OS X V10.7 Lion :: External Hard Drive Is No Longer Supported Because Of Power-PC App?
May 2, 2012
I am trying to back-up my computer to my external hard drive and a box is popping up saying "You can't open the application WD Backup.app because PowerPC applications are no longer supported."Â What does this mean? I have updated my system to Lion since my last back-up. What do I need to do?
A lot of people have been affected by the problem - the change to Lion OSX has left them stranded because Power PC Applications are no longer supported. I don't understand firstly why Apple has done this. There are thousands of software programs in use by their customers and suddenly these don't work. As these are programs used by students, teachers, employers and employees this seems quite senseless to leave everyone high and dry.
Recently my MacPro has been giving multiple errors that I can't open a particular application because PowerPC application are no longer supported. It references an application that I don't have on my computer and I'm not trying to open. I keeps listing the error over and over. Last night it listed it 88 times before I woke up this morning. They list one on top of the other running down from the middle of the screen to the right lower corner and then pile up there. I don't know what to do other than erase the drive and reformat and I really don't want to do that. I'm attaching a screenshot. Â
This shot shows 8 repeats in about 4 hours one day last week. This started about 3 months after I installed Lion, and I haven't installed anything else since I upgraded to Lion. Â
Info: Mac Pro (Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.3), Tons of ram
Upgraded my MacPro 2 x 3 GHz Quad-Core Intel Xeon to Lion so that I can take advantage of icloud functions that apparently won't work with my present OS. I did a clean install of the Lion OS, and began to selectively reinstall application programs. I inserted the install disc for my Logic Studio Application, an application which was not cheap, and I am met with the above message when I try to install the software. (Actually, "you can't open the application LogicStudio.mpkg because powerpc applications are no longer supported")Under the system requirements, I find my machine within the guidelines. Also, this software worked fine on this mac machine when I was running the Leopard OS. What is "PC" about my Dual Intel processors?
I have a sign being advised Power PC Applications no longer supported when I try to go into Microsoft Word, Excel, Entourage & MSN Messenger, hoe do I resolve this?
After OS Lion installation pre migration to iCloud, I can't access Word or Excel - greyed out no entry sign and error message when try to open. "You can't open the application Microsoft Word because PowerPC applications are no longer supported". Didn't see any warning of this pre-installation. Didn't see any warning of this pre-installation. I paid for these two softwares and use them daily on my iMac. Need an urgent fix to access previous files. Any solutions to install a fix perhaps, and then re-install the software from my back up? Plus any Apple solutions to no longer having iWeb?
I just upgraded to Lion on my MacBook and can't open any of my FileMaker Pro files. The message says "Power PC Applications no longer supported." I am dismayed. What have others done?
I am trying to download a program for a online course that says it is mac compatable with a Macintosh OSX 10.2.8 or higher, but when i run the application it says that Mac is no longer compatible with PowerPC applications. How can I run this program?
I have had this WD "my book" ext. HD for about a year without a problem. Today after restarting the computer I got a notice, instead of the HD icon. On screen I got a box that said "the disk you inserted is not readable by this computer" below this was 3 options. Initialize, ignore, eject". I was afraid that initialize would erase or reformat the drive so I pressed eject, I've tried many times but still the same thing. Has my ext. HD died? Should I click initialize? All my backup data & time machine, music,etc., is on this drive, I don't know what to do.
I have just bought a LaCie Desk top drive and when I click the Setup assistant it said that Power PC applications are no longer supported. How I can do this?
I recently purchased SAT/PSAT/ACT preparation material for my daughter from Kaplan. I could not run the software on OS X Lion that I have. The error message I get is - " PowerPC applications are no longer supported". Does any one know what the solution is?
Info: iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3), Kernel Version Darwin 11.3.0
I went to scan photos with new iMac OS X Lion and it says "You can't open the application Epson Scan because Power PC applications are no longer supported." What can I do to support them?
After install of OSX Lion (from Snow Leopard). I receive every 10 seconds a message: "Cannot open program ExpressAccountsAgent, because PowerPC-programs are no longer supported". I deinstalled this program with Mackeeper, without result. The message shows every 10 seconds. Is it possible to block this message?
I installed a recovery copy of Lion on an external USB drive, and although it shows up as a potential startup disk in System Preferences, I can't boot from it. When I select it as the startup disk in System Preferences and reboot, I end up booting from the internal drive. When I hold down ALT when booting, I see the access light on the USB drive blink a few times, but it doesn't show up in the bootable volumes list.The following Knowledge Base article makes me think my problem is that I use the same volume for Time Machine backups: url...I suppose one option would be to partition the external drive, using one partition for backups and the other as a recovery drive. Would that work? Is that the only option?
Info: MacBook Pro (17-inch 2.4 GHz), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I am a photographer. I use 4 X 1TB LaCie external hard drives to store my digital images. 2 as masters for different business segments and 2 as their back-ups. They are daisy-chained using Firewire 800. Recently my G5 has stopped recognizing one of the drives. Is there any way to get my machine to re-recognize the missing drive? I have rewired the four drives to see if there was a problem with the cabling, but this does not appear to be the case. I am coming up to the 1 year warranty period on this drive and need to get it back to LaCie if there is no other solution.
I just upgraded to OS X Lion 10.7.3 and now it's telling me I can't open the application Quicken anymore, because PowerPC applications are no longer supported! I sincerely hope someone knows how to resolve this. I'm in big trouble! I get the same message when I try to open Excel, Word, and a game called Mah Jong.
Could anyone recommend an external (FireWire 800) Hard Drive that they're using without issues with a Power Mac G5 (mine is a Dual Processor 2.3)?? I bought a couple of WD My Book Studio Edition but have no end of problems on FW800, and looking around here so is everyone else. LaCies seem to have similar problems, plus my own experiences in selling these and seeing FW ports falling off the enclosure's board, etc., puts me off them. Maxtors seem to have different issues and the new brown and orange Seagates are too fugly to even consider. So, anyone recommend a solution (250-500GB) that works fine with FW800 on a dual PMG5??
I have a PowerPC G4 running OSX 10.4.11 that contains a lot of media files. I want to transfer them to my external hard drive (1 tb) so that I can use them on my newer MacBook. I was unable to partition or erase anything on the external hard drive from the PowerPC, because I kept getting an input/output error. I followed the same process and was successful at establishing partitions on my MacBook. Now, I plugged my external into the PowerPC to copy the media files, but it isn't recognizing the partitions on the external harddrive! What did I do wrong?
I've been using a 3TB western digital hard drive flawlessly for months now. I'm posting here because the only thing that has changed within the time frame of my WD hard drive no longer working is updating my Lion install to 10.7.3. When I plug my WD hard drive into either of my macs (which are both running 10.7.3 , one is a macbook, the other an iMac) the external hard drive shows up on my desktop, and within 5 seconds will disconnect itself and I'll then get a warning telling me that I didn't eject my hard drive properly. I was starting to think it was my USB or power cable until I plugged the WD external into my old Compaq laptop that I'm running Linux on and it worked flawlessly!
I backed up some movies for the kids onto an external drive (USB without power cord). Now when I plug it in, it does not even show up. If I try to look at it with the disk utility it sayd the file system is not recognised. Last time I accesed the disk was under leopard. Could it be that the change to lion has cut off access now?I do hear the disk start up when it plugs in and I have not seen any strange history with this disk before switching to Lion. (A drive of the same make but bigger and with power cord plus USB still works from before and after Lion). Small disk is Freecom 1TB (pocet size), Large disk is 2TB also Freecom but with powerfeed seperately.
"You can't open the application CanoScan Toolbox X because PowerPC applications are no longer supported."This message pops up when I click on Canoscan Toolbox
My Maxtor 500 external hard drive has suddenly stopped appearing on my desktop. My other external drives appear. I've tried hooking the drive to my MacBook Pro with the same results. The drive however, seems 'active'. The light on the front of the drive does its usual flashing routine when plugged into a new machine. I've never had a crashed drive before. Does it sound like this is what has happened, or does anyone have a clue as to what I should do?
I'm looking at buying a 500gb external hard drive, and the actual drive itself can only be Western Digital (I won't touch any others, not even Seagate).I can get a 500gb Western Digital Passport for $119.99 CAD in black with the enclosure of course: click hereMy other option is to buy the drive separately, the Western Digital Scorpio 500gb for $99.99 CAD: click here and a cool case of my liking off eBay for about $13 CAD: click hereNow, my question is this; does it matter which case I use in order to make sure the drive is able to be powered with only 1 USB port? I've heard some notebooks dont give enough juice to certain usb ports and would require a y-splitter to use two usb cables in order to power it (im guessing netbooks would probably suffer from this). I remember trying to use a 2.5" lacie external with the orange rubber padding around it, connected it to the front port of a Powermac G5 1.8ghz and it wouldnt mount, unless it was connected to one of the usb ports on the back of the machine.