Mac Pro :: Case Structure Surrounding Screen As Popping Off Or Separating From LCD Housing

Jun 28, 2006

On the macbook "Users report the case structure surrounding the screen as popping off or seperating from the LCD housing." I have had that problem as reported by appledeffects wiki. It isnt a huge deal. It is just a little loose and not completely popped off like that quote says. Have any other Macbook owners had that issue? If so what have you done to fix it? I have ran coreduotemp and it runs hot but no hotter than the normal macbook user and that is where it would seem like the problem would come from. Extreme heat and loosening of the glue I'm guessing. I don't know what to do and if this looseness is going to cause problems in the future for my otherwise wonderful machine I would like to know what I can do to fix this or what should be done.

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Macbook Pro Screen Is Separating From Casing

Jun 5, 2012

my 2009 macbook pro screen is signficantly seperated from the casing which is now starting to affect the laptops performance.Apple refuse to fix it as its older than 1 year and they say its been caused by me dropping it? Its never been dropped and lives in two cases! WHO DROPS A 2K LAPTOP WITHOUT REALISING?Apple genius was very rude when I took it to ask for some help, being a student I cant afford the repair quote they gave me. I don't see how a global company like apple just refuse to acknowledge how this is affecting not just a few isolated cases, but hundreds.According to the sale of goods act "If the retailer or manufacturer’s warranty has run out, the shop is often quick to say there is nothing they can do before attempting to sell you an extended warranty. This is misleading. If you buy something which should last 7 years but breaks down after a year and a day, you can still claim it was of poor quality in reference to the durability aspect." 

MacBook Pro

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Desktops :: Plastic Surrounding Data Connection Broke On Hard Drive?

May 8, 2010

I was trying to replace my internal hard drives and the 'Data Cable' seemed seriosuly hard to free, it seems I have tugged it too hard and broke the piece of plastic off surrounding the data connection on the hard drive, now all there is 7 copper(?) looking pins exposed.I can no longer seem to connect the Data Cable back to the hard drive.

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OS X :: Powermac G5 Or Mac Pro Housing?

Mar 29, 2009

If I get a powermac g5 or mac pro housing what elese would I need?
Where can I get X86 compatible parts etc? Thanks for your help.:apple

It would be Intel maybe Quad Core?

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MacBook Pro :: Why Does 'mackeeper' Ad Keep Popping Up On Screen

Jun 14, 2012

Why does "mackeeper" ad keep popping up on my screen?

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Mac Pro :: Downsides Of Housing SSD In 2nd Optical Bay?

Nov 14, 2010

What if any are the downsides of using the 2nd Optical bay to house an SSD?

Is the SATA port independent like the 4 drive bays in terms of the bandwidth available to the port?

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PowerPC :: 700 Mhz EMac Popping And Screen Flashes

May 3, 2009

I have a 700 mhz emac and sometimes there is a pop and then immediately after the screen flashes and them everything is fine but it seems its happening more often.

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Error Message 52 Keeps Popping Up On Screen

Mar 12, 2012

Error message 52 keeps popping up on my screen

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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MacBook Air :: Crackling Noises Of The AIR Housing?

Mar 12, 2012

I bought a MB Air 3 weeks ago. After a few hours the aluminium housing started to make some strange crackling noises.Mostly on the front right side, but meanwhile it's allover the housing and it gets more worse every day. Is anybody outside with similiar experencience

MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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OS X :: Randomly Popping Up Gray Screen - Restart Computer

Aug 3, 2010

My computer has started randomly popping up a grey screen which tells me to restart. It keeps happening and obviously something is wrong. Not sure if it is a hardware failure but something's broke! Anyone know what the deal is? Here is my latest panic log:

Latest stack backtrace for cpu 0:
0x000954F8 0x00095A10 0x00026898 0x000A8204 0x000ABB80
Proceeding back via exception chain:
Exception state (sv=0x2D9C6780)
PC=0x00306440; MSR=0x00009030; DAR=0x9C95F6DC; DSISR=0x40000000; LR=0x003063BC; R1=0x1787B9C0; XCP=0x0000000C (0x300 - Data access)
0x003063BC 0x002B7FCC 0x004EE0A8 0x004EDB9C 0x004EDA20 0x00465CCC
0x0049A634 0x0049A338 0x0049B6E0 0x0049BA14 0x002D1B8C 0x002D0A54 0x000A9714
Kernel loadable modules in backtrace (with dependencies):

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MacBook Pro :: MacKeeper Program Popping Up On Screen Every Few Seconds

Aug 24, 2014

I somehow got this MacKeeper program popping up on my screen every few seconds. I also think this program is interfering with other programs on my computer. Now my computer runs slower and start up takes a lot longer. How to take this MacKeeper off my computer. FYI, I deleted every know MacKeeper file on my hard drive, still to no avail. 

MacBook Pro, iOS 7.1.2

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OS X :: ITunes - Separating Audio From Video

May 3, 2009

iTunes has the Rod Stewart video of the song Ooh La La. I would buy it if I could somehow extract the audio to put in my iTunes library. I don't know why iTunes doesn't sell the audio only version of this song, but I would like the audio only, even if I had to buy the video. Can I separate the video/audio of this for iTunes?

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OS X :: Separating Apple Lossless From Mp3 In ITunes?

Mar 18, 2010

K...I have finally figured out how to convert FLAC to Apple Lossless and put them into iTunes...But is there a way to separate MP3 and Lossless files in iTunes?

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Applications :: Separating A Picture From Its Background?

May 13, 2010

My wife is looking to add the attached picture to the bottom of a wedding shower invitation, but the paper is lavender. How do I move the actual image to a blank canvas.

Right now, a white square is showing up around the image. Would I use something like Photoshop?

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OS X :: Separating Inbox From Smart Mailboxes In Mac Mail

May 28, 2010

Hey all,

I was wondering if it was possible to have e-mails go ONLY to your smart mailboxes. In other words, is there a way have the inbox only show mail that is not in the smart mailboxes?


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MacBook :: How Hard Is It To Change The Top Case And Bottom Case On One Of The Older Macbooks??

Oct 26, 2009

I was wanting to know how hard it is to change top and bottom case and keyboard area? I would like to know that if anything was to happen to my soon to have macbook I could change it. Also this on the older macbooks. And if I have Apple to change it how much would it cost? And yes I know that they should replace keyboard case area for free because of the defunct cracking issue.

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OS X :: Converting Upper Case File Names To Lower Case?

Nov 9, 2009

I have about 50 *.mp3's on my hard drive that have the file names in all upper case. When looking at them in itunes it drives me nuts....Is there a way to convert the uppercase file name to lowercase? I have googled but can't find anything. I do not want to do it manually, that would take a long time =( thanks, I'm crossing my fingers

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OS X :: Macbook Pro Screen Dead After Opening Case?

Jun 29, 2010

My friend has a 1st gen Macbook Pro (the model just before the unibody) which I offered to upgrade the hard drive in after he was complaining he didn't have enough space. I successfully did this to mine last year so I didn't think I would have any issues doing it again.

It was all fine until I put it all back together again and fired it up, and now the screen remains blank. I can hear the hard drive whirring away and the CD drive spinning when I put the installation disk in (which now I can't get out) but nothing seems to be working. I thought it might have something to do with the new hard drive I tried to install so I swapped it back out for the old one and I still have the same problem.

I was very careful dismantling it (and have done it many times before) and I can't see anything obvious internally that would be causing this problem. Does anybody have any idea what could be causing this? It's bad enough this is happening but it's even worse that it isn't my computer that it's happening to.

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MacBook Air :: Case Spare - Where I Can Replace The Aluminum Case

Aug 12, 2008

Where i can replace the aluminum case, is it possible?, i search for spares and didn't find any.

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MacBook Pro :: Case Splitting Near Screen And Swell At Random Points

Jul 14, 2009

So my laptop case has been splitting near the screen and it also seems to swell at random points. I have never dropped my laptop, I take great care with it as I need it for school. Last time I went to the apple store they told me it was a cosmetic issue and id have to pay around $800.00 to get it fixed. This time I decided to call the national apple line. They told me they think it should be taken care of, and that some one was being dis ingenious in the store (did I get screwed maybe because some one's boss told them to stop giving customers replacements? I have no idea). So Now I am taking this to the apple store tomorrow. What do you think I should argue? I think since I have a 3 year protection plan, I should get at least my entire case replaced, if not a refurbished macbook pro/ or an upgrade.

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PowerPC :: Does PB 15.4 Aluminum Case Is Exchangeable With The MBP 15.4 Case

Oct 18, 2007

Does anyone know if the PB 15.4 Aluminum case is exchangeable with the Macbook Pro 15.4 case? I have a 1.6Ghz Powerbook which has a few dents in the front but I don't see any of these cases for sale on Ebay, but I do see Macbook Pro cases. It's really a nasty cosmetic issue I'd like to resolve and then sell it.

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OS X :: Unable To Know About Case-Sensitive To Case-Ignorant?

Jun 14, 2010

I am working on restoring a Time Machine backup from Leopard to a clean installation of Snow Leopard. The only problem I'm facing is that the Leopard backup is on a case-sensitive drive (and the Snow Leopard drive is set up, by default, as case-ignorant).

I have scoured the Web the last two days and have not found a definitive answer to my question: Is there a way to transfer the data from the Time Machine backup on the case-sensitive drive to the case-ignorant Snow Leopard drive?

Yesterday I ran across a tutorial explaining how this might be accomplished using SuperDuper! but a commenter explained that Disk Utility could be used and was much easier.

I tried the Disk Utility method but it didn't work, and I ran out of time to give the SuperDuper! option a try. Does anyone know if it, or even Carbon Copy Cloner, might solve my problem?

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MacBook Pro :: Hinge Makes Cracking Noise / Loud Popping Noise When Adjust Screen Position

Jun 6, 2009

On my 13" MacBook Pro, the hinge makes a cracking noise on the right side of the computer (near the power button) when the screen is positioned all the way back.The entire hinge also makes a loud popping noise when I adjust the screen position. The screen seems very tight, and it takes a little bit of effort to move the screen, and when the screen is moved it makes the loud popping noise.

This is probably going to make some of you guys cringe, but sometimes putting pressure down on the top of the case close to where the black hinge meets to unibody enclosure seems to stop the popping noises. Putting downwards pressure on the hinge, or flipping the computer over and putting pressure on it that way, also seems to alter how much popping noise there is.

If I mess around a bit with applying pressure on different parts of the computer around the hinge, I can usually eliminate the noise. But, the cracking noise when I put the screen all the way back is still there.Any ideas what to do? It's not interfering with the operation of the computer, it's just incredibly annoying and this is only a four month old machine which shouldn't be creaking and cracking already.

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Hardware :: How To Build A NAS With An Old G5 Case/ Mac Pro Case

Jun 13, 2009

I saw a link a while back of a guy who converted an old G5 case into a server, any idea how to do this?

Or does someone know of the link to see his server, or one like it?

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MacBook Pro :: Glass Separating From Display "Falling Off"

May 10, 2012

My macbook pro warranty ended in December. since I bought it i've had major problems with the display. This is my 4th screen. it's literarlly falling off - as in I can see the camera from the inside that was like last month - now the everything left of the camera comes lose... can look down and see whats between the "glass". it's like the screen is held together with adhesive which isn't strong enough any longer...  everything from the right side of the camera is still sticking but I just want to keep it together until the new macbook pros come out or september for back to school specials.... 

I have the unibody verison from 2009 the one with the removable battery. I just feel like something I spent over 2k for should hold together a little better than this? 

Macbookpro/ imac, Mac OS X (10.5.5)

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MacBook :: Looking For Similar Case To The IPad Case For My Aluminium MacBook

Aug 31, 2010

Something reasonably priced, so i can take it safely out in the car with me! Also will be looking for a car charger for it!Decided against getting an iPad coz of the limitations so im gonna get a dongle, looked around & I like the look of TMobile deal of ?40 for 90 days.

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ITunes :: How To Change File Structure

May 27, 2012

Is there script I can use to change the file structure in Itunes. I would like my music files to have the following structure. My Music/[Artist] - [Album]/[track number] - [song title].mp3 

MacBook Pro (15-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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Applications :: Keep Folder Structure In IPhoto 09 Library?

Jan 28, 2009

Starting out on iPhoto 09. At the moment all my photos are organised in folders, eg Holiday July 08, New year 07, Childs 4th B_day, Funfair March 05 etc I would like to keep them in this order if possible, and start using iPhoto to tag, and organise them all. Reason I want them still in folders is that I also have a Windows PC, Xbox 360, and want to be able to sort them on here to, which wont have iPhoto's organisation and so need the folder structure.

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OS X :: Pc Switcher To IMac - Unsure About File Structure?

Mar 13, 2009

I just got my new 24" iMac, and within a few days I'll be making the switch. After reading countless forum messages and tutorials, I'm still a bit unclear about file structure (PC) vs folder structure (Mac).

I know the finder will show me folders and sub folders, which seems similar to an explorer file structure. However, I'm not sure how I'd set some things up.

For example: On my PC I have a folder for MY FILES and under it I have folders such as Photos (with sub folders) and Documents (with sub folders). I also have a folder for my pet photography business, which is called NYPetShots. Under that I have a folder for the Pet Photos (with sub folders for shoots etc.), another one for my Promotional Materials (which includes jpgs of flyers and postcards), another for Non-Photos (which includes documents and correspondence), and another for Web Stuff (which includes my web back-ups and Photos used for the web - also in some sub folders).

I am not wedded to using the exact same structure. However, it would certainly make sense to me to keep it. What would it look like on the Mac? I will be importing my entire Lightroom Catalog into the Pictures folder, and that will include my business photos as well as my personal photos. However, they will keep logical structures and will have keywords. I assume there is a folder for documents; however, I have both personal and business, with sub categories in each. So, could I continue to use a folder just for my pet business, even though it consists of different types of files?

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IMac :: Volume Structure Still Failing After Five Repairs

Mar 21, 2009

my iMac has been running strong for about 9 months now. The only gripe i have had is that is has begun to get SLOW booting up and mundane tasks such as opening apps. iTunes takes a good minute to get up and going. I never even noticed the slowness until i got a MacBook with much worse specs that blew it away.

So I decided to run TechTool Deluxe and see what happened. My iMac did great until the Volume Structure. I repaired it a good five times. The last two times it couldn't find anything to fix and it is still failing!

I don't want to have to buy DiscWarrior (i think thats right), or reformat my drive, mainly because i haven't the foggiest on how to do that. Any options available to me besides these? And do you think the slowness is more due to a growing amount of files, or maybe even a *virus* *gasp*, or to the failing structure?

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