OS X :: PST Files On External Drive - No Longer Pc
Oct 11, 2009
I have searched the forum and google but have not been able to find an answer on how to import Outlook pst files (mail and contacts) stored on a disk into the Apple/Mac mail. I no longer have acces to a pc and outlook, I only have the pst files. Does any one know how I can get these to work on the apple/mac mail? Is there a trial version of "Office 2008 for Mac"?
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Aug 29, 2014
To make more space on my 2010 macbook air (OS 10.9.4) I purchased a Toshiba 1TB external hard drive (formatted Mac OS Extended (Journaled). To free space I placed a large folder onto it, and also set up Time Machine. When I plugged it in a few days later, I get error messages saying that time machine backups failed (but they seem to be there) and I get the following when trying to move any other file from the computer to the hard drive: Modifying “HARD DRIVE” requires an administrator name and password. which it seems to initially accept the one I have for the computer, but then I get: The operation can’t be completed because an unexpected error occurred (error code -50).
MacBook Air (11-inch Mid 2011), OS X Mavericks (10.9.2)
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Apr 8, 2012
I installed a recovery copy of Lion on an external USB drive, and although it shows up as a potential startup disk in System Preferences, I can't boot from it. When I select it as the startup disk in System Preferences and reboot, I end up booting from the internal drive. When I hold down ALT when booting, I see the access light on the USB drive blink a few times, but it doesn't show up in the bootable volumes list.The following Knowledge Base article makes me think my problem is that I use the same volume for Time Machine backups: url...I suppose one option would be to partition the external drive, using one partition for backups and the other as a recovery drive. Would that work? Is that the only option?
MacBook Pro (17-inch 2.4 GHz), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Sep 24, 2010
I have had this WD "my book" ext. HD for about a year without a problem. Today after restarting the computer I got a notice, instead of the HD icon. On screen I got a box that said "the disk you inserted is not readable by this computer" below this was 3 options. Initialize, ignore, eject". I was afraid that initialize would erase or reformat the drive so I pressed eject, I've tried many times but still the same thing. Has my ext. HD died? Should I click initialize? All my backup data & time machine, music,etc., is on this drive, I don't know what to do.
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Feb 18, 2012
My external drive is no longer displaying on my desktop, how to solve?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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May 2, 2012
I am trying to back-up my computer to my external hard drive and a box is popping up saying "You can't open the application WD Backup.app because PowerPC applications are no longer supported." What does this mean? I have updated my system to Lion since my last back-up. What do I need to do?
Mac OS X (10.5.6)
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May 29, 2012
I backed up some movies for the kids onto an external drive (USB without power cord). Now when I plug it in, it does not even show up. If I try to look at it with the disk utility it sayd the file system is not recognised. Last time I accesed the disk was under leopard. Could it be that the change to lion has cut off access now?I do hear the disk start up when it plugs in and I have not seen any strange history with this disk before switching to Lion. (A drive of the same make but bigger and with power cord plus USB still works from before and after Lion). Small disk is Freecom 1TB (pocet size), Large disk is 2TB also Freecom but with powerfeed seperately.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jun 26, 2012
2012 iMac running 10.7.4 (lion). I have an external hard drive that I use for Time Machine. It has been working fine. Today, I turned it on to run Time Machine and the computer does not see the hard drive.I used a different cord to connect it. Still did not work. I tested both cords with a different external drive and they worked. So it is not the cords. The hard drive is getting power from its separate power cord. The hard drive knows when it is hooked up because the motor in the hard drive revs up when I plug it into the computer. However, the computer does not see it on the desktop or in finder.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
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Mar 3, 2012
Tried unlocking and allowing myself to read and write. Nope. Tried holding down the option key. Nope.
This drive is no longer being used by time machine and I want to delete some files on it. Is there a way to do it without wiping the entire drive?
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Jun 20, 2010
Hi all. Here's the deal. I have an Airport Extreme and and external 1 TB hard drive. When I first set up Time Machine on this set up a few years ago (partitioning the hard drive first) it worked great! After a few firmware "improvements" from Apple it no longer works. The computers cannot attach to the external drive via the Airport and when I force them to the Time Machine backups fail after about 15 minutes of backing up.
I'm considering buying a 1TB Time Capsule for our main router and my wife's MacBook backup (I'll just hard wire the old drive to my iMac) and using the older Airport as a WiFi repeater.
Problem is that I've read about all sorts of problems with the Time Capsules failing after about 18 months. So should I try the set up I'm considering or is there a fix for my current setup that I should try instead?
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Jun 8, 2012
So I bought a 2tb external drive to save space on my main drive - I copied all my movies and have been dropping a bunch of mini dv tapes onto it - but when I open the drive none of them show up
When I get info in disk utility I get one that shows I have avaialble 1.99TB of 2 TB - and right below it says 890 MB are used - don't get it
Tried the disk utility and it says they are working fine .... repair did not seem to do anything
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Jun 14, 2012
I'm using a 500GB WD external hard drive to store a lot of data. It's been working fine, plugged into a USB hub. Suddenly, today, the drive stopped appearing when I plugged it in. I've tried plugging it in directly to the computer, it doesn't help. In system profiler, the USB port shows up as : Vendor Specific Device. The ID is confirmed as being from Initio, so I was rather dismayed. Upon trying the drive with another computer, same thing. The drive just shows up as an Initio device, not my external drive. I've rebooted and changed cables many times.
MBP 2010, Core2Duo.
OSX 10.6.8
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Nov 16, 2008
In trying to move my Iphoto or Itunes files to an external drive, I get the following error message: "The items cannot be moved because "External Data" cannot be modified". Can anyone explain what is going on and why it won't allow me to move these files?
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Sep 15, 2009
I'm new to Mac.
I copied some directories/files from my PC to a LaCie external drive. I then copied them from the drive to the iMac.
I tried to delete, e.g., drag to Trash, them from the external drive while connected to the iMac. It didn't work. I tried a mouse right click, but no delete on Menu. Is there a way to delete files on the iMac? I ended up connecting the drive to the PC, & deleting the files, but I'd like to be able to do the same from the iMac.
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Feb 23, 2012
I have a USB to IDE adaptor on a external drive 200 gig, the problem is i can not copy files from my macbook pro to it. when i drag pictures or files to it in finder, it shows a circle witn a slach bar in it
Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Nov 18, 2010
My friend wanted some files to be transferred to his external hard drive from my Mac. As he is a Windows user, I guess his hard drive is formatted for Windows as well. As I plug in the hard disk in my Mac, I can't transfer the files. It says something like "the disk cannot be modified". So, please help me on how can I transfer this files from my Mac and if I do format it to work with the Mac, will it work for Windows later?
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Nov 9, 2010
I pretty much made the switch to all MAC a few months ago. I have a few external drives that i use with Media players and they prefer and work better when formatted to NTFS problem is, MACs can only read and write to FAT32. I have Windows 7 on my macbook ( though my movie collection is on my iMac ) via bootcamp, so that isn't a option. I heard and read about some programs and what not.. but what is the fastest and easiest way to transfer files from my iMac to a NTFS formatted HD? I have movies ( some over 4gb in size ) on my iMac.
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Jun 23, 2006
I have an external usb hdd attached to my mini. I was able to network with my new macbook easily, but I couldnt find any way to access the external drive. I have all my music on that external hdd, and want to be able to stream that to the new macbook.
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Mar 8, 2009
I have an external hard drive that's been converted (not formatted) to NTFS. This drive has all my mp3 files on it. I'd like to copy the files to my new iMac, then reformat the external drive and use as the Mac's backup via Time Machine.
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Jun 9, 2009
Basically I have an iMac and a Macbook Pro (unibody) and a USB external hard drive (500GB) I want to wirelessly back up my Macbook Pro and the iMac with the hard drive connected to the iMac. A sort of time capsule concept. But i don't have an airport base station to make this process easier I only have a wanadoo livebox.
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Jun 27, 2009
If I view my porn (just be honest) on an external USB drive or some other external drive that goes through my USB port, is there any record of it after I'm done on my computer? I just want a clean computer these days because I'm not 18 anymore when it didn't matter. I don't want porn on it and assume it will not show up if I view it and then remove the USB drive? In contrast to when you view websites and it stores that stuff.
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Jul 27, 2009
just a few minutes ago, i decided to install leopard on my mac. So i cloned my old install onto my external hard drive using carbon copy cloner. once that was done and verified that it was good, i inserted my leopard dvd and installed: erasing my os x install...now i booted up and was messing in disk utility and erased my external hard drive...i thot it was the other one i had plugged in for time machine! i just lost all my important files, including my itunes library, and everything else that i really need!!
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Aug 26, 2009
Mac OS X can't repair the disk - You can still open or copy files on the disk but you can't save changes to files on the disk. Back up the disk and reformat it as soon as you can and in Disk Utility:
Disk Utility can�t repair this disk. Back up as many of your files as possible, reformat the disk, and restore your backed-up files.
so i attempted to back up my files off the drive, but all the files seemed to be corrupt or something, so i panicked and ran diskwarrior instead of going back to ipartition and attempting to recover the drive in there. DiskWarrior sort of "fixed" the problem by making the error messages go away in OSX and in Disk Utility, but the files on the drive still seem to be corrupt giving me such errors as:
The disk is currently partitioned as Mac OS Extended, but maybe i could run it though some recovery programs via bootcamp/macdrive or maybe even in some sort of linux live cd?
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Oct 22, 2009
I have an external hard drive that I use as my "back-up" of old jobs. I then burn my jobs to a dvd and then delete the files I burned. Is it possible to just delete the files from the external hd and not my computer?
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Nov 13, 2009
OS 10.5.8 and iMovie 8. From a Windows background and still learning the Mac OS. Have started loading movies in iMovie which is eating into disk space pretty quick so i want to move the uploaded and edited product to an external drive. Is it possible to have all my movie files on the external and the iMovie program set to read them from the external when required? If so how would i go about that?
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Dec 28, 2009
I have an external hard drive which I used before with my windows-based laptop. If connected to my IMac I noticed that the files can not be deleted or even renamed. It's NTFS formatted drive. What should I do to allow these options/actions on this external drive with my IMac.
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Jan 19, 2010
I'm a new mac addict, and im having a few problems when i try to export files from my desktop to my external drive.
This is the error:
Anyone can help me please? This happens with all kind of files extensions.
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Jul 10, 2010
I am going to get an MBP 17" in 1 month time (first Mac) and I would like to get an external hard drive for backup & media storage.
My media files are on a desktop PC and, as I am also about to move to a different country, it would be ideal for me to do the following:
1) get the external drive and transfer files from PC to the drive now
2) take it with me and connect it to MBP when I get the Mac
As mentioned, I have never owned a Mac and all the stuff I find on the internet relates to transferring files from PC to Mac. Is it possible to transfer those files to the Mac drive "in absence" of the MBP?
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Mar 17, 2012
I just bought my first imac and need direction to install files from my external hard drive.
iMac (27-inch Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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May 10, 2012
I run an iMac 3.06 Ghz Intel Core 2 Duo with 10.7.3 and I'm having some serious problems with an external drive. Some history first - I have a large iTunes library (~3Tb) of everytype of media which I stored on an external NAS (iomega StorCenter) with no problems - then this NAS started to report a drive error with imminent failure. I purchased a new DAS (Western Digital) drive and moved all my content from the NAS to the DAS and everything was ok. Then I started to get errors through iTunes about cannot find the file and cannot read the files - and then I couldn't access anything on the drive. At this time I thought this was a different problem because I was running preview Mountain Lion, or there was an actual fault with the disk. After investigation, and coughing out for Data Rescue 3 I found that somehow the entire file structure had been corrupted and all my files had been orphaned. So at this point I had one dying NAS drive and one DAS which wasn't usable and no space to recover any files to.
So - next step was to purchase another external drive (and returned the WD) - this time I went for a G-Raid 4Tb (non-thunderbolt) drive and I've been in the process of recovering files from backups and iTunes. I've had no problems until today when yet again I've started getting errors and now I have problems copying files to/from this G-Raid drive.
Technical details - OS-X 10.7.3 - G-Raid 4Tb formatted as Mac OS Extended (Journaled) - currently showing 1,163 folders and 15,452 files.
Symptoms - using finder drag and drop copy a file from the g-Raid to desktop results in 'The operation can't be completed because the item 'xxx' is in use. - 'The operation can't be completed because one or more required items can't be found (error code -43).' and the copy fails.
Using the cp command I get a 'Resource Busy' error. However, this is not for all files - I've managed to copy all my books back to the desktop ok, when a couple came up with the above error I tried again and it copied successfully.
I have run Disk Utility - here are the details :-
- 4TB G-Tech - VerifyVerifying partition map for “G-TECH”Checking prerequisitesChecking the partition listChecking for an EFI system partitionChecking the EFI system partition’s sizeChecking the EFI system partition’s file systemChecking all HFS data partition loader spacesChecking Core Storage Physical Volume partitionsThe partition map appears to be OK Volume (Media) - VerifyVerifying volume “Media”Checking file systemPerforming live verification.Checking Journaled HFS Plus volume.Checking extents overflow file.Checking catalog file.Unused node is not erased (node = 24190)Checking multi-linked files.Checking catalog hierarchy.Checking extended attributes file.Unused node is not erased (node = 24784)Checking volume bitmap.Volume bitmap needs minor repair for under-allocationChecking volume information.The volume Media was found corrupt and needs to be repaired.Error: This disk needs to be repaired. Click Repair Disk.Verify and Repair volume “Media”Volume repair complete.Updating boot support partitions for the volume as required.Error: Couldn’t unmount disk.Verify and Repair volume “Media”Volume repair complete.Updating boot support partitions for the volume as required.Error: Couldn’t unmount disk.Verify and Repair volume “Media”Volume repair complete.Updating boot support partitions for the volume as required.Error: Couldn’t unmount disk.Verify and Repair volume “Media”Checking file systemChecking Journaled HFS Plus volume.Checking extents overflow file.Unused node is not erased (node = 94)Checking catalog file.Invalid sibling linkRebuilding catalog B-tree.The volume Media could not be repaired.Volume repair complete.Updating boot support partitions for the volume as required.Error: Disk Utility can’t repair this disk. Back up as many of your files as possible, reformat the disk, and restore your backed-up files.
and it's just got worse - in getting the info for this post I no longer have access to the drive. This is the second time this has now happened on two different directly connected drives (USB and Firewire) - which means the problem is elswhere. I've a stack of errors in the system.log file
May 10 17:52:16 Neil-Cattons-iMac com.apple.diskmanagementd[1057]: ** /dev/disk1s1
May 10 17:52:16 Neil-Cattons-iMac com.apple.diskmanagementd[1057]: ** Phase 1 - Preparing FAT
May 10 17:52:16 Neil-Cattons-iMac com.apple.diskmanagementd[1057]: ** Phase 2 - Checking Directories
May 10 17:52:16 Neil-Cattons-iMac com.apple.diskmanagementd[1057]: ** Phase 3 - Checking for Orphan Clusters
iMac 21.5 - 3.06Ghz, Mac OS X (10.6.4)
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