OS X Mountain Lion :: Admin Rights Lost On MacBook Accounts
Aug 28, 2014
I had two accounts on my laptop, both were admins. I updated to Yosemite, had issues with compatibility to other Apple software, restored the laptop and both accounts lost their admin rights.
I am not the admin of the computer, but the admin gave me admin rights for a temporary time being, so when I went to login to my user it asked the question if i wanted to make some change or whatever, well appaerantly I clicked the wrong choice and i had the "Remember this choice" box clicked. So is there anyway to go back to change this?I have tried restarting and completely shutting down the comp, and taking admin rights off and putting them back on.
I know how to add a Mac to Active directory and have Network user be able to log in. However, How do I set it to where AD groups that have admin rights, have admin rights to the macs?
1st time use of the forum, so forgive me if I posted incorrectly.
I'm running MacBook 10.6.3.
I'm trying to change the permissions and password to a user that uses the notebook. When I try to change the permission to "enable admin" it gives me the pink swirl. Only way I can escape is by rebooting.
2ndly, the option to "change password' is not there.
I'm running Mavericks on a MacBook Pro. Right now I operate everything under the admin user profile. It has been suggested that I should not be operating all of my daily work using the admin account, I should be using a standard user account, and the admin should remain for admin purposes only. Is it possible to switch the admin rights to a different user account, and then I keep the account I've been working in, have all software and preferences loaded in and make it a standard account? Or can I duplicate my admin account and use the duplicated user account for working in, and the original as the admin? Trying to keep from having to reload all software, passwords, copy work, etc. Since I don't understand this fully, not sure how to accomplish this.
my mac does not have any admin account so basically my account is a standard account. i am unable to install my apps or change any settings because of it, basically i had an admin but after i reinstalled my lion os x.
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.2)
I'm locked out of my computer. I set my iMac to require a password for accounts. Now when I start up 3 accounts appear: my name, my name with an A and guest. My admin. password won't work on any of them. What should I do?
I have my own iCal and one for my boss. I need our appointments to show up in different colours so that I can tell at a glance which are mine and which are his. Currently our appointments show up on the same calendar, on top of each other, and both are coloured red.
I have three e-mail accounts. They duly appear in the Mail sidebar. I have dragged them into the order in which I want them, with the one I almost always use at the top and my college one (which I prefer only to use for college business) at the bottom. But quite often they — spontaneously, it seems — move around and put themselves into an order that I do not like, with the result that I accidentally send messages from the wrong e-mail address. Why do they do this, and how can I stop them and fix them in place?
All of my iMail accounts/mailboxes disappeared overnight (two nights ago). I did not delete the accounts/mailboxes, nor was anyone else using this computer (a MacBook Pro). Did make one change before this happened: I setup a LogIn Password. Running OSX 10.8.5 Mountain Lion. Time Machine not setup (so no backup). Using iCloud but not for Mail.
When I purchased my iMac a few years ago, I created one user account and just started using my computer. I am trying to implement a few Safe Computing practices by creating a new Admin user account and changing my original user account to a Standard user. Â
For some reason, I cannot change either of the accounts to a standard user after I type in the password. I've logged in as both and tried to change the other user profile to a standard user, but the checkbox is greyed out on both of the Admin User accounts.  Â
I can create a new standard user, but I have everyting set the way I like it on my current Admin user account. It would be much easier to have a new Admin User account and "Downgrade" my original Admin account to a standard user account. Â
why the option to change from an Admin user to a standard user would be "Greyed Out"? The support articles walk me through, what should be a few simple steps, but I can not change the settings because the checkbox is greyed out. Â
I cant seem to add software or to update my adobe flash player. For example, when I got to update the flash player it instead asks me to type your password to allow Install Adobe Flash Player to make changes. It lists my name but for the life of me I dont remember the password (in reality I dont recall setting it up).
I installed windows 7 in my mbp using vmware. now i lost admin password. How to reset/recover this? i dont have password reset disk. How to bypass the password screen. how can i get out of this trouble.
I formatted my macbook recently and lost my passwords for hotmail and gmail and I don't remember them as I gave remember my password option. I don't remember the answer to the secret question. Is there any software that I can use to retrieve my passwords.
Somehow all the accounts on my computer automatically changed to standard. The mac website said that this can happen after an upgrade and to fix it run the "reset password" utility from the install disc. I am using a school computer so I don't know where a mac os disk is. I am using OSX 10.5.8. I also don't know the root password.
I tried this to fix it : [URL] but the account I created was also set to standard. Is there any way to fix this without the install disc?
I also tried this but it hung after starting SystemStarter: [URL]
I am getting my first mac for christmas (a 24" imac) and am planning to setup 3 accounts: 1 for me (admin) Another one for me (standard) 1 for my brother (standard)
I plan to use the standard one for me as my main account but when installing apps and the like plan to switch to the admin one. What I was wondering is, as far as a I can tell from apple is that if I put music on my standard account my brother would not be able to see the music files, the same for pictures and movies. I would like to be able to share the music files and some pictures across both of our accounts. Would putting the music in itunes from the admin account make this possible and what about pictures? I would also like to keep some pictures private, as would he.
I was just doing a superduper backup which failed halfway through because i didnt realise my wd passport drive that was plugged in was auto backing stuff up and there must have been a conflict. Now, I dont know what to do. Email accounts.gone. Any registered apps, still there but reg details gone, any and all system preferences (like trackpad setup just came to mind) gone. Dock and all the items in it and crap I made to ,make it look fancy. gone. Stuff that loads at the stuff...gone.
I know this must have to do with my user directory but wtf? I know my timemachine backup is fine as i did one before all the problems, but is my superduperbackup screwed? I cant stress how screwed I am, I got reports due right before xmas and im like at square 1 now.
I'm running a bootcamped Windows Vista and I forgot the password to the only admin account. Anyway to fix this without reinstalling the entire system? I don't have access to an installation dvd now either, so anything using that is not possible.
to make a LONG story short, I ended up with the MacBook and he got the couch! thing is we dont speak and i don't know the admin password. I've read the threads but sadly am still at a loss to understand. Can this be fixed without the original install disc?
I need to create a new admin account for problems with Microsoft Office 2008 and try if solved. If I create a new one and want to delete the old one, will I lose all my data, emails etc.