OS X :: Partitioning Existing External HD?

Jan 9, 2010

I have a 250 GB external I've been using for Time Machine since late 2007. I happened to check it today and it was nearly full~so I'm in that process of deleting some of the older data (that process is taking forever).

I would like to partition this external and use some space for iPhoto since my main HD is getting full. Is this a fool's mission? I can understand if I started from scratch but with a nearly full one is it possible?

I do have backup off site (Carbonite)~~maybe it would be easier to erase the external and start fresh?

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OS X :: Partitioning External HD After First Use?

Nov 9, 2010

I'd like to partition my external HD into two parts: one for Time Machine and one for storing photos and other files so I can free up some space on my internal HD.

I've been using it out of the box for Time Machine for about a month now. I'm just wondering if I can partition it as it is with the backups on it already or do I have to wipe it clean, partition it, then start over with Time Machine? I would just like a 200 GB partition for Time Machine and the rest for storing data.

Also, Disk Utility is a little confusing. It has my external HD in there and then there is a "sub drive" (not sure the technical name.. sorry) under that? That's just drive that Time Machine made more or less? And every time I partition it, there will be a "sub drive" for each partition?

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OS X :: Partitioning An External Drive Without Erasing

Nov 3, 2007

In the effort to use Time Machine, I want to partition my external drive. I have 500 gig external, and would like to have one partition of 480 and one around 20. This way, Time Machine will only back up onto the smaller partition, not endlessly backing up until all 500 gigs are used. The reason I need to partition without erasing is my 170 gig iTunes library. Its too large to transfer to my internal HD, and I have no other drive to store it on.

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Intel Mac :: Formatting And Partitioning External HDD

Mar 11, 2012

Still new to iMAC (1TB). I have an external HDD 1.5TB and initiated TimeMachine (seems easy and fit for purpose) to keep a backup of everything on the iMAC. The iMAC did not come with an installation disc - apparently I would need to download the OS again should it fail or corrupt - unfortunately I have a VERY slow net connection - is there any way of backing it up to the external HDD to avoid having to download?

I believe I can purchase a copy of Lion in a flash drive - but I have already paid for Lion when I bought the machine? Would cloning sort this issue? If so - should I put the clone (Using something like CCC) in a separate partition? Have come across Recovery Agent - does it need to go in a separate partition? Finally - for now (!!) if I have to create any new partitions on the external HDD will it erase existing files, meaning I have to restart Time Machine?

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Hardware :: Partitioning External HD For Time Machine

Nov 10, 2010

I purchased a Seagate 500GB external drive for my father to use for Time Machine backups. I can't find anything conclusive on whether I need to monkey around with the partitions in disk utility, or just send him home with it and let him say "yes" when he plugs it in and OS X asks if he wants to use it with Time Machine.

Apple's knowledge base has an article that makes a passing statement that "GUID Partition Table (GPT) or Apple Partition Map (APM)" is recommended- but it pretty much stops there. Should I do something to this drive before giving it to him to take home, or shouldn't I? I mean, either it is compatible as-is, or it isn't, right?

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Partitioning An External 500 GB USB HDD (NTFS) In Two Partitions?

Jun 16, 2012

I realized Mac OS X 10.7.4 will only read NTFS partitions (can't write to it). I could install a third party driver or use FAT32. I decided to split the external Seagate HDD into two partitions (NTFS and Mac OS Extended FS).  

I went to Mac OS X's Disk Utility, but there was no way to partition the current single 500 GB NTFS partition with my existing data. It seems like I have to erase it with my data, and then partition into two. Is that how it supposed to work? This was on a new Mac Mini with all updates.

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Formatting And Partitioning An External Disk Drive?

Apr 1, 2012

how to properly format and partition an ext drive using Disk Utility. I will be making a clone using CCC.

iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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OS X :: Time Capsule Or My Existing External Hd?

Mar 12, 2009

I do like the concept of wireless routing/networking capabilities and integrated design of using Time Capsule w my new iMac 1tb HD (STILL not here yet), but am wondering if my 240gb WD HD is sufficient backup storage for the time being.

Maybe I can just spend the $300 for 500GB Time Capsule later on? Or should I just spend the $$$ and stop my sniveling? Once my iMac is delivered, should I take it to the Apple store and have them set it up, or is the setup easy enough for a Windows refugee to handle?

Please give me your feedback regarding this matter. Understand that I really have no wireless networking experience. Anyone whose read my previous threads will further understand that I'm currently a Mac Noob (virgin), and any elementary additional help is greatly appreciated.

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Software :: Partitioning An External Hard Drive Already Being Used By Time Machine?

Nov 22, 2010

I've got a 500 GB HD in my Intel iMac. I've got a a 500 GB external HD that Time Machine keeps maxed out. I want to partition the external HD to make room for my iTunes music file. I know that partitioning will erase everything. Questions: 1.

When I start up Time Machine after partitioning, will it do a full back up? 2. How do I move my iTunes music file to the external HD? 3. After I move it, will it still behave the same? Any other tips about what I'm wanting to accomplish will be appreciated.

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OS X :: To Existing ITunes Library On External Drive?

Jan 6, 2010

I have a Mac Mini connected to a Lacie external HD that houses all of my iTunes library. I've just bought a new iMac to replace the Mini and want to keep the iTunes library on the external, just point the new machine's iTunes to the existing library on the external.

How best to do that? I don't want to restore from TM because I want to start fresh from this Mac and there really isn't a lot to keep other than the iTunes (most of it is on the external). If I point to an existing location, I don't need to Consolidate, do I? Any risk of losing the library? Do I need to unlink the library on the existing Mac?

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OS X Mavericks :: How To Encrypt Existing External Disk

Aug 30, 2014

I have two G-Raid Thunderbolt RAID disks.  Each is set up as a RAID 1 stripe (2 disks into one volume). I have my system disk encrypted with filevault, and would like to enable full disk encryption for the external disks as well. I tried the "Right click on disk in finder, select encrypt" option, but after I enter my choice of PW, I just get the error: 

"A partition, not a whole disk, is required for this operation." Is this possible?  Preferably, without formatting my disks all over again and enabling the encrypted FS at that time?

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Windows On Mac :: Partitioning External Drive For Backup (NTFS File System)

Aug 20, 2010

Awhile back I bought a 500 GB Seagate FreeAgent Go external hard drive to backup my 218 GB PC. I used the automatic backup software that came with it and it works fine. After all this I purchased a MacBook Pro and now, instead of buying another drive and also considering there's plenty of space on the one I already have, I was wondering if I could possibly partition half the drive to be used as a backup with Time Machine without touching the other half. I plugged in the drive to my Mac and opened Disk Utility. It says it is a NTFS file system (I suppose that's normal).

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Applications :: Adding To An Existing Itunes Folder On External Hard Drive?

Jan 15, 2009

Okay here's the thing: I (not so long ago) copied my entire itunes library to my external hard drive. Now I have updated my itunes library on my powerbook, and want to make sure that I back up the new songs/albums I have. The problem with this is that I have always found that when I drag the itunes folder from my powerbook to the itunes folder on my external drive, it asks to 'replace the itunes music folder'. I don't want this as there are some albums that I have stored in my folder but not on my itunes library and still want to keep them stored.

Is there any way that I could just keep adding to the 'existing' itunes folder on my external drive?

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Hardware :: External HD, Apple TV, Wake On Wireles Include In Existing Wireless Network?

Oct 22, 2010

I have a new AppleTV set up in my entertainment center on the other side of my house from my office, where my MacBook Pro is. Currently I have my U-verse gateway(which has a wireless router built in) in my home theater. The AppleTV is wired into the gateway. The signal from the gateway does not reach my office so I was able to hack a linksys router into a repeater bridge (different SSID as my U-verse setup). This allows me to stream my iTunes library, which is stored on an external HD (1.5tb) connected to my Mac, to my Apple TV.

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Applications :: Disk Utility - FAT32 Partition With Existing MAC External Hard Drive

Jan 29, 2010

I have a 1/3 full external drive that is currently formatted for MAC OS External.

I want to partition the drive in half and use the 2nd partition for Windows FAT32.

However, when I try to do this with Disk Utility it does not give me the FAT32 option.

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OS X :: Add Music To External Drive While Keep Existing Music In Internal Drive

Apr 23, 2009

I have about 100gb of music in the internal drive of my Mac Mini. Now that is full, I like to fill an external drive. I know how to move everything to an external, but I don't want that. I just want to store future music in the external drive.

Do I just change the music folder location under preference/advance? Is it really that easy?

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OS X :: Un-partitioning An HDD?

Dec 24, 2009

I have inadvertently partitioned my HDD in boot camp....how would i go about un-doing that?

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OS X :: How To Do Partitioning, Restoring

Nov 18, 2009

I'm the kind of person that would rather attempt trial and error before conceding to follow some step-by-step guide. But this time it cost me. I deleted my OSX partition and am now left with Windows XP. When I boot from my OSX install disk it eventually asks me where I would like to install the OS, but only offers me a choice of the (25gb) Windows partition. I see no options listed that how to create a partition at that point.

So I assume I need to create a partition from within Windows first. I went to Administrative Tools > Disk Management and found a list of several partitions. Two of them are around 200MB in size but the other two are ~25GB and ~125GB. The latter is obviously the remnants of my OSX partition but when I (right-)click on it the only option offered is to delete it.

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Software :: HD Partitioning On A Mac?

Mar 28, 2009

I got the new HD in the 800mhtz Imac, but the guy that installed it said that he partitioned it for the OS. I have never heard of having to do this on a Mac. I have always just hit the "Go" button and put it on there. Will it cause any problems if it is truly partitioned?

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OS X :: Free Partitioning Software?

Dec 2, 2010

What is the best software, mac or windows, for resizing mac formatted partitions?

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Hardware :: Partitioning HD For Windows And Mac?

Dec 21, 2008

I have a 500GB external hard drive. I would like a 250GB FAT32 Partition for Windows on boot camp and a 250GB Mac OS extended partition for TM. However, I don't want OS X to recognize the FAT32 partition when I plug it in. How would I do that?

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OS X :: How Long Should Partitioning Normaly Take?

Mar 27, 2009

how long should partitioning normaly take? i'm partitioning my 250 gb harddrive in my UMBP (2,4ghz) and it has been busy untill this verry moment, and I started it 5 hours ago. is this normal? would every bit of progression be lost if I quit the proces and restart it?

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OS X :: Partitioning And Triple Booting?

Aug 13, 2009

I'm in the process of setting up my uni macbook pro (5,1) to triple boot OSX, Win7, and Ubuntu 9.04. Thus far I have bootcamped Windows 7 and am going to use diskutil to split my Macintosh HD partition into 2 partitions for the purpose of installing Ubuntu while keeping the BOOTCAMP partition intact.

The thing is, I've been running Diskutil for about 5 hours and it hasn't finished the partition split. I know it takes a long time for the partitioning to do it's job because all the data on the disk needs to be kept on the disk for the entirety of the operation and not go through RAM for caching. Basically, has diskutil has borked? Or does it usually take this long to do a similar operation?I'm working with a 320 Gb HD @5400rpm. Further, Both installs of Windos and OSX are relatively new. All software is up to date.

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MacBook Pro :: Momentus XT Partitioning

Jun 15, 2010

Forgive me if this is a stupid question. I'm ordering my 13" MBP tonight and ordering the 500gb Momentus XT as well; I've never had a mac before/used bootcamp I was wondering if when you partition the hard drive for whatever other OS you are going to install (7 64b for me) do you also have to partition some of the flash memory or is the flash memory for all partitions?

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Mac Pro :: Partitioning SSD For Organizational Purpose

Jul 18, 2010

I know that Partitioning a SSD won't matter in speed since there's no inner/outer rings to the platter. But is it possible for organizational purposes? Like if you want an OS partition, but then a different partition for files/temp things that you can format/erase all at once? I can't seem to get my system drive down to below 60 gigs, so the OWC 60gig SSD is just too small. But the 120 is way too big. So I was thinking of doing like an 80gig partition for my current OS/Apps and just SuperDuper it over and then have a 40gig partition where I put my most recent "heavy use" files, like work files and such.

Where I can change them in/out depending on what project is at the top of the hopper. That way, if I have 20 gigs of work files, I can use the SSD to store them and have other SATA drives backup/store the main storage. And then if a new project comes to the forefront, move the files from the SSD to the storage, and move the new projects to the SSD partition. And, I could set that 2nd partition to be the photoshop scratch too. And yes, I have triple redundant backups, so everything on the SSD or SATA drives would be backed up to 2 different places daily anyways.

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Windows On Mac :: BootCamp Freezes While Partitioning HDD

Aug 30, 2010

I've been trying for days to get bootcamp to work on my 2010 MBP and it freezes every time. When I say freezes I mean, it locks up my entire computer to the point where my only option is to do a hard restart with the power button. Is there any way to get it to partition my hard drive or use another program to do it?

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OS X :: Partitioning Was Done Wrong - I Need To Reinstall Leopard?

Sep 2, 2010

I bootcamped Windows on my MacBook, but it was partitioned wrong, now my Mac OS, which was Leopard, is gone.

Is it possible for me to just upgrade now to Snow Leopard?

Or will I have to find my Startup disc for leopard to start it up?

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OS X :: Disk Utility Partitioning Does Not Work

May 11, 2008

I currently have Leopard installed on my MBP. A while back I installed Windows XP Pro SP2 via bootcamp. I have a 130GB Leopard partition, and a 18GB Windows partition. Now I want to add another partition, splitting the Leopard partition into two. I want to add a 20GB partition. I have cleaned my computer, and there is plenty of free space to do this. Currently 70GB free. So I go into disk utility, and try to partition. Doesnt work. Says that it failed to verify, repair disk. Then i boot from Tiger install disk, open disk utility, and verify disk. Says there are errors so i repair disk. Says that it repair worked. Verified again just to be sure, no problems. Go back into leopard and disk utility to try and partition, still does not work, I get the same error.

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OS X :: Partitioning For HFS On An NTFS File System?

Jan 4, 2009

I am running windows XP with a 160 GB hardrive. i have 90 GB free and i would like to partition some of that free space to an HFS+ format so that i can install Mac OSX. However i would like to keep all of the files and stuff i have on my windows XP. does anybody know what i can do to do this?

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OS X :: Chip Partitioning - Installed XP On Leopard Mac

Feb 1, 2009

I installed windows xp on my leopard mac (although I know not why might I want to use it for) and I wonder whether the processing power/performance is going to be somewhat altered? Any sense talking about process partitioning? PS Hypothesis is that I shall not use programs like Parallels.

Mac book - 2.4Ghz - 2MB - 120GB

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