Installer is unable to open the package. This is likely due to Install framework's runner executable not having the proper ownership and/or permissions.
Upgraded to Lion recently. Trying to update printer drivers. All attempts to open official Apple printer drivers packages result in: "The Installer can’t open the package. There may be a problem with file ownership or permissions."Â
Leopard Verifies the DVD goes to install then I get: "The installer could not validate the contents of the "basesystem" package. Contact the software manufacturer for assistance." Initially I was trying to upgrade - didn't work. Was unable to boot into anything. Erased HD still didn't work. Verified disk etc., before installing. Machine patched up to date. Running IMac core 2 duo gb ram.
Some of my applications that came with OS X 10.4.11 have become damaged. I have tried two ways of replacing them from the 10.4.11 Combo installer package downloaded from Apple. I removed the faulty ones from my Applications folder and then ran the installer. None of the applications were downloaded into my Applications folder. I used Pacifist to look into the installer package. In the Applications folder within the package, all (or most) of the applications had the generic icon that shows that an application is broken or incomplete, and when I extracted two of them by means of Pacifist, they retained that icon and did not work. And, more importantly, how I can obtain working versions of iCal and Address Book?
My friend just bought a pretty clean G3 iBook that currently is running Tiger. he wants to hook up his iPhone to his laptop, but iTunes wants him to have Leopard in order for it to see his 3G iPhon my friend downloaded the Leopard update but when he tried to run the update, the laptop gave him some sort of error that says, "installer package cannot be used can anyone throw me a lifeline or two as to what the problem is? he really wants to run Leopard but so far he isn't having any luck.
At first, I tried to upgrade and the upgrade failed to the point of rendering the system useless. I then decided to reformat the drive using disk utility and try a clean install. I then got this error and I'm stuck and have no clue what to do now: "The installer can't extract files from the package for BaseSystem. Contact the software manufacturer for assistance." I have never encountered anything like this before.
Ok, Here is the scoop. I am trying to get Wifi to work on my macbook while on XP. When I put in the disk and it says "The package requires a newer version of Windows Installer. Would you like to update?" I say yes and it says "The requires resoruce update is missing." and if I click no it says "The operation is aborted." or something.
I messed up a library and lost a project, then I found a copy of it in the backup folder, now when I open the project it asked me to relink files, but a part of them are inside an avchd package. How to relink those files ?Â
I'm trying to install Final Cut Studio (6.0.1) on a C2D MBP running Snow Leopard (10.6).
This is my third attempt, after restarting and then shutting down and resetting PRAM, and the install keeps getting hung up on "Running package scripts..."
Installer is responsive, it's just getting stuck for some reason.
This PKG makes snow leopard able to be installed on Windows PC's. I'm trying to do this on my PM g4 400mhz running 10.3.9. Or would it work better on a eMac? .
I rencently upgraded from Adobe Lightroom 2 to Adobe Lightroom 4 and I can't open the .pkg file with Installer. Is there another way to install an upgrade?I'm currently cloning my HD and I may reinstal the OS and try again. I get this error message.  Â
As you can see, there are a bunch of Apps that I have completely lost. I did nothing - at one moment they were there, and then a little later I open up the Apps folder to see this. When I try to click on them, they all say that I can't open the file because it may be damaged or incomplete. I haven't installed anything recently, or messed with any settings. The programs are just gone. Can anyone clue me in on to what I need to do to fix this? I just got this computer last Tuesday, so I doubt I should be having any problems.
I got the 64bit version of windows 7 from my the Microsoft Acedmic Alliance program. I downloaded it on my parents windows machine burned the .iso with nero and I went throught the boot camp assistant it asked me to put in the disk. the computer rebooted and then it was a black screen. The
The disk is a bootable disk because I used the same disk to install it on my parents windows laptop.
I'm running 10.7.3 software, but im trying to install a program but every time i try to stall it.. this comes out '"You can't open the application Diablo Installer because the Classic environment is no longer supported."I was wondering if i could buy or download some type of program to run a old system...
Macs Console says this every time I try to update from 10.6.7 - 10.6.8Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â "10:08 PM Installer[244] The Installer encountered an error that caused the installation to fail. Contact the software manufacturer for assistance."Â I can't update what so ever... every application basically needs to be manually installed or just comes to an unknown error either restarting the Mac or going through standalone...
I inadvertently changed the Library name of an FCP X file in the Finder Window and now FCP X won't open. I immediately changed it back to the original name, and FCP X still won't open. The FCP X logo comes up, and then the app seems to freeze and not open.Â
Info: MacBook Pro (15-inch Glossy), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
I used Final Cut Pro when I was in college and when I graduated in 2010, I bought Final Cut Express 4.0. I recently bought Final Cut Pro 10.1.3 two days ago and I am having trouble opening up my old Final Cut Express 4.0 files. When I do go to open up these files they only open up with Final Cut Express and I always get the message: file's format is too new for this version of the application. Â
How do I open these Final Cut Express 4.0 files in Final Cut Pro 10.1.3?Â
I have a lot of storage space on my computer, but i still can't start a new project. I do command N or File --> New Project and it just makes a sad little bloop and doesn't do anything. It doesn't give me message or anything on why i can't start a new project.
I have one library that I am unable to open. It worked fine yesterday but now it just hangs with a message 'Loading "XYZ" event'. Even its backups in the Movies folder won't open. All the other libraries I've tried to open do so without any problem, so it seems the trouble is restricted to this one library and its backups.
I have been working on a project for school fine until today. When I tried to resize the FCPX layout I got a white screen and then it crashed and I had to force quit it (see image).
Having tried to reopen it I just get the beach ball and have to force quit each time. I have tried other macs in the room and it is the same. Other projects appear to open fine, so it seems that a file with the project might be corrupt? Â
I have attached images of the package contents . The school system is set up so that we have to save on external drives and any work on the mac is wiped as soon as you log out so auto saves are a no-go Â
I have update FCP to 10.1.2 yesterday and now i can't open one project that i have to re-edit now.
It's a 1.30 min editing project with a hundred of clips in that specific event, clips are still there and i can preview each one with no issues (same for others events and projects that i'm editing now) but when i'm trying to open this particular project (double click) FCP shows evey time a spinning wheel and freezes, its RAM's usage goes to the moon and i have to force quitting.
What i've tried:Â
1- pick up a backup file and use it deleting the corrupt one in my library (i've used 3 different files from 3 different days, no luck) 2 - deleting preferces (alt+command+click to launch) 3 - deleting generated event files 4 - deleting .flexolibrary file 5 - using Onyx to clean my Mac Pro 6 - shutting down and rebootingÂ
Dual 6 Core workstation, 48 GB of RAM and several internal HD /// OSX 10.9.3 Mavericks
I was working on a project in final cut and my computer crashed. When I restarted my computer and Final Cut, it seemed ok. It opens on the project I was working on before the one I was working on when it crashed. When I go to scroll up in the event, towards where the most recent projects are, eventually I get the spinning rainbow of death and then final cut stops responding. I have forced quit and restarted it but the same thing keeps happening. When I open other earlier projects in the same event, they seem to open and work fine.
I tried 'Update Projects and Events' but when I click 'update all' it says that it can't find anything to update.Â
Info: iMac (27-inch, Late 2013), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
I store all my libraries on an external hard drive and today my dad unplugged it without ejecting it. When I went to reopen it it said it was corrupted and will no longer open in final cut. in fact, it just crashes final cut. I have a video editing business and have hours worth of work in the library.
I am unable to open a FCPX library (containing at least 10 projects and events).Â
Final Cut attempts to load the events and projects in the library but after about 5 minutes the program shuts down and I get an Apple message giving me the option to report the problem.
All other libraries appear to work fine. I am guessing that the last project created within the affected library is corrupt.
I have tried removing the render files in that last project and I have copied the library to another drive and neither worked.
Info: MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4), Processor - 2.2 ghz intel core i7
When I try to open either of these 3 apps the system tells me they can't open because they are currently being updated. Software Update shows my system as needing no update. The last update that it shows was for ProApps Codecs v1.0.5. I am running a macbook pro / OS 10.9.3.Â
The manual download for that update, (ProApps Codecs v1.0.5), is a dead link, (URL....). I have one of the new black mac desktops with the exact same setup as my laptop. It's software updates list shows an update for the 3 apps I am having trouble opening on my laptop as having successfully installed. All 3 apps are working fine on the desktop system. How to either:Â
- trash my preferences on the laptop to force system update to reinstall the ProApps Codecs v1.0.5 update?
- fix the broken link at so I can manually install the ProApps Codecs v1.0.5 update?
- or perform some kind of Voodoo that will get my FCP, Motion, and Compressor opening again?Â
When I try to open either of these 3 apps the system tells me they can't open because they are currently being updated. Software Update shows my system as needing no update. The last update that it shows was for ProApps Codecs v1.0.5. I am running a macbook pro / OS 10.9.3.Â
The manual download for that update, (ProApps Codecs v1.0.5), is a dead link,[URL].Â
I have one of the new black mac desktops with the exact same setup as my laptop. It's software updates list shows an update for the 3 apps I am having trouble opening on my laptop as having successfully installed. All 3 apps are working fine on the desktop system.Â
- trash my preferences on the laptop to force system update to reinstall the ProApps Codecs v1.0.5 update?
- fix the broken link at so I can manually install the ProApps Codecs v1.0.5 update?
- or perform some kind of Voodoo that will get my FCP, Motion, and Compressor opening again?Â