OS X :: Deleting Old Time Machine Files?
Mar 10, 2008I looked in the external drive that I have time machine copying to. Is it ok to delete older files by moving to the trash? Is this recommended?
View 6 RepliesI looked in the external drive that I have time machine copying to. Is it ok to delete older files by moving to the trash? Is this recommended?
View 6 RepliesLast week I was doing some late night backing up of some DVD's I own. (7x7GB).
I MTR'd them to get the video_TS folders on my desk top, so I could toast them back on to DVDs,
I tought I may as well put them on to my iPhone, so I re-encoded them into MP4 (7x500MB), then copied them into iTunes (again 7x500MB).
I reaslied today that I forgot to turn off Time-machine when I was doing all this and my backup grew by 60 GB!!
If I go into Time-machine and track down these video files and "deleate all instances" of them, will it free up the 60 GB on my external drive for Time-machine to be able to back upu more vital stuff?
I have a Time Machine drive (1 TB) that contains files going back over a year that I would like to delete in order to free up space on the drive. Locating and trashing the files doesn't work as I get a dialogue box telling me that the drive can't be altered. I assume that is due to the protected database. Is there any way to delete these files? I am running OS 10.6.4 on a MacPro. The Time Machine drive is on an external Firewire drive.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI couldn't enter Time Machine backups, that is, "Enter Time Machine" from the Time Machine menu item did nothing. I tried Postini's recommendations about resetting, repairing the sparsebundle image, and tried accessing with the bundle mounted. Nothing worked.
What did work was Time Machine Preferences>Select Disk… and clicking Do Not Back Up. Then a new item appears in the Time Machine menu items: "Browse Other Backup Disks…" Selected that and then selected my backup. And then I was in.
My purpose was to delete some large movies that were taking up too much space. I went back to the Finder and opened the folder where the movies had been (I had deleted them in the Finder) then went back to "Browse Other Backup Disks…" and there was the folder in Time Machine. And I deleted the files. I was later able to reselect my Backup disk and the options were still saved.However I haven't seen the space recovered yet. I may have to read more on compressing the disk image if it doesn't fix itself soon.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
Yesterday I used Migration Assistant to recover the contents of a failed MacBook Pro (Snow Leopard) from a Time Machine backup to a new MacBook Air (10.7.4). Using the same external disk for backups, I now have a folder for both the old and new machines in
The instructions here
explain how to reconnect time machine to the old machine's backups. Once I've done this and checked that I can access the old backups, can I simply delete the new machine folder to save space?
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
Why isn't TM deleting my old back-ups to make room for the new ones? I have 25 GB space left in my TM partition and 35 GB is needed for a new back-up but it keeps telling me it is failing to do the back-up for lack of space.
View 2 Replies View Relatedi have a WD 250gb HD that i used to use for my TM backups...a few months ago i switched and am now using a new HD for my TM backups. Today i went and tried to delete the old TM backup folders from my WD HD and dragged the folder to the trash (the whole folder..backups.backupdb) now im not sure if its all in the trash, cause it still appears on my WD HD as well...when i try to empty the trash, there are over 30.000 files to delete and is says some are locked
View 7 Replies View RelatedI have just deleted some folders from Time Machine (by clicking on the gears and then clicking "delete all backups of ..... "), but I didn't get the hard drive space back on the Time Capsule.
I deleted about 50GB but Time Capsule reports having the same amount of space available as before the deletion.
Is this usual? How do I get the space back?
I would like to make my TM backup a bit slimmer and delete some folders but I'm not sure how TM works. Can I simply delete an entire TM folder of a given date e.g. 2009-08-29-190000 without affecting the others? Or are the backup made "incrementally" in which case the last backup needs all previous backups in order to be restored? I believe that the backups are independent but I just want to be sure.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI want to remove a file from Time Machine. I'm thinking I'll do: find /Volumes/Time_Machine/ file.name -exec rm {}; Is there anything special about files stored on the Time Machine Volume? By deleting a file throughout, will it corrupt my backups?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have a WD 500GB harddrive which has worked wonders for time machine, but I've noticed and canceled that the past 2 days when I've tried to "back up"
it starts to calculate the files then starts deleting old back ups, Either I've never noticed this before or this is abnormal?
Just thinking that to do time machine you need old back ups so it doesn't appear right to me.
Mac Pro, time machine
I regularly back up my system ( every couple of weeks! ) and data to an external 2TB drive however I only really need a copy of recent state of system and data. Will it be good practice to enter time machine and go back to the old back ups and delete so that only recent backs up are maintained on drive. This would also free up space on my external drive? I just want to ensure deleting old back ups does not harm the integrity of the data.
Also i wanted to ascertain if it is possible to use time machine drive in another mac and simply drag and drop files from the latest back up onto this other computer?
I have foolishly moved a time machine back-up file from my external drive to trash. My problem is now that I cannot delete it properly from trash. Moreover, I my external hard drive is acting up. I can�t eject the drive, I can�t write to it and I can�t delete or repair it from Disc Utility.
The file in the trash has got ...inProgress and I have tried to empty trash with normal empty, secure empty and through Terminal.
I got a new MBP awhile ago to replace my old MB, and am using the same HD for Time Machine backups. For awhile I wanted to keep the old backups around, but now that I'm fine without them, they're just taking up space, and they're not automatically deleting as the HD fills up, it seems that it only deletes backups of the computer that it's backing up when it needs the space. I know usually deleting Time Machine backups through the Finder is a really bad idea, but since I don't have the old MB to do it through the Time Machine interface any more, it's the only way. Would I be OK to do it that way, since I want to delete all the backups from that Mac? Or would I risk screwing up the backups of my MBP?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI deleted a bunch of epubs by bringing up my time machine drive in Finder. I did not delete the epubs through time machine. I now have pointers to the epubs in time machine. How do I delete the pointers.
MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)
Renaming my hard drive caused Time Machine to make a new 190 GB backup. How can I delete this single backup to get the space back and still keep the previous and following backups? I tried deleting the single backup for whole hard drive in the Time Machine UI, but I didn't get any the space back, the next newest backup is now 190 GB using Time Tracker as seen below. Just tried deleting all the backups of the renamed hard drive from 3 Oct and now the first backup of today is 191 GB.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI don't know if its supposed to do this or not because I am a new time machine user. I have a HFS + Backup Drive using the GUID partition table that is used by time machine. Yesterday I had quite a few backups in my backup directory, today I come on to find that some of these backups are missing. Does it delete some backups?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm looking for a program that will let me delete old Time Machine backups on a schedule. I am aware that TM will delete old backups once the drive is full. However, I don't want to let TM fill up my hard drive (having a ton of backups is not useful to me, and I use my hard drive to store movies as well), and I don't like having to manually delete backups when I want to add more files to my external hard drive. I've read many forum posts that recommend "just letting TM do its thing."
I'm just looking for a way to minimize the number of backups that are kept so I can keep plenty of open space on my hard drive for when I add to my movie collection. I'm already using TimeMachineEditor to back up less frequently, but what I would really like is a program that will automatically delete an old backup every time I add a new one. Ideally, I'd like to back up once a day and keep a week's worth of backups. So, once I have 7 backups on my hard drive, the next time my computer backs up the oldest of those 7 will automatically be deleted.
I know it is possible to delete all copies of a file backed up to Time Machine in Leopard.
Is it possible to back up only one instance of a file backup up to TM? I am using TM to backup my VMWare Fusion disk (about 13GB) and it takes up a lot of space and I don't need all those copies!
How do I delete a Tome Machine backup file from Trash? I tried holding down the "Alt/Option" key, but that does not work.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7), Lion OS
I've got a 2011 iMac 21" running on Lion. I've been backing up using Time Machine since september, and now need to delete from september-march. i've placed these into the trash and have attempted removing them, but when it says items to delete (normally a positive number) it goes into negative eg. -14,923. It isn't allowing me to place them back in the Backups.backupdb folder, and it will not remove them, so they're in the trash folder and can't be removed. i've attempted the sudo rm rf trash command, but terminal isn't allowing it. So if I want to completely remove this backup, is there a command or a process that i can use?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7)
I have a 1 TB external hard drive that I've been using as a time machine drive & also as a place to put random files i dont need on my computer and its starting to get very full. Most of whats on there is old backups from the past year & 1/2 that I have no use for anymore. is there a way to delete all of the backups that are on there right now without deleting the other files I've put on there. I have a bunch of projects and files on there that I cant put anywhere else and just format the drive. Basically, i need a way to delete all of my time machine backups off my external hd without deleting all my other files on there.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI had been using Time Machine on an external drive for a few years and then when I stopped using that drive for backups and started putting files on it, I made the mistake of trying to manually delete all of the backups. Now, the entire backup is stuck in my trash folder and finder doesn't seem to be able to delete it regularly.
Macbook, Mac OS X (10.5.4)
I don't know where else to put this but I set up a external hard drive to using time capsule. The hard drive is 500 gig and within 3 months worth of backing up I only have 287 gigs. How can I remove movies and other stuff off the hard drive? I tried deleting the a movie by looking into the back up folders on the hard drive but it keeps telling me it can't be modified.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI just got an external hard drive because I have thousands of songs that my macbook cannot hold.
I am using Time Machine to put everything on my external but I was wondering....if I delete the music on my computer so that I just have it on my external - will Time machine delete it off my external when it automatically updates since it is no longer on my computer?
I want to download more music but am scared of losing any old music.
Just wanted to know if the method I used to delete some back ups were save. What I did was just drag two back ups that I didn't need anymore into my trash, held option and clicked delete. I am asking this because I came across this video saying if I used this method, I would be "screwed" [URL]. Is the method I used safe, or did it some how mess up my TM or leave left over data?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI forwarded an email and now it is coming in via my time machine in 100's I never asked time maching to recover it and don't know how to stop it
iPhoto '11, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
Back in March my system crashed. I have a vmware external SSD drive that lost its formatting. Any how, I had been using time machine before it crashed. Now it says my drive is full. Its like its not deleting old backup files. I have a 1 Tb external usb drive that I back up too. I am using OS X Mavericks. Not sure what I am supposed to do to fix it. Cant afford another data crash like that.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI accidentally used time machine on my external hard drive and backed up everything. I only want to back up photos and music on this hard drive, but now it won't let me delete it. How can I wipe the hard drive and only save what I want?
View 1 Replies View RelatedAfter carrying out a clean install of Mavericks is it possible to reload certain files such as Music files from the Time Machine back-ups previously created?
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