I want to convert my .VOB files to something I can edit in FCP 7. I've been reading about MPEG Streamclip 1.9.3b7 which I downloaded. Then it tells me I need an MPEG 2 Playback in order to export the video.I currently have QuickTime Player v 10.It says that I need MPEG 2 Playback; however, I've been reading that Lion comes with that Playback. I downloaded Lion yesterday from Snow Leopard because of this (I needed an excuse to upgrade, anyway), but I still can't find the MPEG 2 Component.Do I need to install QuickTime Pro? Or does anyone else have any other ideas for converting my .VOB file to something for FCP? I'm taking home videos that are on a DVD (converted by Costco from a Hi-8 tape - yikes! The 90s...) and want to put them into FCP for a project for school.
In the past if I had a QT video on my desktop and wanted to put it into iTunes, I had to use iSquint to convert it and then move it over to iTunes. Problem with that is, quality is lost in the conversion. Does anyone know if QTX can replace iSquint and convert all those QT files for me for iTunes and iPhone usage? And if so, does it retain the quality of the file, unlike iSquint?
Does anyone know of any *free* applications that will convert QuickTime video to a Windows friendly format. One of the insurance companies I do work with will not let their adjusters install any other software on their laptops and they are PC's. I frequently send them videos so I will need to convert them. I will pay, if necessary, for a program that will accomplish this but I was hoping there might be something out there that is free.
After converting my mod file to mp4 then uploading it to final cut pro the quality is really bad and jumpy. I used MPEG streamclip... The quality is good after the mod - mp4 conversion it's only after i import it to final cut pro that the quality becomes really bad.
I don't have this problem when i am importing other files just the mod-mp4 converted ones.
Well, I just got a new cell phone and while I was under the assumption that it played mp3s it turns out it's actually only plays WMA audio files. Does anybody know if there's a way to convert some songs to .wma on my mac?
I've got some .ra files which I can't get to play. RealPlayer no longer supports .ra files, and while there are a few threads saying to use MPlayerOSX, that doesn't recognise them either.
The files are available online at the Lost Cosmonauts website. I've no reason to believe the files provided are corrupt or broken in any way.
I've got a couple hundred bmp files in iPhoto that I'd like to convert into jpegs or tiffs. Any way that I can do it easily?Is there any software available that would facilitate the process?
I'm sure a few of us in this forum own a 360, have any of you managed to play any REAL HD content without purchasing the HD-DVD player or converting your .mkv's to .wmv's. I've noticed that if I download a 1080p trailer from apple.com/trailers in .mov format it works flawlessly, perfect image and audio. Is there a (quick) way to convert a .mkv to .mov and have it play perfectly with no hitch, on the 360. If trailers off apple.com can play there must be a workaround. Below I've posted a screen of the downloaded trailers info that I got off of apple tv.
I had a quick question. I have a DVD audio disk that was "imaged", a .iso file. When I open it in OSX, it mounts the image as a drive and I can access the files inside. Using VLC I can play the .VOB audio files.I would like to convert the files to either FLAC or MP3 so I can archive them on my computer and also burn them to CD-R as I can't play the DVD-A outside my computer. So I was curious were there are programs/freeware to convert these files.
I just got my first Apple computer three days ago, an iMAC. My question is: I need a recommendation for a 3rd party file conversion software program that will enable me to convert WAV (song) files (that I will export into the iMAC) into MP3 files. On my PC I used "dBPoweramp" but it is only a windows-based program.
I have searched everywhere and can not get a good answer. I just bought myself a new imac and this is my first mac. I used to use convertxtodvd on my pc.
I read that toast titanium does a good job of converting any video file to dvd but you can not download it to try it out, you just have to buy it. I do not want to waste my money if it does not turn out to be the quality I am looking for.
Any suggestions of any programs that does this task and performs well?
I was wondering if there was an easy way to take a very long image, and convert it to a several page PDF file. I have Dragoman, which converts PNG files to PDFs, although it keeps it as one page. I would like it to automatically split the long image into several pages. Is there any way of doing this short of editing the image and exporting each page length section separately? If there isn't a Mac program, is there a Windows program that can do it? I have Parallels too, but either way I would like to know.
I'm running out of disk space due to loads of RAW files in Aperture. I was wondering if it's possible to convert all the files in my library to jpeg (masters + edited) and move the RAW files to an external HDD just in case.
I have MKV files on my MBP which I wanna stream on to my PS3. PS3 doesn't recognize MKV files, I was wondering if there is a free app that will convert or redux it so it will work, without it loosing picture quality.
I have a 2 1/2 year old MBP running SL. I recently have been having issues with the dvd drive. I have been trying to convert avi files to dvd. I have tried two different avi files and two different applications (idvd and burn). They do the conversion of the file, but when the disc is completed there seems to be files on the dvd but it cannot play. Sounds like the drive starts up, spins the disk, stops and repeats this till I eject. I get a beachball on the screen as well. Now I have tried known good DVDs and they play with no issues and games like the Sims 3 seem not to have an issue with playing in the drive. I was just trying to figure out if this is hardware related or software (apps or the files I am trying to convert) before my Applecare runs out.
I am having trouble finding a free video converter. I wish to convert .mp4, .avi, etc to .wmv so I can watch them on my xbox and hopefully transfer them. I have tried a few converters most that just don't work or are 'trials' and are useless.
I'm looking for a Windows program to convert a list of MP3 files into one m4b file that has usable chapters. I found a program merge the files together and convert, but it doesn't keep the mp3 files as "chapters". It just lumps them all together. Trying to load my iPod up with all sorts of audio books.
I've run into a bit of a problem being the only Mac user in my group of business partners, with whom I sometimes have meetings in AIM chat rooms. Adium won't let me save logs of these chat meetings at all for some reason, and iChat has that annoying stipulation of only allowing you to save logs as .ichat files, which of course people without iChat can't read. Is there a program that can covert my .ichat files to plain text, rich text, or HTML - something a little more universally readable? I've tried this site, but when I try to download the app, I just get an error page saying it was "not found on the server."
my friend and I work on projects together, but he uses a Macbook Pro and I use the iMac. I like to work on projects in final cut pro and he likes iMovie. For some reason, iMovie on the Macbook Pro doesn't not take .mov files. So I have been converting them to MPEG4. But the quality isn't the same. When we put it together.
I had old personal home video tapes which I converted to DVD's using a Video to DVD burner. Now I would like to back up the DVD's onto an external 4 T HD. I have Anytime VIdeo Converter with which I tried to convert the VOB files to MOV files, but it says these are copywrite protected. These are personal home videos!
Is there an easy way to convert them to MOV files?
I need to convert mpg files to flv and 3gp. I can to the .mpg to .flv with iMovie, but problem is, iMovie doesn't read all my mpg files. Are there any free applications that do this? If not, what's a good one for a reasonable price?
Anyone know how to convert an AVI, MPG, DiVX or XViD file to a DVD burnable format (VIDEO_TS). I've found several applications that will do this on a PC, but I can't seem to find any that will run on MAC OSX.
I have a whole bunch of swf files, they all contain basically what is a printed page. I would like to convert them into a PDF/Image. I have tried everything, flash decompilers result in a whole bunch of text/image files all broken up into bits of the page, with no formatting. When I view the swf files with a swf viewer, say iSwiff, the page flashes up for a brief second, then goes away. Tried multiple viewers, including firefox. If I do a screen recording then I can see the page, but only for one video frame. I have tried swf to image/video converters, they only say the file has 1 frame, and that frame has nothing on it. How can I convert these swf files to ANY other format than this?