OS X :: Reformatting Mac - Can I Simply Use The 10.5 CD?
Feb 22, 2009
I have never reformatted a mac as of yet so I'm not really sure how to go about it.
I've had my Powerbook G4 for around 4-5 years and I simply have NO CLUE where all the discs are that came with it. The other day I just upgraded to Leopard so I was wondering if it possible for me to reformatted the HD by using only that Leopard install disc?
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Oct 18, 2009
So I have a Dell PC that I have used for a year and a half and also just got my first Mac. I see they have this Boot Camp where you can run Windows on the Mac.
How exactly do I get my existing system ported over to the Mac? Or do I have to do a fresh Windows install? My Dell had Vista pre-installed on it so I'd have to see if I have the Dell backup CDs/DVDs. I do nightly backups of my Dell using Acronis True Image...can I somehow just restore that image right onto my Mac?
I wish I could completely flip over to Mac, but due to some drawing and architecture programs on Windows, I can't. I know I also could just have two separate computers, but I'd really rather consolidate to one.
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Sep 12, 2009
When I try to boot to a cd in an old imac it simply ejects the cd and boots up to 10.4. I tried holding down c and changing the startup.
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Oct 10, 2009
I have two imac's, a 24 inch 2.4 w/ 10.4.11 that's completely decked out in "working properly" audio programs (pro tools,reason,finale, ect).
I have another that's a 24 inch 3.06 w/ 10.5.8 that is a better machine... Can I "wipe" clean this machine and literally copy the whole other machine onto it? With a little luck things will it possibly work properly?
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Jul 11, 2010
I want to completely reinstall my SL onto my MBP just to have a fresh start and 0 out my hard drive. I've already backed up all my important files and everything I need, but when I put in my SL disc it tries to read it and then just kicks it out of the drive without ever showing up on my laptop. It is not the disc I used when I upgraded my MBP from 10.5 to 10.6 though because I misplaced and cannot find that copy, but I am using a friends copy (I don't think this is the problem). I know my drive should read it because it reads every other CD I put into it and it shows up on my friends MacBook as well.
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Mar 6, 2008
System preferences won't open. i click on it, then it disappears.
Hardware Overview:
Machine Name:Power Mac G5
Machine Model:PowerMac11,2
CPU Type:PowerPC G5 (1.1)
Number Of CPUs:2
CPU Speed:2 GHz
L2 Cache (per CPU):1 MB
Memory:16 GB
Bus Speed:1 GHz
Boot ROM Version:5.2.7f1
Serial Number:G85505SFT39
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Jul 4, 2008
I Have an Aluminum 1ghz Powerbook G4, the only keyboard key that is backlit is the caps lock key so i assume that it is not a backlit keyboard. Anyway, What is involved in adding a backlit keyboard or is it even possible?
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Apr 7, 2009
I'm a PC guy being asked to help a Mac-owning friend. Her G5 running Leopard is acting very squirrely: iTunes keeps forgetting its tunes and complaining about damaged libraries (even after a uninstalling the old and installing the newest version); Photoshop crashes when scrolling through a folder of pictures (I moved them to a different drive and that solved it, but...), and other odd behaviors. She messed up the configuration of TimeMachine a while back and says lots of stuff seemed to go wrong after that. She has 2 internal drives and I noticed that some of her apps, like Quicken, appear to be installed on the second drive. Data files appear to be strewn about everywhere.
Her fellow Mac friends said the system needs the OS re-installed. On a PC the best approach is to reformat the drive and do a clean install. Is this advisable on a Mac -- especially this one?
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Apr 18, 2012
I want to share all my contacts with my wife so we don't have to reenter or add them all separately with vcards.
There used to be a way to just share my address book with someone, but now that seems to be gone.Â
I've looked around a bit and so far the only thing I am seeing is where this is done through some server set up, which is way overkill for what we want to do.Â
I just want to be able to share my entire contact list/address book.Â
I tried exporting my address book, and then on importing to hers, I am informed that it will REPLACE everything in her current address book. Not what we want.Â
Mac Pro, 2xDual2.66, 4GB, GeForce 7300 GT, 23" Apple LCD, Mac OS X (10.5), G4 Cube, Rev A/C iMac, NeXTCube,PwrMac8500,Quadras,SE30s,MacPlus
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Jun 11, 2012
Can you save documents to iCloud simply as storage and to access from another PC, iPad or device that isn't your own? I want to access documents remotely but can't see how to do this without buying iWorks for my iPhone, which is not what I want. I previously stored a few important documents on iDisk and am trying to replicate this so I can access them when I am away from my MacBook.
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Apr 11, 2010
I need to use iwork 09 on a sixth mac but it simply spits the disk out. Is there anyway past this?
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May 28, 2010
I've been scouring Google for a while trying to find a way to do this, but to no avail. I have a playstation emulator on my mac and am attempting to mount an iso of a game to play it. (As a legal sidenote, I do legally own the game and ripped the iso myself from the original disc, so there shouldn't be any issues with that -- I just don't want to have to use the cd and keep it with me, etc.).
I have been able to get a perfect .iso, .dmg, and a folder containing the files. The only thing I can't manage to do is mount it in such a way that the emulator will see it as a disc and not a mounted image. That is, the typical Disk Utility kind of mounting. I have tried it with Roxio Toast versions 7 and 10 (10 is the latest, but I had heard that 7 mounts it in a unique way) to no avail.
There is an old program called Virtual CD-RW ([URL]), but the application won't even open when I downloaded the demo version (double-click/selecting "open" simply didn't have any response at all). However, the kind of language used to describe it seem to be what I am looking for: manipulating kernels in such a way that other applications see it as an actual, physical cd-drive.
Assuming I don't have any more luck with Virtual CD-RW (still trying though), is there any other program/OS way to accomplish this?
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Apr 4, 2012
My iMac suddenly won't boot up. It stays black and simply beeps. Holding the start button shuts it down. It's about 3 1/2 yrs old, but has been well-maintained.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
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Jun 8, 2012
In 10.7.4: Why is it that occasionally a page I am entering information on slips off to the right and simply disappears? I can't retrieve it.
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Jun 25, 2014
When I close the lid to my mid-2009 13in. MBP, it powers off. It is not sleeping or hibernating. When I open it, I must press the power button to boot up the computer again. This does not happen when the charger is plugged in. I have reset the SMC and PRAM.
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Feb 12, 2012
The disc player in my iMac doesn't seem to be able to read any dvds and then spits them out. What could the problem be?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Apr 21, 2012
This nonsense: To upgrade your Mac to OS X Lion, you must be running OS X Snow Leopard. If you have OS X v10.5 Leopard, purchase OS X v10.6 Snow Leopard now and install it on your Mac. Then buy OS X Lion as a digital download from the Mac App Store- seems very very un-apple.
So let me get this straight: I have to install an outdated OS (snow Leopard) in order to install Lion. ???
Remember when an OS was self contained, not an add-on upgrade feature?
I am puzzled- I would simply like to boot my mac pro from leopard (current os), and install LION on a newly placed, freshly formatted internal hard drive on same computer. Why would i need to have the intermediary step?
The folks at apple store couldn't answer- even the genius folk weren't sure- dissappointing at best-
Mac Pro 3Ghz Quad Core Duo, Mac OS X (10.5.8), G4 MDD Dual 1Ghz Power PC
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Jul 4, 2012
I can make no sense where Mail is going to place a signature I choose. Sometimes it's in the middle, sometimes at the bottom (invisible without scrolling). A few minutes ago it was placed a the top, above all my text! I feel I have no control over this. I see no algorithm choices in Signatures or General preferences.Â
Is there a way to make the default the simplest, most obvious location: At the cursor? That's when and where I want it when I choose it.
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Apr 28, 2012
I have a Macbook with OS X 10.6.8 and a 500GB external hard drive, which still has 208.5GB available. For some reason, Time Machine has simply stopped backing up any new files (documents, music, movies--anything). No items are set to be excluded from backups in Time Machine options except for the external hard drive itself. Also, no error messages appear, Time Machine seems to run just fine, but when I enter Time Machine, or look through the files on the hard drive, new files just aren't there. I am not very tech savvy, so I was not able to understand some of the answers people gave to similar questions on here. I did go to Pondini's website and followed as many troubleshooting instructions as I could understand (for example I did manage to do a full reset of Time Machine) but nothing changed. Do I just need to erase the entire backup drive and sart all over? If so, what will prevent this from happening again later on?
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Oct 30, 2010
following the issues I had with not being able to install ANYTHING or do any software updates, i've decided to reformat and reinstall Mac OSX. First problem, when I boot from disc, it allows me to select language then says 'Mac OS X cannot be installed on this computer' so I completely format the hard drive and try again. No luck. Same message. WHY can't the Mac OS X be installed on this computer?!
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Jul 2, 2009
I decided I want to make my Mac HD one whole partition again but I don't know how to do it. I had tried using boot camp, but it was giving me an error. So I cloned my HD and now I've booted into the clone and am wondering how I can delete everything on the Mac HD and reformat it into just one partition. I tried searching but couldn't find it.
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Aug 15, 2010
I'm planning to reformat the osx partition and I'm wondering if the bootcamp (or any other) partition will be affected. I'm not sure how it works... Or can I only reformat the whole hard drive?
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May 13, 2010
I have a Sandisk m240 Mp3 player 1GB. I use it almost every day. I have had it since Sept 2008. I have had a few problems with it, but they were small issues that I could overlook. One of those problems is, every time that I put more than 100 songs on my mp3 player (it can hold about 240 depending on size of file), there would always be one song that came up as "unknown". I could play the file, but it would still be "unknown", even when I knew perfectly well that the file was ripped off a cd (that I own) to my computer (which plays it perfectly fine). That problem I was able to overlook because the file would still play.
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Apr 11, 2009
I have a HD in my Mac Pro that is about 80% filled. I wanted to add another HD and configure the 2 as a RAID, Can I do this without reformatting the existing drive, or loosing my 80% capacity data?
The first HD is a 1TB and im looking to add an identical HD to make a 2TB drive.
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Aug 30, 2009
I'm trying to reformat my MBP and I think I'm having a little trouble. This is the first time I've reformatted a mac. I put the OS X disk in, went into disk utility and did the erase. I then restarted, again booting on the disc and I've seen nothing but a white screen for the past 2 1/2 hours. The optical drive is making noises like it is reading, but I'm not sure if it can't read from the disk or it is actually formatting.
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Sep 7, 2009
I have a Macbook Pro 2.16 Core Duo, and I'm wanting to install 10.6, but about a year ago, I cracked my screen to the point that I cannot make anything out on it, and haven't replaced it. Instead, I have just been using it in clamshell mode, which has worked out fine so far. My problem is that I cannot get the 10.6 install to show up on my external monitor.
I searched around, and could only find one other similar thread that just ended with the author putting it in clamshell and having it work fine. When I boot to the install and close the screen, I just get a grey box on my external display with a black bar on either side of it. I can't seem to find any other resources, so I'm not entirely sure what to do at this point.
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Oct 9, 2009
I seemed to have had a keylogger or virus on my MAC. I had to reformat it. I used google, I am relatively new to MACs, and the method I used was inserting the disk 1 while holding down the option key. It is reformatting as I type this. My question, does it completely erase everything? I know with PCs, a simple reformat like this does not always remove all the problems.
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Jul 21, 2010
I've got a Mac Pro (early 2008 edition) and I installed Windows 7 via boot camp. I no longer use the OSX on the main partition because I boot OSX on this computer from an external drive.
I would like to format the main partition (where my old OSX is) so I can use it for file storage from both OSX and Windows, but I'm afraid I might screw up the boot capabilities by doing so. Can anyone confirm that my Windows 7 boot camp partition will still boot successfully after formatting my old OSX partition to FAT32 (or whatever makes the most sense)?
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May 26, 2008
I have a USB Tomato Flash 2 GB pen drive.
I have been using it up to recently when it has started to refuse to mount.
When placing the pen in the USB port I receive a screen saying that the pen drive had been removed properly without ejecting it first although I know that not to be the case and could only presume that the pen must have had a break in its connection with the USB port at some point.
Now every time the flash pen is inserted an error screen appears saying that the pen had been removed without ejecting it first.
What should I do to recover from this, as it seems I can not use Disk Utility to reformat the pen drive as it pops up with the same message and reports that the flash pen could not be unmounted when trying to reformat.
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Jun 8, 2012
Many times in the past I have had to reformat USB drives once I have bough them so that they will work properly with my Macs and have never had any problems. I was just about to buy a USB online and thought I would check the Q&A for anything suspicious. Someone had asked the question; "is it possible to use this drive with a Mac", and someone from the store replied; "No, and it is not possible to reformat".Â
The drive is a Toshiba 500GB Canvio Basics USB3. Can some drives not be reformatted as this bloke seems to think or does he not know what he is talking about?Â
I have attached screenshots from the site.
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