OS X Mavericks :: Word 2011 Crashing On Startup When Using Domain Accounts?
Aug 28, 2014
Running OSX Mavericks, when I open Microsoft Word 2011 on a local account it opens fine. However when I open it when I am logged onto a domain account (Active Directory) it crashes on the welcome screen.
Out of nowhere, Microsoft Word will no longer open. Microsoft Error Reporting pops up and says: "Microsoft Word has encountered a problem and needs to close" every time I try to open it.
I clicked on "More Information" and this endless list popped up
Was having Adobe shockwave/flash problems while running Chrome, which is not completely unheard of. Restarted my MacBook Pro (OS X 10.6.8), which included a software update (though I'm not sure exactly what programs were updated). Now Chrome will not run at all. Every time I start, it crashes immediately. Have tried SEVERAL times to trash/download it, but the same version seems to keep appearing in my Applications folder. Have also tried trashing the Library/Application Support/Google/Chrome folder to no avail. Appears back in its place after dragging it to the trash.
In addition, Adobe flash videos for Safari and Firefox (which I just downloaded as a tester) also will not work. Each attempt to update Adobe Flash also ends in a crash. And now I've discovered the same for everything Microsoft (Word, Excel, PowerPoint). The program shuts down and the Microsoft error message appears breifly, followed by the same crash "Mircrosoft Word Error Reporting Quit Unexpectedly" box. Again, have tried several times to download Chrome & Adobe Flash to no avail. All system updates have been made to date. What to do next?
after an upgrade or reinstallation, Word and Illustrator began opening at startup.:
1. System preferences/users& groups, login items - the two programs are not listed there. 2. hard drive/ library/ startup items - the two programs are not listed there. stop these two programs from opening at startup?
Info: iMac (24-inch Early 2008), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
I'm looking after some Macs that are migrating over to a new domain. The users are out of the office a lot, so they use mobile accounts on Macbook Pros using the most recent version of Snow Leopard. A lot of their configuration is specific to their mobile user accounts and I obviously can't log into the new domain using a mobile account from the old domain (I tested). So I found this: [URL] It outlines what I need to do in order to delete the local cached account without deleting the home directory. It also outlines how to give the same user account on the new domain access to the same home directory on the Macbook that they were using before.
- Unbound from old domain - Bound to new domain - Logged on as root and opened terminal and ran the below commands: dscl . list /users (to find the user account) dscl . -delete /users/USERNAME (this deleted the locally cached account) chown -R USERNAME:NewDomainName.localOUThatUserIsIn /users/USERNAME
When I run the last command, I get the following chown: NewDomainName.localOUThatUserIsIn: Invalid argument (it doesn't display the after local) I verified that I was using the correct OU. I added NewDomainName.local to the DNS tab in Network settings under the domains to search in.
i have been given the task of trying to get mac machines printing on Ricoh printers on a windows network in a small private school. I have gone through the appropriate steps of installing the drivers for the printers through using PxlMono, Foot, Ghost, etc... to make it so I can work without the cards in the printers.
However, adding the printers to the mac is a whole new problem. The machines are added appropriately to the domain. The necessary printers are now showing up in the open directory portion of the adding printers window. However, upon trying to add them, it states the following: An error occurred while trying to add the selected device.
Bad device-uri "smb://****-DC1.****.loc/High School Workroom RICOH".
Are the spaces in the name creating issues? There is another printer on the network that worked with a different mac that appears to have spaces in the name as well. Adding with IPP doesn't, saying that there was an error with it and asks if i want to install it anyway. If I do install it anyway, it becomes unresponsive regardless. I've even gone through the CUPS menu in port 631 and tried adding with IPP that way, and it still doesn't work. I'm about to go insane trying to get these dang things to print. I have 5 different macs trying to connect for 4-5 printers each for this craziness.
This may be purely coincidence but within the first 2-3 days of shifting over to outlook 2011, none of my emails sent to user@hotmail.com are going through. I get a system mail admin return e-mail saying unable to deliver for 4 hours. Basically saying hotmail.com is not responding. I have never had this problem on mac mail or outlook for the PC. Is this coincidence or does Outlook 2011 get the blame?
I was trying to email someone from a certain company/vendor, but I didn't remember the reps name.
I knew that their business name was in their domain name though, so I tried typing that into the To: field.
To my surprise, Mail didn't find anything.
Is there a way to turn this feature on, or else can I submit it as a feature request?
I realize that it's possible to use the search box to search for past emails containing a domain name, but this clearly is not my intention, I wanted to compose an email ...
I am a proud (albeit frustrated) owner of an early 2011 Macbook Pro 15" with the i7 2.2GHz and the ATI 6750 HD.I am running Mac OS X Lion 10.7.4 (11E53) with the latest updates as of June 12 2012. I have been a big Macbook fan ever since my 2007 white core2duo macbook, but have been experiencing a problem with the latest beast.My problem is, as the title states, crashing upon sleep. The laptop will randomly crash when in use at times, though I thought that problem was a bit too vague to post about here. However, the crashing on sleep issue pretty specific.Basically, to reproduce my problem, all I have to is let my Mac fall asleep with the lid open. After a couple minutes of being asleep, it will either wake up or stay asleep with the activity light steady and dim. The ratio of crash to not crash seems to be roughly 7 to 3. The only way I have been able to fix the issue is to perform a hard shutdown and reboot. Upon rebooting I get an error report, but I'm not sure if that is related to the crash, or just the fact that I shut the computer down the hard way.
I heard that the 6750s sometimes have issues and crash a lot. Should I take this sucker in before my warranty expires and get it looked at?when I boot into Windows 7 via bootcamp, I semi-frequently get a crash when the screen looks fuzzy for a split second right before it reboots.This happens randomly, although I have noticed it happening sometimes when closing a 3D intense program (read: game).But it has never crashed during the 3D intensity.This is only a post-script becuase it could just be the fact that I'm using Windows on a Mac that is causing it to fuss.
I develped two simultaneous problems in the past 3 days. First Chrome kept crashing. I got on of those very scary messages in several languages that said I must shut down my computer. I trashed it and switched to Safari. Now Word keeps crashing and I got another of those scary messages.
found it crashes every time I try to print or save a PDF version of my work. It's running on a Macbook pro under OSX 10.6.5, and printing to a Canon MP 150 connected to my G5 running under OSX 10.4.11. Pages prints just fine from the Macbook using the remote connection, so what the? Saw a post that talked about font weeding, which I then checked out, & found & deleted some duplicate fonts, but it didnt .
I have created a document that has a few check boxes in Word 2010 on a PC. On the PC, if you click on the empty check box, it will become 'checked' which is what I want. When I use the same document on Word 2011 on the Mac, it doesn't seem to have the same functionality.
After installing 2 Corsair 4GB memory sticks (for a total of 12GB) my less than a year old IMac (mid-2011) started crashing like crazy. Everything indicated that they were installed properly, ie, About this Mac, Activity Monitor, etc...
As soon as I opened up any application or even a single browser window--CRASH.
I'm currently running Word for Mac 2008 on an iMac Intel with Snow Leopard. I do a lot of document writing, often switching back and forth between documents. I find it a pain to have to go to "Window," find a document, opn it, then go back to "Window" to where I was originally.
I've bene playing around with Scrivener and I really like how it lines up documents on the left and then you can import them into a split screen. Does Word 2011 have anything like this?
When I tried to save a word file, the system keep telling me "this file is being used by another program, please save again" then the file name turned into something like "Word Work File L_230232796.tmp" and I have to choose another name for the file. Besides, sometimes the new file cannot be opened correctly.
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3), Word for mac 2011
When ever I run Microsoft Word on my macbook pro, esp. publishing layout view, it runs super slow. When I add a picture to the doc, it spins its wheels. When I want to print, it spins its wheels.
How do I send my document directly from word. When I click on File->Sent To->mail recipient, the option of mail recipient is greyed out. How can I change the settings so that this option is available?
Every time I open a Word document, the application crashes during start up, right after you can see the document in the screen. Then the application Microsoft error reporting shows up (see below for the very last error report), I send the error, re- open the document and no problem from there...
Other facts:
- All documents are in Spanish as default language, Arial font - The application was installed just a couple of weeks ago. Before that, I was using Office 2002 (or 2001?) - I installed excel, power point and word only - Most documents were originally created with the older version of Word
I have a fairly recent MacBook (OSX, version 10.5.8). I edit academic papers, which tend to be created on PCs. Generally when End Notes is used, that crashes Word.
I'm editing a paper now that doesn't use End Notes but it keeps crashing. Even before I type something on the file it will crash.
The new Word 2011 start up speed is really good. But it can be increased the same way that Word 2008's could by turning off font preview rendering and the project gallery.
Whenever I try to insert a new equation or edit an existing one in Word 2011, it instantly crashes. As an engineering student, this is obviously a major problem for me.
I've had an issue with Word 2011 twice now, where it'll lose some of the shortcut keys, for example Cmd-V won't paste and Cmd-A won't select all. In both cases I've been able to resolve this issue by deleting the Microsoft User Data folder.
I don't have any third-party addons or anything, and have never tried to customise the shortcut keys. I've updated to 14.0.1 and seen the issue since, so it wasn't fixed by that update.
I recently downloaded and installed Office 2011 and I was wondering if anybody knew of a way to change the background color from grey to anything you want. In 2008, there was a file in the Contents-->Resources folder called "Page Layout View Background Rest" that you could replace with any image and the background would change (by 'background', I mean the actual grey color on each side of the word document, not the background of the document itself).
When opening Word 2011 I get a message coming up that spell checker is missing and as a result I can close the dialoge box and use the program. It has been working fine until today.