Applications :: ITunes Date Added Metadata Overwritten
Sep 10, 2010
I use the Date Added column all the time in my iTunes, so I can see what was added last. Well, I just noticed that most of the 10,000 songs in my library have at some point lost the original 'date added' they used to have. Now, the earliest date is sometime in February of 2010. And some have been set to just a few days ago. How did this happen? Is this a bug of iTunes 10? I only just noticed this, so I'm not sure when it happened.
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Jan 5, 2010
I've just set up my new uMBP (I know, I should have waited for the new chips, but hey - I got impatient!) I have moved my itunes media to the new machine but it is lacking all ratings, the original 'date added' as well as play counts. In fact, I have left all the old metadata behind, but these are the only three parts I'd like back. What I'd like to know is if there is a utility or mini app that can extract this kind of data from my old library file and add it to my new one.
I would have just moved the original library file but I have done that since iTunes 1 and the library file has become a bit messed up. I am rather enjoying my shiny new library file - I just want my ratings, 'date added' and play count metadata injected back in!
I love the playlist trick for the ratings but this is no good for 'date added' or play count obviously.
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Nov 4, 2010
As a DJ, I rely heavily on iTunes' file-viewing options "Date Added" and "Date Modified" in order to gauge how old files in my collection are. However, each time I move files from my computer to my external, 'date added' and 'modified' reset. Clearly 'moving' files to an external is really copying them to an external, but maybe there is a way to copy library content while retaining or freezing the iTunes library's DATA connected to the content....? Is there a way to get iTunes to realize that the identical files previously on my computer are on the external with respect to 'date added?'
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May 4, 2012
i have my itunes organised by date added so i can see whats newest in my library.
the only issue is that it doesnt list the tracks in the right order in the album and sometimes splits each album into smaller batches of tracks.
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Jun 28, 2014
iTunes is showing me bizarre dates in the "Date Added" column. Examples are "6/29/14180", "1/5/145", and "12/29/12364". I should note that I'm running the latest version of iTunes and the latest version of Mavericks, but the iTunes library that I'm using is the library on my Snow Leopard drive (because I don't know a simple way of importing all of that music--25,000+ songs--into the Maverick side).
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Jun 5, 2012
recently I deleted some playlists off my iPhone in order to free up space for the time being and did not realize that Apple changed its iOS so that it deleted the playlists off my iTunes as well. When I did this before, it did not do that.
So in an attempt to recover my lost playlists I moved my iTunes Library.itl and iTunes Library.xml to the desktop and then when I reopened iTunes I clicked import playlist and imported the iTunes Library.xml on the desktop.
It reimported all my songs, but it didn't even recover the playlists I was trying to gain again. In addition now all my "date added" is today date's which is not very useful to me considering a lot of my playlists are organized by the date added feature.
Is there anyway to get the date added back for all my songs? I still have the itunes library.itl and itunes library.xml that I moved to the desktop in the first place on the desktop.
MacBook Pro (15-inch Core 2 Duo), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Jun 22, 2010
My question is how to handle the difference in creation date between the paper document and the scanned file. The paper files are from the past 50 years, but of course the file creation date of the scans is the date of the scan. How can I reconcile this? Ideally I would like to make the scan metadata creation date of the PDF/A the same as that of the original paper file creation date.
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Mar 1, 2009
What's the single best app to fill in all my metadata for iTunes? I'm looking for track number, correct artist/album/song information, and album art.
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Feb 22, 2008
Is there an app (preferably free) that will automatically add cover art and metadata like artist and album name by song title? I've got a bunch of music that has only the song title, but is not categorized by anything. I remember seeing something like this before, but can't remember what it was. Is there anything that can do this?
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Dec 19, 2010
When I right click a folder I have dragged to the Dock I get the option to sort by "Date Added". This is super handy and I would like to be able to do it throughout the Finder but I can't find the option anywhere. Please note: I realize there is Date Created and Date Modified, these are not what I'm wanting to do, if a file was created and last modified a year ago, but added to a folder five minutes ago, I want to be able to sort the folder contents so that the file just added appears at the top of the list. (As they do in Stacks.)
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Dec 15, 2008
No sign, look: Yet, in stacks it's one of the 5 choice views? Am I missing something very obvious, or is this not (one of) the biggest oversights 'ever', on Apple's part?
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May 8, 2009
I have a question about iWork Numbers 08. Can you set each line to auto add the date and time when you add other data to the line. So e.g. I have my headings in line 1 (A:E) [Date- Job # - Client - Designer - Due By] then when I start entering date into line 2, 3, 4, or any line. I want to be able to start typing in say line 4B which would be "Job #", but I would like the current data & time to be auto added to 4A. I have read there is way to get the date auto added to a doc once its opened but I will be adding jobs all day therefore the times would always be different and would not work as I only open the doc once a day.
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Nov 18, 2009
With Itunes 9, every song I play gets added to the Itunes library, even if I don't want it there. I have Itunes as my default music player on a Windows 7 (64-bit) computer. For example, if in windows explorer, I click on an MP3 file that is not in the Itunes library, Itunes starts up and plays the song (which is fine), but also it adds the song to the itunes library (which I don't want). I don't see any options to change this behavior.
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Dec 30, 2009
I sometimes use Limewire and make playlists with my most recently added (downloaded) songs. I just can't figure out how to sort it?
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Jun 22, 2014
I have 30GB of music on my external drives at home and 60GB of music on my laptop. I wanted to make an itunes library with the music from my laptop for when I travel without external HDD. I exported my itunes library and saved the .xml in a personal folder.(I didn't know that I needed the .itl file too before this crap happened. Why did Apple programmers need to make it so complicated and why doesn't it also export the current .itl file along with the .xml when you "export library"!?)
I then quit itunes and opened the exported .xml file using itunes. l went and deleted my the songs in my itunes library containing music from both drives and imported all the music from my user itunes library.
I did that so I would have all the songs and only the songs from my laptop. However, iTunes must have written a new .itl when I exited from my itunes from my new library. Now when I open the my original .xml itunes library with itunes all of the playlists are blank and the ratings/import dates are missing too! Is there any way I can recover this data? I went to user/itunes/PreviousiTunesLibraries and I was able to recover a .itl from a year ago but much has changed in my itunes library since then.
Is there somewhere(even in the cache) where previous .itl would be stored even for a short time?(I haven't rebooted since this happened) Are .itl files backed up somewhere else besides /previous itunes libraries?
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Jun 29, 2014
I would like to transfer my entire iTunes library from a PC to a MacBook Pro. The PC runs XP. My key question is how to import the metadata, i.e., play count and ratings?
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Sep 9, 2010
So, I ripped my DVD's of Battlestar Galactica to iTunes. I select them all and get info and change metadata. All of them change except for one file, that refuses to change. in this case, the album artwork won't change from the first frame of the video to the DVD case picture from Amazon.
I did them all at the same time and all in handbrake, but this one file just won't accept the change. I've checked the file permissions and it seems to be set correctly.
I have another ripped CD that no matter what I do, none of the songs will accept changes to their metadata.
Anyone seen this? Solutions? I tried deleting it from itunes and re-adding it but still no joy. At a loss?!
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Dec 16, 2010
I'am having a difficult time managing TV Show metadata in iTunes. I have over 100 episodes of a single show. I selected all of the episodes and went to "get info" and set the show's name. That was easy enough, but the problem is numbering the episodes in iTunes. I have to go one by one. I guess there is no auto numbering. Is there any easier way?
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Mar 30, 2012
I have altered the metadata in most of my songs by either changing the genre or album art. Will itunes change this data back to the original if I sign up for the Match service?
iOS 5.1
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Jun 23, 2014
MacBook Pro 15-inch, Mid 2012
Processor: 2.6 GHz Intel Core i7
Memory: 8 GB 1600 MHz DDR3
Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GT 650M 1024 MB
Software: OS X 10.9.3 (13D65)
iTunes 11-2-2 (3)
Why is iTunes automatically changing my genre metadata? For the past couple months I’ve noticed that iTunes has been changing genre information in my music library. This is a problem because I’ve spent the past decade tweaking the metadata in my iTunes Library to be exactly the way that I want it (particularly with genre and grouping information).
I have a very large iTunes library and I’ve changed genre and grouping info for organizational reasons. When iTunes changes the genre of my music, it’s effecting my smart playlists and causing a domino effect of mis-organization. Tracks and albums are popping up in multiple genres, and things are getting disorganized very quickly.
I suspect that iTunes is changing the genre info of my purchased music back to how it appears in the iTunes store and that this is going to be a new ongoing Apple issue that is quietly ignored.
Other notes/observations:
-I am NOT using iTunes Match
-Genius is turned OFF
-Tracks being automatically edited is music that has been purchased from the iTunes Store
-Not all tracks purchased from the iTunes Store is being automatically edited
-If I Command-Info a track that has been edited by iTunes, the metadata changes back to what I had changed it to. But ONLY when I Command-Info or play the track. Otherwise the track stays lost in it’s reversed genre and the track disappears from smart playlists that it’s included in.
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Feb 11, 2009
So I re-ripped some episodes that I now need to re-tag. I have lower quality files already tagged, but alas, I've scoured the internet and haven't come up with any resources to automate this. I can use Lostify to "lock" the fields but still have to manually enter the title, episode ID and such, and copy and paste the description.
In my dreams, I envision an application with two drop-zones that would duplicate the metadata from one file to another. I do this sort of thing often enough to really need it. I've looked at the command-line tools for Atomic Parsley and MP4Tags (which is awesome and if built from source can now successfully edit the CNID and HD tags resulting in the dual-format HD-SD files you see on iTunes) but have no "copy" function.
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Aug 27, 2010
Having some issues with annoying Metadata in some AVI files. I just want to remove the title (as in what shows up in the VLC window when you have title info AND the file name) and the comments.
When I tried Metadata Hooteneany, it converted them all to .mov, I guess, so when I tried to reopen them, not only was the metadata still there, but there was no audio.
When I used VLC to "Window">"Media Information..." and delete the metadata and "Save Metadata"'d, it did nothing when I reopened the file. Metadata was still there.
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Jan 1, 2011
Does anyone know of a mac application that would allow me to alter metadata tags on audio files outside of iTunes? Basically, I want to be able to alter things like "Album Title" without using iTunes.
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Feb 25, 2010
Aperture 3.01. Does anyone know how to turn off the metadata window that pops-up when you move the pointer over the pictures? Every time I move my pointer, the window pops-up and obscures my view. It is kind of annoying and does not go away as I move the pointer.
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Jan 28, 2009
I installed iPhoto 09 today and I'm having a hard time figuring out why does this new version does not read keywords from my image files (IPTC Metadata) All my photos are tagged with keywords "inside" the files (IPTC Metadata) and with iPhoto 08 all I had to do was to import the files to iPhoto and it would recognise those keywords! Now, in iPhoto 09, those "inner" keywords (IPTC Metadata) aren't recognised! Did Apple remove the IPTC Metadata support in iPhoto 09? From what I have read at Apple Discussions, there is a bug on iPhoto 09 that stops the support of IPTC Metadata ONLY when the option "Copy items to the iPhoto library" isn't ticked! If the photos are imported and copied to the iPhoto Library then there is no problem and the keywords are recognised.
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Nov 17, 2010
I just dragged a bunch of mp3s to my iTunes. It added them because I saw it saying "copying files" and then "determining volume."But they aren't in my library!I closed iTunes and opened again. Not there.I used iVolume and it sees them and adjusts the volume.
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Mar 12, 2012
Songs added to iTunes 10.6 not showing up in my library.
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May 2, 2012
What happened to the "Just Added" listings in the old format without the icons?
ITunes, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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May 8, 2012
I liked the old Just added button on the music page but now its gone and i cant find all the new music, where do i go now??
iOS 5.1
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Jun 11, 2012
When I import cd's to iTunes they show up in the recently added playlist but not my library.
Mac OS X (10.6.5)
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