I have the latest Macbook Pro and I'm having problems connecting it to a TV.
it looks like this.
15" Macbook Pro ---> Mini Display Port to DVI adapter ---> DVI to VGA adapter ---> VGA to VGA ---> VGA port on TV
And I have set the input on the TV to PC (the VGA input) but when I go to display preferences and click detect displays nothing happens. And the TV just says no signal. Whats going on? I even tried restarting! One thing that I must note is that there are 18 pins on the DVI to VGA adapter but 24 holes for pins on the Mini Display Port to DVI adapter. Shouldn't this work?
I installed 2 x 2gb sticks of ram with the mac ram that was already installed in the computer. I checked to see if the computer recognized the ram and it did recognize it had 6gb installed.
I went to check it again today and noticed that it stated that i had only 4gb installed. I went to check the memory set up in "about this mac" option and clicked memory and noticed it recognized the 4 dimm risers that had the memory installed but the 2gb dimms were stated at 1gb each.
I uninstalled them and installed them again and checked it again where it stated 6gb of ram was installed. I thought i solved it but i just went to check it again and it is again stating i only have 4gb installed ( 4 dimm risers with 1gb installed).
My Mac Pro 2009 does not recognize 4gb memory in slots 7 and 8.All the slots are full with the same memory.So it recognizes 24gb. instead of the 32gb. I tried swapping, but without result. The memory strips looks fine.
Info: Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8), Mac Pro 2009 2x Intel Xeon Qaudcore
My PMG4(Power Mac G4) starts up very slowly. It was working one day, the next it was slow. What should I do? I know the battery needs to be replaced, but where to get a 1/2 AA?
Info: PowerMac, Mac OS X (10.3.x), Got it a few weeks ago.
I have a 4.1 MacPro and 4x2gb Memory banks and 4x4gb which ought to be 24GB of happy time. sadly not so. I have tried a lot of combinations but cant get it to recognise more than 18GB.
does anyone have a slot map configurator? Is the Triple channel stuff ruining my options?
I have a total of 10 USB devices connected to my G5 Mac, including hubs, printers and scanners. Most behave fine, but one or two cause minor problems. The worst offender is a Sierra Wireless 875U Aircard, which is a wireless broadband modem I got through AT&T. I use it for my Internet connection.
Every time I power up my Mac or bring it out of sleep, it won't recognize the 875U, even though it's plugged directly into the Mac's front panel USB port. I can't even see it on System Profiler. Having it in a different port or going to a hub port doesn't make any difference.
To make it work, I have to unplug it, wait a few seconds and plug it back in. My Mac then recognizes it and it works fine until I shut down the Mac or put it to sleep again. Granted, this is only a nuisance level problem, but it would be nice if the Mac recognized all the ports all the time. I'm running a duel G5 2.0 GHz under Mac OS 10.4.10. I see the exact same problem in my G4 iBook (1.0 GHz) also running Mac OS 10.4.10.
iMac G4 Flat-Panel, OS 10.4.11: My iMac keeps recognizing one EXT FW HD but not my IOMEGA EXT FW HD. Both are journaled. Startup Disk selection in Prefs does not recognize the Iomage HD, yet I see it on my desktop. Whazzup? How to keep the Imega HD as my startup disk?
This is ridiculous. After I went out and got a new screwdriver to install my 1GB stick of RAM, which I got off of Newegg, it is now not recognized by my computer. So now I'm running with 256MBs of RAM. Beautiful, thank you Apple.
[URL] This is what I ordered...Crucial Technology 1GB 200-Pin DDR SO-DIMM DDR 333 (PC 2700) Notebook Memory - OEM
I thoroughly made sure this was the right RAM, and even people with my same type of computer have said it works on their posting thing.. 1.5 GHz PowerBook G4 15". Anyone know how I can get this to work?
I recently bought a 2.2 Ghz Macbook Pro, and one of my external hard drives isnt recognized, its a USB powered Western Digital Passport [URL]. (Same as this one, but only 120GB). It runs fine on my old iBook G4, but when plugged into my new MBP, it doesnt run at all. Has no recollection of the hard drive at all. I've tried reformatting it, still nothing.
I am having an issue using some software I have in windows to clone a DVD because when I insert the DVD in my MBP it only shows on Mac desktop. I have my VMware window active and I can't seem to get it to recognize the disk drive. Is there a trick I am missing to get it to recognize the disk on the VMware window?
I just got my first Mac today. It's the 2.4 Ghz aluminum MacBook. I was really excited about starting things up, and then came setting up the internet. It recognized my family's DSL wireless network, but would not let me into it without a password. We never gave our router a password/encryption. Does anybody have any idea about what I should do? I'd really like to access the internet as soon as possible.
I am using the Z5500 speakers with optical cable everything works fine in OS X 10.5.7, I am booting into windows and here everything works ok, but if after windows I boot into Mac OS X its not recognize any of the output source, nothing. I must reboot again to see the speakers (internal or external)?
This just started happening within the past month or so. None of my USB drives are being recognized or mounted. They appear within Disk Utilities and I can verify and run checks on them, but they do not mount. This isn't limited to one device or any specific port. It happens with USB memory sticks, external Maxtor drives (two different ones) and now my Canon PowerShot camera. Basically anything the Mac would mount as an external drive has this issue, so I know it's not specific to any hardware.
I do have a work around that I found on [URL] -- If I reboot with the device plugged in and hold the 'command' key the drive gets mounted. Next time I try the device though (in the case of my camera plugging it into another computer) it's not recognized again. I basically have to do this reboot procedure any time I want to use any device.
I'm trying to install Snow Leopard on my month-old Mac mini—regular upgrade, no clean install—and with about 20 minutes left to go, the monitor stopped being recognized by the mini. I have no idea what's going on with the installation. Is this normal? I've let it run for the past 10 minutes or so. Every time I hit the power button on the HP monitor, it scans for a connection and then goes to sleep after not finding anything. It makes me nervous that I can't see what's going on. Most of the time the mini is quiet but every couple minutes, the superdrive starts spinning.
I have a Panasonic DMC-TZ4 that I use for both pictures and video. I have a 1 gb SDHC card that has worked fine connecting to my Macbook (last white middle model, late 2008) via my generic 23 in one card reader. However, today I purchased a HP 16 gb SDHC card and it won't read on the Macbook at all. My camera uses it and acts as normal, but the drive won't even show on my Mac.
I attempted to use the card reader in Windows XP Pro via Parallels, and the same thing happened. In fact, I got an error stating that the USB device had malfunctioned. The card reader IS old. Maybe it's having trouble with the higher capacity? I'm going to try the cable that came with my camera, when I can find it. I may need to try a new card reader as well?
I use my external harddrive for Time Machine on OSX. I also happened to put other files on there too. But once I run bootcamp, it seems that Windows cannot recognize harddrive. Is that normal? And is there a way for me to reach the files in Windows?
I cannot get my mini mac to recognize a cd or dvd which I created with my Vaio laptop (Windows Vista). The video was in the window maker and quicktime format. The disc utility tells me a disc is in the harddrive, but I cannot open ,repair etc. I am trying to add video from a Panasonic camera to an imovie project.
the device is not even recognized by my MacBook Pro!!!
i don't know what to do anymore, i have installed the updated software and i never even see the device pop up. it's weird cuz it works well on my pc, and it's recognized on my sister's acer laptop but can't install.
the only solution i cld see is that the usb cable is a bit rusty?
I recently was having some problems with iTunes, (it was resetting and erasing the library every time i started it) so i decided to just save my mp3 files to my external hard drive and delete iTunes. My plan was to simply download iTunes again and put all my files back onto it.
However, when i downloaded iTunes, the disk image that apple gives you to set it up failed to mount. The reason, apparently, was because it was "Not Recognized"
I had no idea that an apple computer would not recognize one of the most common apple applications, but there you have it.
I am a newbie and I have searched for my answer but can't seem to locate it. I know this is probably the most asked question by newbies so I really appreciate anyone who will take the time to walk me through this!
I have a western digital external hard drive with tons of wedding images on it. I just switched from pc to mac.
I plug the drive in and nothing happens. I checked to see if it shows up in disc utility or sys profiler and it is not in either spot.
I got a used powerbook g4 aluminum recently and want to connect my western digital 80gb hard drive via usb. When I do it doesn't recognize it. Doesn't show up on desktop. The usb port seems to be working as I can use my mouse with it ok. Any thoughts on why this could be happening? The drive works fine on my g4 tower and another powerbook (titanium).
Okay so i have a powermac G4, i just bought 2 512 sticks of PC 133 ram made for it, my computer isnt recognizing it at all, if i take out the original 128mb stick, and leave my gig in there, then when i push the power button i hear the ram chime error, if i stick the 128 back IN with the 512, then it boots up, but it wont recognize the ram, i have tried a PMU reset, NVRAM, PRAM, im really lost here.
I have an imac G4 20" (Bowl) the DVD are not recognized anymore, nothing happens and they are ejected...But the CD works fine which suggest a soft problem more than a hard one (in a hard...the CD do not work)
I tried to reset DRAM and PMU....with no effect...
Does any one know a solution as Apple Support does not give any hint....except it is probably a soft problem....unfortunately I do not have anymore disk of my 10.3.9 version of OSX
I am trying to connect a external HDD to the MacBook Pro. The external HDD used is Seagate FreeAgent GoFlex 1 TB powered by a USB cord connected to the laptop. The light on the HDD is not glowing neither does it feel like moving when touched. get the HDD working on the Mac?
I have a Imac and a Macair. All on latest software and Itunes version. I am trying to move to Icloud from mobile me.I get to the screen where I could asks for my apple id. I enter it and it gives me an error message to use my apple id - I have double checked I have the right one.
I have been thru 2 external DVD burners Maxwell & LG with USB connections. Both worked OK until I used Lightscribe then they are not reconized. They show up in system profiler but dvd icon will not come up on desktop. I threw out light scribe, disconnected the drives and still will not work.
Everything is up to date; I reinstalled iTunes, and reset my iPhone and everything else I have read about so far. What do I do? I am using a Macbook Pro 10.7.3 and my iPhone 4 is 5.1.
A storm is brewing and I have no idea how to contain it. First, after April 26th, my Time Machine wasn't recognized... this was the date of my last backup, and I didn't notice it for a few days, and only confirmed it two days ago. I would plug it in, and the drive would get hot as though it were mid-backup, and stay that way. It doesn't appear in Disk Utility, it doesn't appear in the Finder, nowhere. I've taken EXCELLENT care of this Toshiba 640GB drive, and had it for two years. It was backing up just fine, and has been sitting on my desk for a few weeks.ÂMy first kernel panics began 4/30, and I've had three, with the last two both yesterday.
There's some stuff on my time machine drive I would really, REALLY like to get. I took it in to the Apple authorized service center here, and they had no idea.My drive does not work on other Mac computers, and does not even show up. Apparently just the fact it's plugged into one makes it boot down slower... the tech guy noticed this, anyway. When plugged into a Windows, the drive itself is recognized, but only some partitions... I'm not really clear on what the guy was implying, something along these lines though. He was pointing to various partitions which were different colors, using some Windows utility, but he couldn't make any significance or conclusions based on it.
My iphone 4s is not detecting in itunes, my operating system is windows 7. i had faced the similar problm 2 months before that time i hav done system format to solve this issue .but this time it is not possible to do formatting .