OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: External Drive Drive Shows Empty And 890 MB Of Files
Jun 8, 2012
So I bought a 2tb external drive to save space on my main drive - I copied all my movies and have been dropping a bunch of mini dv tapes onto it - but when I open the drive none of them show up
When I get info in disk utility I get one that shows I have avaialble 1.99TB of 2 TB - and right below it says 890 MB are used - don't get it
Tried the disk utility and it says they are working fine .... repair did not seem to do anything
I want to list the files (Canon images, file names of the form img_xxxx) stored on an external drive (named WINBACK), a partition on a USB HDD. What I did:
1. Clicked on drive WINBACK in Finder.
2. Typed img in spotlight search box - Finder window changed to the full spotlight window. Window shows <Search: 'This Mac' "WINBACK">
3. Changed 'Contents' to 'File Name' so top line of display showed < Search: 'This Mac' "WINBACK" | 'File Name' >.
4. Clicked + to give a search line.
5. On search line changed 'Kind' to 'Name', changed 'matches' to 'begins with' from the drop down lists and then typed 'img_' into the search box.
6. Clicked + to give another search line.
7. Changed 'Kind' to 'File extension', and typed 'jpg' into the search box.
8. This gave a list of files img_xxxx.jpg (obviously 0 < xxxx < 10,000).
As there appeared to be some duplicates I checked the paths of the files. Some were from "WINBACK" but most were from various locations on the internal drive.
I went to make a copy of an important drive and accidentally re-formatted it (re-formatted mac journaled, originally mac journaled). The drive contained a bunch of important disk image files which I need to retrieve whole. I'm fairly confident that the files are still there and only the table information got overwritten, as the re-format took about 30 seconds. None of the recovery software I've seen however, can retrieve .dmg files, or such large files (these are up to 32 gb each in size).how I can retrieve these disk image files?
I did do a search on this problem, but i started a new thread b/c I think i may be having a slightly different issue...please hear me out..I have a Macbook, running Mac OS X Tiger (version 10.4.11). I have had a 500 GB external HD (MyBook) hooked up to it (via USB) for the past 4 months or so, never really had any issues, was always able to transfer files, no problem.However, today i suddenly ran into some serious problems. I tried to transfer some pictures to the external drive and after copying 200 or so files it gave me an error, said a specific file could not be transferred (specifically it said "the Finder could not complete the operation because some data in "IMG_3435.JPG" could not be read or written. Error Code - 36 "). At first I thought maybe that specific file was corrupted or something but i checked it out and it looked fine. So I then I tried transferring another folder of pictures, and then I got the same error right away (after transferring 3 files), for a different file. And now i'm at the point where I can't transfer ANY files to my external HD anymore! (T_T). And it's weird, when i transfer folders, it will transfer the folder itself but not the files.
I've just install windows using bootcamp. after that i restore that windows installed bootcamp volume to an GUID partitioned external HDD. Now it is shown in startup disc, but when i select that (external HDD) volume it is unable to start.
I'm creating a Digital Cinema Package, and I need to format an external drive to Linux ex2 or ex3, and then transfer the DCP files onto it. Is there a way to do this easily from OSX? I'm fairly computer literate, but I'm mostly uneducated (and very nervous) when it comes to drive formatting, so the easier/less sketchy the better.
I've been a long time lurker on these forums and you've helped me out numerous times when my computers decided to stop working.
I got my Snow Leopard disk in the post today but unfortunately my disk drive in my Macbook Pro seems to finally be well and truly knackered.
I should be able to borrow a usb/firewire disk drive from a friend, so would I be able to install ok from this external drive, and is there anything I would need to mess around with to make it work?
Looking to upgrade to Lion but want to back up to external hard drive first. I have OS X 10.6. Time capsule vs another plug in? I already have wirless via internet service so is Time capsule worth the $ vs another plug in product?
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
I have an external hard drive which I first used with my pc. It is formatted for NTFS. Now with my new MBP, I want to back up data, and I am having no luck. The external hard drive is a Verbatim brand, 500GB. On their website FAT32 download dosnt work! I have tried disk utility with no luck. What am I missing?
Info: MacBook Pro (15-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
I have an external hard drive (2T Newertech ministack). We had a power outage the other day. Even though the drive is on it no longer appears on the desktop. I went to Disk Utility and see if it could be repaired but the drive is not even showing up there. Does this mean the ministack was fried by the outage or is there another way I can save it? And yes, the finder preferences are on for external drives to show up on desktop.
I am, I hope, at the end of a 36+ hour formatting process with this WD Elements 3TB external drive. I decided to zero out the drive and when I went to bed last night at around 12am, there were about 6 hours left in the process. This morning at aroud 9am I went to check on the drive, expecting it to be ready to go, but I found it writing a temporary file. The progress bar is about 90% done. Is this part of the normal zeroing out process? If so, how long should this take? If this ISN'T part of the normal process, what should I do?
Info: Mac Mini 2 GHz intel Core 2 Duo, 4GB 1067 MHz DDR3, Mac OS X (10.6.4), 512 MB DDR SDRAM
Another stuck! A file is created in the trash of an external drive in the "Recovered files" folder. Impossible to delete it. Has a name with signs and dots (if that helps), not letters.Instead of back-up the hole disc and verify it, is there anything else i can do?
It's actually one of five partions on the external drive, and the only one with a problem. Two of the other four are nicely on the Privacy List, and the other two are both indexed and kept nicely up to date. But the Fifth cannot be indexed, although it once was partially. I have run Spotless, which lists all other drives just as I expect but for this one it reports: "The Metadata Server is reporting that content indexing is DISABLED for the volume Fifth but the volume itself is reporting that the content indexing status is set to ENABLED." It is possible to find an 8Kb index on the volume, then Trash and delete it; Spotlight immediately re-creates another index-in-waiting but does not actually do the indexing or add anything in the folder. An added frustration is that the 'folder' is both invisible, locked and seems to be without 'ownership' or other conventional attributes.
1) I have done the primitive Add to Privacy and Remove Dance nothing has changed.
2) I have used Terminal, deleted all .Spotlight-V100 indexes, disabled Spotlight rebooted, renabled it and rebooted—nothing has changed. This included carefully following steps in other posters' accounts (some failed, some succeeded) and a site that gave a particularly thorough version.
3) I have used Spotless although it offers to do such things as Delete the empty index and re-start Indxing, it then reports it couldn't due to an unexpected error.
4) Some folks have pointed to another faulty invisible file variously naming it '.metadate_never_index' and '.metadataneverindex', to be found in '.hostconfig' or eleswhere at the root and destroyed, but I never didscovered anything like it. I did perhaps succeed in adding the line: SPOTLIGHT=-YES- to that file, based on another bit of advice, but it seems to have had no effect.
The terrible irony is that I use FindAnyFile and good ol' FileBuddy for all my searching. All I want is to 'Show Item Info' in Finder's View Options. Wouldn't you know that needs the Spotlight 'app'.Assuming the Spotless message is accurate, I need to convince the MetadataServer that indexing for that partition is enabled. How do I do that
This is a major issue for me, as I feel like I'm going to end up damaging my hard drive.
I am downloading a legal torrent to my external hard drive, however when I quit Transmission and try to eject my external drive, nothing happens. Snow Leopard doesn't even say it is in use like it is meant to. It just does nothing to eject the drive.
So I end up having to yank the USB plug out.
What gives? It ejects normally as long as I don't download to it.
My OSX partition shows up fine in my Bootcamped Windows 7 x64, and I can read/write to it fine. My external, a Western Digital 1tb drive formated HFS+, is connected thru firewire, and it doesn't seem to mount or show up at all.
I have no id� whats wrong, I want to install Snow Leopard(from the external) on my Core2duo Macbook pro, which is running Leopard at the moment.
I have a Snow Leopard image, and I have used Disc utility to partition the external hard drive (GUID), and I assume the partition and install went well on the external, because in Disc start the external appears as OSX 10.6.
Then the problem: The macbook wont boot from the newly made external it just gives me this sign (of course without the colours).
I have tried to start the macbook normal, and with the option key held down were the external pops up.
I have also tried to chose the external in disc start and reboot with no luck.
I have tried to start the Snow Leopard install(external) within Leopard where the install start fine, but when it reboots and wants to continue the install, the sign appears.
The external harddrive is a 5400rpm 40gb 2,5" which is only powered by the usb port maybe thats the problem?
How to adapt an external hard drive with Snow leopard (from my sold Mac Pro) to my Mac Book Pro with Lion?I would like to use the external on a permanant basis as it has 2T without deleting a lot of the programs.
Info: MacBook Pro (15-inch Mid 2009), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I want to use TrueCrypt to encrypt an external drive. I understand the new version of FileVault can do this but I prefer not to upgrade to Lion. I'd rather wait till Mountain Lion comes out later this year.
For those who have used both...Just wondering how TrueCrypt compares to FileVault in regards to encrypting an external drive. Also, I am trying to install or execute the PGP Signature to ensure that the TrueCrypt software that I am downloading from the TrueCrypt's Web site is authentic and has not been hacked.
How do I run or install it? I double-click on the PGP Signature file, a window pops up and says it cannot find an application to open it. I even tried removing the ".sig" from the end of the file name and it say it cannot open the disk image. There are instructions on the TrueCrypt web site for Windows users but none for the Mac users that I can see.
I use an external drive connected via firewire for time machine. The drive still seems active but I cannot access it at all, not through finder, disk repair or other. I have tried disconnecting, reconnecting all cabline, restarting bith the drive and the iMac, I have doen the SMC and PRAM reset actions. Still not visible.
I do not have the option to connect to another MAC, my MBP does nto have FW and thatis th eonly option on the drive.
How long should it take to reformat an empty external hard drive? It's a GForce MegaDisk two terabyte hard drive and it's been going for about 11 hours with no sign of stoping.
Shouldn't it be pretty quick, since the hard drive is empty?
I have a large trash file---600 GB---on a WD external drive that I'd like to empty to recover space for backups. I don't know how to do it. I don't have a clue where to start?
My understanding is that with the .Trashes folder selected in Finder, if I issue the empty trash command what gets emptied is the trash on my computer. How do I empty the .Trashes folder on the external drive?
when i clone my mac book pro (snow leopard os) hard drive using SUPER DUPER, the cloned external drive doesn't match the mac hd in gigabytes. my mac hd is max 250 gigabytes, my external drive clone is max 320. however the mac hd reads as 233.71 gb used, and the cloned ext. drive reads as 216.54 gb copied. shouldn't a cloned drive be exactly the same size as the original drive (mac hd) that's being cloned?
How to adapt an external hard drive with Snow leopard (from my sold Mac Pro) to my Mac Book Pro with Lion? Any hints on where to start? I would like to use the external on a permanent basis as it has 2T without deleting a lot of the programs.
Info: MacBook Pro (15-inch Mid 2009), Mac OS X (10.7.3)