OS X :: NTFS - 3G Not Readable By Windows?

Mar 30, 2010

So I have several external Harddisk that I formatted with NTFS-3G via the Disk Utility App on my Mac. I worked with the HDDs for weeks on my Mac without a problem. And now I brought the Harddisks to a friend and none of them can be read by Windows XP?!

We tried on several Machines, none seem to be able to read the NTFS-3G formatted HDDs. They're also not broken since they still work the second I plug them back into my MacBook.

So did I do something wrong? I also can't find a NTFS-3G driver for Windows.

It would kinda defeat the purpose that Windows can't read NTFS-3G...

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OS X :: How To Format External Hard Drive To NTFS To Make It Mac Readable

Jan 23, 2010

I can't manage to format my Seagate 500GB external HD correctly so it can be readable with my Macbook. I formatted like six times already in Windows 7 and XP to NTFS and still my macbook won't read it...only my Windows computers can read/write it. What am I doing wrong?

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OS X :: Best Format For External Drive Readable In OS X And Windows?

Nov 3, 2008

I have an external drive that will need to be connected at different times to both my Mac (Leopard) and my Windows XP & Vista machines. I had it formatted for Mac OS (Journaled) but it wasn't readable in XP or Windows. So what is the best format so that all can read/write to it normally? NTFS? It needs to be able to handle larger files (4GB and bigger).

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OS X :: Partitioned Mac HD (via Disk Utility) Not Readable In Windows

Aug 31, 2009

I just recently bought my first macbook pro. I had a 500 GB WD elite passport drive. I partitioned it to Mac os extended (journaled)- for time machine and FAT for windows and mac file transfer and storage. I used disk utility to partition the drive. These two drives are detected in my mac, however when I plug in the external drive into my windows- no pop up appears telling me to open files. So I go into my computer and click on the (F) drive in my case. Windows vista then proceeds to tell me the drive must be formatted before it can be used. What problem do I have. All I want is 2 partitions one for time machine and another that will allow for data transfer and storage. I have looked but cannot seem to find and answer. I have a 160 gb hard drive, what amount of space do you recommend for the time machine partition.

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Software :: Page Document File Not Readable In Windows?

Feb 26, 2009

I sent a Page document to the enemy (Windows) and they can't open the file. Do I have to unzip it for them, and if so, how do I do that.

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Windows On Mac :: Installing Windows Vista Home Premium / Requires NTFS Format Partition

Aug 23, 2009

Does anyone know how can i install Vista home premium on my imac? ive been using boot camp to do all the steps but im stuck at where i should choose NTFS format partition had disk. Seems like mine is FAT32.

This is what ive done;
1.Open up bootcamp assistant
2.Partition, divide equally(116GB each)
3.Insert Vista disk and start installation
4.Install Vista and insert CD key
5.custom installation
6.Now this is where i stuck

I have 4 options, and i should choose the last one which says bootcamp 116gb, but i cant click it since it says the disk need to have NTFS format. How can i set so that i partiton it to NTFS?

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Intel Mac :: Make Mail Readable, Text Barely Readable On Screen When Set To 12 Point Text?

May 20, 2012

Is there a way to increase the size of the displayed mail, as you are creating it? I have mine set to 12 point text, but it is still difficult to read. The e-mail when received is fine, it's the creating that's "tiny"?

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MacBook :: Screen Ghosting - Text In Documents / Windows Barely Readable

Mar 12, 2012

I'm suddenly getting a ghosting effect on my Macbook's screen and text in documents and windows is sometimes barely readable. Strangely the machine starts up with a perfect image for a short time, then changes, so I suspect software rather than hardware. I've tried playing with settings in system preferences as well as repairing permissions. Should I perhaps try a PMU reset?

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MacBook Pro :: Recovering Data From NTFS / Program To Read NTFS Formatted HDD?

Oct 12, 2009

I need to recover some deleted pictures from my friends PC. Is there any program that will be able to read the NTFS formatted HDD?

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Windows On Mac :: Recover Files From NTFS ?

Aug 26, 2006

I really really need help here to recover my files from the NTFS partition on my machine from my windows installation suddenly won't boot. I switched to OSX to check the NTFS partiton labled "Untitled" and it doesn't display the files and folders inside like it normally does. I also checked the partition info:

I just need to recover my document files for I believe that they still exist in the ntfs partition.

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Windows On Mac :: Convert From Fat32 To Ntfs In Xp?

Apr 11, 2009

I have a fall 2008 model macbook, 2.4 GHz 4GB ram, etc. I run windows XP SP3 on bootcamp, with a fat32 partition. I believe the external harddrive I run games from is also fat32 formatted.

I've had enough problems with transferring files over 4GB that i've decided to attempt to convert from fat32 to ntfs. I'd like to do it while on my windows partition, with the CONVERT C: /FS:NTFS in the command prompt. What precautions should I take before I attempt this? How difficult will it be to also convert my external drive to ntfs? Will anything be deleted in the process? Will I still be able to use parallels?

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OS X :: Backup To Windows / NTFS Drive

Jul 27, 2009

I will be buying a macbook pro next week and was wondering what the best way to backup data was such as photos/mp3s/videos etc. I have a PC in my office in my house which has ample space available and in which the HD's are raided so a bit more security than just a stand alone laptop HD.

What is the easiest way to back this data up through windows? does osx come with a tool to do it? or could i just make a simple cron job and mount the windows HD in fstab or something (I am coming from a linux/unix background so im presuming the command window is just like a terminal windows in linux).

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Windows On Mac :: NTFS Not Working In Parallels

Sep 7, 2009

I have a separate account just for Parallels. I also have a NTFS Boot Camp Partition. I have MacFUSE AND NTFS-3G installed. So when I try to create a Windows Virtual Machine it gets past the first loading screen (only after installing NTFS-3G) but can't get past the startup process.

It seems like MacFUSE is not working correctly, because before I installed NTFS-3G, I could not write to the NTFS Disc.

If you don't have an answer to that maybe you know of a way to change the format from NTFS to FAT32 (It's only a 15GB partition) without actually having to reformat (or erase).

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Windows On Mac :: NTFS Partition Shows Up As HFS+

Feb 5, 2010

I'm working on an iMac that has Vista (yuck!) installed on the hard drive. When I boot up and external with OSX, the internal partition is not recognized by Finder. Disk Utility claims its HFS+ but will not mount it. When I boot the machine with GParted, it also claims the partition is HFS+. It looks like Vista was installed over the OSX partition and the GUID still thinks its HFS+. Is there a way to correct this so that it shows up as NTFS? I would like to use GParted or WinClone to back up the partition.

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Windows On Mac :: How To Format A Partition To NTFS

Jul 12, 2010

On my MacBook i am having a little trouble actually installing windows on a bootcamp partition. When installing XP it just installs and then when i boot into the partition it just says 'disk error press any key to reboot' and when i try to install windows 7 it says i cant because it needs to be NTFS formatted, so how can i format it to NTFS?

How do i format a bootcamp partition to NTFS?

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OS X :: Mac Snow Leopard Freezing / Slowdown (Mac Fuse / NTFS 3G & NTFS)

Jun 11, 2010

This is a thread for anyone who is experiencing a large slowdown and/or intermittent 10-60 second freezes on Mac OSX Snow Leopard, where the freezes are completely unrelated to anything you're doing, any app you're using, or whether the system is under heavy or little use. I found the issue stems from the use of Mac Fuse (with NTFS-3G installed) and/or Paragon NTFS for Mac OSX, the combination of these 2 apps essentially doing the same job (NTFS write support), conflicts and causes the hard drive to be under constant (although very little) use, which can randomly cause 30-60 second freezes. If anyone is experiencing these same freezes, uninstall either one app or the other, or both, and that might help remedy the situation. EDIT: updated because I didn't specifically mention which macFUSE plugin I had installed....

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Windows On Mac :: How To Format My External HD To FAT32/NTFS

Oct 27, 2007

I was using my external hard drive with my mac and its formatted in the MAC HF(something like that) file system. I would like to format that external hard drive such that the file system is either NTFS or FAT32 so that I can use it on my windows partition running on boot camp. I am asking this question since I am planning to get a new HD for my mac and use the old one with windows.

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Windows On Mac :: Transferring Files Between HFS+ (OSX) And NTFS (Win XP) - Is Macdrive Or Other HD

May 28, 2009

So Ive been using Macdrive for transfering files between HFS+ (OSX) and NTFS (Win XP), whenever Iam in bootcamp. Each time I transfer something large from win partition to my OSX partition using Macdrive (files around 6-8 GB) I often get the disc error message "You disc need repair". So I was wondering, is the problem my HD or is it the program macdrive?

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OS X :: BootCamp NTFS Error - Cannot Install Windows

Jun 27, 2009

I'm trying to bootcamp Vista onto my mac so that I can play Diablo 2 since it won't run on my macbook white (2.4GHz). Anyway, I have a legit CD for Vista that I used to install it however when I was selecting the partition to use I got the message that "Windows cannot be installed on this partition as it is not NTFS" or something in that general wording. So, is there any way to create a bootcamp partition as NTFS or is it possible to run Vista on a non NTFS partition.

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Windows On Mac :: How To Format NTFS Partition Using Bootcamp

Apr 9, 2010

Mac Pro 10.6.3

Boot Camp Assistant 3.0.1

Windows 7 Home Premium (64 bit version)

After trying to install Windows 7 on a 32 GB partition using Boot Camp Assistant, I received an error message saying that Windows 7 needs to be installed on a partition formatted as NTFS.

How do I format the Windows 7 partition as NTFS?

The steps outlined by Boot Camp Assistant don't seem to include an option
to format a partition as NTFS.

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Applications :: Hidden Files For Both Windows / OS X On NTFS

Apr 13, 2010

I have just acquired an external enclosure for my 160GB 2.5 HDD, and I have it formatted as NTFS on a MBR partition table. I use NTFS-3G on OSX, and it's, of course, natively supported by windows. Well, I am having problems with hidden files between them. In OSX, the .DS_Store files, .Trashes and ._*name* files are hidden, but I can see windows' hidden files (RECYCLER, RECYCLE BIN, and System Volume Information). In Windows, I can see .DS_Store, .Trashes and ._*name* files from OSX, but not Windows' hidden files. I am looking for a way to solve this, or not have the files created on the disks.

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OS X :: NTFS And NTFS 3G Volume - Doesn't Wake Up After Goes To Sleep

Aug 8, 2009

I have 2 external HDDs that I am sharing with other PCs/Macs over the network. Interestingly, when I look up the info for each volume, only one shows as NTFS-3G whereas the other one shows as just NTFS. And this NTFS volume is causing so much trouble. It doesn't wake up after it goes to sleep, and when I power-cycle it, the data I have put in previously is gone! It doesn't seem to save the data properly. Perhaps because it's just NTFS, not NTFS-3G, I cannot run "Disk Repair" from the Disk Utility app. The button is disabled whereas for other volumes, the button is enabled.

At one time, I had to connect it to a PC to run the disk repair and was able to recover some of the lost data. What the heck is going on? Howcome it is showing as NTFS opposed to NTFS-3G? Both HDDs were formatted from PCs as NTFS. Only difference is that the NTFS is 750GB one, and NTFS-3G one is just 300GB. Does NTFS-3G has size limit?

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Applications :: Tuxera NTFS Vs NTFS 3G - Which Better For Normal User?

Aug 8, 2010

My Mac partition recently got corrupted to the point of needing a fresh install. I just starting installing my utilities again and downloaded the newest version of NTFS-3G. While doing this, I noticed that there was a "professional" version of NTFS-3G sold by Tuxera (who makes NTFS-3G). I tried to find information comparing the two, but can't; Even on their own website. Does anyone know what the major differences between them are? Is worth the $31 for a normal user (meaning someone who has a BootCamp partition, but doesn't always copy to and from it)?

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Windows On Mac :: Writing To NTFS Via Bootcamp Or Parallels - VMware

Nov 11, 2010

I am considering getting my first mac (MBA) but I have an external hdd with NTFS format. I've read that OSX can read files from NTFS but cannot write to it. What if I run Parallels/VMware using the bootcamp partition? Can I then write files to the external hdd?

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Windows On Mac :: Paragon NTFS For OS X Public Beta Testing

Sep 7, 2007

During last six months Paragon (www.paragon-software.com) has been working on our first software for Mac OS X - Paragon NTFS for Mac OS X. This product allows Mac users to use Microsoft NTFS file system as Mac OS X native. Now the product is almost ready and we want to offer you its Public Beta version. It's the first time when we do public beta testing. There is one big reason for that: we do want to make Paragon NTFS for Mac OS X a useful tool for every Mac user. That's why we need your opinion about it.

What we expect from you:
1. Bug reports (though we hope that there won't be many). If you find a bug, describe in details the way it can be reproduced. We need every detail, every step. Write your OS version and CPU architecture.
2. Usability issues. We want to make the product as easy to use as possible. Write us what is to be improved or changed. Make your suggestions detailed and reasonable. This will help us to understand them and implement in a right way.
3. New feature suggestions. In fact we don't have much time before the release date to implement new features. Though if a suggested feature is easy to implement or requested by many people, then we will do it.

To download the public beta version, please fill out a short web form and download it - http://ntfs-mac.com/
Meantime you can look at our short Product Description. There is not much text
We will read your feedback in this thread very carefully. We also excuse in advance about lack of replies. We won't be able to reply all your posts, but we will do "summary" replies once or twice a day in this thread. We appreciate this forum community very much. That's why we selected this forum for our Public beta testing. In exchange to your help we will be glad to provide the most active beta testers with free versions of this software. The rest will have 30% discount.

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Windows On Mac :: Boot Camp And Multiple Ntfs Partitions?

Apr 23, 2008

been trying to set up something like this under bootcamp butgetting nowhere. even lost half of my mac hd in the process.support couldn't get disk utility to recover it. finally got itback with a linux live disk called 'parted magic.' that allowedme to delete the ntfs partitions and leave them as free space. once i'd done that disk utility could then resize the mac hdpartition to the whole disk and i was able to start over.can a partition scheme as i've described above be done on a mac?

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Windows On Mac :: Creating A NTFS Bootcamp Drive For Vista?

Jan 23, 2009

I have recently attempted to create a partition to install Microsoft Vista Home Premium 32Bit. The partitioning part is not a problem. I decided to use a 32 GB partition, viola it was created. So I inserted the disk and got everything to work. The installation started up. However, when it came time to selecting which drive to install Vista in I ran into some problems.

I selected the 32 GB partition that was also labeled as BOOTCAMP. However, when I selected it. It wouldn't let me go any farther. It said that it required an NTFS drive. However, when I created the partition I never had the option of selecting which type of drive I wanted. I tried creating a 35 GB partition to see if it would make any difference. But under my Get Info it still is labelling the drive as a FAT32.

How do I make it so it partitions as a NTFS?

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Windows On Mac :: Convert Ntfs Boot Drive To Fat32?

Jul 1, 2009

im running windows 7 allongside osx but the problem is natively osx has no ntfs write driver only read so there are 3rd party drivers but im getting tiered of them being slow and/or corrupting data and on the windows side i use macdrive has issues aswell so i want to convert the ntfs drive to fat32 i heard there were ways to get vista to run on fat32 even though it wouldnt install so im hoping this is the same

anyone know how i could achieve converting the driver from ntfs to fat without loosing data?

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OS X :: Clone & Install New Hard Drive (hdd) & Windows (NTFS - FAT)

Jul 22, 2009

This is a tutorial for people looking to clone their internal hard drive and install it into their macbook (usually because you've upgraded to a larger hdd). I have also included an installation of windows vis a vis boot camp style. Ive been battling this for the past 3 days, so hopefully this tutorial will answer some questions and save you some time.

1. Firstly get your external drive (clone) ready. Go to applications---->utilities---->disk utility. Click on your external drive and then partition it. I used 2 partitions, one for mac (200 GB) and one for windows (40 GB). For now partition in GUID partition format (found in options). This is important. You can check whether it actually as in GUID at the end of the format when you click on the drive and on the bottom part of the screen it will give you all the drive information. (NOTE: if you have a standard windows installation you can have 1 partition at this stage and then later let boot camp create a partition for you. Boot camp will only format in FAT, so all windows using NTFS are out of luck)..............

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Windows On Mac :: Best Option For NTFS Read / Write While Running OS X?

Sep 12, 2009

What is currently the best option (preferably free but not necessarily) for reading and writing to NTFS partition while running OS X?

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