one in the settings but that skips over the most complicated bits. Anybody know of a guide for doing this or know how to do this?
Everything seems to be working well except there is no sound from speakers on the Vista side. Still OK on Mac (of course).
I have iMac 3.06gHz
Checked that sound is not muted etc.
It does seem to have two volume controls (Vista) in the dock? One Realtek and one Mixer. Neither are muted. Device Manager says all is ok and running latest software.
One other small matter is that I can't seem to load a network adapter. It finds new hardware everytime I open but can't find any software and as I don't know what I'm looking for I am sort of stuck.
i was considering getting a new macbook pro 13" for high school because my laptop is really starting to act up and its really getting annoying, and i don't want to lose my homework because of my computer crashing during the school year.
so, if i take out the hard drive from my computer (120gig)(the vista computer) and put it into a 2.5 enclosure, would i be able to boot vista on the mac from the hard drive?
ive seen hackintoshes that boot from a flash drive so i was just wondering. also, is there any special way to install an OEM version of windows on a mac? i have the CD, so that is another option for getting windows on the mac.
I have a late 2008 (the brand new) Macbook Pro 2.53 C2D and I installed vista on a partition succesffuly. But once I try to install Boot Camp drivers, it doesn't work. I open up the leopard DVD, and it starts installing all the network cards and video cards, but then it gets to "KeyAgent" and it says it failed to install because I it couldn't access startup services. I pressed ignore, then it came to "MacHal" (i think, somehting like that) and it said the same thing. I looked under my account privelges, and I'm an administrator with access to everything, so I'm not sure what's going on.
I have tried partitioning my drive and I set the partition to 32gb. Okay, that's done and everything went well. Then I put in Windows Vista Home Premium cd and clicked start installation. done! So it rebooted. I tried letting it load by itself and not touch anything, also tried pressing the option key and clicking windows. But both came out with the same result: a grey screen forever and ever. I even tried letting it remain like this for an hour, but still the grey screen of death. I know the vista cd works as I've tried using it in vmware fusion. But vmware fusion is too laggy as I only have 1 gb of ram. Also, I even tried reformatting it twice in case there was maybe something that hindered it from loading but no still greyness.
I have a MBA, and have decided that I want to have Windows on it as well, since although I hate Windows and love OSX I use quite a lot of Windows only s/w, and I only want to carry one computer.
Couple of questions though:
How big a partition does Windows really need (I have 128GB SSD, about 80GB free right now)?
If I get a new MBP a few months down the line, how easy is it to move the copy of Windows to that? And do they honestly expect me to pay �250 a time to install Windows on two laptops if I decide to keep the old one, even though they are both for me and would never be used at the same time?
This is an honest question, I don't want to cheat anyone, but I'm not exactly made of money, and the price of the Windows os scares me!
I have been partitioning my drive quite frequently over and over again and reinstalling Vista because I have a major problem.
I can't install Vista and use it properly because everytime I partition it, to say, 10GB, a folder in the 'Windows' folder called 'winsxs' holds about 3 GB of stuff. Even when I just install it, ( and I've used Vista Ultimate 32 + 64 bit and Home Premium 32 bit) it takes up over 3 GB and when I install a bit of software it jumps even higher.
Apparently it stores important old cache and DLL histories, but it was my first install and I don't need any of the crap inside the folder.