OS X :: Permissions - Installer Unable To Open Package
Nov 6, 2010Installer is unable to open the package. This is likely due to Install framework's runner executable not having the proper ownership and/or permissions.
View 1 RepliesInstaller is unable to open the package. This is likely due to Install framework's runner executable not having the proper ownership and/or permissions.
View 1 Replieseverytime I try to install Final Cut Studio 2 on my Mac Book Pro (10.6.2), I get this message:
The installer is damaged.
The installer can't open the package. There may be a problem with file ownership or permissions.
Macbook Pro 15"
Mac OS X (10.6.2)
Upgraded to Lion recently. Trying to update printer drivers. All attempts to open official Apple printer drivers packages result in: "The Installer can’t open the package. There may be a problem with file ownership or permissions."Â
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7)
At first, I tried to upgrade and the upgrade failed to the point of rendering the system useless. I then decided to reformat the drive using disk utility and try a clean install. I then got this error and I'm stuck and have no clue what to do now: "The installer can't extract files from the package for BaseSystem. Contact the software manufacturer for assistance." I have never encountered anything like this before.
View 3 Replies View RelatedThis PKG makes snow leopard able to be installed on Windows PC's. I'm trying to do this on my PM g4 400mhz running 10.3.9. Or would it work better on a eMac? .
Leopard Verifies the DVD goes to install then I get: "The installer could not validate the contents of the "basesystem" package. Contact the software manufacturer for assistance." Initially I was trying to upgrade - didn't work. Was unable to boot into anything. Erased HD still didn't work. Verified disk etc., before installing. Machine patched up to date. Running IMac core 2 duo gb ram.
View 24 Replies View RelatedSome of my applications that came with OS X 10.4.11 have become damaged. I have tried two ways of replacing them from the 10.4.11 Combo installer package downloaded from Apple. I removed the faulty ones from my Applications folder and then ran the installer. None of the applications were downloaded into my Applications folder. I used Pacifist to look into the installer package. In the Applications folder within the package, all (or most) of the applications had the generic icon that shows that an application is broken or incomplete, and when I extracted two of them by means of Pacifist, they retained that icon and did not work. And, more importantly, how I can obtain working versions of iCal and Address Book?
View 7 Replies View RelatedMy friend just bought a pretty clean G3 iBook that currently is running Tiger. he wants to hook up his iPhone to his laptop, but iTunes wants him to have Leopard in order for it to see his 3G iPhon my friend downloaded the Leopard update but when he tried to run the update, the laptop gave him some sort of error that says, "installer package cannot be used can anyone throw me a lifeline or two as to what the problem is? he really wants to run Leopard but so far he isn't having any luck.
View 5 Replies View RelatedOk, Here is the scoop. I am trying to get Wifi to work on my macbook while on XP. When I put in the disk and it says "The package requires a newer version of Windows Installer. Would you like to update?" I say yes and it says "The requires resoruce update is missing." and if I click no it says "The operation is aborted." or something.
View 10 Replies View Relatedi accidentally set permissions in the Mac HD Info window for Everyone to "No Access". of course it locked up. i have an external drive plugged in running Time Machine. i understand i can use that to restore...?
I ran disk utility - it failed because it could not locate the clip art folder in word (?wha?) repair disk permissions ran for 24 hours and couldn't complete. anyway - I know there is an easy solution here - i just want to be sure i'm doing it correctly so i dont make it worse than it already is...would some kind soul please provide me step-by-step instructions to either use Time Machine to repair - or something.
I repaired permissions earlier and I keep getting these that won't be repaired. Is it anything to worry about? Any idea what the issue is?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to install Final Cut Studio (6.0.1) on a C2D MBP running Snow Leopard (10.6).
This is my third attempt, after restarting and then shutting down and resetting PRAM, and the install keeps getting hung up on "Running package scripts..."
Installer is responsive, it's just getting stuck for some reason.
Anyone else having this issue?
I rencently upgraded from Adobe Lightroom 2 to Adobe Lightroom 4 and I can't open the .pkg file with Installer. Is there another way to install an upgrade?I'm currently cloning my HD and I may reinstal the OS and try again. I get this error message.  Â
View 8 Replies View RelatedI'm running 10.7.3 software, but im trying to install a program but every time i try to stall it.. this comes out '"You can't open the application Diablo Installer because the Classic environment is no longer supported."I was wondering if i could buy or download some type of program to run a old system...
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3), help me...
Macs Console says this every time I try to update from 10.6.7 - 10.6.8Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â "10:08 PM Installer[244] The Installer encountered an error that caused the installation to fail. Contact the software manufacturer for assistance."Â I can't update what so ever... every application basically needs to be manually installed or just comes to an unknown error either restarting the Mac or going through standalone...
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.7)
I was installing 10.6 on my MBP running 10.5.8. I had launched the installer and after about 20 mins of the installation, my MBP rebooted launching the CD installer window. I went ahead and started the install and selected my internal HD. It starts the install and then gave me an error "Can't install on this HD." I went ahead and quit the installer and tried to start up from the internal HD. It starts up with the apple logo and progress circle but then just shuts back down again. I'm able to boot back up using the 10.6 installer CD, then using Terminal, navigate to see all my user files.
I guess my question is what's the best way to grab all my files off the internal hd so I can do a clean install of 10.6? I tried setting my MBP as a Firewire disk to grab the files but when connecting it to another mac, no disk drive is recognized. I thought about just launching Terminal and copying the files onto an external drive. Just wondering if that's the best route? Is there still a way to boot up from my internal HD to move my user files?
I am not able to install anything, from an Acrobat update to Apple Motion. The installer always hangs around 3/4 of the way through.
View 1 Replies View RelatedSo on my boot drive, there is no option to uncheck the Ignore ownership on this volume because, well, it's not there. I'm running the latest version of OS X. How do I fix this? I've searched around and found similar threads dating back to the Tiger days but nothing that fixed anything for me.
View 6 Replies View RelatedWhen ever I click on the itunes or finder icons, I get this error message: "The itunes Library .itl file is locked, on a locked disk, or you do not have written permission for this file". I read somewhere that for itunes it may have gotten stuck as a read only file and you can fix this by going to my documents --> music --> itunes --> properties --> unselect "read only". But when I click on "my documents" it tells me that I have to open it with "finder", and "finder" gives me the same error message as itunes.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have a MacBook Pro intel i7 Chip. I am running disk permissions and its taking a long time and showing Open error 5 on the details list. I am letting it do its thing but im curius as to what this error is and why its taking so long in the utility. I see in some other postings that sometimes it te signs of a bad drive and sometimes not. it is the Toshiba 750GB drive.
View 7 Replies View RelatedI used a trick, long since lost I'm afraid, to tell the Finder to display the UNIX path name of the current directory at the top of the Finder window.For example, a finder window with my Documents folder selected(i.e. "in" the Documents folder) normally shows the special Documents folder icon and the name "Documents".What the trick would have it show instead is:
I've started over with a clean install of Lion (jury still out on the wisdom of this)so even if the setting would still work, I don't know how to make it. how to do this in Lion?
I was using Logic Pro X and the program crashed before I could save my project. There is now a file called "untitled" that appears to be a Logic Project file, however I cannot delete, open, rename, and move it anywhere. When I try to click and drag the file icon, it doesn't allow me to move it anywhere.  Â
When right-click on the file, it pops up the window, but there are only a few options available. I went to "get info" and saw that the file permissions are "unknown". I've tried repairing disk permissions in the disk utility, however the file is still unaccessible.It's not a large file (only 578K), but it would still like to remove it.Â
MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.5)
I changed the permissions on my 2nd HDD in my optibay, and now I cannot access the drive. A little lock is displayed with the icon, and when i try to access it is says "you do not have permission to see its contents."
I changed the permissions in the first place because I formatted my primary SSD drive and was having trouble gaining access to some folders on the secondary drive. I got tired of setting "read and write" for each and individual folder, and so I clicked on the small drop-down menu with the gear that allowed me to set it for all the folder within that drive. I set "read and write", and after about an hour it finished processing that command. However, after it finished, the permissions read "custom" instead and I was denied access to everything on the drive.
When I open Disk Utility and select one of the 2 volumes in the left pane, the buttons "Verify disk permissions" and "Repair disk permissions" remain greyed out. Only the "Repair disk" and "Verify disk" buttons are enabled. This is not the startup Volume. For this volume all 4 buttons are enabled.
How can I repair the disk permissions on the volume?
I have Mac OS X 10.6.4
got automatically put into the Logic Pro discussions, however it's not really a Logic question or issue, more of a disk permission issue (I think..). Here is the original post: URL.... I'm stuck with this file on my system and how to remove it.Â
MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.5)
I have a mac with os X. I have saved documents and photos on my computer and am now not able to open them. I get a message that tells To view or change permissions, select the item in the Finder and choose File > Get Info. I do that and it is not locked.Â
View 7 Replies View Relatedi need help with my macbook. I just updated the Leopard 10.5.7 and something is up with my machine.It has randomly been hanging and freeze my mac by telling me i have to restart the computer. Its happened about 5 times now!
I tried repairing permissions but everytime it does i have something that cannot be repaired for some reason. Could someone tell me what is happening and why my permissions arn't being repaired...
I'm trying to edit permissions on a folder via the Server App, and having some trouble. I can access all of the other folders on the shared volume and edit them just fine, but on one folder the OK button is always grayed out. Here's what I'm doing:Â In Server App, selecting the server under StorageChoosing the drive I want to editSelecting the folder I wantUnder the gear, choosing Edit Permissions.It shows me the list of users just fine and I can see that there's a problem, but no matter what changes I make it won't let me click OK. It also won't let me click + to add a new user.This works fine on all of the other folders on this same drive. Should I just reset all of the ACLs for that folder in the Terminal and try again?
View 1 Replies View RelatedAfter a lot of fruitless time-consuming crap including reinstalling my OS and deleting all my preferences, they created a new useraccount and it didn't have the problem. So they said I should just make a new account and migrate everything over there and use that.
Well, I've spent the last 8 hours trying to put everything to rights after everything they did to my computer. And I got most things taken care of. However, when in iTunes (which I had to reload my entire library into), I find that I can't edit information on any of the songs. I looked into file info and even though I told it to "apply to enclosed items" when I gave the new account read/write permission and transferred ownership.... it didn't do it. The files within the folders are still set as being owned by the old account, which, I assume, is why I can't edit them.
There has to be a way to fix this that doesn't involve going through 14,000 songs and individually changing their permissions settings, but I can't find it.
I'm on a G4 running 10.4.11. Recent strange behavior include mouseovers invoking clicks; cycling windows (programs and finder.) These annoyances seemed to have fixed themselves after restart. Now, many (not all) of my preferences have been changed requiring manual reset: auto login on start-up; internet connection. But the most problematic is that my CS3 programs won't launch due to one reason or another (missing licensing permissions or files; different messages with each program.)
I launched Disk Utility (using both Safe Boot and the Install CD) but Repair Permissions failed with a No Valid Package message