Yesterday, while mousing around my iMac desktop, I accidentally deleted an app from my dock. It disappeared before I could see which app it was. TimeMachine, or any other way -- for me to determine which app I deleted? I looked at a TimeMachine backup, but couldn't find any way to view the dock in the backup.
I deleted my dock in terminal because I wanted to customize it, I missed a step and deleted my dock. please help me bring it back. I have no dock. And when I restarted my computer my background changed for some odd reason.
I completely deleted Google Chrome from my Macbook Pro because it was apparently still running even after I quit and force-quit it multiple times. I deleted the app using AppCleaner so no Chrome files still exist (supposedly), but the app is still running in my Dock.
I've tried re-installing Chrome, but it just creates another Chrome application and the blank white page icon is still there. I deleted the second Chrome and this one still remains.
I just got a MBA and I was removing a pdf doc that was in the the Documents stack on the Dock when it went "poof" and disappeared. I was had downloaded the pdf and moving it from the desktop to the Documents stack and then decided to put it back on the desktop. Other than moving the icon for it I did not do anything.
I accidentally removed the safari app off my dock into the trash can. How can I make the application stay on my dock without having to go back to the trash can every time to use safari?
Using an imac & external hard drive. When I delete files from the external hard drive, they are "permanently deleted" and not sent to trash. I'd like them to go to trash in case I make a mistake.
I opened up mail today to find that my entire inbox has been totally wiped. This is quite inconvenient for many reasons, but I'm not sure how to fix it. I still have the emails in my outbox, sent and drafts folder, but there is nothing to be found in my inbox. It doesn't appear as if my emails are in the trash anywhere either.I'm with telus, for what it's worth,and I'm running 10.9.2.
I run a late-2013 27-inch iMac with with OSX10.9.3. Although all my Mail preferences are set to 'never delete', periodically my entire Inbox and Sent folders get completely emptied out, every email deleted. The many emails I have in folders are untouched. I need to refer often to my sent mail and this is causing large problems as you'd imagine - as is losing my Inbox contents before I've dealt with them all.
deleted mails on inbox keep coming back. that is a nightmare since I manage lots of mails and several accounts. additionally, some "frequent contacts" incoming mails on my gmail go straight to trash.
I operate with two screens (MacBook Pro) and generally want the dock at the base of my larger plug-in screen. This works fine except that occasionally, just with mouse movement, it will flip to the base of the smaller machine screen. It can be put back by opening System Prefs/dock and selecting 'right' followed by 'bottom' - but still, it would be nice to know why this happens and if there is an easy way to stop it?
I can't drag files out of stacks (Downloads or Application folders) or app icons off my dock. I reset my SMC when I rebooted and it worked but then I reboot the next day (today) and it won't work anymore. Do I really have to reset SMC every time I boot up? I recently downgraded from Yosemite because it is incomplete and full of bugs and now I have this issue.
OS X: 10.9.5
Info: MacBook Pro (Retina, Mid 2012), OS X Mavericks (10.9.5), 2012 Model
My finder is not working in the dock with one click have to click and then go to find just started to do this also safari stopped and I quit safari and it started to work again.
I restarted my computer several times no difference.
I have my own, private, Macbook Air which is not used by my spouse. As a result, I have only configured my own e-mail accounts on this machine. It runs OSX 10.9.4.
We also have a family-used iPad, which is shared between multiple family members, including my spouse. It has multiple e-mail accounts configured, including mine and hers. None of us uses iCloud mail, just mail from external providers.
My wife is used to the auto-fill in Mail on the iPad : Any recipient from the past is used to autocomplete. As a result, she never built an address book since typing most of the names or first characters of her contacts resulted in completing the full e-mail address. The iPad does have an iCloud-based address book configured, which only contains my personal contacts. This iCloud account is also configured on my MBA.
During the past weeks I've put a lot of effort in cleaning up my Contacts, since they were swamped with outdated e-mail addresses. I also deleted the complete Previous Recipient list via Window/Previous Recipients, since outdated e-mail addresses were being suggested while they were removed out of my Contacts during clean up. I cleaned up the previous recipients list, assuming that applies only to the local Mail installation. But it does not.
Since the iCloud based contacts are shared between mail clients, the Previous Recipients list is as well, which was a nasty surprise. Apparently my wife can no longer experience any of her contacts being auto-completed on the iPad or other Macs in our house. This is a big issue (marital crisis) and I want to restore the previous recipients list. In the pre-iCloud days this was possible by restoring the correct file via Time Machine (which I use). But in the current iCloud days, the previous recipients list is, as far as I know, completely in the cloud. There is no (known) way for me to revert to a previous version.
How to restore the iCloud-based previous recipient list? can I restore a local copy that overwrites/syncs correctly with the cloud-based copy?
Working in Mavericks on an iMac 27. Secure Empty Trash starts but disappears and nothing is deleted. Is it safe to use Erase Free Space in Disk Utility?