OS X :: Reformatting WD With My Book - Way To Change The Name Of Drive?
May 3, 2009
I have a new external Hard Drive and I am trying to reformat it to Mac OS Journaled however It will not let me stating that "The underlying task reported failure on exit". However I am able to reformat it to MS-DOS and change the name of the drive but I am still not able to reformat it to MAC OS. Anyone have any ideas or should I give Western Digital a ring tomorrow?
Many times in the past I have had to reformat USB drives once I have bough them so that they will work properly with my Macs and have never had any problems. I was just about to buy a USB online and thought I would check the Q&A for anything suspicious. Someone had asked the question; "is it possible to use this drive with a Mac", and someone from the store replied; "No, and it is not possible to reformat".Â
The drive is a Toshiba 500GB Canvio Basics USB3. Can some drives not be reformatted as this bloke seems to think or does he not know what he is talking about?Â
I read in this thread that hard drives have to be formatted with HFS+ to work with OS X. I want to buy a hard drive on eBay that is wiped clean but formatted with NTFS; my question is this, how can I reformat the hard drive to work in my yet-to-arrive MacBook?
I recently bought a 640 GB Comstar external hard drive for my macbook, and it came out of the box formatted in NTFS. I know that if the drive was in this format, I could not use it with my mac. So I opened up disk utility and tried to reformat it into Mac OS Extended (Journaled), but disk utility showed an error and the drive wasn't reformatted. So I tried FAT32 instead, and it worked. The drive has been working fine now, however, I have realized a limitation of FAT32: the files can only be smaller than 4 GB. This is a problem for me, so I need some advice. So here is my dilemma: I need to be able to share the contents of the drive over a local network that has both windows and mac computers. (Users on the network only need to be able to read the drive, not necessarily write). However, I can't use FAT32 because of the file size limitation. I'm not sure how to format the drive so that I (using my mac) can read and write it, and users on the local network can read it. I'm thinking HFS+ (mac os extended, journaled), but will windows users be able to read it then?
I am reformatting an internal hard drive in an enclosure to use as a media storage drive. I attempted to reformat the drive and partition it as a Mac OS X Extended however it will not erase the current volume and reformat. The volume on there currently is literally the HD with the old OS and Files and such on it, so am I missing a step in the reformatting process? Do I need to reformat as Free Space or FAT or what?
I have a 24" 2.66Ghz 4GB RAM iMac with 640GBs of internal HDD space, and a 2TB external drive I use to store stuff. About a month ago I tried partitioning the drive during an ubuntu install, and it messed the [external] drive up. I have had some more problems caused by the install (OS X didn't boot, didn't show up when restarting+alt etc.), so I had backed up my entire internal drive to my 2TB external one, and re-formatted my HDD.
Everything went back to normal, till I noticed I have ~600GBs missing from my 2TB drive. I tried iPartition and it shows that I have 20KBs or something like that that are used by the filesystem, and no other partitions (so my drive has one partition and everything's supposed to be there). I'll provide you with a DW log shortly. What can I do to get my 600GBs back?
How long should it take to reformat an empty external hard drive? It's a GForce MegaDisk two terabyte hard drive and it's been going for about 11 hours with no sign of stoping.
Shouldn't it be pretty quick, since the hard drive is empty?
I had to reformat my hard drive due to some bug I had. I don't have Apple hardware, but did have Quicktime (Pro?)- the version where you can create a .mov. I have forgotten how to download the software, and don't have an installment disk.
I would like to reformat my previously partitioned startup drive into a single partition. (G4 dual 533 running OS 10.4.11) I have carbon-cloned the startup drive contents to an external fire-wire drive which I hope to re-transfer back after reformatting my original drive into a single partition. I have designated the fire-wire drive to be the new startup disc.
I am running an early 08 MBP w/os10.7.3.I really screwed up this morning with a backup disk. my backup system consists of several external, stand alone drives and a HD dock and several internal HDs that plug into that dock.I had a stand alone Iomega/200G/USB that i wiped to give my son who doesn't "get" backups yet. I simultaneously had the USB dock plugged in w/ a Samsung 1.5TB HD powered on. I had moved the Iomega data to the Samsung prior to erasing the Iomega w/ Disk Utility. I had chosen the 7pass wipe on the iomega last night following the data transfer. it had completed 2 passes this morning w/ fourteen hours still showing til completion. i decided that three was plenty and disconnected the iomega to reconnect and select the 3 pass option to expedite. USB dock w/Samsung still powered on and plugged into MBP. disk utility defaulted to the samsung when iomega was ejected. I hit the three pass option and started the wipe without seeing Disk Utility default to the samsung. I did immediately see the flashing red data transfer light on the dock come on and realized my mistake. Immediately disconnected the USB HD dock. Disk Utility was showing "preparing disk" in its status bar. It appears that the formatting has been wiped as reconnecting the dock gives me a "the disk is not readable by this computer". I'm sure the data is still there, but the disk needs to be reformatted. The disk appears in the disk utility sidebar. all disk repair options are greyed out.
I am considering using partition in Disk Utility as that would reformat the samsung disk. However, the data on the disk would normally appear as a blue segment on the rectangular disk setup diagram. there is no blue. According to partition docs, you can partition a disk w/out the data being wiped. However, if the disk is unreadable when the partition process starts, will it wipe all the data as it partitions and reformats? Very reluctant to initiate this process w/out knowing more.
I need to reformat my iMac G5, but my optical drive doesn't work. How can I restore my iMac to factory settings and then reinstall from the purchased discs, Aperature, Final Draft and Final Cut Studio 7? Can I use my Ibook unibody's drive to somehow do this? Desperate to edit footage from my trip to South Sudan for CNN and NBC, and my macbook's screen has a 3 inch black line down the middle (that's another matter entirely!)... hence using the iMac. (Which by the way, has 2GB RAM.) Also, while I'm here, is it easy the replace the optical drive myself? I've successfully done it with my MacBook, but the imac looks like not possible.
l I now have to completely wipe, re-format and re-load OSX onto my iMac's internal HD, My iMac is a late 2009 27" and at present has OSX 10.8.5 loaded, ( loaded but with many miss-functions ). Prior to the problem the iMac was running OSX Lion, what version though I can't remember.I installed 10.8.5 the other day to see if that would fix things, but it hasn't. It was not a "clean install", just regular one from downloaded OSX 10.8.5.
I have run Disk Utility and TechTool Pro' 7 to try to make repairs to address the problems so far to no avail. Main problems are that my most used applications, FCP-7 Studio, Aperture and Photoshop CS5 amongst others, open but then immediately crash. I've reloaded the troubled applications, de-installed them properly with de-installation app's then clean re-installed them, but that's made no difference. They will not mount.
I reckon there must be a fault or corruption on the HD, probably caused during the Optimisation as everything was functioning well before I did that. So, the only OSX install disks I have are the original disks that came with the iMac, OSX 10.6.2 and a Snow Leopard Upgrade DVD OSX 10.6. I do have the downloaded copy of OSX Mountain Lion that I pulled from the App Store the other day and that copy is now on an external USB / Firewire 800 HD.Â
As I said I would like to be able to clean off the iMac's internal 2tb drive completely and install a fresh newer OSX. If I first have to load OSX.6.2 then upgrade via the App Store that's fine, but I'd rather just go straight to Mountain Lion if possible. Whatever works best. Getting rid of any corruption on the iMac's HD is the prime motivation.Â
All my applications and files are backed up to a 2tb LaCie external drive.The iMac has approximately 900 gb's of content onboard and the rest is free / unused space.
I'm trying to reformat my MBP and I think I'm having a little trouble. This is the first time I've reformatted a mac. I put the OS X disk in, went into disk utility and did the erase. I then restarted, again booting on the disc and I've seen nothing but a white screen for the past 2 1/2 hours. The optical drive is making noises like it is reading, but I'm not sure if it can't read from the disk or it is actually formatting. Any ideas?
When I added contacts in my address book on my computer I ticked the "company" button... now I want to change ALL my contacts in the address book at once to not be known as "company".... I have 1600 contacts and do not want to do them one at a time!
I'm an idiot. For all my contacts, I put the company that the person works for in the Suffix field of the Address Book entry. I would like to change all my contacts such that the information in the Suffix field is moved to the Company field. Is there an application or an AppleScript that I can use?
Last December I ordered two books through iPhoto, and was very happy with them. Just tried to order another to ship to a friend in the USA and somehow iPhoto won't let me change the address to a US address, just gives me a list of European countries. I'm in England.
I'm making a book of my holiday, its going great until I came to the map. The pointer always starts in Sydney, a hassle but I can work with it. My problem is as we went to Seymour in Victoria Australia, I type in Seymour and I'm given a dozen USA possibilities but I'm offered a search for my Seymour option. I take this, starting in Sydney and I drag the pointer to Seymour in Victoria (It says Seymour on the map) but in my book it changes the name to Mitchell. It does this for a number of stops. I could probably cope with one but when you go to 50 towns and you're showing off your clever Mac and all people go is I've never heard of Mitchell wheres that and I'm sure you can guess what my answer is, I don't know I've never been there. Particularly when the photo has Seymour Railway station on the photo.
I got the idea to scan in business cards and use it as the image in address book but after it is in there the image is too small to read. Is there a way to change the image size?
i dont undersatnd why they took something that was working fine and than took away features.i use a lot of categories / groups in my address book and this is not nearly as easy to use as it used to be.i would like to have the OPTION to bringing the 3rd pane back. does anybody have a hack or solution to this?this appears to be part of a wave of DUMBING down the mac platform. (iphoto is now a lot harder to use as well)
I'm looking to convert a whole slew of telephone numbers in Address Book to make them Skype compliant. There are a variety of find-replace patterns I want to use. One example is an area code in parentheses. For example, I want to change (215) to +1 215. There are thousands of numbers in my address book to change, and manually is not an option. Address Book doesn't have any way to do this on its own. I checked out Automator but it doesn't have many useful Address Book functions. I dug around for a bit online for an AppleScript that would just go straight to editing the AddressBook.data file, but didn't find anything.
I tried to edit the AddressBook.data file myself using TextWrangler, but when I saved it, AddressBook.data's icon changed from a blank file icon to a plain text file icon and Address Book stalled out while opening, necessitating a force quit. So I reverted to my back up and am no closer to solving the problem. Is there a way to do a find-replace or a batch change in Address Book, whetever via AppleScript or otherwise? If not, how can I edit AddressBook.data and save it without it become a text file that Address Book chokes on?
How do I change the Font Sizes in Address Book and Mail? I have done what the mail instructions say to do but does not work. Address Book I don't see anyway to change them.
Info: MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), iPad2 and iPhone 4s
I wonder is someone knows how do a batch change in address book. I'm changing phone operator and I have to change the phone number prefix from "041" to "015" to all my contacts. I've tried to find some applescript but I've found only to change the whole number.
Is there a way to out-right remove the 'Leather' skins that Apple has used with iCal and Address book. We had a client jokingly ask us if we were working on kids computers the other day. Not impressed to say the least. We've read about the hacks floating around in the internet wilds but would prefer a Mac-enabled way of changing this. Why isn't this an option in the app preferences?
I am copying my saved iphoto from G drive to WD drive and the box on the computer says 'preparing to copy to MY Book' , 1445 Items, for 15 hours now. Is it really copying or not? Should I start over?
Info: MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.5.8), Have not updated to Lion yet
In Entourage�s address book view there are the following categories under the drop down menu:
�Changed in the Past 7 Days �Due Today. �Family Category. �Personal Category. �Work Category.
How can I add other categories under the address view (eg: friends)? How can I add a view of contacts that have no category association. How can I change the current default views?
Many records in my address book have multiple email addresses. No big deal but I wonder if there is a way to tell Address Book / Mail which address to pick as the default.Â
For example I send a litttle news email one a week to a group of contacts. I want to send this email to people's personal -- not business -- email address. I've created a group in Address Book and type that group name in my Mail to line and the group pops up. But a few of the records pick the corporate address and I have to go in and change those addresses.Â
I just tried editing one record ... I deleted both "work" and "home" addresses from a record. Then reentered them "home" first, "work" second. But when I closed the edit Address Book listed them in the original order (maybe alpha).Â
I have just purchased the new OS X 10.5.4 operating system and wish to upgrade to this. Before I upgrade the operating system I want to upgrade to a bigger and faster hard drive. I currently have a 100 GB 5200 hard drive. I wish to upgrade to a 300 GB 7200 RPM hard drive.
What I need help is copying all my apps and files over to the new hard drive and to install the new OS X operating system. Shall I just upgrade the OS X on to my current 100 GB hard drive, then create a clone/ boot disk so then when I install my new hard drive I create the clone on to the new hard drive.
What is the best option for me as I want to upgrade my hard drive and upgrade my OS X, without installing my apps and files again.
I bought my macbook last august and am just now getting around to backing up my files (why I waited this long is beyond me).
I'm not sure what kind of external hard drive to get. I simply want a copy of my files on something that's not my computer. Storage, in case something happens to my Mac and that I could transfer onto a new computer.
I don't need anything fancy, just something I can back stuff up on.
I'm not a techie and I am still learning the ways of being a mac.