OS X Mavericks :: Unable To Create Network Users In Server App
Sep 8, 2014
When trying to create a new user in Server Application I've come across this message: "existing connection is not authenticated: password change denied".
1. Quit Server.app. Â
2. On the Open Directory Server, execute these Terminal commands:Â Â Â Â Â
sudo touch /var/db/openldap/migration/.rekerberize     sudo killall PasswordService Â
3. Open Server.app. but the message I'm given in the terminal is No such file or directory.
Why I don't have the folder structure needed for this?
I bought a Mac Mini Server yesterday and set it up successfully (Set OD, etc). Everything was working great until I went back and tried to create new users via the server app. As of now, it gives me the error "SEUserErrorDomain error1" and tells me that it cannot create the user. Even though it says that, it will still show up in the user list with the "blue globe" (that I believe is from OD?) but disappear the moment I drill into it and try to save anything. Workgroup Manager will allow me to create the user, but it does not show up in the user list in the server app so I cannot enable certain services for the user (i.e. assign folders for share point, etc). Â
P.S. Apple tech support had me reinstall the 10.7.4 combo update - no help. They also had me use disk utility to repair permissions - no help. P.S.S. On a side note, I did install Samba 3 on the server via mac port to try and help with LDAP auth (I ended up going with pGina for my windows users), but I have no clue how to uninstall it.
I have Intego VirusBarrier X6 in several macs. When using it with normal/local/mobile users, I do not have any problem. However, when logging as network user (I have a mac mini with lion server 10.7.4), the macs hang after a while. At the beginning, I tried everything: permissions, firewall, sharepoints, etc on both the client and the server. Only when I uninstalled the software on the client, everything works again normal.Â
I have a problem with Network Users defined on my Lion Server accessing the server through VPN or Profile Manager (via Safari) ... I keep on getting authentication errors. Is this because they are network users or am I missing something else?
This works: when I logon to my Lion Server with either local or network users everything seems to be OK including home directory synchronisation.
I tried the following for VPN:my local server account can logon to the server (ie my secret key, user account/password combination are OK ("chap peer authentication succeeded for ...")when I try the same with two of my network accounts I keep on getting authentication errors (VPN) but I'm sure I use the same userid/password combinations as above ("chap peer authentication failed for ...")
I get similar results when I access the Profile Manager (url..)my local server account can logon on to the Profile Manager and sees as all the informationwhen I try this with one of my network accounts (which has devices assigned) I keep on getting 'incorrect user name or password
In a scenario where a machine is setup for multiple logins:Â If you attempt to log two network users in on that machine, the second user will not be allowed to log in until the first users logs out.
I've got networked clients logging in and occasionally having problems, especially with shared logons. I bet changing the location of temporary files from the home folder (on the server) to the local machine would fix a lot of issues.
Info: iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8), i5 with Thunderbolt
We upgraded our lab from 10.6.8 to 10.9.3. Preserving our settings and bootcamp by simply upgrading. After getting nearly all machines sorted out with active directory we are still having a problem with 2-3 machines with network user accounts being able to login. If no local home folder has been created prior to upgrading to 10.9.3 then the user cannot login, the login prompt dissapears then re-appears.
Here is a run down of the set-up.Â
Our settings force network users to have a local home folder on the local mac that they are logging into.Â
Mac OS X server is 10.6.8.Â
Active directory server is 2012 R2.Â
Network users without a pre-created home folder on the local mac prior to upgrade cannot login. The login prompt dissapears, then re-appears. No login.Â
Computers are managed with workgroup manager, as well as apple remote desktop. But no settings are applied, and no login scripts are being run. Â
Also I have noticed something concerning Mac OS X 10.8.5 and up. And that is in the active directory settings, if you bind to a domain (using active directory and not LDAP), lets say for example:Â
And you go to add your local active directory district to the Authentication/Contacts search policy eg: Active Directory/mydistrict.maindistrict.net
it will only show: Active Directory/mydistrict/alldomains.maindistrict.net.Â
It shows a list of all domains for the forest. But it also adds the district that you bound to as the search directory?
Let me use a precise example using actual names.Â
Bind to local district: pineville.ketsds.netÂ
Now in search policy on 10.8.5 up to 10.9.3 it displays possible search domains like this:Â
Active Directory/PINEVILLE/pineville.ketsds.net <- The domain we want.
Active Directory/PINEVILLE/all-other-domains-in-forest.ketsds.net <--Which is fine.Â
Which is all fine, but when we select the local domain for authentication, and contacts search it adds it, but in the overview it says that it is not in our search policy even though it is.Â
On Mac OS X versions below this (10.6.8 and down, cannot verify for 10.7 as we do not have systems with it) it displays the search domains as:Â
Active Directory/pineville.ketsds.net
as compared to this on 10.8.5 and above:Â
Active Directory/PINEVILLE/pineville.ketsds.net
 As well as all the other domains, and when you add the local to the search policy it does not give the error that it is not in your search policy. Is there anyway to make this happen on 10.8.5 and above? We have tried everything. Network accounts will login even though it says this, it is just annoying. Â
Last question is on one computer that we upgraded, we had a problem with the network accounts. Tried deleting the .plist for network preferences, and the Directory services folder as well as the Open directory folder and now it create the open directory folder as locked and any changes made with the directory utility in the search policy is immediatley reverted once we hit apply.Â
Summary of questions:
1.) Network users cannot login without local folder created prior to upgrade.Â
2.) Mac OS X 10.8.5 and above does not correctly add Authentication/Contact search policy domains as it does in 10.6.8 and below.Â
3.) Active Directory/Open Directory Authentication/Contact search policy settings keey reverting after applying. (Happened prior to deleting .plist files and AD/OD folders in /Library/Preferences)Â
Info: iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9.3), Network Login Problems, 10.9.3
Hi. I've enabled web, wiki and opendirectory in lion server, but I can't enable users to change their passwords, because the option to modify my default web site in the Web pane in server admin is greyed out.'ve read the documentation, but I'm stuck at this point.
how to create a "shortcut" icon on the desktop that points and will open to a file share on a network server (Windows AD Server)? I can browse to the server and get to the folder, but i need to create an icon to make it easier for a user...
I have a couple of new users I've added to our directory recently. They are unable to connect to our internal jabber (iChat) server. Users that have connected previously are experiencing no difficulty. A quick overview of the layout of the system: two XServes, one is OD primary (aspen) the other is OD replica and iChat server (vail). I've modded some config files (long ago) to allow user IDs for jabber to be user@ourcompany.office instead of user@vail.ourcompany.office. It works quite nicely.Â
Excerpt from the logs shows a failed login attempt followed by a successful login attempt. Successful logins are happening from Messages (beta), iChat under Snow Leopard, and Pidgin under windows. Failing logins are all from iChat under Snow Leopard. Please ask questions, I'm happy to add any other pertinent data! May 3 16:21:45 vail jabberd/c2s[99718]: [13] [::ffff:, port=52584] connectMay 3 16:21:47 vail jabberd/c2s[99718]: [13] [::ffff:, port=52584] disconnect jid=unbound,
I have an older Mac Mini (Mid 2007, Core 2 Duo) running Lion. I am trying to create a computer-to-computer network, but I keep getting the message "Connection Failed".Futhermore, in the window "Create computer-to-computer network" the pull-down for "Channel" is blank. I have successfully done this on other Macs. Is there some hardware limitation on this old of a Mac mini that won't allow this to be done I can't find anything stating this anywhere.
Today when we started trying to add users to our server (we use it only for afp access at this time), we noticed that new users belonging to a group "storage" were unable to login from client machines via afp (clients both 10.7.2 and 10.6.8). Â
When we tried editing the users accounts to change which groups they belonged to, it would appear in workgroup (and server preferences) that the changes would take but there was still no access.Â
As a test case, we modified an existing user who had no issues logging in to belong to a diffenent group and have different sharepoint access. The changes looked good in workgroup and server prefs, but when the user logged in, he was only able to acces his old sharepoint and not the new one (and since his permissions to the old were removed, he shouldn't have access to that sharepoint).Â
Also, for some reason users cannot be deleted within workgroup manager any more. The login used was the diradmin account.
I have been unable to create an open directory replica from an open directory master.I have created an open directory master in Mavericks and added DNS, file sharing and users etc. I can connect, log in, all is good.I now want to create a replica on another machine for redundancy, yet I have been unable to do so. I have been able to diagnose through the terminal on each machine and get no errors except the following from the intended replica machine: Both Machines are Mac Mini servers, raided drives.
Replica has 8Gb RAM, Master has 16Gb  macsvr1:~ admin$ sudo /usr/sbin/slapconfig -preflightreplica diradmin+0000 Error; Unable to determine the master’s software version  The rest of the terminal looks like this. Open Directory Master  Primary address    =Â
[Code] .......
I can verify each machine version and all DNS is fine. Both machines are in identical OS systems. 10.9.4 Server 3.1.2. Network is good as I can ping each machine from the other. ssh is enabled on both yet still i'm unable to create a replica.
I just upgraded to MacOSx 10.9.3 (Mavericks) from Mountain Lion. Apple Mail can no longer create a reminder by dragging an email into the reminders icon on the bottom app bar. This was a great function. Was it discontinued in Mavericks, or is this a flaw that I can fix by changing a setting somehow?
ibook OS 10.2.8 cannot find server no matter where I try not on AOL or MSN or Yahoo or Amazon or news, not anything.In the Network it says server 0 kilobytes. I have tried everything. I can get on an airport network and still no server. My Safari won't work, my explorer won't work, they all say "Cannot find server"
I am thinking of creating a second user on my MacPro for a special project I am doing with itunes. The reason for doing so is tho keep these music library separate. I know how to creat the user but I am wondering when I am done is there any harm in deleting the second user. I know I need to copy off the files but will my OS X installation be compromised in any way.
I have updated some of my client machines to 10.4.9. My servers are still 10.3.9. My OD server is also 10.3.9. When my clients log on to the Tiger client machine (mobile users with local home directories) I can't view the loggin items pane in the "system preferences." The "loggin itmes" pane stalls and does not show the items listed. The user accounts seem to work fine and all managed preferences (live default website, several afp volumes logged in, and special dock configurations all seem to work fine. This has happen on all my Tiger client machines and to all OD users. It's weird. Also, all the manged preferences are on the groups the users belong to, not on the user records.
The problem suddenly popped up today: I wanted to send a message and suddenly got notification that Mail app is unable to send the message using Yahoo server, which I noticed being listed as offline. I clicked on "check connection" and it showed Gmail IMAP and IMAP as well as Yahoo IMAP being connected while Yahoo SMTP not.
On the right side of Yahoo SMTP Red "dot" there was the instruction, which recommended to check settings of the network connection as well as to make sure if the server supports SSL, and if "NO" - deselect it. I'm not as tech savvy so the marked part is just the Chinese language for me: what is SSL, how to check if the server supports it etc?
I have an issue with pdfs that I make in OS X Lion 10.7.4. If I create a pdf through the Print dialog I get a perfectly OK document. If I pass the pdf to a Windows user (Windows XP Pro, Service Pack 3) and they open it using Adobe Reader or Acrobat 9, the pdf seems to be masked with random black rectangles. These appear where there was an indent or tab in the original document, but not in every case, and they are also randomly distributed in other parts of the doc.Â
I have also used the method of taking a screenshot as pdf, with the same result. Using the excellent Skitch to take a pdf screenshot gives a different problem, with Acrobat displaying a uniform grey box, so no joy there.Â
I have set up a Mac Mini server to address the calendaring needs of my company. I have also turned on the iCal service using the Server app in the Lion OS. While the shared calendaring functions for individual users of iCal are great, my company is in need of general office calendar for postings of things like vacation times, company holidays, special conferences, etc. Is there a way to configure the Mac Mini server to allow the setup of such a calendar?
Info:Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7.4), This is a Mac Mini server
Have a MacBook Air using iPhoto 9.5.1 and operating system OS X 10.9.3.
I have tried to share photos with email using my Yahoo account. I receive the following message whenever I attempt to send a photo "username/password not recognized by email server."
I have gone into my accounts numerous times in System preferences. My username/password combo is recognized there. I have also changed my password on Yahoo and in my accounts. But I still receive the above message.
I have a server in our DMZ that connects to Active Directory LDAP server (non-ssl over 389) but no objects actually show up in the directory editor. I get a green light in my Network Account Server, but queries against LDAP return no results. My end goal is to be able to dictate to Profile Manager what LDAP groups are allowed to enroll devices. I tested on our internal network on a test server and get the same results. Anyone have any luck connecting a Lion Server to LDAP and actually being able to view and utilize users and groups?
I have a 2009 Mac Mini Server with iStat Server installed. When I connect to iStat server with the iPhone app, I see no network usage (even though it is being used). iStat Pro widget will show the usage just fine. Any ideas on why its not showing up with iStat Server?
I'm running server 10.4.8, how do I authenticate NT domain users on this? I tried to set the server to be a Backup Domain Controller, but then it wants Open Directory to be in replica mode. The problem there is that it needs an Open Directory server to replicate.
I have a Mac Pro that is running OD to create users. My problem is that the users that I have to give macs to, need rights on their machines to install programs because of all of the development software that these individuals need. I don't want them to be able to make a local user so that they cant unbind these machines from the OD server.
They still need access to terminal. I don't want them to be able to boot into the recovery partition or terminal to get super user rights (thus changing passwords or adding/deleting users). I have restricted their rights to access "Users & Groups" through OD Policies but that's about all I have done.
I'd like to setup a network account on Lion Server and allow that account to VPN in to my server. But I want this account to have limited access to my LAN, similar to how the stovepiped "Guest Network" works with Airport Extremes. I don't see any way to assign specific network accounts specific IP ranges outside the normal, say, 10.0.1/24. Is there even any way to assign a specific account something in the range,say, 10.0.2/24? Any way to further limit network access for Lion Server VPN sessions?
Info: Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7.3), Lion Server, 8 GB
Im running a golden triangle setup.. a very basic and simple one..
-OD Master running 10.7.3
-clients running 10.7.3 as well..
-AD running windows 2008 server.
OD Master is bound to AD and i can see all the AD users and groups..the problem im facing is i cannot add AD users to OD groups under workgroup manager eveytime i add an AD user to the OD group, it shows as "NOT FOUND" and it shows aa weird ID "0433BF34-"